
???? Local Anti-Litter and Anti-Graffiti Awareness Grant 2021Waterford City and County Council invites submissions from community groups, youth groups, schools or other community development organisations, based in County Waterford, who are interested in receiving funding for public education and awareness initiatives regarding litter or graffiti. The main focus for projects this year should be on dog fouling and roadside litter. Applications for projects under these themes will be prioritised for funding. Examples of projects are as follows:Dog fouling – Waterford City & County Council are rolling out a campaign March 2021-March 2022 around dog fouling. The focus is Bag it and Bin it, putting responsibility firmly back on the dog owner to clean up after their dog. Stencils can be provided to groups who wish to buy paint to stencils messages onto black spot areas/effected streets in their community, etc. Similarly, if an awareness campaign wished to tie in with the Council’s campaign by erecting posters locally, holding a number of local awareness events (virtually or in person) or by acting as a Green Dog Walker ambassador within their community, such a project could be funded. School assembly talks/class workshops could be held either virtually or in school (depending on school/COVID restrictions in place at the time) to highlight the issue.Roadside litter: ?A local poster competition could be run with schools. These could be displayed at local takeaways, deli counters, cafes and shops to remind customers to bring their litter home with them and not throw it from the car. A digital competition could be run with a local secondary school to use on your group’s social media account.Or maybe you are planning an anti-graffiti awareness initiative, such as painting a mural or planting a hedge to deter more graffiti? If so, you may be eligible for a grant towards the cost of the project. Conditions and criteria used in selecting anti-litter and anti-graffiti awareness community initiatives:All projects should seek to promote greater public awareness and education in relation to litter and/or graffiti and should have a particular focus on involving schools, youth groups, individual members of the local community, voluntary groups or community groups.Expenditure under this grant must be directly and fully related to anti-litter / anti-litter activities and cannot be used for refreshments, prizes, entertainment, or other expenditure? unrelated to anti-litter and anti-graffiti awareness. Please give a complete list of expenditure with your application; any expenditure not specifically funded under this grant cannot be compensated for in grant monies. Grants should be used, where possible, to leverage local business co-funding of anti-litter or anti-graffiti education/awareness measures.If successful a payment of 50 % of the approved grant shall be paid to the name of the Organisation specified on the Grant Application form. Please ensure that this name is the same as the name on the Organisation’s bank account. The balance grant of the remaining 50% will be paid following the satisfactory completion of the agreed project, receipt of a completion grant form and evidence of monies spent.Projects that receive funding will be obliged to submit a completion report on their project detailing expenditure. Non-payment of the second 50% of the grant is at the discretion of Waterford City & County Council if your completion report is unsatisfactory or does not correspond with the project/expenditure agreed on initially.Projects should be to a high standard and should aim at establishing or replicating best practice in relation to litter or graffiti education/awareness measures. Applicants should try to apply for projects that are not reliant on restrictions re COVID-19 being lifted or removed before completion of the project. For this reason, projects should largely be able to be completed socially distanced, etc. Please note that only applications meeting the above criteria and conditions will be considered for grant funding. The grant is not for structural items, such as street furniture, permanent signs or CCTV cameras etc nor is it available for clean up materials such as bags, gloves or litter pickers which are all freely available from the Environment Section year round. Closing date for applications: close of business on 18th March 2021. ................

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