
[pic] 3064 High Ridge Dr., Grapevine, TX 76051

“Giving Basset Hounds a Second Chance” 817-366-5649



Instructions: In your opinion, what would be the perfect, ideal home environment for your current foster dog? Please answer the questions below with a Yes/No answer and with a comment of explanation. Please return to us ASAP. Thank you!

Name of Foster Parent: J. & Laura Wise Today’s date: _7/31/11___________

Email of Foster Parent: __wisehounds@

Name of Foster Dog:_Luther__ Date of placement in your home:_07/15/11

1. Does your foster exhibit separation anxiety? Yes No If yes, how severe is the anxiety (i.e. what behavior does your dog exhibit when separated)? Comments, please:

2. What is the dog’s requirement for exercise? Comments, please: Daily walks and a suitable yard for running / playing

3. Does your dog have food aggression? (i.e. do they need to be fed in a separate area or room from the other dogs?) Yes No Please explain: No aggression towards people but does need to be separated from other dogs. He tends to want what the other dogs have so separating is necessary more from a prevention standpoint.

4. Does he/she exhibit resource guarding? (i.e. when they have a toy or chewie, do they growl when you try to take it from them?) Comments: No

5. Is your foster crate trained? Yes No Please describe: Stays well in crate during the day and overnight.

6. Can he/she be left free to roam in the home when the owners leave? Yes No Please explain: Appears to be housebroken but would recommend crating if other dogs in household since some aggression has been seen towards other dogs. Luther is also still a little hyper and “puppy-like” so unsure if household items would be in jeopardy if he were free to roam.

7. Is your foster good with other dogs? Yes No Please explain: Good with other dogs to a point. He has shown aggression when other dogs receive attention – appears to be a jealousy thing and he attempts to be a dominate dog even though he doesn’t have the dominate personality. He has issues and likes to challenge our alpha male dog. He may be better as an only dog or to be paired with a female.

8. Is he/she good with children? Yes No Don’t Know Please explain: During walks, he lets children pet him and loves the affection.

9. Is your foster good with cats? Yes No Don’t Know. Please explain: Have not exposed to 6 wk old kittens since they are too small.

10. What kind of environment do they need? Please explain.

a) Would your foster be okay as an only dog? Yes No

b) Quiet or Noisy environment? Quiet would be best – anytime there is noise or distraction, he likes to be involved in the middle of it and will not relax. He does well in a quiet and mellow environment.

c) Do you feel your foster would be fine in an apartment? Yes No

Does your foster need a backyard? Yes No

d) Please describe other needs: Basically just needs an owner who is willing to be patient with him

11. Please describe the dog’s personality:


_x__ High/Demanding (must be center of attention)

___ High (loves meeting new people)

____Medium (friendly, but enjoys alone time)

___ Low (independent, not into the mushy stuff)


_x__ High (confident & brave with little making him/her nervous)

___ Medium (some things make him/her nervous)

___ Low (timid and shy with new things making him/her nervous)


_x__ High (gets revved up easily and can have a hard time calming down)

___Medium (some things get him/her excited, but calms down easily)

___ Low (Calm and steady)


___ High (will play and exercise until he/she drops)

__x_ Medium (plays and exercises, but enjoys leisure time)

___ Low (not into playing; he/she is more of a spectator)


12. What bad habits does the dog have? (i.e. counter surfing, jumps on furniture, unruly, chews, etc.) Some jumping, counter-surfing and nervous energy at times. He has jumped on furniture a couple of times but he responds well to disciplining. Have not seen any chewing.

13. Does the dog need a structured environment? (meaning the adopters need to know how to obedience train.) Yes No Please explain: Luther is a very good and affectionate dog. It looks like he may have received some training in the past, but new owners will need to be firm and patient until the hyperness wears off. He will also need to be watched if placed in a home with other dogs. He is friendly with other dogs, but just likes to be the center of attention. He also challenges our alpha male dog so he might do better as an only dog or maybe with a female dog.

14. Does the dog know how to use a doggie door? Yes No Don’t Know Yes, but he usually comes right back in unless you join him outside. He does not like being left alone outside.

15. Is the dog housebroken? Yes No Please comment on housetraining issues He has only had one accident in the house but again, I think this was because he prefers to be escorted outside. He does not seem to like being in the yard by himself so this may need some work.

16. What are some of the foster dog’s positive traits, tricks, antics? Overall very affectionate and loves people and attention. He has only shown slight interest in squeaky toys and balls, but is full of playful energy. He will make someone a great companion!

17. Please describe your ideas of your foster dog’s perfect home:

18. How does your foster dog react when you offer a treat?

___x__ Gently takes treat from you

_____ Leary

_____ Rough

_____ Aggressive

_____ Won’t touch it

19. When you pet the dog how does s/he react:

__x___ Eager for attention

_____ Cowers from your touch

_____ Tries to nip

_____ Urinates

20. When you stare at the dog what is his/her reaction?

_____ Looks away immediately

__x___ Hold stare for short period then looks away

_____ Won’t look away

_____ Growls

_____ Licks lips a lot submissively

21. When you step into the dog’s “space” how does s/he react?

__x__ Moved aside easily

_____ Moved with some resistance

_____ Moved with great reluctance

_____ Lets you bump right into it

_____ Backs straight up

22. When you touch feet, ears, tail, and open the dog’s mouth to look at teeth how does your foster behave?

__x___ Allows handling

_____ Pulls away after short time

_____ Pulls away immediately

_____ Tries to nip your hand while pulling away

_____ Growls

_____ Shows teeth

23. What is your foster dog’s interest level in toys (ball, squeaky toy, etc.)?

_____ Very interested

___x__ Some interest

_____ No interest

_____ Stress

24. How well does your foster walk on a leash?

_____ Nicely

__x___ Tugs sometimes

_____ Pulls a lot

25. Does your foster have any medical conditions that need to be monitored? Yes No

Condition: Occasional itching / scratching but no sores or redness.

Treatment plan: Benadryl prn

Expected date he/she will be ready for adoptions: 8/1/11


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