
Important: Please Have This Translated Importante: Por favor, tener esta traducido 重要提示:请有此翻译 গুরুত্বপূর্ণ: এই অনূদিত করুন Важно: Пожалуйста, есть эта Перевод 重要:これは翻訳し

Public School/Intermediate School 178Q


189-10 Radnor Road

Jamaica Estates, New York 11423

Tel. (718) 464-5763 ♦ Fax (718) 464-5766

Jessica Cruz, Principal Enesa Purisic, Assistant Principal


PK-8 Opening Day Packet

*Parents/Guardians please read the information in this packet.

It is important that necessary forms be signed and returned to school the next day. The other information is for your records.

Public School/Intermediate School 178Q

189-10 Radnor Road

Jamaica Estates, New York 11423

Tel. (718) 464-5763 ♦ Fax (718) 464-5766

Jessica Cruz, Principal Enesa Purisic, Assistant Principal

September 2019

Dear Parent/ Guardian,

We hope your summer was a healthy and enjoyable one and that you are happy to see school beginning again. We welcome you back to school for an exciting year. There are several items that you should know.

Kindly Read Each Item Below Carefully, As The Information Is Important.

Before you read, please remove the last sheet of this letter, the signature sheet, and keep it next to you. As you read each item, please make a check mark next to the item title on the signature sheet. This indicates that you have read that item. When you have finished filling out and signing all forms and cards, your checklist should be completed. Please remember to use an envelope for any checks or money you need to send.

Emergency Home Contact Cards (3) and Emergency Contact Sheet

This blue card is very important for us to have on file in the general office. It is needed in the event your child becomes ill or is injured while in school. Your child will not be released to any person whose name does not appear on this card.

School Meal Programs

Breakfast Our school offers its students the opportunity to eat breakfast in school between the hours of 7:30–7:50am each morning. Breakfast is FREE TO ALL STUDENTS. A varied menu is offered and is posted monthly. Students in K-8 please arrive by 7:45 am to participate in the breakfast program. PK students will have breakfast in their classroom upon their 8:00am arrival. PK children cannot arrive prior to 8:00am


Application Form: As of 2019 all NYC public school students receive free lunch. However, lunch forms still need to be completed as these forms are used to determine schools’ federal funding. The application form must be COMPLETELY filled out at .

Students may bring lunch from home in the morning or you may purchase lunch. Contact the main

office with questions.

Arrival Procedure

School begins at 8:00 am. All students in grades K-8 will enter the school through the school yard entrance on Avon Road. Breakfast will be offered (free of charge) in the cafeteria starting at 7:30 and served until 7:45am. Students coming early for breakfast will also enter through the yard entrance on Avon Road. Students will be picked up by the teacher and escorted in.

At 8:00am PK parents will escort their children to the PK doors near 189 St. (directly across from the school yard)

If a student arrives to school after 8:05am they are considered late. The entrance at that time will be on Radnor Road by the Safety Agent’s desk. They must obtain a late pass to present to their official class teacher. Please note that multiple latenesses can negatively impact your child’s academic progress and your child’s attendance record.

Permission to be Photographed

The Holliswood School is an outstanding, high achieving school. During the school year, we share our many accomplishments with local newspapers, as well as displaying exemplary student work in local businesses. However, in order for your child’s work and/or photograph to be placed in a public forum, your permission is necessary. Included in this packet, please find the permission to be photographed consent form – complete, sign, and return before September 13, 2019.

Student Planner

Students in grades 3-8 are highly recommended to purchase a school assignment planner. It is a daily calendar specially set up for students to enter their daily homework assignments as well as long range assignments. Possession of a planner is vital to the study skills program at the Holliswood School. Please see the Parent Coordinator, Mrs. Adams, for details on purchasing.

Dress Code

These dress regulations for students were guided by the regulations of the NYS Education Department. Questionable clothing will be banned at the discretion of the Principal:

A. Clothing and accessories shall not interfere with, nor provide danger to the health and safety of the students.

B. Clothing shall not cause disruption that will hamper educational process

Examples include: Wearing clothing, headgear (e.g., baseball hats), or other items that are unsafe or disruptive to the educational process*

➢ Clothing that contains profane, obscene, vulgar, or lewd language, gestures

➢ Flip flops are not permitted

C. No provocative or suggestive clothing shall be worn to school.

D. All outerwear must be stored in the student closet in the classroom. Outerwear includes: coats, jackets, hats, gloves, sunglasses, raincoats, umbrellas, etc.

Parents of students who are inappropriately dressed will be called and may be asked to bring a change of clothing to school for their child. At the Principal’s discretion, a student may be kept in the office until such clothing is brought to school.

Parent/Student Rights and Citywide Behavioral Expectations

In this packet is a website for the Parents’ Bill of Rights and The Student Intervention and Discipline Code

Parent’s Bill of Rights:

Discipline Code:

It is important that families read and become familiar with this information together.

Planner for students in grades 3-8 (Required)

School Planners are available for $6.00 per planner. School Planners have the 178 School Handbook included.

PS/IS 178Q Safety Committee Safety Pledges for Parents and Students

Please read and sign the Parent and Student Safety Pledges for the prevention of traffic accidents and ensure our students’ safety to and from school.

School Grading Policy

Each teacher will send home a set of class rules and procedures and their specific grading policy for the year.

Internet Usage

Please read, sign, and return the parental consent form in this packet. Without this signed form, your child will not be permitted to use school computers.

Student Rules of Conduct

Students should have teacher permission to use the Internet.

Students should not give out personal information to anyone on the internet.

Students must never have a face-to-face meeting with anyone they interact with on the internet.

Students must report inappropriate information and/or inappropriate use of the internet.

Students should safeguard the answers to their password retrieval questions.

Students must remember that information on the Internet need not be true, accurate, correct, or proper. People may not be who or what they say they are.

School Cell Phone and other Communication Devices Policy

Please read and sign the policy.

School Parties and Celebrations Policy

Birthday parties for students in grades PK-8: To the extent possible, all students who have the same birth month will celebrate their birthdays during the last Friday of the month.

Teachers will notify students and parents/guardians about special events and writing celebrations that they have scheduled for their classes.

Public School/Intermediate School 178Q

2019-20 Emergency Contact Form

(For Office Binder)

Name ___________________________Official Class ________Gender ____ Date of Birth _________

Sibling(s) in the school:

1) ____________________ of Class _______ 2) ____________________ of Class _______

3) ____________________ of Class _______ 4) ____________________ of Class _______

Child’s Home Address



Child’s Home Telephone Number _____________________

Mother/Guardian Contact Information Name:___________________________________________

Home Address: __________________________________________________________________________________

Mother/Guardian Tel. No. (Home) ______________ Mother/Guardian Cell No. _________________

Mother/Guardian Tel. No. (Work) ___________________ E-mail______________________________

Father/Guardian Contact Information Name:____________________________________________

Home Address (Indicate “same as above” if address is the same): ___________________________________________________________________________________

Father/Guardian Tel. Number (Home) ______________ Father/Guardian Cell No._______________

Father/Guardian Tel. Number (Work) __________________ Email ____________________________

The following people have permission to pick up my child from school:

Alternate Contact Person: ______________________________ Home Number _________________

Relationship to Student: __________________Cell No. _______________ (W) ___________________

Alternate Contact Person: ______________________________ Home Number _________________

Relationship to Student: __________________ Cell No. ________________ (W) _________________

Alternate Contact Person: ______________________________ Home Number ________________

Relationship to Student: __________________ Cell No. _______________ (W) _________________

* I will contact the school if any information above has been changed.

*Parent/Guardian’s Signature ______________________________ Date ___________

Breakfast Notification Form and Lunch Notification Form 2019-20

September 2019

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We are pleased to inform you that The Holliswood School will again offer a breakfast program for your children. This nutritious breakfast will be served in our cafeteria.


K-8 Parents wishing to avail themselves of this program may have their children report to the cafeteria beginning at 7:30 am.

Students in K-8, who wish to have breakfast, should arrive between 7:30 am and 7:45 am. Students should proceed directly to the cafeteria. After eating, all K-8 students will return to the schoolyard where they will be picked up by their teachers by the 8:00 am bell, signaling the beginning of classes.

PK will eat breakfast in their classrooms at 8:00am.



Students may bring lunch from home in the morning or they may receive a lunch at the school cafeteria.

Parents/Guardians will receive a school lunch form in September which everyone must sign and return

to the school. Please return immediately. Even though lunch is now offered for free, schools’ federal

funding are based on the school lunch forms.

Soda and candy are not permitted at lunch. Lunch deliveries on a regular basis are not permitted.

Parents/Guardians should not bring lunch to the main office on a daily basis.

We would like to make you aware of a few cafeteria rules that your child is expected to follow. Please read the items below.

1. Each student is required to clean up after him/herself and comply with the Zero Waste recycling program.

2. Waiting your turn in line, talking calmly and respectfully, and eating your lunch with good manners will help make lunchtime an enjoyable part of the day.

3. Students in grades 6-8 are required to checkout of the cafeteria before reporting to another location at lunchtime.

4. All middle school students eligible for school service must have a pass to leave the cafeteria during lunch.

5. No student is allowed to leave the school grounds at lunchtime unless they have been signed out by an authorized adult.

6. Every student should have a school lunch form on file whether they eat school lunch or bagged lunch.

We thank you for your cooperation, and look forward to an outstanding year.

Arrival and Dismissal Procedures 2019-20


School begins at 8:00 am. All students in grades K-8 will enter the school through the school yard entrance on Avon Road. Breakfast will be offered (free of charge) in the cafeteria starting at 7:30. Students coming early for breakfast will also enter through the yard entrance on Avon Road. Students will be picked up by the teacher and escorted in.

If a student arrives to school after 8:05am they are considered late. The entrance for students arriving late will be on Radnor Road by the Safety Agent’s desk. They must obtain a late pass from the main office to present to their official class teacher which will then be recorded

PK day will start at 8:00 am. Parents will escort their children directly to the PK doors near 189th St.

DISMISSAL LOCATIONS (Full Day and Early Dismissal)

|Grade |Full Day Half Day |Dismissal Locations |

|Pre-kindergarten |2:15 pm 11:15am |Pre-kindergarten will be dismissed from the Pre-K doors on the west side of the |

| | |school near their classroom (near the school yard). |

|Kindergarten - 5th Grade |2:15 pm 11:20am |Kindergarten through 5th grade will be dismissed from the large playground. |

| | | |

| | |*Parents may not pull their child off of any class line until the teachers have |

| | |officially arrived and lined up in the school yard. This is absolutely necessary|

| | |to ensure the safety of everyone. |

|Grades 6-8 |2:20 pm 11:30am |Grades 6-8 will be dismissed from the Radnor Rd. doors on the east side of the |

| | |school (190th St). |

| | | |

When picking up your child, please arrive at 2:10 pm for the 2:15 pm dismissal and 2:15 pm for the 2:20 pm dismissal. *On a HALF DAY, students dismiss from their regular dismissal locations at the times noted above. Please arrive at 11:10 am for the 11:15 am dismissal and 11:25 am for the 11:30 am dismissal. If you have difficulty picking up your child on time, please apply for the after school program; information is available on our school website.


Note: Students will only be released to persons whose names appear on the blue emergency card in the office. If anyone else is picking up, parents MUST send in a signed note with their child to be given to their teacher. That person will be asked to present identification. If a student will miss after school, the parent needs to provide the teacher with a note; otherwise the teacher will automatically send the child to the afterschool program. Please note: emails will not be accepted as “written” notification. If there is a sudden change in your pickup system, you will need to contact the main office as early as possible, and no later than 1:55pm to ensure your message is transferred to the dismissal team.

Public School/Intermediate School 178Q

189-10 Radnor Road

Jamaica Estates, New York 11423

Tel. (718) 464-5763 ♦ Fax (718) 464-5766

Jessica Cruz, Principal Enesa Purisic, Assistant Principal

Arrival and Dismissal Procedures 2019-20

I understand that my child/children should arrive at school before 8:00am and that the school day begins promptly at 8:00am.

I understand that if my child/children arrives to school after 8:05 they will be marked late. They must obtain a late pass before entering their classroom. Lateness will be a part of my child/children’s permanent record. Lateness impacts high school admissions.

I understand that my child /children must be picked up from school promptly at the designated locations listed on the chart and at the stated times.

I am aware that for the safety of all students, my child/children may not be picked up from the class line as

they are exiting the building.

I understand that when my child is ill, an adult listed on the blue card must pick up my child from the school.

_________________________________________ ______________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

______________________________________ ______________

(Print) Student’s Name Official Class

Note: Students will only be released to persons whose names appear on the blue emergency card in the office. If anyone else is picking up, parents/guardians MUST send in a signed note to the teacher. That person will be asked to present identification.

Public School/Intermediate School 178Q

189-10 Radnor Road

Jamaica Estates, New York 11423

Tel. (718) 464-5763 ♦ Fax (718) 464-5766

Jessica Cruz, Principal Enesa Purisic, Assistant Principal

Permission to be Photographed 2019-20

September 2019

Dear Parent/Guardian,

As we all know, The Holliswood School is an outstanding, high achieving school. During the school year, we will be sharing our many accomplishments with the local newspapers, as well as displaying exemplary student work in local businesses.

However, in order for your child’s work and/or photograph to be placed in a public forum, your permission is necessary. This includes class yearbook photos.

Please complete the attached form and return it to the official class teacher as soon as possible.

Thank you for your continued support.

Public School/Intermediate School 178Q

189-10 Radnor Road

Jamaica Estates, New York 11423

Tel. (718) 464-5763 ♦ Fax (718) 464-5766

Jessica Cruz, Principal Enesa Purisic, Assistant Principal

Permission to be Photographed 2019-20

|[pic] |Office of Communications and Media Relations |

| |52 Chambers Street, New York, NY 10007 |

| |Tel: 212.374.5141 Fax: 212.374.5584 |


|(e.g. educational, public service, or health awareness purposes) |

Student Name: ______________________________ Class_____ School: PS/IS 178Q The Holliswood School

I hereby consent to the participation in interviews, the use of quotes, and the taking of photographs, movies or video tapes of the Student named above by PS/IS 178Q The Holliswood School.

I also grant to PS/IS 178Q The Holliswood School the right to edit, use, and reuse said products for non-profit purposes including use in print, on the internet, and all other forms of media. I also hereby release the New York City Department of Education and its agents and employees from all claims, `demands, and liabilities whatsoever in connection with the above.

Signature of Parent/Guardian (if Student is under 18): _________________________ Date: _______

Address of Parent/Guardian: ___________________________________________________________


Signature of Student (if 18 or over): ____________________________________ Date: __________

Address of Student: ____________________________________________________________

Public School/Intermediate School 178Q

189-10 Radnor Road

Jamaica Estates, New York 11423

Tel. (718) 464-5763 ♦ Fax (718) 464-5766

Jessica Cruz, Principal Enesa Purisic, Assistant Principal


Please send in cash or check made out to PS/IS 178Q for $6.00 for a school student planner.

Students should give this form to their official classroom teacher.

September 9, 2019

_______________________________________ ______________________________

Student’s Name Class

____________________________________ __________________________

# of Planners Amount enclosed

Public School/Intermediate School 178Q

189-10 Radnor Road

Jamaica Estates, New York 11423

Tel. (718) 464-5763 ♦ Fax (718) 464-5766

Jessica Cruz, Principal Enesa Purisic, Assistant Principal


Citywide Behavioral Expectations:

Next Generation Learning Standards:

Engage NY:  

Twitter @PSIS178

Internet Usage Policy:  schools

NYC Schools Account:  

Parents Bill of Rights:  

School Website:

Student Bill of Rights:


Public School/Intermediate School 178Q

189-10 Radnor Road

Jamaica Estates, New York 11423

Tel. (718) 464-5763 ♦ Fax (718) 464-5766

Jessica Cruz, Principal Enesa Purisic, Assistant Principal

Grading Policy 2019-20

It is the purpose of this document to put forth the philosophy and practice of the teachers in relation to the evaluation of the academic accomplishments of our students. Inherent in this policy is the belief that the parents are an integral part of the education of their child and clear lines of communication between the school and the home are primary to the formation of the partnership needed to make the students’ education successful.


A. At Meet the Staff Night in September, every teacher will inform all students and their parents/guardians of the elements included in assessing the child.

B. Parents/Guardians and students will be provided with a grading rubric by the official classroom teacher.

C. Parents will be notified of the progress of their child through progress reports, teacher conferences, as well as report cards. Interim reports will keep parents informed in the middle of each marking period.

Avenues of Communication

A. It is necessary to frequently communicate important information to the parents of our students.

This is often done via a letter home. Sometimes there will be a tear off which must be signed and returned the next day.

B. School Messenger phone message system will also be used to disseminate important information.

C. Skedula: . Skedula is an online communications application for parents and teachers

across grades K-8 and is also an online gradebook for grades 6-8. Middle school parents will be able to track

students’ progress and assignments via this site.

D. School Website:

E. Like us at 178QHolliswood

F. NYCDOE website: schools

G. NYC Schools Account: Register online for your NYC Schools account to view your

child’s attendance, grades, and contact information. It is projected by the NYC Department of Education

that state test scores will be made available by mid-September.

Evaluation Criteria

A. Grade documentation is available for parents and students. Progress reports are sent out throughout the year in between marking periods.

B. In grades K-5 each marking period is discrete and does not affect other marking period grades. The final grade need not be a direct average. It is rather an evaluation, by the teacher, of the level of work attained by the student. Naturally, the grades of each marking periods will be a significant part of this final grade.

a. Kindergarten students will receive grades for all subject areas as indicated to the left however grades for a few sub-components in math, science, and social studies will only be given in March and June due to the scope and sequence of our curriculum as well as student developmental readiness.

C. In grades 6-8 each marking period is discrete and does not affect other marking period grades. The final grade is; however, a cumulative average of all four marking periods. Below are the categories that make up your child’s grade in each core subject and the total percentage for each category.

|Engagement: Participation/ Collaboration/ Work Habits/ Organization   |25% |

|Updated 4 times per quarter | |

|Is determined by the following: | |

|-participation in group work | |

|-willingness to share ideas or questions | |

|- is prepared with necessary items | |

|-uses class time productively | |

|Assessments: Projects/ Essays/ Performance Task (A minimum of 3 assessments and no one assessment will be more than 15%) |35% |

|In Class Assignments/ Quizzes/ Labs  |30% |

|Updated 4 times per quarter | |

|(a minimum of 5 assignments/quizzes and no one assessment will be more than 10%) | |

|Homework (subject-specific because each subject is uniquely different.)  |10% |

|Updated 4 times per quarter | |

|(a minimum of 5 homework assignments and no one assignment will be more than 2%) | |

D. Both conduct and effort will be reported on the report card.  Conduct alone will not be sufficient to cause a failing grade.  Excessive excused absences also will not be sufficient to cause a failure.

E. All evaluation instruments (tests, reports, quizzes, projects, homework, etc.) are a fair representation of material taught and are on such a level that the students can reasonably be expected to succeed.  Below is a grade reporting scale

Performance levels in elementary and MS (1-4) should be applied according to students’ averages.

Level 1 is Below Standards = 0-64

Level 2 is Approaching Standards = 65-79

Level 3 is Meeting Standards = 80-93

Level 4 is Exceeding Standards = 94 and above


TCRWP running records will be used as a periodic assessment to determine students’ current reading level and will be used as an indicator of how far along or below the student is from the reading level benchmark throughout the school year.  Teachers will also leverage this information to determine the instructional level and strategy to work on with the student. 



Promotion Policy

Students in grades 3-8 who do not demonstrate sufficient progress toward attaining New York State Learning Standards, the school shall compile a promotion portfolio. If the principal determines that the student’s promotion portfolio demonstrates that the student has attained minimum promotion benchmarks, the student shall be promoted in June and, conversely, if the promotion portfolio demonstrates that the student has not achieved minimum promotion benchmarks as defined in DOE-issued guidance, the student shall not be promoted and shall be recommended for summer school for an opportunity to meet promotional benchmarks. The principal shall share this decision with the parents.

Special Education Students in Grades K-2: For students with an IEP, schools may consider the student’s grade-level progress, mastery of IEP goals, and current supports and services.

Special Education Students in Grades 3-8: For students in grades 3-8: If the school believes a student has not met promotion benchmarks in ELA and/or math, or if the school does not have enough evidence of student work to support a promotion decision, then the school should compile the student's work and administer a promotion portfolio in order to determine the student’s readiness for the next grade. For students in grade 8 with standard and modified promotion criteria, promotion decisions are also based on the student passing all four core courses (English, math, science, and social studies). 

Promotion in Doubt Process

Chancellor’s Regulation A-501 outlines promotion standards for New York City public school students in grades K through 12 as well as procedures for implementing the promotion policy, including the promotion in doubt process. 

The promotion in doubt (PID) process allows schools to formally notify families, in writing, that their child is at risk of not meeting promotion standards and being retained in the same grade for the next school year. Additionally, it enables schools and families to plan for the needed supports and interventions to help students achieve promotion standards by June.

Promotion Timelines

The timelines provide an overview of key deadlines and actions relating to the promotion process for schools. 

|Date |Action |

|Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences |Schools give early notice to parents if their child’s performance is not approaching standards. |

|Ongoing |Schools review student promotion criteria information and update sources systems as needed. |

|January |Promotion in Doubt Process Begins—Schools identify students as Promotion in Doubt |

|February |School mail Promotion in Doubt letters to families |

|Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences |Schools update parents on their child’s progress towards meeting promotion standards. |

Public School/Intermediate School 178Q

189-10 Radnor Road

Jamaica Estates, New York 11423

Tel. (718) 464-5763 ♦ Fax (718) 464-5766

Jessica Cruz, Principal Enesa Purisic, Assistant Principal

Internet Usage Policy 2019-20

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Our children are our most valuable asset. They are also the most vulnerable members of society. Protecting them from becoming victims of crime must be a priority. Students must maintain a positive footprint on the internet.

Unfortunately, the same advances in computer and telecommunication technology that allow our children to reach out to new sources of knowledge and cultural experiences are also leaving them vulnerable to exploitation and harm by computer-sex offenders.

While safety precautions are in place at school, it is advisable to be vigilant about your child’s use of the internet at home. Caution children against putting personal information on any sites. Students must not reveal personal information about themselves or other persons on social networking sites, in chat rooms, in emails or other direct electronic communications, or any other forum over the Internet. For example, students must not reveal their home address, or telephone or cell phone number.

Students must not display photographs of themselves, or the images of others. Students should not meet in person anyone they have met only on the Internet. Students must promptly disclose to their teacher or other school employee any message or other activity they receive that is inappropriate or makes them feel uncomfortable. Students should not allow Department computers to save their passwords. 

Use the parental controls that are available on most internet browsers. Help us keep your children safe. Our school is connected to the internet and the World Wide Web. Students, parents, and teachers are asked to follow the Internet Usage Policy created by the Department of Education.

The internet Usage Policy of the Department of Education of the City of New York has been created to ensure that internet resources are used appropriately and that our educational community may benefit from the exciting resources available on-line in a manner that will not jeopardize its safety and wellbeing. The internet usage policy may be found at schools. Please read and review with your child.

Violators of this policy may be subject to disciplinary and/or legal action. If necessary, your child could be suspended from school.

This internet usage policy MUST be signed and returned to the technology teacher so that your child will be able to use the internet in the computer lab, library, and/or his/her classroom. Without this signed notice, your child WILL NOT be able to use the internet at school.

Public School/Intermediate School 178Q

189-10 Radnor Road

Jamaica Estates, New York 11423

Tel. (718) 464-5763 ♦ Fax (718) 464-5766

Jessica Cruz, Principal Enesa Purisic, Assistant Principal

Holliswood School Internet Usage Policy 2019-20

I understand The Department of Education’s Internet Usage Policy.

I will discuss and make sure that my child understands the Internet Usage Policy as it applies to all communication devices and cell phones.

I also understand that violators of this policy may be subject to disciplinary and/or legal action. As per the Chancellor’s Regulations, my child could receive a suspension.

Parent/Guardian Signature_________________________ Date_______

Student’s Signature___________________________________ Date_______

Student’s Official Class_____________

Public School/Intermediate School 178Q

189-10 Radnor Road

Jamaica Estates, New York 11423

Tel. (718) 464-5763 ♦ Fax (718) 464-5766

Jessica Cruz, Principal Enesa Purisic, Assistant Principal

2019-20 School CELL PHONE POLICY

As per Chancellor’s Regulation A-413, a new regulation which governs the use of cell phones, and other “communication devices” on school property was required by schools as of March of 2015.

After much discussion with the School Leadership Team and Safety Committee, The Holliswood School will continue the policy that is in place that governs students bringing the following items to school: cell phones, laptops, tablets, iPads, and other similar communication devices, portable music and entertainment systems.

If a cell phone or communication device is heard ringing or seen being used during the school day it will be confiscated. (During the school day includes lunch time, recess, and use in the bathroom.) Students should keep devices turned off. Students who have a cell phone or other communication devices will have sole responsibility over said device and its use.


Please note that in emergency or other circumstances, students are permitted to use the phone in the main office. Students will sign in to the call log book and office staff will permit them to use the phone. This privilege should not be abused. Under no circumstances should students use personal cell phones to call home as this violates the school’s cell phone policy.

I received notification of the 2019 Holliswood School Policy regarding cell phones and other communication devices. My child and I are aware of this and are signing below.

__________________________________________ ______________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

_____________________________________ ____________ ______________

Student’s Signature Official Class Date

Public School/Intermediate School 178Q

Safety Committee Parent Safety Pledge

“I value the preservation of life above all else.”

When I am in the car, I pledge:

✓ To buckle my seat belt.

✓ To observe all traffic laws-(i.e. No U-turns, double parking, speeding, passing a school bus when stop sign is out, etc.).

✓ To drop off my child/children at school in a safe manner, not Double Park, not letting them out of the car in the middle of the street. I will also not leave my car unattended in a NO STANDING zone.

✓ Not to be distracted by anything that will make me take my eyes off the road.

✓ Not to text while driving.

✓ Not to talk on the phone.

• If I have to talk, I will pull over to the side of the road.

• Talk only with a wireless headset (Blue tooth).

✓ Be courteous to other drivers.

✓ Give pedestrians the right of way.

When I am walking, I pledge:

✓ To cross the street at the crosswalk.

✓ To hold hands with my child/children when crossing the street.

✓ Not to text or talk on the phone and carelessly cross the street.

Above All:

✓ Be a role model to my child/children and others when walking and driving.

✓ Continuously educate my child/children and others about traffic safety and traffic awareness when walking or driving.

✓ Be respectful of Traffic Agent/Crossing Guard instructions.

I take this pledge because I understand that driving recklessly, thoughtlessly, selfishly or angrily can take someone’s life or cause severe injuries to a person. I am also aware that when there are passengers in the car, their lives are in the driver’s hands. I need to be attentive and act responsibly. I also need to be a good role model to my child/children when walking and not carelessly jeopardize the safety of myself or my loved ones by being distracted by talking or texting.

______________________________ _____________

Child’s Name Class

_________________________ _______________________ ______

Parent/Guardian Signature Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Public School/Intermediate School 178Q

Safety Committee Student Safety Pledge

“I value the preservation of life above all else.”

When I am in the car, I pledge to:

✓ To buckle my seatbelt.

✓ Ride in a car seat or booster seat if I am under age 8.

✓ Remember that, if I am under age 13, the back seat is the safest place for me to ride.

✓ Offer to hold or turn off the driver’s cell phone or take a message, if the driver says that it is okay.

✓ Remind the driver to keep their eyes on the road and to keep that promise they made to always put safety first while driving.

When I am walking, I pledge to:

✓ Cross the street at the crosswalk.

✓ Only cross when the “Walk” sign is lit.

✓ Look both ways before I cross the street.

✓ Make eye contact with the drivers to make sure that they see me crossing.

✓ Hold hands while crossing the street when I am walking with an adult.

✓ Not text and talk on the phone and carelessly cross the street.

I take this pledge because I want to be safe when I am in the car

or when I am walking or crossing the street.

I need to be attentive and act responsibly.

_______________________________ _____________

Student’s Name Official Class

_______________________________ ___________

Signature Date

Public School/Intermediate School 178Q

189-10 Radnor Road

Jamaica Estates, New York 11423

Tel. (718) 464-5763 ♦ Fax (718) 464-5766

Jessica Cruz, Principal Enesa Purisic, Assistant Principal

Checklist September 2019-20

1.____I have filled out and returned 3 blue emergency cards, emergency and class liaison contact sheets.

Please include an e-mail address. (Please write legibly)

2.____ I have read and received information about school arrival and dismissal procedures.

3.____ I understand the breakfast and lunch programs at the Holliswood School.

4.____ I understand the importance of the lunch application and will sign and return upon receipt.

5.____ I understand the policy for students to be photographed and have signed and returned the form.

6.____ I understand the dress code and will monitor my child’s attire.

7. ____I have received websites to view the Student’s Behavior Contract, Parent’s Rights, and

The CITYWIDE BEHAVIORAL EXPECTATIONS (Student Intervention and Discipline Code) and other important websites

8.____My family has read and signed the PS/IS 178Q Safety Pledges.

9.____ I have read the Holliswood School Attendance, Lateness, Grading and Promotion Policies.

10.____ I understand the internet usage policy, as it applies to communication devices and cell phones,

and have signed and returned it. I am aware that the DOE policy for student internet use

may be found at schools.

11.____ I have read and signed the cell phone and other communication devices policy.

12._____I ordered the student planner for my student in grades 3-8.

_________________________________________ ______________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

___________________________________ _______________

Student’s Name Official Class


Please keep this at home for your recorDS

Please keep this at home for your recorDS


Teacher return to the main office by 9/13/19

Please keep this at home for your recorDS

Please keep this at home for your recorDS


Teacher keep a class set in your class records.

Please keep this at home for your recorDS


Teachers return the class set to the Parent Coordinator by 9/13/19


Class sets will be turned in to the Parent Coordinator by 9/16/19





Teachers return class set to the main office by 9/16/19




Teachers return class set to the main office by 9/16/19


Teachers return class set to the Parent Coordinator by 9/16/19



Teachers keep your class set in you classroom files.



Teachers keep your class set in you classroom files.


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