Who we are

Who we are

? ICL is a thriving congregation, growing in numbers, in heart for the Kingdom of God and in service together. We are united by our desire to love and serve God through Jesus Christ and to worship Him in English. We come from six continents, more than thirty countries, and who knows how many denominational backgrounds. We work hard to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

? Our programme is developed to foster a sense of family across all age groups. We trust God will bless you throughout the coming season with the warmth of His love as well as the warmth of the sun. Pastor Paul Houiellebecq

For enquiries about events in the ICL building, please contact the Stewardship Team:

Dave Speicher

Susan Zimmermann

Marianne Van Kleeff

For enquiries about external events, training and general enquiries, please contact the Church Council:

Einar Wilder- Smith

Veronica Wildhaber

Ruth Ahiabor

via Denise Mattsson, ICL Church Secretary, at admin@icl.ch


Romans 8:28 We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labour] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose.

Amplified Bible Classic Edition

Contact Us

Z?hringerstrasse 7 , 6003 Luzern Phone: +41 77 5000106

Email: pastor@icl.ch/ admin@icl.ch Web: icl.ch

Sunday worship

10:30am, OCTOBER- NOVEMBER Sermon series: THE LIFE OF JOSEPH. Sunday School ( ICL Kids) takes place simultaneously.

October 3rd Part 4 Framed and Forgotten Gen. 40 with Joe Chun October 10th Part 5 Remembered and Redeemed Gen.41

October 17th Part 6 Sovereign Mercy Gen. 42 October 24th Part 7 The Road to Reconciliation Gen.43 with Patrick Kang October 31st Part 8 Forgiven and Welcomed Gen.45 with Einar Wilder-Smith

November 7th Part 9 God is faithful to His Promises Gen.46 November 14th Part 10 Legacy Gen.48

November 21st Part 11 Knowing God Gen.50 November 28th First Sunday in Advent

Sunday worship specials

Sunday 3rd Oct. Communion Service on World Communion Sunday Sunday 24th Oct . HARVEST CELEBRATION SERVICE.

November 7th Membership Sunday Welcome any new Members November 21st American themed and led service

Monthly Saturday Prayer and Worship meetings led by Juhee 17.00 - 18.00 ICL. Last Sat. in each month For details, contact Juhee: mbiz.juhee@

MISSIONS CHARITY CONCERT Saturday 30th Oct. at 4:30pm in ICL with violin and piano with a mix of beautiful, magical music. Please see separate flyer.

Social Events We are unable to serve tea and coffee and have occasional

meals together as hoped after services at the moment and hope to return to this asap. Socials based around NFL football is being offered by Lukasz. Please contact +41797281822

Small Groups: Due to changes with Covid regulations again recently, we

are still working through how best to implement new groups. This will be mentioned asap in this quarter.

Young Adults Sundays after Church- contact Patrick Kang; patrickkang2804@

Ladies Prayer and Bible Study meetings - Tuesdays 13:30-15:30 at ICL STARTING AGAIN OCTOBER 19TH

Men's Pizza nights, Friday evenings monthly ? ON HOLD

Student meetings begin again in October on Wednesdays ? see flyer

Training All teams within the 8 recognised areas of ministry are going to meet

together over the next quarter. Please do your best to attend if your signed up on the large banner. Emerging & existing Leadership Training with John Maxwell material. Over 3 weekends STARTING 2022. Contact Pastor Paul for details

Mission. Please invite friends to the Life on Stage mission

We hope to join with the Salvation Army event: Fr 26.11. 17h-19h Bruchweihnacht 20h Konzert ?JAZZ CAROLS? Sa 27.11. 10h-18h Bruchweihnacht 10h-17h R?beliechtli schnitzen, Vernissage 17h Laternenumzug (Bruchstrasse 59) ? 1 min. from ICL

Advance notices Possible Early Spring Family weekend ? if interested,

please contact Danny Sonderegger. dannycornerdanny@ Location: Jugendhaus Seewis (JHS), 7212 Seewis im Pr?ttigau ( jhs.ch) Whitsun retreat in Davos May 2022. See Bob White for details


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