
Lesson Plan~The Academy for Technology & the Classics~Cultivating Fearless Learners

|Instructor’s name: |Course/Grade: |

|McCormick |Spanish II |

|Week of: |Unit Name: |

|Week 13 November 5 – 9 |Lesson 8.2 Double Object Pronouns |

|(1A) *Essential Question(s): |(1A/1B) Connections (prior/future learning): |

|How do people talk about what they eat at each meal? |Students will add to their knowledge of verb conjugation with the preterite and food |

|How do people make comparisons about people, places, and things? |vocabulary in Spanish. They have studied present, stem changers, irregulars and |

|What are some common foods and dishes in the Spanish-speaking world? |preterite; now they will add stem changers in the preterite. They will practice with |

| |comparatives and superlatives, which we will integrate into our dia de los muertos |

| |lessons. |

|(1A) Common Core/State Standards: |

|Standard 1.1 Learners interact and negotiate meaning in spoken, signed, or written conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions. |

|Standard 1.2: Interpretive Communication. Students understand, interpret and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics. |

|Standard 2.1: Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between the practices |

|and perspectives of the cultures studied. |

|Standard 3.1: Making Connections: Learners build, reinforce, and expand their knowledge of other disciplines while using the language to develop critical thinking and|

|to solve problems creatively |

|Standard 4.1: Language Comparisons: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the nature of language through comparisons of the language |

|studied and their own. |

|Standard 4.2: Cultural Comparisons: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures |

|studied and their own. |

|(1E) Other considerations |(1D) Resources/Materials: |

|All accommodations and modifications indicated in student IEPs will be |Students: VHL Central |

|followed. Any needs of ELL students (modification of assignment length, |Teacher: VHL Central |

|modification of assignment complexity, modification of source reading, etc.) | |

|will be implemented. | |

|(1F) Assessment (How will you monitor progress and know students have successfully met outcomes? What happens when students understand and when they don’t understand?|

| |

|Daily: No opt out, cold call, discussion-communication activities |

| |

|This Week: VHL Homework, Classroom Practices |

|MONDAY- | |

|(1C) Learning Target: I can identify and classify a variety of foods in Spanish |(1F)Embedded Formative Assessment: correct identification |

| | |

|(1C) Do Now: Vocabuary |(1B)Closing Activity: Students self-assess progress to learning targets |

| | |

|Students will review food vocabulary with a powerpoint and whiteboards. | |


|(1C) Learning Target: I can compare and contrast DDM and Halloween |(1F) Embedded Formative Assessment: |

| |Individual check-ins |

|(1C) Do Now: NONE | |

| |(1B) Closing Activity: Students self-assess progress to learning targets |

| | |

| |Homework: DDM Video Activities Due |


|(1C) Learning Target: Double OP |(1F ) Embedded Formative Assessment – Individual check-ins |

| | |

|(1C) Do Now: Vocabulary | |

| |(1B) Closing Activity: Students self-assess progress to learning targets |

|Notes and practice Double Obeject Pronouns | |

|THURSDAY |(1F) Embedded Formative Assessment: Individual check-ins |

|(1C) Learning Target: I can communicate in Spanish using both direct and indirect | |

|object pronouns. |(1B) Closing Activity: Students self-assess progress to learning targets |

| | |

|(1C) Do Now: Double Object Pronouns |Homework: Dia de Muetos Vocabulary |

| | |

|Speaking Practice Double object Prounouns | |


|(1C) Learning Target: I can communicate in Spanish using both direct and indirect |(1F) Embedded Formative Assessment: Individual check ins with each student and |

|object pronouns. |progress. |

| | |

|(1C) Do Now- Double Object Pronouns |(1B)Closing Activity: Students self-assess progress to learning targets |

| | |

|Students work in small groups and then review double op practice as a class. | |

|*Refers to NMTEACH Rubric: |Formative Assessment includes, but is not limited to: |

|1A-Demonstrating knowledge of content |Exit tickets, white board response, consensagrams, red/green cards, formal or |

|1B-Designing coherent instruction |informal student conferences, sticky note assessment. |

|1C-Setting Instructional outcomes | |

|1D-Demonstrating knowledge of resources | |

|1E-Demonstrating knowledge of students | |

|1F-Designing student assessment | |


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