
Welcome to the Bone and Joint Infection Registry User ManualWe hope this will help get you started understanding and using the registry.The Bone and Joint Infection Registry (BAJIR) is a national project that aims to improve our understanding of infections in both normal bones and joints and those that have previously undergone operations, including joint replacements.These infections are rare but can be difficult to treat and often require prompt and efficient treatment by a specialist team of surgeons, microbiologists and radiologists experienced in managing these problems in order to optimise the outcome. The aim of the registry is to improve care for patients who suffer from these conditions by recording how treatment is delivered across the UK.Which patients are suitable for the Bone and Joint Infection Registry?? Periprosthetic infections? Native joint infections? Native long bone infectionsHow does the registry work?Patients who present with a bone or joint infection are added to the registry by the local treating team. Initial information regarding the patient’s demographics, site of infection and comorbidities is recorded. Subsequently data regarding diagnostic test results, causative organism, antibiotic and surgical treatments is added. Baseline patient reported outcome measures are collected by the treating team. Subsequently patients are followed up by the BAJIR registry team, to obtain their consent and collect patient reported outcome measures are at 6m, 12m and then at yearly intervals. Trusts will have access to their own data via a live dashboard and the ability to download their own data. Joining BAJIRIf you would like to join the Bone and Joint Infection Registry BAJIR then please contact us via email at nhc-tr.bajir@There will be some work required to get your trust through the legal agreements to allow data sharing between you and the registry, but we will help you through this556591bottomHow to register & access BAJIRMain Menu Edit / Enter Data New PatientTriage Outcome Add / Edit Co-morbidity Add / Edit Infected Site SiteSurgeryAspirateHistologyMicrobiologyComplicationsBlood testsMedical ManagementREGISTRY DIAGNOSISMDTFollow-Up and PROMsMy Patients Timeline For additional support 00How to register & access BAJIRMain Menu Edit / Enter Data New PatientTriage Outcome Add / Edit Co-morbidity Add / Edit Infected Site SiteSurgeryAspirateHistologyMicrobiologyComplicationsBlood testsMedical ManagementREGISTRY DIAGNOSISMDTFollow-Up and PROMsMy Patients Timeline For additional support Contents PageHow to register & access BAJIRYou are required to register one time only in order to receive your login details.Once these details have been received and we have confirmed that your organisation has a signed data sharing agreement in place, you will receive confirmation that you are now registered to use BAJIR.If you do not receive your login details within 5 working days then please contact:DENDRITE Clinical Systems LtdTelephone: 01491 411 288Email: national-support@e- 711835-58420Please noteHow to register & access BAJIR56515004117340If you do not enter your user name and password correctly within three attempts, your account will be temporarily locked. If this happens please email Registrations@e- who will reset your account for you00If you do not enter your user name and password correctly within three attempts, your account will be temporarily locked. If this happens please email Registrations@e- who will reset your account for youWhen completing the registration process, please consider the following: Before we create your user account we will need to confirm that your organisation has a signed data sharing agreement in place and that the registry lead for your organisation has authorised your account.Delegated User: Please note that we will require confirmation that you have the necessary authorisation from the consultant for whom you wish to delegate56515749299000000Main Menu000045815250Details of your login are shown here. If you are approaching the expiry date, please contact the Registrations Team at Registrations@e- 00Details of your login are shown here. If you are approaching the expiry date, please contact the Registrations Team at Registrations@e- 45815251186180Activating the message box will mean that you receive regular notifications in relation to the registry.00Activating the message box will mean that you receive regular notifications in relation to the registry.45815251917700These will appear on the main menu and will be available when you login00These will appear on the main menu and will be available when you login45815252493645006432555520055This tab is where case information is collected and recorded.00This tab is where case information is collected and recorded.This tab contains links to key documents in relation to the registry. These documents include PAS Code Descriptors, patient information leaflets, site set-up documentsCase data is accessible to thoseusers who have entered data into the registry. This tab allows the user to view and / or exporttheir informationThis tab allows the user to view the number of cases in the Registry that your organisation currently has and the total number in the Registry. This area continues to be under development8001002105024004695825327660000-133350222884900310515016668750036195059817000048577519145240052959003810000Once case information has been added to the registry, users can search for specific cases of interest by using any of the search fields seen here; forename, surname, NHS Number, Hospital Number, Date of Birth or Date of Referral to Service00Once case information has been added to the registry, users can search for specific cases of interest by using any of the search fields seen here; forename, surname, NHS Number, Hospital Number, Date of Birth or Date of Referral to Service17545053291840This is where the cases for the registry are first created. To add a new case, click on Add New Patient00This is where the cases for the registry are first created. To add a new case, click on Add New Patient17767304484370Users can return to the Main Menu at any time. Data entered into the record will automatically be saved00Users can return to the Main Menu at any time. Data entered into the record will automatically be saved18218155852795Users can log out of the registry at any time. Data entered into the record will automatically be saved00Users can log out of the registry at any time. Data entered into the record will automatically be saved47625075247500495300771525000000478790454025Edit / Enter Data00Edit / Enter Data107950centerEdit / Enter Data – New PatientEdit / Enter Data – New Patient21659856067425 Trust: this will be pre-populated based on the trust associated with your account00 Trust: this will be pre-populated based on the trust associated with your accountcenter4159885Once the Add New Patient button has been clicked, this screen is available and enables the basic information to be added. This is the start of the case building process for each patient record00Once the Add New Patient button has been clicked, this screen is available and enables the basic information to be added. This is the start of the case building process for each patient record22656804901565Primary Patient Identifier: this must be NHS Number (England and Wales), or CHI Number (Scotland)Secondary Patient Identifier can be Armed Forces Number, Private Patient Hospital Number, Foreign Patient Hospital Number, Local Hospital Number00Primary Patient Identifier: this must be NHS Number (England and Wales), or CHI Number (Scotland)Secondary Patient Identifier can be Armed Forces Number, Private Patient Hospital Number, Foreign Patient Hospital Number, Local Hospital Number989651437700800597836497500Edit / Enter Data – New Patient15716253923030Patient demographics are added here.These cannot subsequently be edited so must be completed in full at the time of registering a new patient.NB: Error messages can occur if an incorrect format is used for NHS number, or if the same NHS number has already been registered previously.00Patient demographics are added here.These cannot subsequently be edited so must be completed in full at the time of registering a new patient.NB: Error messages can occur if an incorrect format is used for NHS number, or if the same NHS number has already been registered previously.01185863Once the Enter Registry Data button has been clicked, the next page opens for additional patient-level information to be added.Edit / Enter Data – New PatientHere, additional information is added to the patient’s record, including details of the source of referral:right478726500263842522155150028575229171600Referral location requires the first part of the patient’s postcode to be entered at this time.After date of triage, there are four drop-down boxes which, if activated / completed, will invite the user to add supplementary and important information relating to each of the options selected.The next few pages will explore these in detail.Triage OutcomeDepending on the option selected, different follow-on boxes appear for completionAdd/Edit Comorbidity Page 1 of 2 40132010877550069532501952625The user should add as much information as possible to the record so that there is a detailed history regarding the patient’s clinical pathway.00The user should add as much information as possible to the record so that there is a detailed history regarding the patient’s clinical pathway.1640840261493000left43815 73628256134101Click Next Page notSave & Exit which returns you to the Main Menu screen.00Click Next Page notSave & Exit which returns you to the Main Menu screen.4086860218059000 Add/Edit Comorbidity Page 2 of 2 83820005568950Click onSave & Exit00Click onSave & Exit66569164710148 442912544450000Add / Edit Infected Site Drop down boxes are available for ease of use where possible.It is important to include as much information as possible.There are system-level messages to act as a reminder to add information either as the case is enteredor as it becomes availableAdd / Edit Infected Site - SurgeryFor this entry into the registry, the clinical decision is that surgery will be required.This option allows the user to add supplementary data to the patient’s record as shown below:5229225269874900If surgery is selected as a clinical option for the patient, below is the range of options available for selection in the registry:7980625516034When adding each section of the Infected Site ensure you click“Back to Site”to add the next section.“Save & Exit”will take you back to the home screen00When adding each section of the Infected Site ensure you click“Back to Site”to add the next section.“Save & Exit”will take you back to the home screen2673626160969700-635-318Add / Edit Infected Site - Aspirate29527520320004648200209550028956014160500If test results are not available at the time the patient details are added to the registry they can still be added later once the results are known.Add / Edit Infected Site - Histology0942975004838700172720000250507500Add / Edit Infected Site - Microbiology-95257493000199072513462000right5081004210051971550023717252896235Each organism present can be recorded individually for clarity00Each organism present can be recorded individually for clarity-19050013589000Add / Edit Infected Site – Complicationsleft5243830In the event that an infection fails to go into remission post-treatment, additional information regarding the ongoing complications can also be added to the Registry00In the event that an infection fails to go into remission post-treatment, additional information regarding the ongoing complications can also be added to the Registry right360680Add/Edit Infected Site – Blood Tests 6667513589018573755657850Please ensure baseline blood tests are added to the registry.Further sets of blood tests can be added if desired. 00Please ensure baseline blood tests are added to the registry.Further sets of blood tests can be added if desired. Add/Edit Infected Site – Medical Management496961202635003543300283781500266368749496870068977571808922As with blood results, it is also possible to add more than one course of medical treatment undergone by the patient.Taking the time to add all courses will add to the richness of any case review00As with blood results, it is also possible to add more than one course of medical treatment undergone by the patient.Taking the time to add all courses will add to the richness of any case review Add/Edit Infected Site – Registry Diagnosis77533501181100All of the (previously covered) sections under “Infected site” can be entered at different times as information becomes available, and for each clicking “Save & Exit” returns the user to the main menu. Once ready to enter a confirmed diagnosis of infection (or confirmation that there is no infection) Click on Next Page notSave & Exit….00All of the (previously covered) sections under “Infected site” can be entered at different times as information becomes available, and for each clicking “Save & Exit” returns the user to the main menu. Once ready to enter a confirmed diagnosis of infection (or confirmation that there is no infection) Click on Next Page notSave & Exit….50410724090007 672144852535200right5307303Click onSave & Exit00Click onSave & ExitA confirmed diagnosis of infection is required in order to trigger patient consent and follow-up PROMs at 6-months, 1-year and annually thereafter. Without a confirmed diagnosis, the patient details will be removed from the registry after 18-months. Add/Edit Infected Site – MDT45974017653000 6847509centerText can be copied & pasted into these boxes from other documents.00Text can be copied & pasted into these boxes from other documents.2501458bottomClick onSave & Exit00Click onSave & Exit548932750987740155343022734090037691392808991 Patient Follow Up - Systemic Complications31051515430500 68808055142948065995831639956The patient can be followed up until the end of the case. After entering systemic complications, the next screen records baseline PROMs.If no systemic complications, entering “no” will lead to the next screen where PROMs can be entered.00The patient can be followed up until the end of the case. After entering systemic complications, the next screen records baseline PROMs.If no systemic complications, entering “no” will lead to the next screen where PROMs can be entered.106641224891990020693552925445 Follow-Up and PROMs5589931182729 3101009273425400374705290169008536802centerPROMs can be entered by clicking “Next Page” when entering systemic complicationsor byviewing the patient’s timeline and “Add New Follow Up”00PROMs can be entered by clicking “Next Page” when entering systemic complicationsor byviewing the patient’s timeline and “Add New Follow Up”5096842544362 PROMs – Page 1 of 2 88060694780722Click Next Tab NotSave & Exit….00Click Next Tab NotSave & Exit….44854744090283 867631162670PROMS data collection forms will be sent out centrally by the BAJIR Team. Data will be returned to the BAJIR Team and input centrally. This data collection will start at the six month review period. Please ensure that the baselines PROMS information is input into the Registry00PROMS data collection forms will be sent out centrally by the BAJIR Team. Data will be returned to the BAJIR Team and input centrally. This data collection will start at the six month review period. Please ensure that the baselines PROMS information is input into the Registry PROMs – Page 2 of 2 63440934769690073222135061502Click onSave & Exit00Click onSave & Exit My Patients 31802734024851Once all of the required information is entered into the system, the patient record will turn green, to signify that all information has now been entered. Don’t worry about having incomplete records in the registry, the registry can be updated as more case-level information becomes available. As more records are added, it is possible to search for specific patients rather than having to scroll through the list of entries00Once all of the required information is entered into the system, the patient record will turn green, to signify that all information has now been entered. Don’t worry about having incomplete records in the registry, the registry can be updated as more case-level information becomes available. As more records are added, it is possible to search for specific patients rather than having to scroll through the list of entries Timeline62715913090683Here we have a timeline based on all of the information added to the registry regarding this particular patient.Each line item is a hyperlink and will return to the registry screen where the information was initially entered.There is also an option to update the patient record by clicking on the ‘Add New Follow Up’ text. At this point the date of the new follow-up episode is requested and all relevant information can then be added to the record00Here we have a timeline based on all of the information added to the registry regarding this particular patient.Each line item is a hyperlink and will return to the registry screen where the information was initially entered.There is also an option to update the patient record by clicking on the ‘Add New Follow Up’ text. At this point the date of the new follow-up episode is requested and all relevant information can then be added to the record51174654556760 00 43180035560000For additional supportFor queries regarding the registry, including data entry, please contact:Bone and Joint Infection Registry?Email:?nhc-tr.bajir@If you are having any technical problems with BAJIR, please contact:The Dendrite Team Telephone: 01491 411 288Email: national-support@e- If you would like to discuss accessing your data, please contact:The Lead Consultant responsible for BAJIR within your organisation in the first instanceProfessor Mike Reed mike.reed@ ................

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