A curious case of dyslexia diss-lexia came over comedian ...



I'm using your plugin which nicely displays our site's "Desktop" view (while WP Touch displays our "mobile" view of our site).

The problem is, on your plugin, (under Plugin Compatibility) the "Regenerate Plugins List" does not load, and too, I am having trouble with two of my blog articles displaying correctly (only on your Mobile View desktop display of our site).

We use a plugin called WP Backgrounds Lite and via our PC/Mac (and WP Touch's "mobile" view), we are ale to show an exclusive background per blog (should we want to).

Well we did it for these two, and your plugin Mobile View is conflicting.

...while it does a great job of displaying the exclusive background, it makes the content not readable, like normal/the rest of our blogs via your Mobile View's view, like such:

Please instruct to help.

Thank you very much.


“talm bout love you, and sorry” pic.SlkOs6y2Xw— ㅤgoofy (@WhoGoofy) June 6, 2015


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font-weight: 300;



Your definition of “success” should be an everyday habit, happening and thing:

A combination of what you did today that you didn’t yesterday, what you’re doing today that someone can’t but only wish they could, and what you’re doing-you know you have the capacity and joy in doing. “Chasing” anything past that will only run from you.

Doing all things within that makes things run to/chase you.

Period. Dot.


Per his terms, David Bowie did everything right, to the letter, the sanctity and his:

He prepared for his death down to the true meaning: rest in peace. And rest in peace is what he meant (and did). Not even his children (or wife Iman) were allowed to attend his cremation.

Although Bowie kept his cancer condition under tight wrap, he didn’t rest on his loins, the artistry still took place. A couple years before his January 10, 2016, just two days after is January 8 birthday, Bowie had been working on a stage play (ironically) called Lazarus which ___

Subsequently, Bowie’s

A couple weeks ago if you remember, Alaska Governer Sarah Palin was out on a ackling campaign announcing her support of Donald Trump, meanwhile, back at the ranch her son __ was making the news for domestic violence


‘Tori Spilling” is a brand (name) derivative knocked off from actress Tori Spelling that actually has double-history decided upon for two reasons:

Firstly, as a fiction (and nonfiction) novel writer, if you follow my work; then you know that I very seldom use actual names for my characters. Instead, I decide names based on something more memorable about my novel characters other than a mere name. That’s boring. And in novel writing, I’m all about every word being 3-D/coming off the page or every word showing action. When it comes to names, I’m good with associating what someone does, a character trait or their style and associate people (in life and in my novels) like such.

In one of my fiction novels, (my 3-book series Angie Situation) the first is Innocence, book tow is Naivete, and the third series is Sophistication. In book two, the main character (Angie) had a friend called “Tori Spilling”-a thought automatically came to me for her because in the story, I very se

Obviously, “Tori Spilling” is a derivative of the actress Tori Spelling and something that, commonly-like most all famous namesakes; take ‘em and make’em without acknowledging where the brand, blog or name came from.

, make, and

Major depression, clinical depression, major depressive disorder or severe depression, the problem is, we may have it and not knw it, or may feel it chose to ignore it. The problem with that is, major depression, clinical depression, major depressive disorder or severe depression

Doesn’t just go away like a one or two week winter cold when gone unchecked and properly undiagnosed, can manifest itself in various ways and areas of our lives and daily habits.




1. a synthetic compound used as an anesthetic and analgesic drug and also (illicitly) as a hallucinogen.

Ketamine found to have an "unbelievable" effect in treating severe depression






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[video_lightbox_youtube video_id="G7z74BvLWUg" width="640" height="480" anchor="" alt="RIHANNA NYFW"]

You can embed a vimeo video using the following shortcode in a WordPress post or page:

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SEPT 2014



HELEMT TO SAVE FOOTBALL Connect with this story via brought to you by Tori.








PizzA day dr oz on CHEESE

Today is the next installment of our #FoodTruthSeries: we go in-depth on America's pizza. Sneak Peek:; Dr. Mehmet Oz (@DrOz) February 9, 2016

Warning: array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array in/home2/cinamon/public_html/wp-content/wptouch-data/extensions/advanced-type/advanced-type.php on line 405

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Hello Universal.

Since this is an informal messaging method, I will make this short (in hopes you can forward this to the correct person/s, or email me the correct contact for my inquiry).

When on we notice you guys’ trailer/ads for movies and wanted to introduce you to our blog site:

OSF can definitely give your movie trailer advertisements more presence as, although YouTube advertising works, sometimes (when those of us who use it are not hurriedly looking for a video), we typically click (or get annoyed at being forced to sit there and watch for the allotted time before YouTube allows us to go to our fetched video).

With blog presence you WILL get seen as, we advertise in between what readers WANT to read and see. Furthermore, we give you your very own blog slot like such examples of your most recent trailers for “The Huntsman” (which we put up and advertised on the house-so as to show you what we’d love to do for you):

EXAMPLE 1 (with entire carousel takeover):

EXAMPLE 2 (with movie trailer poput upon customer click/synopsis):

EXAMPLE 3 (automatic popup post “OSF Red Carpet Spotlight” which stays at the bottom of our site until campaign ends):

EXAMPLE 4 (via our sister site, a sticky post which remains 1st above all new blogs + sidebar advertising):

EXAMPLE 5 (as well, we can ‘sticky post’ any advertisement 1st above all new blogs at ) …right in place of where you see the 1st sticky post right now-where you see OtherSideoftheFame’s red carpet site on a television screen. Any Universal studios’ trailer can be there contuniously!

Why Us? How well known are we?

All celebrities know us.

All celebrities fans know us.

Our stats show and prove: Check us out on

We one of the lowest bounce rates, highest pageviews, and greater daily time on site numbers of even among your longer-established blogs like TMZ, People, USweekly, etc. And we are on our way into the top 1000s (in the “How popular is .”)

We actually would have been there a long time ago but we had to fight to keep our unique ‘media friendly’ site.

Our coders found a way to make that happen so our site is now “optimized” (to satisfy Google’s SEO standards). We climbed down from 16 million to 204k in just a few months (even before we got “optimized and Google-geddon came down on us).

Actually had we optimized our site months ago, we would’ve been in the top thousands many months ago.

As you can see ...our daily time on site is unmatched. People sit on OSF ALL NIGHT AND DAY…Your movie trailers should get that love too! And we can definitely make sure they are be seen and appreciated!

We can assure you of that as, we fought hard to keep our site unique and “movie trailer” based so that all music or movie media we advertise for can be seen (versus forced on our readers).

While YouTube advertising is great, advertising with us (versus your YouTube advertising) also gives you room to drop a synopsis for movie-goers.

We’re a heavy-content driven + visual site and people WILL take the time to watch the entire trailer and read the synopsis.

We’ll stop here for now, but consider us. We would love an ongoing contract with Universal-advertising new and upcoming trailers for your movies.

EMAIL US: advertising@ *(but please cc: OtherSideoftheFame@

Now…Barbados beauty Rihanna should’ve known better than to make us all wait this long on her greatly anticipated album then tease us with the title “Anti.”

Anti what? Short for “anticipating?”

Anti-meaning: “eef you all…hurry up and wait?”

Anti-drop date?


But low and behold (last month) when she dropped the first single for “Anti”--with its deep Caribbean-based drum underneath her hot vocals-complete with the rap flow of one of the hottest rappers whom she makes great music with, we had every right to expect this Barbados gyal would do nothing less than wind-up-her-waist to the beat.

We know she can do that:

Unfortunately, though, we just got a hot song and no visual. No Rihanna and Drake Chemistry we had come to know and love.

Blows bangs.

“Mi’fi wan couf that gyal,” in patois, I said to myself. Because I know that while the streets have been waiting on at least one single from Rihanna’s anticipated “Anti,” let’s just say we kinda-sorta didn’t appreciate getting it without the digital drop, too.

Well wait no more, good-looking “chemistratic” Rihanna and Drake finally fine-ly dropped the Little X directed digital short for the hot, new track for “Work.”

Now press play:

If you remember, singer Kesha’s been going through a lot of changes in her personal life that finally, she triumphed and over come but the doesn’t necessarily mean her professional life was going to let (or permit) her to triumph just the same.

In case you don’t know, all could be quite well in Kesha’s life who too, if you remember, after her successful rehab stint, decided to drop the dollar sign from her name (Ke$ha) so that it too, could start anew.

Unfortunately, her being able to start anew came to an abrupt halt when the singer opted out of her contract with Sony [and] Producer Dr. Luke whom she says also sexually assaulted her.

Surely Michael Jackson is turning over in his grave given his cries out about his own business dealings with Sony who too, had his …in a clutch

Michael Jackson says Sony kills the music

Well whether Sony kills the music for Kesha or no, music colleague Taylor Swift came through with a cool 250k to help Kesha out with her fees during for legal battles and any other troubles she might have going forward given her loss in the case against Sony.

Connect with the story via independent.co.uk and brought to you by Tori.

There is a social public life and then there is a social private life.

Social public life is a combination of:

who were are

want to be


want people (who don’t know us) to believe we are (or are on our way to being)

That doesn’t all the time mean that’s exactly

who you are


that you have (more, or something that someone else who outside of mere social media pages) or

(in this case)

doesn’t necessarily dictate what you actually have (e.g, these bossed up Instagram pages with materialisms racking heir audiences what you have

There are countless of false “positive” (people) online equal to negative where the difference between the two are merely posted words (with the word ‘positive’ in it) and the true actions, thoughts and deeds (that you don’t see in words or action offline).

The reward for false positivity is great and unarms the masses-but that doesn’t necessarily mean those words reflect the true heart, and action of the person posting. That is called a ‘social-public’ life (where people in their ‘social-private’ life could surely offer stories begging to differ that those reading words will never know.

Control yourself.

When you work (or socialize privately with or associate with people offline), you need to control yourself and your emotions when YOU make the choice to tap in and climb up on a person’s social-public pages, sites, or accounts and find things that could quite possibly:

Upset you

Take you aback/surprise you

Make you envious/jealous/covet

The stories that I could tell over the years and days of trying to work normal 9 to 5’s while (not ever mentioning one iota about what I do online/as a writer).

Even or just a mere social media page-that one level. But try working a regular 9-5 job and be online well beyond a mere social media page and your display of talent or skill is there (that you never even talk about on the job).

It seems fck the 9-5’er’s soul up and breaks ‘em into itty bitty pieces and to whom the talented or seemingly famous may be-woe to them.

For starters (like 50-75% of the rest-with no interest in moving up in your company and my name or likeness associated with anything past being an exceptional asset to your company and clocking in and clocking out); with no judge to call, no laws to protect me (and countless people I know personally) who experience this; I’ll be damned if some judge thinks he can just climb up on a person’s page (simply because he has a ‘social-public’) life and make a judgment based off his perception that he snooped upon, wasn’t invited to and certainly didn’t have the gumption to even asked to be invited (friend or follow).

Yet…you can rightfully go and make a judgment on my life, or disrupt how I pay my bills? Really? Off YOUR nosiness?

Woe to the artist or creative working a ‘regular job’ who either doesn’t use a pen or stage name or whose government name is linked to their pen or stage name where their art or creativity is displayed. Jumping into taking a chance on your dreams (or living your dreams in public view already) is risk that had better be backed by somebody/somebodies who love and believe in you and puts their money where their mouth is and invests in you. Because other than that, you will find yourself working 15 jobs in one year with a new love for humility and all things modest while and new glee in life with your dreams being finances by “Such and Such’s” soul as payment: Seething with envy and hate that you

It all boils down to perception (on both sides):

While people like me can’t take a job to court on whispers and it being secretly revealed to you that “Such and Such” was jealous that you were ‘famous thought you were all that and why, if you’re so famous are you working here?’

If that be a case, then what right does a judge to 50 Cent (like “Such and Such”) who merely took it upon themselves to tap into a person’s social-public life have to habitually harass/fire or summon you on perception?

Secertly you own these tyeps’ souls as, daily-aroudn the clock, instead of rstign theing spirit and and acceptin your ‘You” has nothing to do with them but blessed by the same God they most probably claim to know. When while they think for all their annoyances, and attempts to hurt, humiliate or set you back to comfort their coveting is working-meanwhile, you’re busy doing You while owning their time and attention that they hate themselves for giving-all based on a habit and hate they began that’s rottenting no ones soul and breaking no ones spirit but their own

You perceive that I’m famous because I do famous shit outside of a mere social media page and you perceive that 50 Cent’s lying about being broke simply because he takes pictures with money after filing bankruptcy.


Like this judge, I’m sick of petty, pissed, perception vultures on the prowl: Judging you and doing thing like such (and “Such and Such”) knowing that by way of fucking with you, they can make the news and go viral with you by harassing, fcking with you and working overtime to get you caught up in some shit just to connect their name with you. Where you are on 50 Cent’s monetary level or broke with a literal 50 cents in your pocket; if you got billion dollar ideas or million dollar dreams on display, in this new world order of ‘famous’-to a regular “Such and Such” on a 9-5 and no active dreams (on display) past that-oh baby, you’re JUST as famous as 50 Cent (the rich rapper) and JUST as valuable as he is.

Let’s face it. The technological world developed a way of life that became a way of life that 95% of people are NOT equipped to handle by situation and circumstance and with objectivity. As this world and people’s ‘person’ on display and at anyone’s disposal, you have to take into strong consideration that everything said, done, brought to you to be convinced of, is subject and relative to the beholder saying, doing or trying to convince you of and how they (personally) feel about the subject. And more often than not, how they feel about the subject often times has to do with what they stumble and snoop upon, very little with what (if any) substantial, solid, or personal interaction they had with the subject. It’s all perception. Perception is the only reality today.

And while that may be true, if you can’t take it to court one way, as well, as judge shouldn’t be allowed to bring it to court another way.



“I’m concerned about allegations of nondisclosure and a lack of transparency in the case,” Judge Ann Nevins said during a Thursday hearing in Hartford, Conn.

“There’s a purpose of having a bankruptcy process be transparent, and part of that purpose is to inspire confidence in the process,” she continued. “When that process becomes very public, the need for transparency, I believe, is even higher.”

Bankruptcy status allows an “honest but unfortunate debtor” to wipe the slate clean, Nevins added.

The “In Da Club” rapper, who filed for bankruptcy last July amid a sex-tape lawsuit, has posted multiple money shots in recent months — including photos of cold, hard cash stashed in a fridge and strewn across his bed.

In case anyone still doubted his financial woes, the rapper also posted a photo of the word “BROKE” spelled out in 100 dollar bills and boasted that his “crib” in Africa was almost ready to be christened with a housewarming party.

The ironic snaps came back to bite Fiddy after his rap rival Rick Ross' ex-girlfriend Lastonia Leviston, headphone company Sleek Audio and SunTrust Bank — who claim the rapper collectively owes them $29 million — pointed out the discrepancy in January court papers.

Fiddy’s lawyers insisted in a statement Friday that he’d been “forthcoming and transparent with all creditors,” and said the musician would appear in court to address the judge’s questions.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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