
|Title |Doncaster Safeguarding Adults Board |

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|Date |24th October 2018 Time 10:00 – 10:55 |

|Location |Civic Office Room 209 |

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|Present |Name |Job Title |Organisation |

|JW |Dr John Woodhouse |Independent Chair |Doncaster Safeguarding Adults Board |

|AC |Angelique Choppin |Safeguarding Adults Board Manager |Doncaster Safeguarding Adults Board |

|DA |Damian Allen |Director of People |Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council |

|GJ |Griff Jones |Assistant Director Adult Social Care |Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council |

|AR |Andrew Russell |Chief Nurse |Doncaster Clinical Commissioning Group |

|BB |Ben Brown |Partnership Development Manager |Doncaster Safeguarding Children’s Board |

|AG |Andrew Goodall |Chief Operating Officer |Healthwatch Doncaster |

|TS |Tracey Slater |Senior Nurse |NHS England |

|DT |Daniel Thorpe |Superintendent |South Yorkshire Police |

|RD |Richard Dickinson |Acting Deputy Director of Nursing, |Doncaster & Bassetlaw Teaching Hospital |

| | |Midwifery and Quality | |

|IB |Ian Boldy |Designated Nurse |Doncaster Clinical Commissioning Group |

|JB |Joanne Bates |Detective Chief Inspector |South Yorkshire Police |

|TH |Tony Holmes |Principal Social Worker |Doncaster Children’s Service Trust |

|SA |Sarah Abbots |Strategy & Performance Improvement Manager|Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council |

|NM |Nyla Mahmood |Business Support Officer |Doncaster Safeguarding Children’s Board |

|In attendance |

|NWG |Niall Werrett-Garfitt |Minute Taker |Doncaster Safeguarding Adults Board |

|Apologies |

|RBl |Rachael Blake |Councillor |Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council |

|Agenda Item |Issues |Actions |

| | |Required by & timeframes |

|1 |Introduction and Apologies, minutes and action log | |

| |Introductions were made and apologies are noted as above. | |

| | | |

| |Previous Board minutes | |

| |The minutes from the previous Board meeting were agreed to be accurate. | |

| | | |

| |Action Log | |

| |(04.09.2017) 4.2 | |

| |This is a long term action with more work moving forward between the 3 core agencies. | |

| | | |

| |(24.05.2018) 3.1 | |

| |This item is on the agenda. | |

|2 |Assurance | |

| |Performance Summary | |

| |SA talked about the new format of the Performance Summary which will be more up to date with recent data through | |

| |CareFirst and can be updated regularly. Q1 data was presented where SA noted a spike in initial enquiries, citing a | |

| |change in the recording mechanisms as the reason. Planning meetings, further enquiries and outcome meetings also | |

| |increased which demonstrates the appropriateness of referrals, suggesting that more enquiries are going further | |

| |through the system. JW noted these also reflect the Hub’s work catching up on a backlog. A rapid improvement plan was| |

| |implemented to address the backlog issue which DA cited as positive progress. There are discussions to arrange for JW| |

| |to re-visit the hub for assurance. JW cited that last month’s data has provided assurance. JW noted the need to come | |

| |back and discuss this to reassure the Board that the system is working in an appropriate and timely way. JW also said| |

| |that the Board and the Hub need to understand how the issues happened in first place. The Board agreed to bring this | |

| |back as an agenda item. Action - DA to bring updates from the transformation Board and report on the outcome of JW’s | |

| |visit. | |

| | | |

| |Due to delays in triaging, there has been a big increase in repeat referrals in Q1. But there have been a lower | |

| |proportion of these in Q2. SA noted that all measures in the performance summary will reflect the spike in referrals.| |

| | |DA |

| | | |

| |Concerns by type of referrer - The majority of concerns in Q1 were received from SYP, reflecting the change in | |

| |process regarding Police safeguarding referral forms whereas the majority in Q2 were received from the | |

| |voluntary/independent sector. | |

| | | |

| |Location of risk, concerns and enquiries - There was a spike in Q1 for people living in their own home and there was | |

| |also an increase in referrals from care homes. | |

| | | |

| |Types of abuse - At the beginning of the year neglect was the most prevalent type of abuse, which had risen in Q1 and| |

| |decreased in Q2, where it was noted that psychological abuse had risen. JW noted the variation in data and is | |

| |interested to know the Boards views on the changing pattern is. GJ said the large spike was because of a process | |

| |change regarding Police safeguarding referrals and the work done to address the backlog. The Board members expressed | |

| |that they are happy with the new system for the Performance Summary moving forward. DA is keen on the frequency of | |

| |which trends can be picked out as they now have the potential for daily data. JW said that once the immediate issues | |

| |have passed, this way of presenting this information will be more useful. | |

| | | |

| |Risk register | |

| |There is one risk around judicial DoLS with an explanation on the sub group summary report. | |

| | | |

| |There is a new risk around capacity within the Safeguarding Adult Hub and it was noted that there is a review of the | |

| |end to end process as part of the rapid improvement plan to mitigate this risk. | |

|3 |Development | |

| |Sub Group Summary Report | |

| |AC highlighted the Safeguarding Adult Review activity which has increased significantly this year. Two recent SAR | |

| |requests have met the criteria and two have not. One is currently progressing through the serious incident process | |

| |and will be presented to the Review and Learning Sub Group for assurance chaired by JB. 1 SAR relates to an | |

| |independent secure hospital which is currently in progress. Another is being commissioned and at the procurement | |

| |stage and is centred on a previously looked after child with complex issues, and a further which is at draft report | |

| |stage. In addition the MSP temperature check research by Hallam University is at the analysis stage to be completed | |

| |by the next Board. | |

|4 |Current Areas of Focus | |

| |Community MARAC update | |

| |DT described the Community Multi-agency Risk Assessment Conference (CMARAC) to the group, citing that it is assumed | |

| |that all options have been exhausted on a safeguarding case before a referral is sent to CMARAC. The purpose of | |

| |CMARAC is to have most relevant partner agencies look at cases to provide help, working together to reduce the demand| |

| |or risk for an individual. DT said this will help with the Multi-agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) for | |

| |high risk offenders. The first meeting is on the 19th November to be held monthly thereafter. DT is leading on this. | |

| |AC has done work around the information sharing and agreement and the confidentiality agreement for CMARAC which will| |

| |be signed off in the first meeting. The cut off for referrals is on the 29th October, GJ and DT will meet to discuss | |

| |any referrals before the first meeting. DT noted that CMARAC does not own referrals; it is there to make sure the | |

| |right people are looking at a case and appropriate actions are in place. JW said it is imperative that adult social | |

| |care is engaged in this process. | |

| | | |

| |Accountability framework - There have been ongoing discussions as to where CMARAC will be reporting to. Action - DT | |

| |said he is happy to report to the Safeguarding Adults Board and will provide a report in the new year. It was cited | |

| |that this Board can advise where the reporting should sit. JW noted strong evidence that systems do well due to | |

| |experimentation. | |

| | | |

| |Safeguarding Adults Hub update | |

| |It was noted that there will be a written report for the next Board meeting. GJ said that in February of this year, | |

| |all concerns received by the Hub were recorded as safeguarding which led to a large backlog and involved additional |DT |

| |actions to move cases through the system. It was agreed to implement a rapid improvement plan to address these issues| |

| |and ensure the end to end process is reviewed. The Hub has secured resources, as well as an external consultant (Tim | |

| |Newton), and support from DSAB. The process was reviewed in August with all team managers. Cases were triaged were | |

| |they did not need safeguarding. GJ is also keen to review the decision making process and noted all decisions were | |

| |taken by Senior Practitioners before, but feels that Social Workers have a key role to do this as well. The backlog | |

| |has now been reduced dramatically due to the work done. | |

| | | |

| |From August, all cases on the backlog were risk rated and GJ noted a number of cases that were inappropriate for | |

| |safeguarding that the Hub were able to close. There was also support from ASC teams to complete the safeguarding | |

| |enquiries, as well as another team which has been in place for 3 weeks that provide bespoke reports to manage | |

| |performance. | |

| | | |

| |TN has worked with the team to develop practice standards and a quality assurance framework which was signed off last| |

| |week. A task and finish group is being set up to look at the four main areas of safeguarding concerns for when the | |

| |rapid improvement plan finishes in 2019. The Hub is also moving to a new electronic system called Mosaic, which GJ | |

| |said should be more effective. The Hub is now in a better position going forward and GJ will have a report for the | |

| |Board moving forward. AR asked if the Hub knows if any harm was caused due to the backlog, GJ said that the Hub has | |

| |not found any yet but GJ will include this in the report. It was noted that daily data on the performance summary | |

| |report will support improvement. JW summarised that the crisis is now under control, the hub have learned lessons | |

| |from the crisis and developed a more robust system. | |

|5 |Other | |

| |Safeguarding Adults Annual report 2017/18 | |

| |The annual report has been provided for the Board to approve for publication. AC said the report demonstrates the | |

| |good engagement work and that the report is more public facing demonstrating the joint board work undertaken with | |

| |DSCB and SSDP. The launch of the self-neglect and hoarding framework and training commissioned to embed it across the| |

| |multi-agency partnership. It also highlights that less safeguarding concerns were reported during 2017/18 though this| |

| |may change in next year’s report, but there was a higher conversion rate to safeguarding enquiries. The main types of| |

| |abuse were neglect followed by physical abuse in a person’s own home. AC summarised the Board are on track to achieve| |

| |everything on the strategic plan. GJ thanked DSAB for developing the report. The group are happy to approve. | |

| | | |

| |Draft Revised DSAB procedure for co-ordination of overarching safeguarding enquiries | |

| |AC presented the procedure and noted the terminology change, citing the framework has not changed significantly. This| |

| |has been presented for approval to relaunch. The Board approved. | |

| | | |

| |Items for Chief Officers Safeguarding Overview Partnership (COSOP), Doncaster Safeguarding Children and Adults | |

| |Partnership (DSCAP), other Boards | |

| |JW noted this was previously known as the Performance Accountability Board for children’s but has now extended it | |

| |remit to cover the adults. JW said items will only go here if COSOP need to know or the Board is having issues. The | |

| |Board agreed to provide a report to COSOP regarding the previous Safeguarding adult’s concerns backlog issues within | |

| |the Safeguarding Adults Hub. | |

| | | |

| |Evaluation of the impact of the meeting | |

| |JW noted the light agenda and felt it was done efficiently. The group agreed that St Leger Homes were the key to the | |

| |safeguarding adult’s agenda and to invite PT to the next meeting to represent St Leger Homes. | |

|6 |Any Other Business | |

| |None. | |

| | | |

|Date and Time of Next Meeting |

|1st February 2019 - Room 28 Mary Woollett Centre |

|Date Checked by Chairperson: |

|Signature: |

| |

|Date minutes distributed: |

|Date and Time of Next Meeting |

|1st February 2019 - Room 28 Mary Woollett Centre |


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