
 If you have a host - you will coach your host - so before the class, you will tell your host ‘Hey darling, I know this sounds a bit weird, but I’m going to ask you to introduce me to your friends. Let them know who I am, that I’m your mentor, or that I’m here to share with them what I know. You’ve got edify each other. So it’s the host’s job to say ‘This is Alice, I’m really excited that she’s here.. And she’s going to share with us X X X while she’s here. Whatever your content is (edge success, share, at the beginning a little page here, called the Drawing Entry. - You can find this in the ‘Run A Successful Class’ Page in the natural and empowered website. So the drawing entry actually has two pieces of paper. The first piece has ‘Do you have previous experience with natural remedies or XX plus or doTERRA, and then they write their name and their email address, so don’t throw that out because that’s where you’re going to draw leads from. So you’ll draw a little prize at the end of the class. It’s easy to create really low-cost prizes that still pack a great punch from a value perspective. (personally I like) Like epsom salts with essential oils for the bath, or a bottle or a bottle of pre-mixed aromatic dressed (which I’ll talk about in a bit) or simply a water and essential oils spray bottle for sheets or air freshener) or another food one for summer, which is lavender and water in a spray bottle for skin that’s been in the sun all day as lavender is cooling and really healing for wind and sun-burn). Then we use this in a really powerful way at the end of the class. On the second page it says, other areas of prevention and concern. And this is going to help you towards the end of the class when you talk about LRP. Because they’ve already told you of their concerns. So we put that onto their clipboard. Make sure everyone has pens. And this is one of the things that you can implement or not. At the start of the class, I like to have everyone sit and close their eyes, and to sit and watch their breath. And I do this for about three minutes or so, And I move around the room and I have a little spray bottle here with lavender peace and citrus bliss. I walk around the room and I just spray it into the air and give them and give them an experience with the oils. Some of these women wouldn’t have stopped, or settled, or taken three minutes to themselves in months. A lot of them may be mamma’s who are go go go all the time. This means the class starts with a calm and self-care centered intention. It helps them get grounded. Again, take this or leave this. Ask them to come into their body and observe their breath, to reflect on why they’re here, even if it is just hanging with their girlfriends. And inviting them to really allow the breath to feel good. And reminding them that this is their time. That this is a time that is especially for them. So just give them a few minutes and then ‘when you’re ready - take a deep breath in’ and a deep breath out, open your eyes and come back into the space. And then their eyes are sparkling, they’re in their body. So when it’s time to get going… ‘Guys thank you so much for your time, because I have something really epic to share with you and I’m really stoked to have the opportunity to teach you something really valuable that will change your life. You know, it will really help you in many areas of your life. But what I would love to do is just hear from a couple of you, what you’re interested in learning… why you’re here. Cos it just opens up the conversation. This only needs to take three minutes or so. Someone will say something like, I have kids and I am concerned about all the toxins in the home. And I’ll meet it with enthusiasm and say ‘AWESOME - we’ve got that, we can help you…there’s oils for that. We can help you bring the toxicity down in the home. Can’t wait to share more with you’.And what about you? ‘Well, I’m having trouble sleeping’ ‘GREAT - I can help you, there’s oils that can calm the para-sympathetic nervous system, that can ground you, reduce insomnia, promote deep sleep and relaxation. Onto it. So we’re meeting them enthusiastically. And getting really excited about it. It also gives me reference points for around the class, so I know whatever has come up I can address it when I am “So in front of you, you’ve all got a dorky clipboard… and what I’ll get you to do now , is just very quickly, I’m going to get you to fill in this little forms. Here I have a jar of magnesium salts, I’m going to give it out at the end of the class and I’ll need your little form for the entry. Fill it out, keep it on you, and I’ll come and get it off you at the end of the class. Give them two minutes to do that. Now let’s walk through what we’re going to be covering today. On this first sheet, this is our class outline. This is what we’re going to be covering in this class. We’re going to move through it pretty quickly, but you’re more than welcome to take this home so you have a reference guide. The first thing we’re going to cover is what are essential oils. You’ve probably seen them popping up all around you on social media or via friends. You’ve probably heard a lot about doTERRA lately. So we’ll cover off what they are, why they’re so powerful and why every home needs them. Then down here, we’re going to talk a little bit about doTERRA. What sites this company apart, This is the part I get really jazzed up about. I’ll share with you about doTERRA’s philanthropic heart, how they’re giving back to the world, the quality, clarity and purity of the oils and why those are the oils you want to bring into your home. And of course along the way, we’ll be talking about the oils and how you can use them.”And while this is happening, is that there is a bottle of wild orange going around the room. It’s interactive. So you want to give them a sense of the oils as you’re going. So pass around some wild orange or peppermint. “So when we get to the second page: This is your price list, but we’re going to think of this as your wish list. So that when I’m talking about an oil and it resonates with you and it’s appropriate for yourself or your family you can put a star against it. You’ll all be leaving here today with a wholesale account, and so we want to make sure that we get you the oils at the best price. For example, this bottle of frankincense oil - which I’m not going to share with you just yet, because I want to save the best for last - retails at $114. But we can get Frankincense and 9 other oils and a diffuser for $330 if we get you signed up with the right kit. And that’s just an example of how much you can save.So write down your favourites here and I’ll come around at the end of the class and we’ll figure out the best and cheapest way for you to get the oils. So here’s all the beautiful enrolment kits, there’s one for every budget. Just keep this in mind,. So if you enrol with a kit, you save lots of money and you don’t have to pay the enrolment fee. And finally this is just so you can place your order and we can get your oils straight out of the warehouse and onto your doorstep as quickly as possible.”What are essential oils?Essential oils are pure extracts from plants, 50-70 times more powerful than herbs. For example, one drop of peppermint oil is the equivalent of 25 cups of peppermint tea. Mother nature doesn’t leave stones unturned when she creates and essential oils are the defense mechanisms for plants. They’re used to fight threats such as mold, fungus, bacteria and viruses and can penetrate the cell membrane and eliminate threats. In fact, essential oils take 22 seconds to reach the brain, 2 minutes to be found in the bloodstream, and 20 minutes to affect every cell in the body. They’re safe, effective, affordable, and an incredible alternative to synthetic remedies. Essential oils don’t replace traditional medication (in fact, the company behind the oils we are sharing today is doing everything they can to bridge the gap between conventional and alternative medicines, through universities and hospitals. How are Essential Oils used? You can inhale essential oils Aromatically - When the oils are diffused the aromatic molecules are released into the air and inhaled. They interact with the body's olfactory nerves and the limbic system. The limbic system is connected to parts of the brain which can control blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, memory, stress levels and emotions.You can apply them Topically - to the skin. How does this work? Our skin is somewhat permeable. The active chemicals in essential oils are absorbed just like the ingredients in common pharmaceuticals such as hormone replacement therapy cream and nicotine patches. Which is one of the reasons why it’s so darn important you’re empowered with better information about the stuff you’re putting on your skin. What's the point in eating the cleanest and best you possibly can if you are still putting toxic chemicals on your skin. You can also InternallydoTERRA import these oils as a food or cosmetic into Australia. Remember, though, these oils pack a punch… less is more… read the label… and always consult your naturopath, nutritionist or integrative GP if you want to learn more about these. We would typically use one to two drops maximum in our cooking with essential oils. “Remember that the essential oils resonate with the cells of the body. Nature isn’t something that we look at that is EXTERNAL to us. We ARE nature, and our body knows how to process these oils naturally through our system, instead of fighting them like so many other additions we have in our worlds these days. These oils resonate with the body, they promote wellbeing and health and vitality.”They’re really affordable. These oils only cost cents per drop, and in a 15ml bottle, like the ones I have with me to share with you today, there are 250 drops in each bottle. And you only need 1-2 drops per use. Now, I want to talk about doTERRA, the company that I partner with, and the company behind these incredible oils I have here today. I can tell you now that even though the quality, clarity and purity of these oils will be evident as soon as you inhale the aroma, knowing the integrity and philanthropic soul behind the company that shares these oils with you and the rest of the world is going to melt you. doTERRA is based in Utah, however the oils that they produce and sell come from all over the world. This brings me to the first incredible part of the doTERRA story. Their co-impact sourcing model. Essentially doTERRA work with farmers from all around the world, including Australia. They work with the farmers to develop cooperatives and put a lot of science and research to find where best to source the oil so that it has the highest therapeutic value possible. They source the oil from where the plant that creates that oil thrives best in its organic state. Their purity and efficacy will stun you. There are no fillers, synthetics, fragrances, perfumes, pesticides etc, just 100% pure Essential Oil. My friend paid good money for an Australian Certified Organic oil in a health food store, only to get home and read the label, it read 1ml pure essential oil, 11ml multipurpose liquid. With doTERRA you are paying for 100% pure essential oil!! Absolutely no fillers.And then there is the Healing Hands foundation… Oh holy jazz-hands, the healing hands foundation just absolutely gets me right in the heart. Through doTERRA's amazing philanthropic generosity, the work they do with the Healing Hands foundation is incredible. From building schools and getting fresh running water where previously people had to work three hours each way for dirty water? This is what the Healing Hands Foundation were a part of in Haiti, where our vetiver is sourced from. Only recently, doTERRA not only got Wellness Advocates like myself together to donate over $650 thousand dollars to earthquake ravaged Nepal, where our Wintergreen oil comes from. We built two new earthquake safe schools, 200 temporary homes, 20 earthquake-resilient homes, and 550 desks in the last year. 100% of donations to the Healing Hands foundations go to those in need. Any executive or wellness advocates like myself who goes to these areas, does so on their own dollar. This is almost unheard of in a not for profit charity (where typically so much of the donations are eaten by the managing of the charity itself.doTERRA oils are a step ABOVE organic. Let me explain what this means. Because organic certification varies from country to country, province to province, and in the US, from state to state, it is not currently possible to acquire all oils under certified organic status. There is no ONE governing organics body that covers the whole wide world. However, doTERRA externally audit the quality of their oils. This means that testers who do not work as a doTERRA employee, test the purity of the oil (where some companies will do single internal testing). The doTERRA oils are 100% free from pesticides, herbicides, extenders, and solvents. With this process we are able to ensure that all CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade? essential oils offered by dōTERRA are a step above organic. If an oil fails the test, specifically pesticides, there is no secondary process for removing the pesticides or foreign matter. The oils failing the test would simply be rejected.Incredible right? You can see now, why not only are 100% certified pure therapeutic grade essential oils the only oils you want to have in your life, vibrating with your physical body, but also why this company is the company you will want to support. LavenderZap headachesImproves moodBug or bee stingsSoothes skin conditionsBeauty oil for skinCalm and restful sleepCuts, scrapes and burnsSunburnLemon OilStrengthening immune systemBrightening moodDetoxifies liver, gall bladder + lymphatic systemCleaningRefreshing laundryAntioxidantDeodorisesPeppermint OIlZap headachesWaken up refreshedBad breath + halitosisSooth a tummy acheCool a feverCombat nauseaSooth itchingRelieves constipationDeters miceFoot soakStress reliefStudy aid - improves focusTea Tree/MalaleucaAcneBacterial infectionsChickenpoxCold soresCongestion and respiratory tract infectionsEarachesFungal infections(especially Candida, jock itch, athlete’s foot & toenail fungus)Halitosis (bad breath)Head licePsoriasisDry cuticlesItchy insect bites, sores and sunburnsBoils from staph infectionsOregano OilPowerful and natural immune supportPowerful cleansing agentAnti-oxidantSupports healthy digestion and respiratory functionCan be used in cookingStrong anti-bacterial, anti-fungal + anti-microbialFrankincenseAnti-inflammatoryRelieves Symptoms of IndigestionAnti-ageing and wrinkle fightingRelieves Symptoms of IndigestionScar, Wound, Stretch Mark or Acne RemedyNatural Cold or Flu MedicineStress reliefFights anxietyNow, one more thing on Frankincense. I am not a doctor, and so I invite you to research this on your own time if you’re interested in learning more about this, as Frankincense has been used successfully in the support of healing from brain cancers and tumours of the brain. Reducing the swelling and inflammation through the sesquiterpene within it. It is the only compound that can pass the blood brain barrier, and there are a lot of studies you can find on Pubmed supporting this. “And now I am going to teach you how to safely and effectively apply the oils to your skin.”First we dilute….“For every two mls 1 drop carrier oil (adults)Children you half thatFor babies, you take that away, and for every 10 ml it’s one drop of essential oil. So for every 10ml of carrier oil, there’s 5 drops of oil for adults2-3 drops for kidsAnd ONE drop for babies. I am going to dilute this mix now and show you how to use the oil in a way that makes you feel like a bonafide Goddess! Aromatic dressingUse:2 drops frank2 drops wild orange1 drop lavender(or stick to other oils in the Home Essentials kit)You would have a little ramekin and explain the dilution and then create it in the class. So as soon as you get out of the shower, you’ve got your mix together and you dip and you rub from the toes upwards towards the body. You dip and you rub, dip and rub, dip and rub. “I love you feet, I love you legs, and you really get in there. The lymphatic system doesn’t have it’s own pump, so you want to really get in there.Heart, breasts, under your arms, your back, it’s safe for your face”.So you aren’t just teaching them about the oils, but you’re inspiring them into self-care. And now.. You are aromatically dressed. So now, I’m going to pass this around to you and you can have a go. Okay, to purchase, here’s what you’ll do. Come over to this sign up page and what you’ll do is start filling up your personal informationYou’ll tick the kit that you want How are you going with your order? The kit that I took you through today is the home essentials kit right here. This includes the diffuser. This is a really great way to start because this contains the 10 oils which we think every home should have. So it will get you started with mood management, energy, sleep, digestion, an all round vitality. If we jump on to the other side of our wish list, you’ll see our enrolment kits. There’s one for every budget here. I just want to bring your attention once again to our home essentials kit which is the one we covered. This one has 10 oils, 9 of which are the 15ml size. And this kit here, the essentials collection, it has 10 oils which are all the 5ml size. So the difference between these two kits, is that this one, 9 of these oils come with 250 drops and a diffuser and this kit, its oils come with 80 drops plus a bottle of smart and sassy which is a metabolic blend for our metabolism. So this gives you three times the amount of oil than this kit for less than double the price. Now if we flip back to this page, normally what happens with doTerra is we get really excited with the products and we want to start off with everything but we don’t have to do that. doTerra make it really easy for us to do that slowly and more affordably. So I just want to bring you over here where it says loyalty rewards program. You can think of this more like a free oils program. It’s not obligatory, it’s not one of those auto-ship things that just show up at your house every month. It’s not like that. You get full control of your LRP order. You can change it, mix it up, change your dates and you can easily ring up and cancel whenever you want. But what you’ll find is that this is a really beautiful way to order your oils, and doTerra do it in a really generous way. So if you open up your wholesale account today and then you decide you want to order some more oils next month, what’s going to happen is you’re going to start receiving points back straightaway. So for the next 3 months that you order you’ll get 10% back in product credits and then that will go up 5% every 3 months. As you can see, if you look along here. So this is really exciting you guys because often what people do, is they love the oils so much that they want to replace the oils that are running out and to just slowly but surely add to their collection. And then you can even start replacing household items like your toothpaste, hand wash, shampoo and conditioner, just replace all those brands around your home.And you can do that whilst already saving 25% on the oils and eventually getting 30% back. So it’s very generous. It’s an awesome incentive for ongoing ordering. So now finally, there are 3 ways that you can live an essential oil lifestyle which I’ll quickly run you through. The first is to live the oils, or in other words just become a raving fan. You’re going to use your oils everyday and we’re going to support you in doing that. When you set up your wholesale account you don’t just get your oils, you get us, our support and our education. So we’ll teach you how to use your oils everyday to give you better health and more energy. The second way is to share the oils and this is going to happen really organically. You’re going to love your oils and you’ll probably find that you want to share them with your friends and family. If you do that then you have the opportunity to get your oils for free and perhaps earn a bit of money on the side. And then the third option is someone like me, a crazy oil person who is determined to teach as many people as I can who care about the oils. And this is the people who want to replace or even multiply their income. We’re always looking for teachers, so if this interests you and it’s something you want to talk to me about, let me know and we’ll have a chat. But for now, for those of you who have oils and you’re ready to order, this is what we do. Go to your final page. Right here up the top, you’re going to write your contact details. Then coming down to here you’re going to choose the kit that you want. So if the home essentials kit is for you, you’ll tick the home essentials kit. And over here on other products, if you love the feel of that coconut oil when we did that aromatic dressing, wright FCO so that we can add that to your order. Don’t worry too much about this third section here, I’ll talk to you about that at the end when I come around one by one. And finally, down the bottom, that’s for your credit card details. I’ll collect this safely off you and process your order tonight when I get home from class. So does anyone have any questions? I’ll take any questions now. I’m now going to come around, I have my home essentials app, my emotions and essential oils book, I’m going to come around one by one and just check in with each of you. If you’ve got any questions that you were too shy to ask in front of the class, I’m here for you. But other than that, awesome. We’re going to put on some music, enjoy the snacks and I’ll see you in a bit. I go around one by one. First priority is I make sure that they get the oils that they want and for the best price. So when we open the class we ask people to treat their price list as a wish list. And ask them to put a mark next to the products that resonate with them. I’m going to come around to someone and I’m going to look at what they’ve noted that they want. But I’m also going to look at their drawing entry. So I’ll say, ok the best thing for you to do today is definitely get the home essentials kit but what I’m thinking is, there’s also some oils that will help you with this too, so what I’m thinking is the mood management kit or clary palm for your hormones or in tune and elevation for energy and focus. So this is what I think you should do. I think you should select home essentials kit here, if you liked the fractionated coconut oil tick there and next month what we can do is say on our order for you. I wouldn’t get it all today. We can add them on next month because this means you’ll automatically get points back through the free oils program. So I’ll tell you this guys. I’m not interested one bit in people enrolling with big orders. I’m not after that. I want them to enroll with the home essentials kit and then I want to add their other oils onto their first months LRP. I want them to be receiving points back. The bigger the kit they order the less likely they are to order LRP. Let’s say someone has picked the same amount of oils but money is quite tight, I might say ok well look what about this kit here. Is this kit in your budget? The essential collection? And they might say yeah but I really want a diffuser. And so I’ll say ok well why don’t we put this on this months’ order and next month we’ll add on a diffuser and a couple of other really beautiful blends that you want so that you don’t have to pay for everything today. We’ll split it over two months. Always focus on meeting their needs, but not babying them and cuddling them. Just meeting their needs. What if someone was like I just want frankincense and lemon? This happened to me on the weekend. A lady didn’t enroll with a kit, so she just wanted 3 or 4 oils. So she enrolled with a $35 enrolment packet and then she put her three oils that she wanted there but then still next month, because I looked at her form, I’m like I think you should really get the mood management kit next month and she’s like ok cool whatever that cool write it down. So even though she didn’t enroll in a kit, she’s still open to getting more oils next month. You see how you use these tools, the fractionated coconut oil, this does take your home essentials kit from $230 PV to a $250 PV order. And so what this means, if you get them to enroll with this, they can use their oils everyday on their body in a way that helps them feel really feminine, alive and beautiful. It’s exciting to them. If you have a class of more than 7 people, you need to have more than one of you there. You need to help each other so that everyone can get that one on one time. So that’s it. That’s how I’m getting 90% enrollment rate and of the people that enroll, an 80% LRP because I’m so confident in the membership and LRP that they believe and are like I want in! ................

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