Army National Guard POLICY

Army National Guard POLICY

ARNG FY21 SRIP Policy October 1, 2020


SUBJECT: The Army National Guard (ARNG) Selected Reserve Incentive Program (SRIP) Policy for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021, (ARNG-HRZ Policy #21-01)

References: See Enclosure 1

1. PURPOSE. The FY21 SRIP Policy is effective 1 October 2020 and will expire when rescinded or superseded. The yearly SRIP policy assists leadership in meeting ARNG readiness requirements. It provides recruiting and retention incentives to assist in filling critical shortages in those situations where other less costly methods have proven inadequate in supporting unit and skill staffing requirements.

2. POLICY. This policy prescribes standards for administering the ARNG SRIP for FY21. This policy in conjunction with National Guard Regulation (NGR) 600-7 supersedes all previous SRIP policies, guidance, instruction, and Education Incentive Operational Messages (EIOMs). Refer to ARNG Voluntary Education (VOLED) Policy for eligibility requirements and rates.

3. RESPONSIBILITY. See Enclosure 2.

4. PROCEDURES. See Enclosure 3.

5. RELEASABILITY. Unlimited. This policy is approved for public release and is available on the Internet through the National Guard StrengthNet on the Guard Incentive Management System (GIMS) Website at:


Digitally signed by MACARAEG.ROY.JUNATAS.11798


42730 Date: 2020.09.08 21:37:53 -04'00'

ROY J. MACARAEG Brigadier General, USA National Guard Assistant for

Army National Guard Personnel and Talent Management


ARNG FY21 SRIP Policy, October 1, 2020


ENCLOSURE 1: REFERENCES................................................................................................. 4

ENCLOSURE 2: RESPONSIBILITY. ......................................................................................... 6

ENCLOSURE 3: PROCEDURES ................................................................................................ 7

ENCLOSURE 4: INCENTIVES .................................................................................................10

Non-Prior Service Enlistment Bonus (NPSEB)..................................................................... 10 Off Peak (OP) Bonus .............................................................................................................. 10 Prior Service Enlistment Bonus (PSEB) ................................................................................. 11 Enlisted Affiliation Bonus (EAB)........................................................................................... 11 Reenlistment/Extension Bonus (REB).................................................................................... 12 79T AGR Reenlistment/Extension Bonus (79T REB) ............................................................13 MOS Conversion Bonus (MOSCB) ........................................................................................13 Officer Accession Bonus (OAB) ............................................................................................. 14 Warrant Officer Accession Bonus (WOAB) ...........................................................................14 Officer Affiliation Bonus (OAFB).......................................................................................... 14 Warrant Officer Affiliation Bonus (WOAFB)........................................................................ 14 Officer/Warrant Officer Retention Bonus ...............................................................................15 Student Loan Repayment Program (SLRP)............................................................................. 16 Chaplain Loan Repayment Program (CLRP) ..........................................................................17 Agreements/Addendums.......................................................................................................... 17 Funds/Taxes ............................................................................................................................. 18 Position Vacancies ................................................................................................................... 18 Continued Receipt of Incentives .............................................................................................. 18 Suspension of Incentives...........................................................................................................19 Termination of Incentives ........................................................................................................ 20 Contract Termination and Settlement Process ......................................................................... 23 Disposition of Incentive for a Deceased Member.....................................................................29 DD Form 368... ........................................................................................................................ 30 ARNG Medical Management Activity (MMA)........................................................................30 *For information on the MGIB-SR Kicker Program refer to the ARNG VOLED Policy

ENCLOSURE 5: CRITICAL MOS LIST (S) ...............................................................................31

Authorized Enlisted Affiliation Critical MOS List.................................................................. 31 Authorized Officer/Warrant Officer Retention Bonus Critical MOS List............................... 32

ENCLOSURE 6: MOSCB APPLICATION PROCESSING ......................................................... 33

ENCLOSURE 7: STUDENT LOAN REPAYMENT .................................................................... 34


ARNG FY21 SRIP Policy, October 1, 2020 ENCLOSURE 8: INCENTIVE MANUAL CONTROL NUMBER PROCESS........................... 35 ENCLOSURE 9: GUIDANCE FOR MANUAL BONUS PAYMENTS......................................37 ENCLOSURE 10: GUIDANCE FOR MANUAL SLRP PAYMENTS......................................38 ENCLOSURE 11: GUIDANCE FOR CLOSED YEAR SLRP .................................................. 39 ENCLOSURE 12: GUIDANCE FOR SLRP CONTRACTS FOR OOS SOLDIERS ................ 41 ENCLOSURE 13: GUIDANCE ON VOUCHER PROCESS.....................................................42 ENCLOSURE 14: CHECKLIST, FORMS AND SAMPLE MEMOS ....................................... 43

Bonus Eligibility Checklist ..................................................................................................... 43 SLRP Eligibility Checklist...................................................................................................... 44 MOS Conversion Checklist .....................................................................................................45 Closed Year Checklist..............................................................................................................46 Voucher Process Checklist ......................................................................................................47 EAB Manual Incentive Request Form ..................................................................................... 48 Sample Memo ? Notification of Incentive Termination......................................................... 49 Sample Memo ? Notification of ETP Results...........................................................................50 Sample Memo ? Notification of Incentive Discrepancy and ETP Process...............................51 Sample Memo ? SLRP payments for OOS...............................................................................52 REB Manual Incentive Request Form ...................................................................................... 53 ORB Manual Incentive Request Form..................................................................................... 54 ENCLOSURE 15: AGR SRIP GUIDANCE .................................................................................. 55 GLOSSARY ...................................................................................................................................58 Abbreviations and Acronyms ...................................................................................................58


ARNG FY21 SRIP Policy, October 1, 2020



(a) National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020, Title VI, Subtitle B-Bonuses and Special Incentive Pays

(b) United States Code (USC) Title 10, Subtitle E, Part IV, Chapter 1606, Educational Assistance for Members of the Selected Reserve

(c) USC Title 10, Subtitle E, Part IV, Chapter 1609, Education Loan repayment program; members of Selected Reserve

(d) USC Title 32, Chapter 3, Personnel (e) USC Title 37, Chapter 5, Subchapter I, Existing Special Pay, Incentive Pay, and Bonus

Authorities (f) USC Title 37, Chapter 5, Subchapter II, Consolidation of Special Pay, Incentive Pay, and

Bonus Authorities (g) DoD Financial Management Regulation (DODFMR) 7000.14-R, Volume 7A, "Military

Pay Policy and Procedures-Active Duty and Reserve Pay," April 2017 (h) DODFMR 7000.14-R, Volume 7A, Chapter 2, "Repayment of Unearned Portion of

Bonuses and Other Benefits," July 2016 (i) Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 1205.21, "Subject: Reserve Component

Incentive Programs," September 20, 1999 (j) DoD Instruction 1205.07, "Subject: Service Credit for Non-Regular Retirement,"

May 16, 2024 (k) DoD Instruction 1304.31, "Subject: Enlisted Bonus Program (EBP)," April 23, 2020 (l) DoD Instruction 1304.34, "Subject: General Bonus Authority for Officers," July 11, 2016 (m) DoD Instruction 1304.36, "Subject: Education Loan repayment Program,"

September 12, 2018 (n) AR 621-202, "Army Educational Incentives and Entitlements," September 26, 2017 (o) AR 601-210, "Active and Reserve Components Enlistment Program," August 31. 2016 (p) AR 600-8-2, "Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions (Flags)," May 11, 2016 (q) AR 135-200, "Active Duty for Missions, Projects, and Training for Reserve Component

Soldiers," September 26, 2017 (r) Department of the Army Pamphlet (DA PAM) 600-3, "Commissioned Officer Professional

Development and Career Management," April 3, 2019 (s) National Guard Regulation (NGR) 600-7, "SRIP," August 12, 2014 (t) Memorandum, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, Personnel, and Readiness, 2 May

11, Subject: Extension of the Pilot Study and Policy for Home School Diploma Graduates (u) Memorandum, Headquarters, Department of the Army, (ATTG-TRI-VP), "Subject:

Conversion of Sister Service Occupational Specialties to Army Military Occupational Specialties (MOSs)," May 6, 2008 (v) Memorandum, Headquarters, Department of the Army, (ATSH-IPP), "Subject: Conversion of US Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force Enlisted Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) Identifiers," February 1, 2008



ARNG FY21 SRIP Policy, October 1, 2020

(w) Personnel Policy Operation Memorandum (PPOM) 15-039, (ARNG-HRH), "Subject: Clarification of Initial Entry Training Requirements to meet Deployment Eligibility Criteria," December 23, 2015

(x) PPOM 17-005, (ARNG-HRH), "Subject: ARNG Over-Strength Policy," February 2, 2017 (y) PPOM 20-013, (ARNG-HRH), "Subject: Temporary Guidance for the Army

National Guard Extension/Reenlistment Policy During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak," April 13, 2020 (z) FY21 Army National Guard (ARNG) Voluntary Education (VOLED) Policy (ARNG-HRH Policy #21-01)







ARNG FY21 SRIP Policy, October 1, 2020




a. Incentives are implemented in those situations where other less costly methods have proven inadequate in supporting unit and skill staffing requirements. This policy, in conjunction with AR 601-210, AR 621-202 and NGR 600-7, prescribes eligibility criteria, procedures, and standards for administering the annual ARNG SRIP for FY21. This policy will supersede all previous SRIP polices, guidance, instructions, and Education Incentive Operation Messages (EIOMs).

b. Reenlistments and extensions will be performed in accordance with (IAW) NGB-ARH Policy Memorandum 09-026 (13 Aug 09), Reenlistment/Extension policy, unless specified within the eligibility criterion of each Reenlistment/Extension Bonus (REB) incentive type. Incentives are subject to suspension at any time, any updates or changes to this policy will be published in an EIOM. Although the ARNG attempts to list all eligibility requirements within the SRIP policy, additional requirements are detailed in NGR 600-7. Direct any discrepancies to ARNG-HRM-I for disposition or additional instructions. Units, ARNG MEPS Guidance Counselors and Reserve Component Career Counselors are responsible for ensuring potential incentives recipients meet all eligibility criteria prior to offering any incentive which would create a fiscal obligation to the ARNG. This policy, all active EIOMs and previous policies are posted in the GKO Portal at: )%20Incentives%20Oversight%20Home%20Page.aspx.


a. The policy applies only to individuals entering or currently serving in an active status within the ARNG Selected Reserve. This program, however, does not apply to Active Guard Reserve (AGR) or Dual Status Military Technicians (MilTechs) per AR 601-210. (Exception as noted for 79T AGR Recruiting and Retention NCOs (RRNCO)).

b. All individuals that may qualify for an incentive must fully process through the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS). (Exceptions: Soldiers transitioning from the Active Duty (AD) to the ARNG, the Marine to Green Program and current ARNG Soldiers serving in an active status).

c. Applicants applying for or current members in Modified Table of Organization and Equipment (MTOE) units, Special Forces (SF), and Medical Table of Distribution and Allowances (TDA) units will be processed IAW the eligibility requirements addressed in Enclosure 4 for each specific incentive.

d. An officer or enlisted member is not eligible for an incentive if the individual was previously discharged or released from active duty or military service based on a determination



ARNG FY21 SRIP Policy, October 1, 2020

of misconduct, substandard duty performance (includes failure of HT/WT and APFT/ACFT), or moral or professional dereliction.

e. ARNG Soldiers eligible for extension but separated and are within 365 days of the ARNG discharge date are not authorized incentives.


a. System Access: One of the management tools critical for administering the ARNG SRIP is the Guard Incentive Management System (GIMS). Each GIMS user must request either Privileged or Non-Privileged level access. All users of GIMS are required to complete initial Information Assurance (IA) awareness orientation training as a condition of access and thereafter must complete annual IA refresher awareness training. Privileged users who are not appropriately certified within 12 months of assignment to a position, or who fail to maintain their certification status, shall be reduced to Non-Privileged level access. The State IA Manager will retain initial and recertification training certificates for all users within their domain. It is also recommended that applicable incentive oversight personnel obtain "read-only" access in Defense Joint Military Pay System (DJMS) for incentive establishment and pay monitoring purposes.

b. Privileged Level Training Requirements: The training courses below meet the requirements for privileged level access to GIMS. While the Comptroller's Accreditation and Fiscal Law (FL) course is highly recommended, the FL certificates that are Judge Advocate General (JAG), Comptroller or United States Property and Fiscal Office (USP&FO) led will be accepted for meeting the revalidation requirement. The Comptroller's Accreditation and FL course certificate is only valid for three years. If it has been three years since the user last completed the FL course, a new one must be awarded. Failure to have a valid certificate will result in the user being reduced to Non-Privileged level access.

(1) Comptroller's Accreditation and FL course, Distributed Learning (DL). Length: 40 hours//Self-paced. Enrollment and training information: .

(2) Incentive Manger (IM) Distance Learning (SUSPENDED pending course update)

(3) IM Course, Phase 2, Resident. Length: 40 hours/5 days. Enrollment and training information: Training is located at the Professional Education Center (PEC), Camp Robinson, North Little Rock, Arkansas.

c. Individuals requesting IM privileged level access must complete requirement 3.b.(1) and upload the completed certificates to GIMS prior to gaining access. Additionally, the individual must complete requirement 3.b.(3) within 12 months of the date of privileged level access approval or his or her access will be reduced to non-privileged.

d. One person from each State IM office must attend the Advanced IM course annually. States are required to send one State IM (Primary or Alternate) or ESO to the Advanced IM Course annually. Personnel must have completed the IM Resident Course and be in position at least six months before attending the Advanced IM course. Personnel that are retiring or moving




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