Maestra McCormick

Lesson Plan~The Academy for Technology & the Classics~Cultivating Fearless Learners

|Instructor’s name: |Course/Grade: |

|McCormick |Spanish III |

|Week of: |Unit Name: |

|January 25th – 29th |Double Object Pronouns |

|(1A)*Essential Question(s): |(1A/1B) Connections (prior/future learning): |

|What are direct/indirect object pronouns? |Review of Spanish II |

|How can I use double object pronouns in Spanish? | |

|(1A) Common Core/State Standards: |

|Standard 1: By speaking, writing or signing, students will express themselves in a culturally-appropriate manner for many purposes. |

|B. Standard 2: By listening, observing, reading and discussing, students will comprehend and interpret oral, written and visual messages on a variety of topics. |

|C. Standard 3: Students will understand the relationship between language and culture |

|E. Standard 5: Students will understand how language works. |

|(1E) Other considerations |(1D) Resources/Materials: |

|All accommodations and modifications indicated in student IEPs will be followed. Any |Students: Homework, Notes |

|needs of ELL students (modification of assignment length, modification of assignment |Teacher: PPT Double Object Pronouns |

|complexity, modification of source reading, etc.) will be implemented. | |

|(1F) Assessment (How will you monitor progress and know students have successfully met outcomes? What happens when students understand and when they don’t understand?|

| |

|Daily: Exit Tickets, Cold call and other checks for understanding. Homework |

| |

|This Week: |


|(1C) Learning Target: I can compare and contrast direct/indirect objects in |(1F)Embedded Formative Assessment: teacher will monitor student progress |

|Spanish | |

| |(1B)Closing Activity: define this part of a sentence |

|(1C) Do Now: PoS Practice | |

| |Homework: Complementos- sentence parts |

|Review IOPs and DOPs | |

|Partner Activity: Questions with iops (communication) | |

|Song: El Amor | |

|Activity- videos with analysis | |


|(1C) Learning Target: I can compare and contrast direct/indirect objects in |(1F)Embedded Formative Assessment: teacher will monitor student progress |

|Spanish | |

| |(1B)Closing Activity: define this part of a sentence |

|(1C) Do Now: PoS Practice | |

| |Homework: Double Object Pronouns- sentence forming |

|Song: Dile | |

|PPT Double Object Pronouns | |


|(1C) Learning Target: I can read in Spanish |(1F )Embedded Formative Assessment teacher will monitor student progress |

| | |

|(1C) Do Now: complementos practice |(1B) Closing Activity: Pass the cow with commands |

| | |

|Song: dimelo |Homework: newsela article |

|Partner activity: Asking and answering with pronouns | |

|Online Practice: Object Pronouns | |


|(1C) Learning Target: I can read a news article and write an analysis. |(1F )Embedded Formative Assessment- teacher will monitor student progress |

| | |

|(1C) Do Now: Double Object Pronouns |(1B) Closing Activity: pass the cow |

| | |

|Students will research newsela, choose an article and read it. They will write | |

|their analysis and prepare for tomorrow’s presentations. | |


|(1C) Learning Target: I can report my article to the class and introduce a |(1F)Embedded Formative Assessment: teacher will monitor progress, visiting each |

|discussion topic |group and participating in discussions |

| | |

|(1C) Do Now: complementos practice |(1B)Closing Activity: comprehension questions about the article |

| | |

|Students will present their articles to the class and discuss each one. Focus on |Homework: none |

|improvised speech and discussion in Spanish. | |

|*Refers to NMTEACH Rubric: |Formative Assessment includes, but is not limited to: |

|1A-Demonstrating knowledge of content |Exit tickets, white board response, consensagrams, red/green cards, formal or |

|1B-Designing coherent instruction |informal student conferences, sticky note assessment. |

|1C-Setting Instructional outcomes | |

|1D-Demonstrating knowledge of resources | |

|1E-Demonstrating knowledge of students | |

|1F-Designing student assessment | |


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