
Scooby Doo in "Wrong Party!"

"Is everyone ready?" Fred was asking as he tried to tie a tie around his neck, instead of his traditional ascot.

"I think so..." Velma said as she was showing up in a big round ballroom dress, before noticing something a bit weird. "...but will Daphne also bring her hand puppets with her to the party?"

"Oh come on guys! I even made sure so that our puppet selves has their own special tiny suits to wear." Daphne said as she help up her collection of four tiny little hand puppet versions of herself and the three other humans on her one hand, while carrying on her other hand a big fat pillow stuffed mitten on her other to represent the overly obese canine of the group.

"Like, it wouldn't look more weird then me having to try and look fancy." Shaggy said as he was right with his long hair and light beard look wasn't matching all to well with the rest of him being stuffed into a very way to expensive looking suit. "Like, I'm to afraid to eat now, fearing that just one mustard stain will cost me my life savings getting this thing cleaned!"

"Rnot a Rproblem rfor me!" The voice of Scooby was heard saying, as in walked the now mountain of fat that was their dog mascot for the team.

(To make a long story short there was an accident happening to him at a Medical Facility for Animal Medication for about 4 years ago, and as a result it lead to his whole body completely changing and now having "Morbidly Obese" being the new "Normal" for him.)

Scooby himself was just wearing a cute little bowtie over his collar, and the big fat dog did count himself lucky for being okay with walking around nearly naked, as it meant he didn't have to prepare himself as much as the rest of the gang had to.


Once they were all finally dressed for tonight's event the whole gang gathered into the Mystery Machine (With Scooby basically taking up all the space behind the seats.), as they were on their way to the "Wholesome Hotel" for a special invitation they had been given.

"Feels great that finally all of our mystery solving is paying out, as we are to be the main star on a special banquet event!" Fred said as the Mystery Machine drove up to the hotel entrance, before they all got off to let the van get parked by hotel staff.

As the gang entered the lobby they were being told which way to go to the main room were the party was, but the fat Scooby got way to distracted by the smell of an unguarded plate of Hors d'oeuvre to notice what was going on.

Given that these were tiny little appetizers that was literally just a million the size of the dog eating them they wouldn't do anything to settle with Scooby's massive hunger. (But still the dog ate them like his life was depending on it!)

Being all to busy chewing up small pieces of ham on cheese (and spitting out those annoying toothpicks they were all standing on.) Scooby didn't notice the rest of his company leaving him behind, and it wasn't until the voice of someone familiar saying "I see you have your priorities set straight as always, fat dog."

Lifting his face up from the food plate Scooby saw that the voice belonged to none other then Dracul, the Vampire like Spirit that was living inside of his stomach.

(To make another long story short 1 year after Scooby's weight gain incident he and the gang went to solve the case about ghost in a haunted mansion, with the twist being that unknowing to them all the ghost was 100% real! No one in the gang however got a chance to see him since Scooby accidentally ate him up, and thanks to some of the many alterations in Scooby's body from the old incident Dracul couldn't escape out of his sealed dome, and ended up getting digested by Scooby's stomach acids! So now Dracul was not only the ghost of a ghost now, but he was also forced to be bound to the belly of the dog from which he was now "haunting", even if Scooby by now was very used of the guy's company.)

What had used to startle the cowardly dog to no end in the past was now making him barley raise his lazy eyes, as the Bat-like transparent legless phantom just face-palmed over once again facing the fact that this was who he was forced to be attached to for the rest of his after, after life.

"Let me ask you a very, very simply question, my colossal canine." Dracul said (Having a very hard time respecting Scooby enough, and instead calling him by any kind of nickname that was reflecting over his incredible overweight. Not that Scooby ever noticed that.) before then waiting until Scooby was done both chewing and swallowing his meal to be fully listening. "Just were is your human friends?"

Looking around it became all to clear to him now that he had fallen behind of his gang, and before Dracul even had a chance to finish his sentence of "I don't want to say "What did I say?", but what did I sayyyyy...!" before Scooby took off as a ranging bull, with the ghost being forced to get dragged along by his none existing bottom half that was just a long entity being connected to the deeps insides of Scooby's gut.

Having someone like Scooby (Who was weighting about as much as a full grown elephant) running through a hotel was about as destructive as one could imagine, as if it wasn't vases with flowers or chairs and couches getting destroyed by his stressful rampage, then the pure vibrating shakes from his super heavy feet slamming into the ground was enough to make painting on walls and lamps in the roof to come crashing down thanks to it!

Finally the blob dog came to a sudden halt as he was forced with a very difficult task.

He was facing two similar looking doors, and he had no idea to know which on the gang had entered in order to hit the party.

Feeling the stress building up about him not wanting to have them wait for him any longer Scooby chose to open up the door to the left, and quickly entered it.

(He just hoped he wasn't to late to when they were serving the main course!)


Entering the place Scooby at first got a real shock in what he was seeing.

The whole place was full of monsters!

But then he noticed something else very strange about it.

They were all seen wearing suits and dresses like he had seen the gang do earlier.

Given that the monster they find always turns out to be someone in a costume, then what if this was just a human, in a monster costume, wearing a fancy costume on top of it?

It must all had been meant to be more of a masquerade thing, were the theme is to be dressed as classic monsters. (Some of them even looking VERY realistic)

What Scooby couldn't know was that it was in fact a banquette for real monsters, and he was actually putting himself into a great danger without knowing it!

But for Scooby it was just fun walking around and believing he was safe, as he was getting many weird looks from everyone else and just focused on finding more food to eat as well as his friends. (But at the moment just the food.)

For the monsters they didn't really know just what to make out of this "blob-dog" thing that was walking around in their room, and if this actually was some kind of monster they had forgot was invited.

"Say, Drac..." The Frankenstein monster said as he leaned over to the great Vampire king, who a bit annoyingly said "What is it?..." before then letting out a really shocked "OH DEAR! What in the name of all things dead is that thing?!"

"I have no idea, but I was wondering if maybe he was someone the Mummy had been inviting?" Frankenstein said as said Mummy heard the conversation and asked back, "And what makes you think I would be wanting to invite someone as gross looking as that mess of mass?" as he clearly seemed to be pretty offended with what his friends was thinking about him.

"I just thought that he might be a distant cousin to Anubis or some one he had recently been trying to mummify?..." Frankenstein quickly tried to excuse himself with, but the Mummy wasn't buying it.

"Going by the old "Anubis is a Dog" excuse now again?" The Mummy said as he ranted on. "You know very well that he is only HALF dog, and for the second if he tried to mummify that beast then there wouldn't be enough bandages to cover him up with! (Or jars big enough to hold his inner organs with for that matter.)"

With Scooby having finally found the buffet table his endless hunger was making him completely forget were he was, as all the monster could see how there would soon not be anything to eat left.

Having this unnaturally fat dog just walk in and start eating everything they had wasn't settling well with the Creature from the Black Lagoon, who walked over to the leading monsters and said, "I think something is up with this new guy! He seems to weird and odd!"

"And that's coming from you, who I saw how you earlier was dipping your head into the toilet earlier." Dracula said back, which caused the Creature to become the laughing stock at the party.

Blushing heavily from the embarrassment the Creature then told the other ones "Just so you know, I NEED to do that to keep myself from passing out from being away from water for to long!" to explain himself, with Frankenstein just rolling his eyes and saying, "Sure."

Feeling like he had been insulted enough the creature decided to head to the restrooms to get some peace, and after that little fight it seemed that most of the monsters had completely forgot about Scooby being there.


As Scooby was to snowed in with trying to stuff himself silly Dracul felt like he was just stuck in the role of babysitting the huge sack of brown furred fat, since he couldn't eat anything himself. (And with him being permanently attached to the belly of the dog he couldn't either float around and mingle with the others.)

Not that he wanted to anyway, as he really didn't want anyone to recognize who he was...

"Well I be, if it isn't the one and only Dracul!" An all to familiar voice said as Dracul wished he could just turn himself invisible (Which he could, but it would be way to late now.), as a group of familiar floating and transparent ghostly beings came to make him company.

They consisted on a group of four, and unlike the "dog belly" one that looked like a bat-man hybrid these four looked a bit more like humans that had all been living their lives as some really high profile leaders and kings and queens during history.

"If it isn't the guy who's ghost curse left him looking like some kind of reject B-Movie puppet." One of them said and laughed, as another one asked him "And who decided to have himself bound to his home once he died instead of, oh I don't know? Being able to fly around freely!", and a third one wondering, "Say, what happen to that home of yours?"

Dracul didn't want to answer but the fourth fancy ghost did it for him by saying, "Isn't it obvious? He made another deal for to have this brown cow here being his new haunting place!" making them all have a good laugh over it.

"Are you sure he cursed for this, or that the thing just ate his whole house?!" The third ghost asked, which finally was enough for Dracul who said, "HEY! I couldn't know that Scooby Doo and the Mystery Gang would show up! So what if I wasn't ready for him being more concerned about food then me trying to scare him? (A bit like he is doing now.) And who hasn't thought appearing out of the belly would be a smart idea, only to end up getting trapped inside and digested and dying a second time? That can happen to anyone! My point is that no matter if I am haunting a mansion, or the belly of a dog, I will still be someone that wont let my home be getting made fun of! So what do you think about that?!"

After having said that there was a bit of a silence from the other ghosts, before the first one asked "Did you say that the dog you are a part of is, Scooby Doo?"

"The same Scooby Doo that has been ruining for ghost and monsters for years now?!" Another one asked, as all the talks about Scooby Doo had all the other monsters attention now, and Dracul realised that both him and the dog might be in some serious troubles now!


Having realised now that the dog responsible for making many of their lives a lot more filled with troubles the monsters was all gathering around the fat lump still eating unknowingly, and his much more scared and alerted ghost buddy. (Thinking that since Scooby now was serving as Dracul's new "Host" this must mean that they were both working together.)

Seeing how the party would be trying to end them soon Dracul tried to desperately talk some sense into Scooby to stop eating and run, but all this did was annoying the still eating slob of a hero as the super fat Scooby started to try and suck his giant gut in.

With his belly being about the size of an extra large Zorb Ball there was no real way for him to actually make it look any smaller, but instead Scooby's attempts at making his inside muscles work resulted in Dracul suddenly feeling how the "Soul Tail" connection into Scooby's deep navel was starting to get pulled back in!

The ghost tried his hardest to make Scooby look around and realise that he was at a real monster party and in grave danger, until finally all of Dracul was back into being sucked into the insides of Scooby and trapped there until later.

With no one to warn Scooby about the dangers awaiting him the fellow four ghosts saw this as the perfect moment to take care of their long time enemy!

Looking over at the rest of the monster gallery Ghost number 1 pointed out to Frankenstein and shouted, "Use those powerful arms of yours and take care of them both!" who first seemed ready but then strangely was hesitating.

"What is it?" The Ghost asked confused to which Frankenstein answered, "I would want to, but I fear trying to lift that bulk of a mutt my stitches might snap!"

Seeing how that didn't work out as planned the second Ghost tried asking of Dracula could take care of the fat eating Scooby, to which the Vampire looked a bit scared and said, "Are you crazy?! If I try to suck that thing's fat blood I might end up with diabetes!"

Staring to get a bit silly now the third Ghost in the group asked out of anyone else could give killing the dog a try, before then deciding to point straight at the Mummy for the job.

Surprisingly the Mummy proved to the most un-violent of them all as when trying to give an excuse he seriously said, "I...brought my finest bandages to this, and I wouldn't want to get the messy." since seeing all that sweat and grease stains in the dog's fat folders was almost making him faint over the grossness factor.

At this point the 4 Ghosts couldn't believe how hard it was to make a monster attack a super obese dog with his back turned from the all! The ghost would have gladly done the job themselves. (But getting to know what happen to Dracul they feared that they would all end up trapped as well and maybe even digested!)

Still, the fourth Ghost was getting really sick and tired of all the excuses as he floated up personally to the Wolf Man and asked, "What about you, Wolf Man? Would it be to close to home for you to slaughter him?!"

The furry half wolf creature didn't look very taken back by the screaming Ghost being so up close to his face as he calmly was saying back, "Now when you mention it, I don't think I could see myself hunting someone being a part of the same animal family as me..." before a loud noise could be heard!

Looking back they could all see that Scooby had accidentally spilled over a whole plate full of grave(y) onto his fur when trying to reach for a fully stuffed turkey on the buffet table, and was now smelling a lot more like the meal he was eating.

Upon seeing the obese dog now covered like the sulky pig that he was the smell from the gravy and sweat from the dog mixing together really hit hard for The Wolf Man, who started to actually drool a bit from his mouth.

The Wolf Man started to lick his lips a finally he had made up his mind by saying, "But you know what? By this point he is more pig then dog, so why not?"


Sitting on his big wide lard rump Scooby was trying his best to lick himself clean from the mess he had created, being completely unaware of the looming terror from behind him being ready to sink it's razor sharp teeth into his flesh and fat!

It wasn't until Scooby heard the growling sound of The Wolf Man from really close by that the obese dog turned his 10 chin thick head around enough to see the big tall monster looking down at him!

Seeing this think with it's glowing red eyes and claws and fangs it became all to clear to Scooby now that this was in fact the real Werewolf from legends, and that this was in fact a real monster party!

"W-W-W-WEREWOLF!!!" Scooby screamed out in terror, as his sudden fear had finally made his stomach muscles trying to keep Dracul locked inside, and the ghost could come back out again to say "Not to rub it into your fat face, but I tried to warn you...!!!" before suddenly being dragged away as the big dog was taking off!

Normally someone as big as Scooby shouldn't be able to even walk for five minutes without needing to take a break, but when being chased by a real life monster wanting to eat you there was no limit to how quickly those thick legs of Scooby could drag that giant gut across the floor of the place!

Trying to win some time Scooby tried to both get under and jump over some things in the room, but given his extra large status all he did was making said things either get broken or tossed all over the room! (Causing just a big mess wherever he went.)

Watching this chaos happen Frankenstein asked Dracula if really the super obese Scooby Doo would be something that even The Wolf Man would be even to fully eat up, to which the vampire lord said, "Are you kidding me? If we had actually invited King Kong and Godzilla to this, there would still be leftovers of that dog for the rest of us later!"

Feeling more and more panicked of trying to find a way out of this nightmare Scooby started to scream out in panic as he kept on running, and suddenly he could feel how he had something caught in his throat!

Looking down he couldn't see anything so he just assumed it was a bug or something, and tried his hardest to swallow it down as he kept on running from the hungry beast chasing him.

After a few though swallows Scooby had that annoying bug taken care of, and suddenly he could feel how his already heavy belly got about 200 pounds more heavier as there was also what felt like struggling hands pressing against him and muffles screams that could be heard!

"Oh dear. It looks like that mutt ended up swallowing The Invisible Man!" The Mummy said, as indeed it seemed like the most unseen of the classic monster was soon to become completely none-existing!

Noticing the still living meal fighting inside of Scooby's belly Dracul just rolled his eyes and shouted to the man inside the belly, "Just give up already! I tried doing that before, and it is impossible." before seeing the struggle stop and hearing how Scooby's belly was already starting to digest it's very large meal.

Thinking to himself just how common this had been recently the bat looking ghost said to himself, "Guess that makes us 3 victims now to his belly now. (Given that "Fast-Food" creature thing from a few months ago.) If he ends up eating two more guys then I might have enough to start a poker group in here."

Seeing the door he came from in sight Scooby gave his all as he didn't even both to check if the doors was open, and instead just slammed his whole body against the thing, slamming it off the wall and onto the floor before taking off again!

As he rushed down into the room next door The Wolf Man was about to take after him when suddenly both he (As well as the rest of the monsters) was being confronted by the Hotel's staff, who had all been heading over here when they heard all the noise and when now seeing the mess that the monsters had been causing in their banquette room they would make sure all of them had to pay for it all!

Heading into the second room Scooby was very relived to see that 1. there was only humans in the room, and 2. his mystery gang friends were all standing there!

Luckily for him all that eating in the monster room meant that he could now just hang out with his friends, without having to cause a scene trying to eat out of their buffet also!

...or maybe just one of those tiny little hotdogs on a toothpick.

...and just a sip from that fruit bowl punch. (Or two.)



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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