
St. Matthew by the Lake Lutheran Church

The Fisherman’s News

“Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:1

January 2015



“Country Breakfast”

Saturday, January 10th

7:00 - 9:00

We have a signup sheet in the Narthex for those willing to volunteer their

time to help cook, set up, serve, clean up, and have a good time with one another..

Tell you your friends and family to join us for a great breakfast. This could be

a really great way to get to know more of our folks in the community. Let’s not forget to visit our neighboring churches when it’s their turn to host a Country Breakfast. See you there.

1st Saturday of the month Fairdealing – Maple Springs Methodist

2nd Saturday St. Matthew by the Lake Church

3rd Saturday Palma United Methodist Church

Last Saturday of each month Mount Carmel United Methodist




G. I.F.T Committee

(Growing In Fellowship Together)

Winter Activities: Please remember that all activites are weather permitting.

If you are uncomfortable about attending something that has been planned due to the condition of the

roads it is best to stay safe and stay home.

Friday, January, 16th from 2-5 we are planning an afternoon of Pokeno. Grab your pennies and join us

for some fun and lite snacks.

Friday, February, 13th Ross and Janet Hicks are hosting a Valentines Fondue and Wine Gathering.

Details will follow.

will continue Wednesday at 11:15 and Thursday at 4:30. Please join us!

The Fellowship Board will provide B.A.S.S.(Board And Spouse Supper) on January 13th beginning at

5:45. We will serve soup, bread, and dessert.


Our Board and Council Meetings have been changed back to the second Tuesday of the month.

Our next Board and Council Meeting is January 13th


WELCA will meet Tuesday January 6th . Quilt tying at 9:00 followed by a devotional, a Bible Study, our business meeting and luncheon. Please bring a salad to share. All women are welcome!


January 4th following worship is our monthly Fellowship Brunch. Please plan to bring a dish to share

and plan to stay to help remove the Christmas Decorations around the church.


Souper Bowl of Caring begins in January 11th we will start to collect canned goods to be taken to

Needline to help feed the hungry in Marshall County. If you would like to make a canned good

donation please place your items in the basket located in the Narthex annex when it becomes available.

If you would like to make a monetary donation please make your checks out to the church

earmarked Needline. We will be collecting canned goods until February 3rd.


Please remember when unlocking the Fellowship Door on Sunday mornings or on any other occasion ,

that you must lock it with the same key. The allen key will not lock the door if you’ve opened it with your regular key.

When unlocking the door with your key as soon as you have the door open, keep the key in the lock

and relock it. Once inside the fellowship hall unlock the door with the allen key.


Thank you to all of our volunteer USHERS and GREETERS. Most often you are the first ones seen and help set the tone in preparation for worship service as well as assist with the smooth and orderly operation within our worship . You are a blessing to this ministry, and to the church.

Here’s a few reminders for those who volunteer their time and talent to this ministry.

USHER’S: Should arrive by 8:50 or 9:00 the latest. Greet and hand a bulletin to people as they enter the sanctuary. Assist seating when necessary, help acolyte (or light candles if needed). Open doors during 1st hymn, count the number of people worshipping for attendance, collect the offering and present it at the altar. Direct people to the communion rail during Holy Communion and keep the line moving. Identify and thank visitors for coming. Following worship please pick up attendance sheets and place in the office door mail box. Make sure all altar candles are out. Straighten hymnals in the racks and pick up any trash left behind in the pews.

GREETER’S: Should arrive by 8:50 or 9:00 the latest. Smile and greet all people as they arrive. Welcome visitors, asking where they are from, invite them to fellowship after the service, offer a Visitors Welcome Packet, and ask them to sign our guest registry if they would like to .

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CASSEROLE PATROL RESPONSE WAS WONDERFUL!  Heartfelt thanks to each of you that responded to the request for prayers and call for soups and casseroles recently for two members of our congregation. The love and compassion of Jesus Christ shines through you to comfort and care for them. Many thanks to our Casserole coordinator Jean Fuller for all her hard work organizing these much needed meals.

CHRISTMAS CHEER BASKETS, CHRISTMAS CARDS, & PRAYER SHAWLS DELIVERED TO SHUT-INS OF OUR CHRISTMAS FAMILY!  Nine Cheer Baskets were delivered, in addition to two Prayer Shawls, and 11 Christmas cards signed by members of St. Matthew by the Lake. Our sick and shut-ins were reminded that their friends at St. Matthew by the Lake Lutheran Church hold them close to their hearts and in their prayers. Sincere thanks go to those who donated items for the baskets, assembled them, and those who delivered them. Your caring hearts brought smiles to their faces and acknowledgements of thanks and appreciation from both the shut-ins and some family members.

"Finally, brethren,...Become complete. Be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace;

and the God of love and peace with be with you."

 II Corinthians 13:11


St. Matthew by the Lake Lutheran Church

3966 U.S. Hwy 641 North

Benton, KY 42025


January Reception committee

Rebekka & Scot Ratzlaff ~ Coordinator

ð ð ð



Jan 2 Matthew McHugh

Jan 4 Darla Berton

Jan 7 Mike Ward

Jan 8 Sharon Asbridge

Jan 10 Alaff ~ Coordinator



Jan 2 Matthew McHugh

Jan 4 Darla Berton

Jan 7 Mike Ward

Jan 8 Sharon Asbridge

Jan 10 Alan Berton

Jan 18 Debbie Centofante

Jan 20 Carolyn Traum

Jan 23 Stephen Pumphrey

Jan 26 Julie Castleberry

Jan 30 Rebekka Ratzlaff

Neil & Joan Weber Tom & Jan Kind

Bob & Lori Kuta Carol Teeters

Bud & Juan Nelson RaNae Bramlett

Mike & Debbie Centofante

Bruce & Sharon Ashbridge

Thank you to our December reception group for all your hard work!


January 11th Clarence & Carolyn Traum


St. Matthew by the Lake Lutheran Church

3966 U.S. Hwy 641 N.

Benton ,KY. 42025



Morning Worship

9:30 a.m.

Wednesday Morning

Women’s Group Discussions

10:00 a.m.

Email: stmattben@

Website: stmatthewbythe

Begins in January

Let’s all help feed the hungry in Marshall County

(Details inside)



The Mission of St. Matthew by the Lake:

Sharing Christ’s Love in Worship, Fellowship, and Service

J anuaryWorship Assistants: If you are unable to fulfill your assignments, please find someone to switch with and let the office know.


1-4 Tom Kind

1-11 Gary Arness

1-18 Jean Fuller

1-25 Sharon Johnson


1-4 Darlene & Harland Timmons

1-11 Michael & Joseph Faughn

1-18 Carl Price & Mike Ward

1-25 Alan & Darla Berton


1-4 Carolyn Holm & Bill Cownie

1-11 Frank & Rita Vied

1-18 Bud & Glennyce Allemang

1-25 Gary & Sadie Arness



1-11 USHER

1-18 USHER

1-25 USHER


The Acoustic Band would like to offer a church wide invitation to

anyone who plays a musical instrument and would like to use

his / her talents to praise God to consider joining our acoustic band.

Our next acoustic worship service is January 11th

Acoustic Worship Services

Our Bell Choir will resume February 1st. Please let

Rebekka Handschke Ratlzaff know if you are interested in learing

more about making beautiful music with our Hand Bells.



God Protect Haiti from Ebola

By John Hall

I have always marveled at the personal cleanliness and presentation of the majority of the people in Haiti. For some it seems to almost border on compulsive behavior. However, with that being said there is an extreme lack of understanding in Haiti about sanitation, germs, bacteria and parasites.

When Trinity/HOPE first started serving the schools there, we had a meeting to inform the school leaders and the cooks of the necessity of basic sanitation in our program. We talked about hygiene and sanitation, spread of parasites, the need to wash hands before eating and using clean water. At the close of the session a grey haired lay pastor from one of our schools rose and thanked us for sharing this information. He closed by saying, “I am an old man and I had never heard of this sanitation and hygiene.”

With so many organizations such as Trinity/HOPE working in Haiti, the influx of health care workers following the earthquake, their response to the cholera epidemic, etc. knowledge in this area is increasing but still at woefully inadequate levels in the general population. We thank God that during the cholera outbreak not one child in our schools contracted it. While we were encouraged that the value of our hand washing requirements were seen as important, we were also amazed and perplexed to hear that this practice was being credited by some as the major reason that none of our children contracted this water borne disease.

Sanitation in Haiti is not only rooted in a lack of knowledge, it is at this time almost physically impossible. There is no general garbage and refuse pickup or storm drains. For the general population sewers and or septic systems are just not available. There are few paved streets, dust everywhere and tons of run off of contaminants into both public and private water supplies.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

| | |

No Line Dancing |1

Happy New Year

Office closed

No line dancing |2 |3

| |4

9:30 Worship

10:30 Fellowship Brunch

Put away Christmas Decorations |5




Prayer Time |6




Women’s group


Line Dancing

5:30 Acoustic |8


Line Dancing

|9 |10


Country Breakfast

| |11

Acoustic worship

9:30 Worship

10:30 Fellowship |12 |13

5:45 B.A.S.S.

6:30 Boards meet

7:30 Council |14


Women’s group


Line Dancing

6:30 Choir

No acoustic |15


Line Dancing |16 2-5


Game Day |17 | |18

9:30 Worship

10:30 Fellowship

10:30 Blood Pressures checked |19 |20



Women’s group


Line Dancing

No acoustic

6:30 Choir |22


Line Dancing |23 |24

| |25

9:30 Worship

10:30 Fellowship |26 |27 |28


Women’s group


Line Dancing

5:30 Acoustic

6:30 Choir



Line Dancing |30 |31 | | | | | | | | | |



1-4 Joan Weber

1-11 Sharon Johnson

1-18 Lucy Young

1-25 RaNae Bramlett


1-4 Dorothy Thompson

1-11 Kaylyn Berton

1-18 Pat Partyka

1-25 Michael Faughn


1-4 Rebekka Ratzlaff

1-11 Kent Edwards

1-18 Harland Timmons

1-25 Rebekka Ratzlaff


1-4 Tom Kind, Dr. Davis, Pat Partyka, Debbie Schoo

1-11 Gary Arness, Dr. Davis, Debbie Centofante, Dianne Martinek

1-18 Jean Fuller, Rev. Koenig, Darlene Timmons, Scot Ratzlaff

1-25 Sharon Johnson, Rev. Koenig, Rita Vied, Lucy Young


1-4 Marti McHugh / Jane Cox

1-11 Debbie Schoo / Sharon Johnson

1-18 Karl Naggatz / Cheryl Weed

1-25 Dianne Martinek / Eileen Rowthorn

January Communion Bread Baker : Jean Fuller




St. Matthew by the Lake Lutheran Church

Council Meeting Minutes – Dec. 16, 2014

Meeting opened at 7:39p with a devotional and prayer lead by Rev. Karen Husby.

In attendance: Neil Weber, Rebekka Handschke Ratzlaff, Jan Kind, John Hudak, Debbie Schoo, Jean Fuller, Dianne Martinek, Rev. Karen Husby, Joan Weber.

Minutes of the November 18, 2014 meeting were accepted as submitted.

Board Reports:

Pastor’s Report: Submitted by Rev. Karen Husby. Attended both the Thanksgiving in the Hunger Fight event and Christmas Party. Participated in the Baptism of Gunner Smith, grandson of Pat Partyka. Visited Eileen Rowthorn at Lourdes. Accompanied Jean Fuller to deliver care baskets to shut-ins.

Preschool Report: No report submitted.

Christian Education: The youth are getting ready for Souper Bowl of Caring and are looking forward to participating in a service in January.

Stewardship: No report submitted.

Property: Report submitted to Neil prior to meeting and is on file.

Mission and Ministry: Cheer Baskets and Cards were delivered to shut-ins to a total of eleven people. Additionally two prayer shawls were handed out. Have requested that Rev. Baldridge be invited back to present a mission presentation on the Seamen Ministries, will work with Rebekka to make this happen in the spring. All angels on the Angel Tree were adopted. Many thanks to all the shoppers who so carefully wrapped, bagged, and labeled all the gifts. It made it so easy to transport and deliver. The casserole patrol has been working hard lately, your generosity is really appreciated.

Fellowship: Christmas Party was a lot of fun and had 40+ persons in attendance. The Fellowship brunch following the Cantata was well attended. Winter events include: Jan 16th – Pokeno Afternoon; Feb 14th – Fondue/Wine Party hosted by Ross & Janet Hicks; March TBD - Mama Mia Italian Night.

Worship and Music: Decorating of the Chrismon Tree was well received and looking at doing it again next year. Christmas services are on track. We have pulpit supply scheduled through the end of April. January 4th will be the removal of the Christmas decoration – help needed. 6 new black music stands have been purchased for use. The acoustic group is looking at new music. Lenton studies/services are in the planning stages. John Hudak is working on updating Fellowship Hall with a projector/screen.

All board reports were accepted.

Treasurer’s Report/Finance Report: $5000 was transferred from checking to savings. We are almost matching our income to our expenses for the end of the year.

Treasurer’s Report/Finance Report was accepted.

Old Business:

Search Committee Members: Gary Arness (Chairperson), Debbie Schoo (Vice-Chair), Rebekka Handschke Ratzlaff, Brian Roosa, Carolyn Holm, Rita Vied. Church Ministry Profile has been submitted. Awaiting approval on profile from Bishop’s office and meeting with Rudy Mueller prior to starting to screen applicants. Call Committee Report has been officially added to the council agenda.

Executive committee gave holiday gifts to Dale Hargrove, Dianne Martinek, Marietta Norwood, Cheryl Edwards, Sharon Johnson, and Rebekka Handschke Ratzlaff.

New Business:

Board and Council Meetings were requested to move back to second Tuesday of the month. Request was approved.

Next meeting will be on January 13th, 2015 at 730p.

Meeting closed at 8:43p with the Lord’s Prayer.

Minutes submitted by Rebekka Handschke Ratzlaff, Church Council Secretary

Unapproved December council minutes






Thank you to everyone who continues to help in the kitchen following worship on the reception committee’s.

This is such a special time for fellowship, a way to relax, have a bite to eat, and catch up with each other. We have moved some folks around to different months, please check the sheets posted on the bulletin board near the kitchen. And continue to read the Fisherman’s Newsletters for the months you are on.





Sharing Christ’s Love in Worship, Fellowship, and Service.



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