Day 1

Wasatch Cross Country & Track Nutritional Guidelines

I’ve given you two examples listed below to help you determine you daily caloric needs for Optimal Athletic Performance.

To determine your Caloric Baseline: Example for a moderately active 110 lb. female athlete

A. Your current weight in pounds x 10 = your caloric baseline (resting metabolic rate: RMR)

a. (i.e. 110 lbs x 10 = 1100 RMR calories required)

B. Baseline + Daily Activity Level-not including exercise (Sedentary 30%, Moderate Active 50%, Very Active 70%)

a. (i.e. 1100 RMR + moderate activity @ 50% (550) = 1650)

C. Your caloric baseline (A) + Activity Level (B) + daily mileage (100 calories per mile) = your caloric needs

a. (i.e. 1650 + 4 miles per day (400 calories) = 2050 calories required for optimal athletic performance

To determine your Caloric Baseline: Example for a very active 150 lb. male athlete

D. Your current weight in pounds x 10 = your caloric baseline (resting metabolic rate: RMR)

a. (i.e. 150 lbs x 10 = 1500 RMR calories required)

E. Baseline + Daily Activity Level-not including exercise (Sedentary 30%, Moderate Active 50%, Very Active 70%)

a. (i.e. 1500 RMR + very high activity @ 70% (1050) = 2550)

F. Your caloric baseline (A) + Activity Level (B) + daily mileage (100 calories per mile) = your caloric needs

a. (i.e. 2550 + 8 miles per day (800 calories) = 3350 calories required for optimal athletic performance

Carbohydrates required daily: Recommended intake is 55-60% of caloric intake. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body. Runners who train at a light to moderate intensity need 2.3-3.2g of carbohydrates per pound of body weight and runners training at higher intensities need 3.2-4.5g per pound (using the above examples: 110 lb. female needs between 352-495g of carbohydrates daily; and the 150 lb. male needs between 480-675g of carbohydrates daily.)

Foods High in Carbohydrates:


Bagel – 1 plain 60g

Pita – 1 large 30-45g

Muffin – 1 whole 30g

Pancake – 6” 30g

Hamburger bun- 1 25-30g

Croissant – 1 med. 25g

White bread – 1 slice 19g

Grains & Cereals:

Granola – ½ cup 45g

Rice – 1 cup 45g

Wild Rice – 1 cup 35g

Pasta cooked – 1 cup 37g

Quinoa – 1 cup 35g

Flour Tortilla 20-30g

Oatmeal – ½ cup raw 27g

CornTortilla 20g

Refried beans – ½ cup19g


Sweet Potatoes – 10oz 60g

Baked Potatoes – 10oz 60g

Corn on cob – 6” 30g


Fruit Yogurt – 1 serv. 28g

plain yogurt – 1 serv 19g

2% milk – 1 serv 12g

Fruit & Dry Fruits:

Raisins – ½ cup 45g

Dried Apricots – ¼ cup 28g

Bananas – 1 medium 30g

Apples - 4-8oz 20-30g

Pears – 6oz 20g

Pineapples – 1 cup diced 20g

Beans & Lentils:

Lima – ½ cup 30g

Garbanzo – ½ cup 30g

Kidney – ½ cup 25g

Lentils – ½ cup 20g

Protein required daily: Recommended intake is 15-20% of total caloric intake. Take your weight and divide it by 2.2 to obtain your weight in kilograms (using the above examples: 110 lb. female weighs 50kg, and a 150 lb. male weighs 68 kg.) Physically active people need between 1.4-2.0g of protein per kg of body weight per day. (So, the 110 lb. female needs between 70-100g of protein; and the 150 lb. male needs between 95.2-136g of protein per day.) Proteins contain the building blocks for growth and repair of tissue (particularly muscle), as well as many other important functions in the body. Excess protein however, can deprive the athlete of more efficient fuel and can lead to dehydration.

Iron required daily: You need adequate iron in your blood to get oxygen to your working muscles. If you don’t get enough you’ll suffer from extreme fatigue, lagging race performances, and an intolerance to cold. The recommended daily allowance is 15mg for women and 11mg for men. Meat is the best source containing because it contains heme iron, which is the most readily absorbable form of iron. However, if you are a vegetarian, non-heme sources should be eaten with foods rich in vitamin-C which help improve iron absorption.

Food rich in Iron ():

Heme rich foods:

3.5mg: 3oz beef/ chicken liver; 3oz clams, mollusk, mussels; 3oz oysters

2.1mg: 3oz cooked beef; 3oz sardines in oil; 3oz cooked turkey

.7mg: 3oz chicken; 3oz halibut, haddock, perch, salmon, tuna; 3oz ham, 3oz veal

Non-heme rich foods:

3.5mg: 1 cup cooked beans; ½ cup tofu; 1oz pumpkin, squash, sesame seeds

2.1mg: ½ cup lima, red kidney, chickpeas, split peas; 1 cup dried apricots; 1 medium potatoe, 1 medium stalk broccoli; 1 cup enriched egg noodles; ¼ cup wheat germ

.7mg: 1oz peanuts, pecans, walnuts, pistachios, roasted almonds/cashews, sunflower seeds; ½ cup raisins, dried peaches, prunes; 1 cup spinach, 1 medium green pepper; 1 cup pasta; 1 slice bread, pumpernickel bagel, bran muffin; 1 cup rice

Based on a 2500 calorie diet you should be eating the following to make sure that you are eating the right number of carbs each day: 10 servings of grains (one slice of bread or ½ cup of cereal or pasta = 1 serving); 7 servings of fruit (1 medium-size piece or ½ cup of juice = 1 serving); 4 servings of vegetables (1 cup raw or ½ cup cooked = 1 serving); 2-3 servings of protein (3 oz lean meat/soy product = 1 serving),and 2-3 servings of dairy (1 cup = 1 serving).

The following 7-day menu plan is a based 1800 calories and came from . Add additional servings to = your caloric needs.

Day 1


Strawberry Parfait: 1 cup fat-free low-sugar strawberry yogurt, 1/3 cup low-fat granola, and 1 1/4 cup chopped strawberries (fresh or frozen and thawed) layered in a tall glass 

[Substitute strawberries with blueberries, raspberries, or blackberries.]

1 cup calcium- and vitamin D-fortified orange juice


1 cup 1% milk, warmed and flavored with a dash of vanilla or almond extract (or add to coffee for a low-fat latte) 


Bagel Melt: Halve a 4-ounce 100% whole wheat bagel. Top one side with 3 slices tomato, 1 slice red onion, and 2 ounces reduced-fat cheese. Broil until cheese bubbles. Top with remaining bagel half. 

Cole Slaw: 1 cup shredded cabbage mixed with 1 tablespoon low-fat salad dressing 


20 baby carrots and 1/2 medium apple, sliced, with 2 tablespoons chunky peanut butter 


Broiled Halibut with Corn Salsa: Brush a 5-ounce halibut steak with juice 1/2 lemon and season with freshly ground black pepper and salt to taste. Place halibut on broiler pan 4" from heat and broil 10 minutes per inch of thickness or until fish flakes easily. Top with 1/2 cup corn salsa.

2/3 cup cooked instant brown rice mixed with 1/3 cup cooked green peas

15 asparagus spears sauté? in 2 teaspoons olive oil with 1 clove garlic, minced. 

[Substitute asparagus with 3 cups zucchini or 2 1/4 cups eggplant cubes.]


1 cup canned mandarin oranges, drained and topped with 1 teaspoon crystallized ginger

DAY 1 NUTRITIONAL INFO: 1,787 cal, 94 g pro, 237 g carb, 51.5 g fat, 14 g sat fat, 93 mg chol, 37 g fiber, 1,393 mg sodium

Day 2


1 cup shredded-wheat cereal with 2/3 cup 1% milk topped with 2 tablespoons slivered almonds and 2 tablespoons sweetened dried cranberries or raisins

1/2 cup cubed honeydew melon 


1/2 cup grapes

3/4 cup 1% milk with a shot of espresso 


Shrimp Wrap: Fill a 10 1/2" flour tortilla with 3 ounces cooked shrimp, 2 slices avocado, 1/4 cup canned black beans (rinsed and drained), 1/4 cup chopped lettuce, and 2 tablespoons salsa. [ Substitute shrimp with 2 ounces grilled chicken or 1 1/2 ounces reduced-fat cheese.] 


1/2 cup cubed cantaloupe

16 ounces Crystal Light or other low-calorie fruit-flavored drink 


Rainbow Rigatoni: Combine 1 1/2 cups cooked rigatoni with 1/2 cup cooked broccoli florets, 1/2 cup cooked cauliflower florets, 1/4 cup chopped sun-dried tomatoes, 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil, and 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice. Top with 1 tablespoon reduced-fat grated Parmesan cheese.

10 leaves Romaine lettuce drizzled with 2 tablespoons fat-free creamy Caesar dressing


2 whole wheat fig bar cookies 

1 medium red pear

1 cup 1% milk

DAY 2 NUTRITIONAL INFO: 1,803 cal, 72 g pro, 270 g carb, 48 g fat, 10 g sat fat, 77 mg chol, 33 g fiber, 1,689 mg sodium

Day 3


Vegetable Frittata: Preheat oven to 350°F. Coat 4-5" glass or ceramic pie pan with cooking spray. Blend 1/2 cup liquid egg substitute, 2 tablespoons grated carrots, 3/4 cup leftover vegetables (such as broccoli, asparagus, or zucchini), and 2 ounces reduced-fat cheese. Pour mixture into pan and bake until firm, about 20 minutes. 

1 slice 100% whole wheat toast with 2 teaspoons jam


1 cup low-sodium V8 juice or tomato juice


Tuna Sandwich: Mix 3 ounces drained water-packed tuna with 1 tablespoon reduced-fat mayonnaise and 2 tablespoons finely chopped celery. Spread on 2 slices 100% whole wheat bread with lettuce and 2 slices tomato. 

10 baby carrots


1 kiwifruit 

1 cup 1% milk 


Lamb and Couscous: 1 broiled 4-ounce lamb chop or 3-ounce pork chop, trimmed, atop 1 cup cooked couscous (prepared per package directions)

1 cup spinach sauté ed in 1 teaspoon olive oil with 1 clove garlic, minced

Tomato and Cucumber Salad: Chop 1 tomato, mix with 6 slices cucumber, and top with 2 teaspoons vinaigrette. 


1/4 cup mixed nuts combined with 2 teaspoons semisweet chocolate chips 

DAY 3 NUTRITIONAL INFO: 1,807 cal, 127 g pro, 185 g carb, 62 g fat, 18 g sat fat, 160 mg chol, 34 g fiber, 1,929 mg sodium

Day 4


Oatmeal: Cook 1/2 cup rolled oats in 3/4 cup 1% milk. Add 1 tablespoon brown sugar and a dash of both ground cinnamon and almond extract. Top with 2 tablespoons fat-free half-and-half or 1% milk. 

6 ounces calcium- and vitamin D fortified orange juice


1/2 cup watermelon chunks


All Veggie "Spaghetti": Top 2 cups cooked spaghetti squash with 2/3 cup pasta sauce and 2 tablespoons reduced-fat grated Parmesan cheese. [Substitute squash with 2 1/2 cups steamed brussels sprouts or 2 cups roasted acorn squash cubes.] 

Tossed Salad: 2 cups dark green, leafy lettuce, 5 cherry tomatoes, 3 tablespoons chopped red onion, and 2 tablespoons low-calorie Italian dressing 


Guacamole and Chips: Blend 1/2 cup avocado cubes, 1/4 cup chopped tomato, 1 tablespoon canned chopped green chile peppers, 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro, and salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. Eat dip with 16 baked corn tortilla chips and 1/2 cup jicama strips. 


4-ounce boneless, skinless chicken breast, roasted

Brussels Sprouts and Potatoes: Rub 4 ounces small red potatoes and 1 1/4 cups fresh brussels sprouts with 2 teaspoons olive oil and 1 clove garlic, minced. Bake at 350°F 25 minutes. 

[ Substitute brussels sprouts with 2 sliced red or yellow bell peppers]

Glazed Carrots: Combine 1 cup steamed sliced carrots with 1 tablespoon orange juice and 1 teaspoon honey. 


Mini Trail Mix: 2 tablespoons chopped dried apricots and 2 teaspoons slivered almonds

DAY 4 NUTRITIONAL INFO: 1,790 cal, 76 g pro, 269 g carb, 45.5 g fat, 8 g sat fat, 115 mg chol, 50 g fiber, 2,171 mg sodium  

Day 5


1 slice 100% whole wheat toast topped with 1 tablespoon peanut butter, 1/4 cup fat-free cottage cheese, and 1/2 cup pineapple chunks


1 medium apple 


Deli Sandwich: 2 ounces lean roast beef, turkey breast, or ham on 2 slices 100% whole wheat with 1 teaspoon mustard and 2 leaves lettuce 

1 cup sliced cucumbers marinated in vinegar and spices


1/2 cup carrot-raisin salad

1 cup 1% milk


1 slice cheese pizza topped with 1/3 cup red bell pepper slices, 1/3 cup sliced mushrooms, and 1 medium tomato, sliced 

Baby Greens with Pears: Slice 1/2 large red pear. Combine with 3 cups baby greens (or any leaf lettuce), 2 tablespoons sweetened dried cranberries, and 3 tablespoons low-calorie sesame-ginger dressing.


1 cup sorbet with 1/2 cup fresh or frozen and thawed blueberries and 5 vanilla wafers

DAY 5 NUTRITIONAL INFO: 1,794 cal, 67 g pro, 278 g carb, 46 g fat, 12 g sat fat, 95 mg chol, 30 g fiber, 2,298 mg sodium

Day 6


1 large egg, scrambled and 1 medium tomato, sliced, with a 100% whole wheat English muffin, toasted, topped with 1 teaspoon jam

6 ounces grapefruit juice


6 ounces fat-free plain yogurt flavored with 1 teaspoon jam


Grilled Cheese and Roasted Red Pepper Sandwich: Layer 1 1/2 ounces Cheddar cheese, 1/3 cup drained roasted red peppers, and 1 teaspoon mustard on 2 slices 100% whole wheat bread. Grill in nonstick skillet over medium heat. 

1 1/2 cups reduced-sodium vegetable soup with 1/4 cup added vegetables (leftovers or frozen vegetables, such as chopped broccoli or spinach) 


1 cup baby carrots

1 cup 1% milk


4 ounces roasted and trimmed pork tenderloin [Substitute 4 ounces roasted boneless, skinless chicken breast, 4 1/2 ounces baked halibut, 3 ounces filet mignon, or 5 ounces scallops saute in 1 teaspoon butter.]

1/2 cup Smashed Red Potatoes: Boil 4 ounces small red potatoes until tender. Drain and mash with 3 tablespoons 1% milk and 2 teaspoons butter. 

1 cup steamed broccoli florets

1 cup 1% milk


1 small (2 ounce) low-fat bran muffin topped with 2 tablespoons apple butter 

[Substitute apple butter with 1 tablespoon jam or 2 tablespoons fat-free cream cheese.]

1 large orange 

DAY 6 NUTRITIONAL INFO: 1,794 cal, 99 g pro, 233 g carb, 52 g fat, 23 g sat fat, 402 mg chol, 30 g fiber, 2,017 mg sodium

Day 7


Lemon-Blueberry Pancake: Prepare low-fat pancake mix per package directions, adding 1/4 cup blueberries and 1/2 teaspoon lemon extract to batter. For a berry topping, heat 1 cup frozen blueberries in saucepan over medium heat until they begin to thaw. Combine 1 tablespoon cornstarch and 2 tablespoons water. Add to pan and bring to a gentle boil. When berries have thickened, remove from heat and top hot pancakes.


1 banana, sliced and sprinkled with ground nutmeg

1/2 cup 1% milk flavored with a dash of almond extract


Chili-Topped Sweet Potato: Microwave a 5-ounce sweet potato and top with 1/2 cup low-fat vegetarian chili 


1 cup snow peas or 2 1/2 cups broccoli florets dipped in 2 tablespoons low-fat ranch dressing 


Chicken Fajita: Sauté 4 ounces skinless chicken breast strips, 1 red bell pepper, cut into strips, and 1 medium onion, sliced, in 1 teaspoon olive oil, until chicken is cooked and vegetables soften. Mix in 2 tablespoons fajita sauce and cook until heated through. Pour mixture into a warmed 10.5" diameter flour tortilla, top with 2 tablespoons fat-free sour cream, and roll up.

2/3 cup cooked instant brown rice


1 ounce almonds combined with 2 teaspoons semisweet chocolate chips

4 dried apricot halves

DAY 7 NUTRITIONAL INFO: 1,797 cal, 85 g pro, 261 g carb, 44 g fat, 8 g sat fat, 127 mg chol, 32 g fiber, 1,809 mg sodium

Breakfast Ideas:

• Whole grain wheat toast (w/ almond butter)

• Scrambled eggs (w/ cheese, mushrooms, tomatoes & spinach)

• Oatmeal

• Bacon

• Turkey sausage

• Gluten-free pancakes

• Whole Grain waffles

• Gluten-free cereal

• Almond milk

• Apple slices (w/ almond butter)

• Bananas

• Strawberries (all berries)

• Cantaloupe

• Watermelon

• Blueberries (great frozen)

• Pineapple

• Grapes

• Granola Energy Bites

• Organic Granola Bars

• Applesauce (squeezable)

• Greek yogurt or go-gurt (with fruit)

• Paleo Banana Bread

• Paleo or multigrain muffins

• Craisins

• Raisins

• Dried Apricots

• Dried Apples

• Dried Plums

• Dried Mangos

• Dried Banana Chips

• Cheese Stick

• Cottage Cheese

• Sunflower Seeds

• Hard boiled eggs

Lunch Ideas:

• Chicken breast or Turkey breast (thin sliced from deli)

• Turkey or Hamburger Patty (w/ or without bun)

• Meat Sandwich (chicken, turkey, bacon, tuna w/ spinach, mustard, light mayo, cheese)

• Veggie Burger (w/whole grain bun, tomato, lettuce, pickle)

• Peanut or Almond Butter Sandwich (w/honey or bananas or all natural jam)

• Apple slices (w/almond butter)

• Bananas

• Strawberries (all berries)

• Cantaloupe

• Watermelon

• Blueberries (great frozen)

• Pineapple

• Grapes

• Carrots (sticks, crinkled, raw or steamed)

• Dole fruit cups (100% fruit)

• Sweet Potato Fries

• Whole Grain Quesadilla (w/chicken & cheese, spinach & mushrooms)

• Broccoli (raw or steamed w/ cheese)

• Grilled chicken patty (light seasoned w/Italian seasoning)

• Greek Food (whole grain pita bread, hummus, olives)

• Avocados

• Cottage cheese (w/avocados or fruit)

• Mandarin Oranges

• Applesauce (squeezable)

• Greek Yogurt or go-gurt (w/fruit)

• Craisins

• Raisins

• Dried Apricots

• Dried Apples

• Dried Plums

• Dried Mangos

• Dried Banana Chips

• Cheesestick

Dinner Ideas:

• Turkey or Hamburger patty (w/or without bun)

• Veggie Burger (w/whole grain bun, tomato, lettuce, pickle)

• Berry Salad (berries mixed with greek or plain yogurt)

• Cantaloupe

• Watermelon

• Carrots (sticks, crinkled, raw or steamed)

• Sweet or regular potatoes (mashed, steamed, fried or baked)

• Sweet Potato Fries

• Broccoli & Cauliflower (steamed or raw)

• Roasted Veggies (w/feta cheese on top)

• Spinach Salad (w/craisins, sunflower, seeds, cheese and dressing of choice)

• Meatloaf

• Fresh water fish (salmon, tilapia, etc…)

• Whole grain Spaghetti (w/ground turkey, veggies like mushrooms, tomatoes and tomato sauce)

• Soups (taco, vegetable or minestrone etc…)

• Pizza (gluten-free or whole grain)

• Quinoa

• Zucchini Noodles (w/veggies and tomato sauce)

• Beef Roast (w/salad and steamed veggies)

• Stir-Fry (chicken, broccoli, carrots, water chestnuts, yellow bell pepper, low sodium soy sauce, garlic powder, water)

• Long-stemmed, whole grain rice

• While grain Quesadilla (w/chicken and cheese & veggies)

• Grilled Chicken Patty (light seasoned w/Italian seasoning)

• Greek food (whole grain pita bread, hummus, olives.)

• Avocados (stuffed w/chicken & veggies)

• Rotisserie chicken

• Mashed Cauliflower (in substitute for mashed potatoes)

Snack Ideas:

• Apple Slices (w/almond butter)

• Mandarin Oranges

• Bananas

• Strawberries (all berries)

• Cantaloupe

• Watermelon

• Blueberries (great frozen)

• Pineapple

• Grapes

• Applesauce (squeezable)

• Greek or Plain Yogurt (w/fruit)

• Carrots (w/hummus)

• Sliced Peppers (w/hummus)

• Celery (w/almond butter & raisins)

• Broccoli

• Cauliflower

• String green beans (fresh)

• Cucumbers

• Pickles

• Pita Bread (w/hummus)

• Almonds (all nuts)

• Pistachios

• Craisins

• Raisins

• Dried Fruit (apricot, apple, plum, mango, banana)

• Fruit snacks (all natural)

• Fruit leather

• Beef Jerky

• Dark Chocolate (over 65% cocoa)

• Cheese Stick

• Cottage Cheese

• Sunflower Seeds

• Hard boiled egg

• Granola Energy Bites

• All Natural Granola Bars

• Veggie Sticks (baked Sweet Potato Chips)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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