
1. Andy was standing alone by the locker.The preposition in the sentence above shows A.why Andy was alone.B.where Andy was lonely Andy feels.D.when Andy stood alone.2. Which of these is a preposition in the sentence?We did not see him as Andrei walked past the desk.A.weB.notC.pastD.the3. Which of these best completes the sentence below??_______?midnight, the sky will have come alive with beautiful moonlight.A.OnB.AmongC.BetweenD.By4. Directions:?Select the correct text in the passage.?Which prepositions show?place?or where something happened??Gretta attended Naomi's party?on?Saturday.?The party was held?at?an ice skating rink?near?the high school.?Gretta loved to skate, so she stayed?until?the end of the party.5. What is the prepositional phrase in the sentence below?If my brother is too quiet when he stands behind me, then I won't know he is there, and I may knock him over when I turn around.A.may knockB.too quietC.he standsD.behind me6. Choose the best preposition to complete this sentence.Somewhere ?_______?the sea lies my sweet memory.A.sinceB.beyondC.forD.onto7. What is the prepositional phrase in the sentence below?I have always wanted to run barefoot on the beach and feel the soft sand beneath my feet.A.:on the beach:beneath my feet:B.the soft sandC.and feelD.have always wanted8. Which of these is a prepositional phrase from the sentence below?The cardboard plane my sister made flew over my head.A.made flewB.over my sisterD.the cardboard plane9. Which preposition best completes the sentence below?I do not trust the new kid, but my best friend thinks my doubts are only?_______?my head.A.inB.atC.byD.on10. What is the prepositional phrase in the sentence below?After the football game, the players went home but could not fall asleep because they were still so excited about the victory.A.because they were stillB.but could notC.players went homeD.after the football game11. A preposition combined with its object is called a prepositional phrase. Which of these is a prepositional phrase in the sentence?Haruhito ran out the door to catch the bus that was just leaving.A.Haruhito ranB.that was justC.out the catch the12. Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence.Delilah needed to reach the jar that was?_______?top of the shelf.A.tillB.underC.belowD.on13. ?????We need to take care of our town. The bridge across the river is falling apart. The clock tower needs to be painted."Across" is a preposition because it describes A.the appearance of the river.B.the position of the bridge.C.the needs of the town.D.the color of the clock tower.14. Directions:?Select the correct text in the passage.Which preposition in the passage shows place?Tsunami Warnings? ? ?A tsunami is a very large wave that comes?from?the ocean.?A tsunami may be caused?by?an earthquake, volcanic eruption, or underwater explosion.?Tsunamis are dangerous?because?they can destroy buildings, boats, cars, and almost anything else.?When a tsunami is on the way, people must be warned.?Many communities warn their residents?with?special tsunami weather systems.?Experts at weather centers study reports about ocean activity.?They use the reports to send media warnings?about?incoming tsunamis.15. Use the correct preposition to complete the sentence._______?the boat, the calm water seemed so clear and perfect.A.SinceB.UnderC.ToD.During16. Which of these prepositions best completes the sentence?There is a banner?_______?every roof in this neighborhood.A.throughB.untilC.uponD.except17. Which of these is a preposition in the sentence below?Arnold bought a pony for his daughter who was about to turn 16.A.toB.turnC.forD.who18. What is the prepositional phrase in the sentence below?I accidentally kicked a soccer ball over the fence in my backyard, but my neighbors did not seem to be mad.A.kicked a soccer ballB.:over the fence:in my backyard:C.did not seemD.seem to be mad19. Choose the best preposition to complete the sentence.I cannot believe that Genevieve snored?_______?the class.A.withoutB.aboutC.throughoutD.onto20. Which of these is a preposition in the sentence below?Sleeping during class is not a wise thing to do.A.thingB.duringC.wiseD.do21. Which of these is a prepositional phrase in the sentence below?I feel like a different person when I am playing the piano in my room.A.playing the pianoB.a different personC.I feel my room22. What is the prepositional phrase in the sentence below?The crowd gasped as the colorful hot air balloons slowly rose into the air balloonsB.crowd gaspedC.slowly roseD.into the sky23. Use the correct preposition to complete the sentence.A rumble went?_______?the crowd as everyone waited for the game to begin.A.onB.sinceC.nextD.through24. A preposition combined with its object is called a prepositional phrase. Which of these is a prepositional phrase in the sentence?The kitty was playful and liked to run outside the house.A.outside the houseB.was playfulC.The kittyD.and liked to25. The crowd gathered around the stage to hear the astronaut speak.The preposition in this sentence shows A.when the astronaut spoke.B.what the astronaut said.C.where the stage was.D.where the crowd gathered.26. Which of these is a preposition in this sentence?Dolly cut the cake with a knife, so everyone could have a piece.A.aB.soC.theD.with27. What is the prepositional phrase in the sentence below?Frank dangled a twenty dollar bill above my head because he knew I could not reach it.A.because he knewB.above my headC.a twenty dollar billD.could not reach28. Which of these is a prepositional phrase in this sentence?The captain was scared to find out that the ship was sailing toward the storm.A.that the shipB.toward the stormC.scared to findD.the storm29. Complete the sentence with the correct preposition.Achebe climbed?_______?the horse and smiled as if she had been doing it for years.A.ontoB.beyondC.throughoutD.after30. Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence.The ball flew across the field and landed in front ?_______?the captain.A.aboutB.withoutC.intoD.of31. Why don't you remember to always hang your coat?_______?the hook?The correct preposition to complete this sentence is A.out of.B.under.C.since.D.on.32. Directions:?Select the correct text in the passage.?Which preposition shows?time?or when something happened?My Morning with Dad? ? ?The paper airplane landed?in?my dad's cup?of?coffee.?I was worried that he would be upset.?However, he laughed?about?the airplane.?After?breakfast, Dad and I played catch?on?the front lawn.?We had a fun-filled morning.33. Choose the preposition that best completes the sentence below.Carlie placed the cheesecake?_______?the jar of cookies.A.beyondB.atC.besideD.down34. Which of these prepositions best completes the sentence?Arushi thought that the puppy's leash was?_______?her reach.A.withinB.onC.byD.through35. Use the correct preposition to complete the sentence.At night, I can hear rats scratching?_______?the walls.A.insideB.untilC.duringD.off36. Identify the preposition/prepositional phrase in the sentence below.The baby elephant was separated from its mother in the middle of the walk.A.its the middleC.the baby elephantD.separated37. What is the prepositional phrase in the sentence below?Peg knew she could hide her secret love letters between the pages of an old book, and no one would find them.A.her secret love lettersB.:between the pages:of an old book:C.would find themD.she could hide38. Choose the best preposition to complete this sentence.You have not acted like yourself ?_______?your birthday.A.sinceB.duringC.fromD.under39. Which of these is a preposition in this sentence?The cat went up the roof and disappeared for hours.A.upB.disappearedC.wentD.and40. Julio was found dancing along the highway.The preposition in this sentence shows A.where Julio was dancing.B.what Julio was doing.C.when Julio was Julio was doing.41. Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence.While playing basketball, Jean Paul was hurt?_____?the knee.A.overB.atC.belowD.onto42. Use the correct preposition to complete the sentence.Sammy needs to finish all his chores and homework?_______?his bedtime.A.throughB.beforeC.besideD.between43. What is the prepositional phrase in the sentence below?I usually like to go camping with my family, but this weekend is too cold to spend time too coldB.with my familyC.spend time outdoorsD.but this weekend44. Which of these is a preposition in this sentence?The bags underneath your eyes tell me you need more rest.A.restB.underneathC.theD.more45. Use the correct preposition to complete the sentence.Make sure you get here on time because the game will begin promptly?_______?6:00 play was about to begin. Everyone on stage was ready. Joshua sat behind the curtain and waited for his turn. Today, he was going to prove himself. He leaned against the wall and waited some more. 46. Which of these is a preposition in the passage? A.himselfB.turnC.againstD.the wall47. The preposition "behind" tells readers Joshua proves himself.B.why Joshua waits for his turn.C.where Joshua sits before the play.D.when Joshua is about to act.Answers1. B 2. C 3. D 4. -- 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. D 11. C 12. D 13. B 14. -- 15. B 16. C 17. C 18. B 19. C 20. B 21. D 22. D 23. D 24. A 25. D 26. D 27. B 28. B 29. A 30. D 31. D 32. -- 33. C 34. A 35. A 36. B 37. B 38. A 39. A 40. A 41. C 42. B 43. B 44. B 45. C 46. C 47. C ................

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