Delaware Coalition for Injury Prevention

|Delaware Coalition for Injury Prevention |

|March 17, 2016 10:00 am – 12:00 pm |

|Public Health Training Center Edgehill Shopping Center, Dover, Delaware |


|Welcome and |P. Mack |The Coalition meeting was called to order at 10:08 a.m; introductions were made. |

|Introductions | | |

|Review of minutes |P. Mack |A motion for approval was made by S. Vogel and seconded by J. McCue; December minutes were approved. |

|COALITION DISCUSSION |M.S. Jones |M.S. Jones provided an overview of the CDC Core State Injury and Violence Prevention Program Grant (SVIPP). The SVIPP grant’s required focus areas this grant |

|CDC Core State Injury and | |cycle are prevention of child abuse and neglect, traumatic brain injury, motor vehicle crash injury and death, and intimate partner/sexual violence. The grant |

|Violence Prevention Program | |maximum is $250,000 for each of 5 years with $25,000 per year available for evidence-based injury prevention strategies outside of the four focus areas. Partner |

|Grant Opportunity | |agencies the Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence, the State Council for Persons with Disabilities Brain Injury Committee, Nemours Government Relations |

| | |Office, the Delaware YMCA, Prevent Child Abuse Delaware, and the DPH Office of Women’s Health. Coalition members are encouraged to start thinking of possible |

| | |evidence-based injury prevention strategies that the Coalition could focus on if awarded the grant. The Think First Program and Screening, Brief Intervention, and|

| | |Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) programs are both evidence-based injury prevention program that could be considered. Ideas and suggestions will be discussed during |

| | |the June meeting. The grant is due April 8th and will start August 1st for awardees. |

| | |The National Violence Death Reporting System (NVDRS) workgroup has expanded to a stakeholders meeting. M. Arford will be representing the Coalition. They will be|

| | |meeting next week. |

|Safe States/CDC RNL, NVDRS | |The Regional Network Leaders (RNL) mid-Atlantic region has released their finalized resource guide. |

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| |M.S. Jones | |

|COALITION PROJECTS |J. McCue |The Safe Kids New Castle County Committee discussed the safety skill stations during their previous meeting. The program will target kindergarten through second |

|Junior Injury Prevention | |grade campers at the YMCA. Campers will rotate among safety skill stations where they will learn and practice a different skill at each station. After each |

|Specialist Certificate Program | |station is successfully completed campers will be given a Junior Safety badge, a wallet card, and an undetermined safety prize. Anyone with ideas for a safety |

| | |skill topic please contact J. McCue. The program will be held on July 13th. Anyone interested in volunteering please contact J. McCue. |

|TEAM/ AGENCY UPDATES |C. Martin |Tara Lausch, a certified positive dog trainer, was introduced as a new member of the Coalition. |

|Dog Bite Injury | |C. Martin will be attending Pooches in the Park on May 14 in Lewes and Kid Fest in Milford in June. |

|Prevention Team |S. Vogel |Since the last meeting, S. Vogel has done 42 presentations for 793 children and 90 adults. On March 12th, S. Vogel exhibited at the Read Aloud Delaware annual |

| | |conference. |

| |R. Jones |House Bill 242 was signed by the Governor on February 3rd. The bill recognizes the Office of Animal Welfare as the primary agency to investigate cases of animal |

| | |cruelty. Currently, the Office of Animal Welfare receives about 1,000 calls statewide a month. |

|Fire/Burns Injury Prevention |K. O’Malley |K. O’Malley attended the Vision 20/20 Fire Prevention Symposium on March 10-12th in Fairfax, VA. |

|Team | |There is a new Delaware Fire Sprinkler Coalition which will provide education on residential fire sprinklers. |

| | |The Safe Kids Conference will be held on June 21st at the Cheswold Fire Company. CEUs will be available for EMTs, nurses, child care, education, and parks and |

| | |recreation. Topics will include concussions, ATV safety, and laundry safety. Registration will soon be available on the website. Anyone interested in exhibiting|

| | |at the conference can contact K. O’Malley. |

| | |Kent County Safe Kids Safe Summer Day is June 11th. To exhibit at this event please contact K. O’Malley. |

| | |Safe Kids Kent County committee will be hosting a 5k Walk/Run at Chipman Middle School on April 30th. |

| | |Sussex County Safe Kids Day will be on June 25th at the Lowe’s in Lewes. |

|Drowning Prevention | |No report. |

|Poisoning Injury Prevention |J. Trella |National Poison Prevention week is March 20-26th. Daily themes include medicine safety, information on the Poison Control Centers, elderly poison prevention, and |

| | |home poisoning safety. |

| | |The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s Poison Control Center is creating a button battery prevention video. The video is planned to be launched in mid-April |

| | |and will be used during the Philadelphia Science Festival. |

| |M.S. Jones |The Office of EMS has received funding through the CDC Prescription Drug Overdose (PDO) grant. C. Mason was introduced and welcomed to the Coalition. C. Mason is |

| | |the new Public Health Treatment Program Administrator for the Office of EMS. She will be overseeing the PDO grant. |

|TBI/Spinal Injury Prevention | |No report. |

|Team | | |

|Falls Injury Prevention Team |P. Mack |W. Wintersgill has resigned from her position as co-chair for the fall prevention team. Suggestions for a new falls prevention team co-chair are encouraged. |

| |C. Oakes |R. Phillips and S. Martin were introduced and welcomed as new members to the falls prevention team. Both work with Volunteer Delaware 50+. |

| | |Presentations were given at a Friends Life Care meeting, to Christiana Hospital staff, and to Air Force Retirees. |

| | |The National Council on Aging and the Administration for Community Living has reached out to the Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical |

| | |Disabilities to inquire about activities related to falls prevention. They wish to see how well state coalitions are adhering to the National Council on Aging |

| | |National Falls Prevention Plan. The falls prevention team will meet to compile answers to their inquiry. |

|Individual and Family Violence |A. Owen |April is Victim’s Rights month and Sexual Assault Awareness month. There will be a Governor’s Proclamation signing on April 25th recognizing these months. The |

|Injury Prevention | |Delaware Victim’s Rights Task Force will hold a vigil for crime victims on April 13th at Delaware State University. Carol Todd will be speaking on behalf of her |

| | |daughter Amanda, who was bullied and committed suicide in 2012. |

|Motor Vehicle Related Injury |J. McCue |The Delaware YMCA, the Office of Highway Safety, and Christiana Hospital hosted a distracted driving event on March 5th. Approximately 115 teens attended the |

|Prevention | |event which gave teens the opportunity to use the distracted driving stimulator, receive educational material, and sign a pledge. Teens who signed the pledge to |

| | |refrain from driving distracted received a cell phone holder which encourages them to put away their phone while driving. The EMSC pediatric grant funding |

| | |opportunity helped finance this event. |

| | |The OHS has hired a new public relations employee. |

|Teams’ Webpage | |Updates for the web page should be submitted to V. Crowe. Reminders will be sent monthly. |

| Adjourn |11:56 a.m. |Next scheduled meeting June 16, 2016 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. |

| | |Meeting location: Public Health Training Center, Edgehill Shopping Center, Dover |

|Attendees: M. Arford (phone); V. Corrigan (phone); V. Crowe; J. Hopple; T. Hyland; M.S. Jones; R. Jones; T. Lausch; M. LeNoir; P. Mack; C. Mason; C. Martin; S. Martin; J. McCue; C. Oakes(phone); K. O’Malley; A. |

|Owen; A. Pedrick(phone); R. Phillips; J. Trella(phone); S. Vogel; C. Will - Excused: K. Boyer; K. Chesser; T. Kaminski; C. Rapone Recorder: V. Crowe |


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