
classdef arduino < handle % This class defines an "arduino" object % Giampiero Campa, Aug 2013, Copyright 2013 The MathWorks, Inc. properties (SetAccess=private,GetAccess=private) aser % Serial Connection pins % Pin Status Vector srvs % Servo Status Vector mspd % DC Motors Speed Status sspd % Stepper Motors Speed Status encs % Encoders Status sktc % Motor Server Running on the Arduino Board end properties (Hidden=true) chks = false; % Checks serial connection before every operation chkp = true; % Checks parameters before every operation end methods % constructor, connects to the board and creates an arduino object function a=arduino(comPort) % check nargin if nargin<1, comPort='DEMO'; disp('Note: a DEMO connection will be created'); disp('Use a the com port, e.g. ''COM5'' as input argument to connect to the real board'); end % check port if ~ischar(comPort), error('The input argument must be a string, e.g. ''COM8'' '); end % check if we are already connected if isa(a.aser,'serial') && isvalid(a.aser) && strcmpi(get(a.aser,'Status'),'open'), disp(['It looks like a board is already connected to port ' comPort ]); disp('Delete the object to force disconnection'); disp('before attempting a connection to a different port.'); return; end % check whether serial port is currently used by MATLAB if ~isempty(instrfind({'Port'},{comPort})), disp(['The port ' comPort ' is already used by MATLAB']); disp(['If you are sure that the board is connected to ' comPort]); disp('then delete the object, execute:'); disp([' delete(instrfind({''Port''},{''' comPort '''}))']); disp('to delete the port, disconnect the cable, reconnect it,'); disp('and then create a new arduino object'); error(['Port ' comPort ' already used by MATLAB']); end % define serial object a.aser=serial(comPort,'BaudRate',115200); % connection if strcmpi(get(a.aser,'Port'),'DEMO'), % handle demo mode fprintf(1,'Demo mode connection .'); for i=1:6, pause(1); fprintf(1,'.'); end fprintf(1,'\n'); % chk is equal to 4, (more general server running) a.sktc=4; else % actual connection % open port try fopen(a.aser); catch ME, disp(ME.message) delete(a); error(['Could not open port: ' comPort]); end % it takes several seconds before any operation could be attempted fprintf(1,'Attempting connection .'); for i=1:12, pause(1); fprintf(1,'.'); end fprintf(1,'\n'); % flush serial buffer before sending anything flush(a); % query sketch type fwrite(a.aser,[57 57],'uchar'); a.sktc=fscanf(a.aser,'%d'); % exit if there was no answer if isempty(a.sktc) delete(a); error('Connection unsuccessful, please make sure that the board is powered on, running a sketch provided with the package, and connected to the indicated serial port. You might also try to unplug and re-plug the USB cable before attempting a reconnection.'); end end % check returned value if a.sktc==0, disp('Basic Analog and Digital I/O (adio.pde) sketch detected !'); elseif a.sktc==1, disp('Analog & Digital I/O + Encoders (adioe.pde) sketch detected !'); elseif a.sktc==2, disp('Analog & Digital I/O + Encoders + Servos (adioes.pde) sketch detected !'); elseif a.sktc==3, disp('Motor Shield V1 (plus adioes.pde functions) sketch detected !'); elseif a.sktc==4, disp('Motor Shield V2 (plus adioes.pde functions) sketch detected !'); else delete(a); error('Unknown sketch. Please make sure that a sketch provided with the package is running on the board'); end % set a.aser tag a.aser.Tag='ok'; % initialize pin vector (-1 is unassigned, 0 is input, 1 is output) a.pins=-1*ones(1,69); % initialize servo vector (0 is detached, 1 is attached) a.srvs=0*ones(1,69); % initialize encoder vector (0 is detached, 1 is attached) a.encs=0*ones(1,3); % initialize motor vector (0 to 255 is the speed) a.mspd=0*ones(1,4); % initialize stepper vector (0 to 255 is the speed) a.sspd=0*ones(1,2); % notify successful installation disp('Arduino successfully connected !'); end % arduino % distructor, deletes the object function delete(a) % Use delete(a) or a.delete to delete the arduino object % if it is a serial, valid and open then close it if isa(a.aser,'serial') && isvalid(a.aser) && strcmpi(get(a.aser,'Status'),'open'), if ~isempty(a.aser.Tag), try % trying to leave it in a known unharmful state for i=2:69, a.pinMode(i,'output'); a.digitalWrite(i,0); a.pinMode(i,'input'); end catch ME % disp but proceed anyway disp(ME.message); disp('Proceeding to deletion anyway'); end end fclose(a.aser); end % if it's an object delete it if isobject(a.aser), delete(a.aser); end end % delete % disp, displays the object function disp(a) % disp(a) or a.disp, displays the arduino object properties % The first and only argument is the arduino object, there is no % output, but the basic information and properties of the arduino % object are displayed on the screen. % This function is called when just the name of the arduino object % is typed on the command line, followed by enter. The command % str=evalc('a.disp'), (or str=evalc('a')), can be used to capture % the output in the string 'str'. if isvalid(a), if isa(a.aser,'serial') && isvalid(a.aser), disp(['<a href="matlab:help arduino">arduino</a> object connected to ' a.aser.port ' port']); if a.sktc==4, disp('Motor Shield sketch V2 (plus adioes.pde functions) running on the board'); disp(' '); a.servoStatus disp(' '); disp('Servo Methods: <a href="matlab:help servoStatus">servoStatus</a> <a href="matlab:help servoAttach">servoAttach</a> <a href="matlab:help servoDetach">servoDetach</a> <a href="matlab:help servoRead">servoRead</a> <a href="matlab:help servoWrite">servoWrite</a>'); disp(' '); a.encoderStatus disp(' '); disp('Encoder Methods: <a href="matlab:help encoderStatus">encoderStatus</a> <a href="matlab:help encoderAttach">encoderAttach</a> <a href="matlab:help encoderDetach">encoderDetach</a> <a href="matlab:help encoderRead">encoderRead</a> <a href="matlab:help encoderReset">encoderReset</a>'); disp(' '); a.motorSpeed a.stepperSpeed disp(' '); disp('DC Motor and Steppers Methods: <a href="matlab:help motorSpeed">motorSpeed</a> <a href="matlab:help motorRun">motorRun</a> <a href="matlab:help stepperSpeed">stepperSpeed</a> <a href="matlab:help stepperStep">stepperStep</a>'); disp(' '); disp('Serial port and other Methods: <a href="matlab:help serial">serial</a> <a href="matlab:help flush">flush</a> <a href="matlab:help roundTrip">roundTrip</a>'); elseif a.sktc==3, disp('Motor Shield sketch V1 (plus adioes.pde functions) running on the board'); disp(' '); a.servoStatus disp(' '); disp('Servo Methods: <a href="matlab:help servoStatus">servoStatus</a> <a href="matlab:help servoAttach">servoAttach</a> <a href="matlab:help servoDetach">servoDetach</a> <a href="matlab:help servoRead">servoRead</a> <a href="matlab:help servoWrite">servoWrite</a>'); disp(' '); a.encoderStatus disp(' '); disp('Encoder Methods: <a href="matlab:help encoderStatus">encoderStatus</a> <a href="matlab:help encoderAttach">encoderAttach</a> <a href="matlab:help encoderDetach">encoderDetach</a> <a href="matlab:help encoderRead">encoderRead</a> <a href="matlab:help encoderReset">encoderReset</a>'); disp(' '); a.motorSpeed a.stepperSpeed disp(' '); disp('DC Motor and Steppers Methods: <a href="matlab:help motorSpeed">motorSpeed</a> <a href="matlab:help motorRun">motorRun</a> <a href="matlab:help stepperSpeed">stepperSpeed</a> <a href="matlab:help stepperStep">stepperStep</a>'); disp(' '); disp('Serial port and other Methods: <a href="matlab:help serial">serial</a> <a href="matlab:help flush">flush</a> <a href="matlab:help roundTrip">roundTrip</a>'); elseif a.sktc==2, disp('Analog & Digital I/O + Encoders + Servos (adioes.pde) sketch running on the board'); disp(' '); a.pinMode disp(' '); disp('Pin IO Methods: <a href="matlab:help pinMode">pinMode</a> <a href="matlab:help digitalRead">digitalRead</a> <a href="matlab:help digitalWrite">digitalWrite</a> <a href="matlab:help analogRead">analogRead</a> <a href="matlab:help analogWrite">analogWrite</a> <a href="matlab:help analogReference">analogReference</a>'); disp(' '); a.servoStatus disp(' '); disp('Servo Methods: <a href="matlab:help servoStatus">servoStatus</a> <a href="matlab:help servoAttach">servoAttach</a> <a href="matlab:help servoDetach">servoDetach</a> <a href="matlab:help servoRead">servoRead</a> <a href="matlab:help servoWrite">servoWrite</a>'); disp(' '); a.encoderStatus disp(' '); disp('Encoder Methods: <a href="matlab:help encoderStatus">encoderStatus</a> <a href="matlab:help encoderAttach">encoderAttach</a> <a href="matlab:help encoderDetach">encoderDetach</a> <a href="matlab:help encoderRead">encoderRead</a> <a href="matlab:help encoderReset">encoderReset</a>'); disp(' '); disp('Serial port and other Methods: <a href="matlab:help serial">serial</a> <a href="matlab:help flush">flush</a> <a href="matlab:help roundTrip">roundTrip</a>'); elseif a.sktc==1, disp('Analog & Digital I/O + Encoders (adioe.pde) sketch running on the board'); disp(' '); a.pinMode disp(' '); disp('Pin IO Methods: <a href="matlab:help pinMode">pinMode</a> <a href="matlab:help digitalRead">digitalRead</a> <a href="matlab:help digitalWrite">digitalWrite</a> <a href="matlab:help analogRead">analogRead</a> <a href="matlab:help analogWrite">analogWrite</a> <a href="matlab:help analogReference">analogReference</a>'); disp(' '); a.encoderStatus disp(' '); disp('Encoder Methods: <a href="matlab:help encoderStatus">encoderStatus</a> <a href="matlab:help encoderAttach">encoderAttach</a> <a href="matlab:help encoderDetach">encoderDetach</a> <a href="matlab:help encoderRead">encoderRead</a> <a href="matlab:help encoderReset">encoderReset</a>'); disp(' '); disp('Serial port and other Methods: <a href="matlab:help serial">serial</a> <a href="matlab:help flush">flush</a> <a href="matlab:help roundTrip">roundTrip</a>'); else disp('Basic Analog & Digital I/O sketch (adio.pde) running on the board'); disp(' '); a.pinMode disp(' '); disp('Pin IO Methods: <a href="matlab:help pinMode">pinMode</a> <a href="matlab:help digitalRead">digitalRead</a> <a href="matlab:help digitalWrite">digitalWrite</a> <a href="matlab:help analogRead">analogRead</a> <a href="matlab:help analogWrite">analogWrite</a> <a href="matlab:help analogReference">analogReference</a>'); disp(' '); disp('Serial port and other Methods: <a href="matlab:help serial">serial</a> <a href="matlab:help flush">flush</a> <a href="matlab:help roundTrip">roundTrip</a>'); end disp(' '); else disp('<a href="matlab:help arduino">arduino</a> object connected to an invalid serial port'); disp('Please delete the arduino object'); disp(' '); end else disp('Invalid <a href="matlab:help arduino">arduino</a> object'); disp('Please clear the object and instantiate another one'); disp(' '); end end % serial, returns the serial port function str=serial(a) % serial(a) (or a.serial), returns the name of the serial port % The first and only argument is the arduino object, the output % is a string containing the name of the serial port to which % the arduino board is connected (e.g. 'COM9', 'DEMO', or % '/dev/ttyS101'). The string 'Invalid' is returned if % the serial port is invalid if isvalid(a.aser), str=a.aser.port; else str='Invalid'; end end % serial % flush, clears the pc's serial port buffer function val=flush(a) % val=flush(a) (or val=a.flush) reads all the bytes available % (if any) in the computer's serial port buffer, therefore % clearing said buffer. % The first and only argument is the arduino object, the % output is a vector of bytes that were still in the buffer. % The value '-1' is returned if the buffer was already empty. val=-1; if a.aser.BytesAvailable>0, val=fread(a.aser,a.aser.BytesAvailable); end end % flush % pin mode, changes pin mode function pinMode(a,pin,str) % pinMode(a,pin,str); reads or sets the I/O mode of a digital pin. % The first argument, a, is the arduino object. % The second argument, pin, is the number of the digital pin (2 to 69). % The third argument, str, is a string that can be 'input' or 'output', % Called as pinMode(a,pin) it returns the mode of the digital pin, % called as pinMode(a), it prints the mode of all the digital pins. % Note that in the Arduino Uno board the digital pins from 0 to 13 % are located on the upper right part of the board, % while the digital pins from 14 to 19 are better known as % "analog input" pins (in fact are often referred to with an % analog pin number from 0 to 5) and are located in the lower % right corner of the board. % % Examples: % pinMode(a,11,'output') % sets digital pin #11 as output % pinMode(a,10,'input') % sets digital pin #10 as input % a.pinMode(10,'input') % same as pinMode(a,10,'input') % val=pinMode(a,10); % returns the status of digital pin #10 % pinMode(a,5); % prints the status of digital pin #5 % pinMode(a); % prints the status of all pins % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ARGUMENT CHECKING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % check arguments if a.chkp is true if a.chkp, % check nargin if nargin>3, error('This function cannot have more than 3 arguments, object, pin and str'); end % if pin argument is there check it if nargin>1, errstr=arduino.checknum(pin,'pin number',2:69); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % if str argument is there check it if nargin>2, errstr=arduino.checkstr(str,'pin mode',{'input','output'}); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end end % perform the requested action if nargin==3, % check a.aser for validity if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'valid'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CHANGE PIN MODE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % assign value if lower(str(1))=='o', val=1; else val=0; end if strcmpi(get(a.aser,'Port'),'DEMO'), % handle demo mode here % minimum digital output delay pause(0.0014); else % do the actual action here % check a.aser for openness if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'open'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % send mode, pin and value fwrite(a.aser,[48 97+pin 48+val],'uchar'); end % silently detach servos on the correspinding pin tmp=a.chkp; a.chkp=0; a.servoDetach(pin); a.chkp=tmp; % store 0 for input and 1 for output a.pins(pin)=val; elseif nargin==2, % print pin mode for the requested pin mode={'UNASSIGNED','set as INPUT','set as OUTPUT'}; disp(['Digital Pin ' num2str(pin) ' is currently ' mode{2+a.pins(pin)}]); else % print pin mode for each pin mode={'UNASSIGNED','set as INPUT','set as OUTPUT'}; for i=2:69; disp(['Digital Pin ' num2str(i,'%02d') ' is currently ' mode{2+a.pins(i)}]); end end end % pinmode % digital read function val=digitalRead(a,pin) % val=digitalRead(a,pin); performs digital input on a given arduino pin. % The first argument, a, is the arduino object. % The second argument, pin, is the number of the digital pin (2 to 69) % where the digital input needs to be performed. On the Arduino Uno % the digital pins from 0 to 13 are located on the upper right part % while the digital pins from 14 to 19 are better known as "analog input" % pins and are located in the lower right corner of the board % (in fact are often referred to as "analog pins from 0 to 5"). % % Examples: % val=digitalRead(a,4); % reads pin #4 % val=a.digitalRead(4); % just as above (reads pin #4) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ARGUMENT CHECKING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % check arguments if a.chkp is true if a.chkp, % check nargin if nargin~=2, error('Function must have the "pin" argument'); end % check pin errstr=arduino.checknum(pin,'pin number',2:69); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % check a.aser for validity if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'valid'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PERFORM DIGITAL INPUT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if strcmpi(get(a.aser,'Port'),'DEMO'), % handle demo mode % minimum digital input delay pause(0.0074); % output 0 or 1 randomly val=round(rand); else % check a.aser for openness if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'open'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % send mode and pin fwrite(a.aser,[49 97+pin],'uchar'); % get value val=fscanf(a.aser,'%d'); end end % digitalread % digital write function digitalWrite(a,pin,val) % digitalWrite(a,pin,val); performs digital output on a given pin. % The first argument, a, is the arduino object. % The second argument, pin, is the number of the digital pin % (2 to 69) where the digital output value needs to be written. % The third argument, val, is the output value (either 0 or 1). % On the Arduino Uno the digital pins from 0 to 13 are located % on the upper right part of the board, while the digital pins % from 14 to 19 are better known as "analog input" pins and are % located in the lower right corner of the board (in fact are % often referred to as "analog pins from 0 to 5"). % % Examples: % digitalWrite(a,13,1); % sets pin #13 high % digitalWrite(a,13,0); % sets pin #13 low % a.digitalWrite(13,0); % just as above (sets pin #13 to low) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ARGUMENT CHECKING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % check arguments if a.chkp is true if a.chkp, % check nargin if nargin~=3, error('Function must have the "pin" and "val" arguments'); end % check pin errstr=arduino.checknum(pin,'pin number',2:69); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end % check val errstr=arduino.checknum(val,'value',0:1); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end % get object name if isempty(inputname(1)), name='object'; else name=inputname(1); end % pin should be configured as output if a.pins(pin)~=1, warning('MATLAB:Arduino:digitalWrite',['If digital pin ' num2str(pin) ' is set as input, digital output takes place only after using ' name' '.pinMode(' num2str(pin) ',''output''); ']); end end % check a.aser for validity if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'valid'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PERFORM DIGITAL OUTPUT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if strcmpi(get(a.aser,'Port'),'DEMO'), % handle demo mode % minimum digital output delay pause(0.0014); else % check a.aser for openness if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'open'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % send mode, pin and value fwrite(a.aser,[50 97+pin 48+val],'uchar'); end end % digitalwrite % analog read function val=analogRead(a,pin) % val=analogRead(a,pin); Performs analog input on a given arduino pin. % The first argument, a, is the arduino object. The second argument, % pin, is the number of the analog input pin (0 to 15) from which the % analog value needs to be read. The returned value, val, ranges from % 0 to 1023, with 0 corresponding to an input voltage of 0 volts, % and 1023 to a reference value that is typically 5 volts (this voltage can % be set up by the analogReference function). Therefore, assuming a range % from 0 to 5 V the resolution is .0049 volts (4.9 mV) per unit. % Note that in the Arduino Uno board the analog input pins 0 to 5 are also % the digital pins from 14 to 19, and are located on the lower right corner. % Specifically, analog input pin 0 corresponds to digital pin 14, and analog % input pin 5 corresponds to digital pin 19. Performing analog input does % not affect the digital state (high, low, digital input) of the pin. % % Examples: % val=analogRead(a,0); % reads analog input pin # 0 % val=a.analogRead(0); % just as above, reads analog input pin # 0 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ARGUMENT CHECKING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % check arguments if a.chkp is true if a.chkp, % check nargin if nargin~=2, error('Function must have the "pin" argument'); end % check pin errstr=arduino.checknum(pin,'analog input pin number',0:15); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % check a.aser for validity if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'valid'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PERFORM ANALOG INPUT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if strcmpi(get(a.aser,'Port'),'DEMO'), % handle demo mode % minimum analog input delay pause(0.0074); % output a random value between 0 and 1023 val=round(1023*rand); else % check a.aser for openness if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'open'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % send mode and pin fwrite(a.aser,[51 97+pin],'uchar'); % get value val=fscanf(a.aser,'%d'); end end % analogread % function analog write function analogWrite(a,pin,val) % analogWrite(a,pin,val); Performs analog output on a given arduino pin. % The first argument, a, is the arduino object. The second argument, % pin, is the number of the DIGITAL pin where the analog (PWM) output % needs to be performed. Allowed pins for AO on the Mega board % are 2 to 13 and 44 to 46, (3,5,6,9,10,11 on the Uno board). % The second argument, val, is the value from 0 to 255 for the level of % analog output. Note that the digital pins from 0 to 13 are located on the % upper right part of the board. % % Examples: % analogWrite(a,11,90); % sets pin #11 to 90/255 % a.analogWrite(3,10); % sets pin #3 to 10/255 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ARGUMENT CHECKING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % check arguments if a.chkp is true if a.chkp, % check nargin if nargin~=3, error('Function must have the "pin" and "val" arguments'); end % check pin errstr=arduino.checknum(pin,'pwm pin number',[2:13 44:46]); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end % check val errstr=arduino.checknum(val,'analog output level',0:255); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % check a.aser for validity if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'valid'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PERFORM ANALOG OUTPUT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if strcmpi(get(a.aser,'Port'),'DEMO'), % handle demo mode % minimum analog output delay pause(0.0014); else % check a.aser for openness if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'open'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % send mode, pin and value fwrite(a.aser,[52 97+pin val],'uchar'); end end % analogwrite % function analog reference function analogReference(a,str) % analogReference(a,str); Changes voltage reference on analog input pins % The first argument, a, is the arduino object. The second argument, % str, is one of these strings: 'default', 'internal' or 'external'. % This sets the reference voltage used at the top of the input ranges. % % Examples: % analogReference(a,'default'); % sets default reference % analogReference(a,'internal'); % sets internal reference % analogReference(a,'external'); % sets external reference % a.analogReference('external'); % just as above (sets external reference) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ARGUMENT CHECKING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % check arguments if a.chkp is true if a.chkp, % check nargin if nargin~=2, error('Function must have the "reference" argument'); end % check val errstr=arduino.checkstr(str,'reference',{'default','internal','external'}); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % check a.aser for validity if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'valid'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CHANGE ANALOG INPUT REFERENCE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if strcmpi(get(a.aser,'Port'),'DEMO'), % handle demo mode % minimum analog output delay pause(0.0014); else % check a.aser for openness if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'open'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end if lower(str(1))=='e', num=2; elseif lower(str(1))=='i', num=1; else num=0; end % send mode, pin and value fwrite(a.aser,[82 48+num],'uchar'); end end % analogreference % servo attach function servoAttach(a,pin) % servoAttach(a,pin); or a.servoAttach(pin); attaches a servo to a pin. % The first argument, a, is the arduino object. The second argument, % pin, is the number of the pwm pin where the servo must be attached % (a servo has three pins, a central red one which goes to +5V, % a black or brown one which goes to ground, and a white or orange one % which must be connected to an analog output (PWM) pin on the Arduino). % % Earlier versions of both Arduino boards and Arduino IO package supported % only pwm pins 9 and 10, now up to 12 different pins are supported on most % Arduino boards, and 48 on the Mega. Note that on boards other than the Mega, % use of the servos disables analogWrite() functionality on pins 9 and 10, % whether or not there is a Servo on those pins. On the Mega, up to 12 servos % can be used without interfering with PWM; use of 12 to 23 servos will % disable PWM on pins 11 and 12. % % Note that motor shields typically have their own servo connectors, % For example the Adafruit Motor Shield V1 has 2 servo connector on % its top left corner, the one labeled "SER1" uses pin #10, % while the one labeled "SERVO_2" uses the pin #9. % % Examples: % servoAttach(a,10); % attaches servo on pin #10 % a.servoAttach(10); % same as above (attaches servo on pin #10) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ARGUMENT CHECKING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % check arguments if a.chkp is true if a.chkp, % check nargin if nargin~=2, error('Function must have the "pin" argument'); end % check pin errstr=arduino.checknum(pin,'servo number',2:69); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % check a.aser for validity if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'valid'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % warning if sketch is inadequate and a.chkp is true if a.chkp && a.sktc<2 disp('Warning: the sketch running on the Arduino does not support servos'); disp('No operation will be performed on the Arduino board'); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ATTACH SERVO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if strcmpi(get(a.aser,'Port'),'DEMO') || a.sktc<2, % handle demo mode % minimum digital output delay pause(0.0014); else % check a.aser for openness if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'open'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % send mode, pin and value (1 for attach) fwrite(a.aser,[54 97+pin 48+1],'uchar'); end % store the servo status a.srvs(pin)=1; % update pin status to unassigned a.pins(pin)=-1; end % servoattach % servo detach function servoDetach(a,pin) % servoDetach(a,pin); detaches a servo from its corresponding pwm pin. % The first argument, a, is the arduino object. The second argument, % pin, is the number of the pin where the servo is attached % Earlier versions supported only pins 9 and 10, now up to 12 different % pins are supported on most Arduino boards, and 48 on the Mega. % Note that on boards other than the Mega, using the servos disables % analogWrite() functionality on pins 9 and 10, whether or not there % is a Servo on those pins. On the Mega, up to 12 servos can be used % without interfering with PWM; use of 12 to 23 servos will % disable PWM on pins 11 and 12. % % Examples: % servoDetach(a,10); % detaches a servo attached on pin 10 % a.servoDetach(10); % detaches a servo attached on pin 10 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ARGUMENT CHECKING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % check arguments if a.chkp is true if a.chkp, % check nargin if nargin~=2, error('Function must have the "pin" argument'); end % check servo number errstr=arduino.checknum(pin,'servo number',2:69); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % check a.aser for validity if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'valid'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % warning if sketch is inadequate and a.chkp is true if a.chkp && a.sktc<2 disp('Warning: the sketch running on the Arduino does not support servos'); disp('No operation will be performed on the Arduino board'); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DETACH SERVO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if strcmpi(get(a.aser,'Port'),'DEMO') || a.sktc<2, % handle demo mode % minimum digital output delay pause(0.0014); else % check a.aser for openness if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'open'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % send mode, pin and value (0 for detach) fwrite(a.aser,[54 97+pin 48+0],'uchar'); end a.srvs(pin)=0; end % servodetach % servo status function val=servoStatus(a,pin) % servoStatus(a,pin); Reads the status of a servo (attached/detached). % The first argument, a, is the arduino object. The second argument, % pin, is the number of the pin where the servo is attached % Earlier versions supported only pins 9 and 10, now up to 12 different % pins are supported on most Arduino boards, and 48 on the Mega. % The returned value is either 1 (servo attached) or 0 (servo detached). % Called without output arguments, the function prints a string specifying % the status of the servo. Called without input arguments, the function % either returns the status vector or prints the status of each servo. % % Examples: % val=servoStatus(a,10); % return the status of servo on pin #10 % servoStatus(a,10); % prints the status of servo on pin #10 % servoStatus(a); % prints the status of all servos % a.servoStatus; % prints the status of all servos % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ARGUMENT CHECKING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % check nargin if a.chkp is true if a.chkp, if nargin>2, error('Function cannot have more than one argument (servo number) beyond the object name'); end end % with no arguments calls itself recursively for all servos if nargin==1, if nargout>0, val=zeros(69,1); for i=2:69, val(i)=a.servoStatus(i); end return else for i=2:69, a.servoStatus(i); end return end end % check servo number if a.chkp is true if a.chkp, errstr=arduino.checknum(pin,'servo number',2:69); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % check a.aser for validity if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'valid'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % warning if sketch is inadequate and a.chkp is true if a.chkp && a.sktc<2 disp('Warning: the sketch running on the Arduino does not support servos'); disp('No operation will be performed on the Arduino board'); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ASK SERVO STATUS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if strcmpi(get(a.aser,'Port'),'DEMO') || a.sktc<2, % handle demo mode % minimum digital input delay pause(0.0074); % gets value from the servo state vector val=a.srvs(pin); else % check a.aser for openness if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'open'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % send mode and pin fwrite(a.aser,[53 97+pin],'uchar'); % get value val=fscanf(a.aser,'%d'); end % updates the servo state vector a.srvs(pin)=val; if nargout==0, str={'DETACHED','ATTACHED'}; disp(['Servo ' num2str(pin) ' is ' str{1+val}]); clear val return end end % servostatus % servo read function val=servoRead(a,pin) % val=servoRead(a,pin); reads the angle of a given servo. % The first argument, a, is the arduino object. % The second argument, pin, is the number of the pin where the servo is attached % Earlier versions supported only pins 9 and 10, now up to 12 different pins are % supported on most Arduino boards, and 48 on the Mega. % The returned value is the angle in degrees, typically from 0 to 180. % % Note that this function returns random values in DEMO mode, % or when a sketch that does not support servos is running on % the Arduino board. % % Examples: % val=servoRead(a,10); % reads angle from servo on pin #10 % val=a.servoRead(9); % reads angle from servo on pin #9 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ARGUMENT CHECKING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % check arguments if a.chkp is true if a.chkp, % check nargin if nargin~=2, error('Function must have the servo number argument'); end % check servo number errstr=arduino.checknum(pin,'servo number',2:69); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end % get object name if isempty(inputname(1)), name='object'; else name=inputname(1); end % check status if a.srvs(pin)~=1, error(['Servo ' num2str(pin) ' is not attached, please use ' name' '.servoAttach(' num2str(pin) ') to attach it']); end end % check a.aser for validity if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'valid'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % warning if sketch is inadequate and a.chkp is true if a.chkp && a.sktc<2 disp('Warning: the sketch running on the Arduino does not support servos'); disp('A random value will be returned'); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% READ SERVO ANGLE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if strcmpi(get(a.aser,'Port'),'DEMO') || a.sktc<2, % handle demo mode % minimum analog input delay pause(0.0074); % output a random value between 0 and 180 val=round(180*rand); else % check a.aser for openness if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'open'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % send mode and pin fwrite(a.aser,[55 97+pin],'uchar'); % get value val=fscanf(a.aser,'%d'); end end % servoread % servo write function servoWrite(a,pin,val) % servoWrite(a,pin,val); writes an angle on a given servo. % The first argument, a, is the arduino object. % The second argument, pin, is the number of the pin where the servo is attached % Earlier versions supported only pins 9 and 10, now up to 12 different pins are % supported on most Arduino boards, and 48 on the Mega. % The third argument is the angle in degrees, typically from 0 to 180. % % Examples: % servoWrite(a,10,45); % rotates servo on pin #10 to 45 degrees % a.servoWrite(10,70); % rotates servo on pin #9 to 70 degrees % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ARGUMENT CHECKING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % check arguments if a.chkp is true if a.chkp, % check nargin if nargin~=3, error('Function must have the servo number and angle arguments'); end % check servo number errstr=arduino.checknum(pin,'servo number',2:69); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end % check angle value errstr=arduino.checknum(val,'angle',0:180); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end % get object name if isempty(inputname(1)), name='object'; else name=inputname(1); end % check status if a.srvs(pin)~=1, error(['Servo ' num2str(pin) ' is not attached, please use ' name' '.servoAttach(' num2str(pin) ') to attach it']); end end % check a.aser for validity if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'valid'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % warning if sketch is inadequate and a.chkp is true if a.chkp && a.sktc<2 disp('Warning: the sketch running on the Arduino does not support servos'); disp('No operation will be performed on the Arduino board'); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% WRITE ANGLE TO SERVO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if strcmpi(get(a.aser,'Port'),'DEMO') || a.sktc<2, % handle demo mode % minimum analog output delay pause(0.0014); else % check a.aser for openness if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'open'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % send mode, pin and value fwrite(a.aser,[56 97+pin val],'uchar'); end end % servowrite % encoder attach function encoderAttach(a,enc,pinA,pinB) % encoderAttach(a,enc,pinA,pinB); attaches an encoder to 2 pins. % The first argument, a, is the arduino object. % The second argument is the encoder's number, either 0,1 or 2. % The third and fourth arguments, pinA and pinB, are the number of % the pins where the encoder's pinA and pinB are attached (the % "common" pin a.k.a. pinC should be attached to the ground). % % Note that, since this methods relies on attaching interrupt % service routines to the specified pins, the allowed pins for % encoder attachment are only 2,3,18,19,20,21 (see also % for details). % Also note that, to avoid interferences, this function disables % any output and servo functionality for the attached pins. % % Examples: % encoderAttach(a,0,2,3); % attaches encoder #0 on pins 2 and 3 % a.encoderAttach(1,18,19); % attaches encoder #1 on pins 18 and 19 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ARGUMENT CHECKING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % check arguments if a.chkp is true if a.chkp, % check nargin if nargin~=4, error('Function must have the encoder number, pin A and pin B arguments'); end % check encoder number errstr=arduino.checknum(enc,'encoder number',0:2); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end % check pin A errstr=arduino.checknum(pinA,'pin A',[2 3 19 18 21 20]); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end % check pin B errstr=arduino.checknum(pinB,'pin B',[2 3 19 18 21 20]); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % check a.aser for validity if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'valid'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % warning if sketch is inadequate and a.chkp is true if a.chkp && a.sktc<1 disp('Warning: the sketch running on the Arduino does not support encoders'); disp('No operation will be performed on the Arduino board'); end % silently detach servos on the correspinding pins tmp=a.chkp; a.chkp=0; a.servoDetach(pinA); a.servoDetach(pinB); a.chkp=tmp; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ATTACH ENCODER %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if strcmpi(get(a.aser,'Port'),'DEMO') || a.sktc<1, % handle demo mode % minimum analog write delay pause(0.0014); else % check a.aser for openness if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'open'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % send mode, encoder and pins fwrite(a.aser,[69 48+enc 97+pinA 97+pinB],'uchar'); end % store the encoder status a.encs(1+enc)=1; % update pin status to input a.pins([pinA pinB])=[0 0]; end % encoderattach % encoder detach function encoderDetach(a,enc) % encoderDetach(a,enc); detaches an encoder from its pins. % The first argument before the function name, a, is the arduino object. % The second argument, enc, is the number of the encoder to % be detached (0, 1, or 2). This also detaches any interrupt % routine previously attached to the specified pins. % % Examples: % encoderDetach(a,0); % detach encoder #0 % a.encoderDetach(1); % detach encoder #1 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ARGUMENT CHECKING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % check arguments if a.chkp is true if a.chkp, % check nargin if nargin~=2, error('Function must have the encoder number argument'); end % check encoder number errstr=arduino.checknum(enc,'encoder number',0:2); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % check a.aser for validity if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'valid'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % warning if sketch is inadequate and a.chkp is true if a.chkp && a.sktc<1 disp('Warning: the sketch running on the Arduino does not support encoders'); disp('No operation will be performed on the Arduino board'); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DETACH ENCODER %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if strcmpi(get(a.aser,'Port'),'DEMO') || a.sktc<1, % handle demo mode % minimum digital output delay pause(0.0014); else % check a.aser for openness if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'open'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % send mode, encoder and value fwrite(a.aser,[70 48+enc],'uchar'); end a.encs(1+enc)=0; end % encoderdetach % encoder status function val=encoderStatus(a,enc) % encoderStatus(a,enc); Reads the status of an encoder (attached/detached). % The first argument, a, is the arduino object. The second argument, enc, % is the number of the encoder (0 to 2) which status needs to be read. % The returned value is either 1 (encoder attached) or 0 (encoder detached). % Called without output arguments, the function prints a string specifying % the status of the encoder. Called without input arguments, the function % either returns the status vector or prints the status of each encoder. % % Examples: % val=encoderStatus(a,0); % return the status of encoder #0 % encoderStatus(a,2); % prints the status of encoder #2 % encoderStatus(a); % prints the status of all encoders % a.encoderStatus; % prints the status of all encoders % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ARGUMENT CHECKING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % check nargin if a.chkp is true if a.chkp, if nargin>2, error('Function cannot have more than one argument (encoder number) beyond the object name'); end end % with no arguments calls itself recursively for all encoders if nargin==1, if nargout>0, val=zeros(3,1); for i=0:2, val(i+1)=a.encoderStatus(i); end return else for i=0:2, a.encoderStatus(i); end return end end % check encoder number if a.chkp is true if a.chkp, errstr=arduino.checknum(enc,'encoder number',0:2); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % gets value from the encoder state vector val=a.encs(1+enc); if nargout==0, str={'DETACHED','ATTACHED'}; disp(['Encoder ' num2str(enc) ' is ' str{1+val}]); clear val return end end % encoderstatus % encoder read function val=encoderRead(a,enc) % val=encoderRead(a,enc); reads the position of a given encoder. % The first argument, a, is the arduino object. % The second argument, enc, is the encoder number (0 to 2). % The returned value is the position in steps, where clockwise % rotation are assumed positive by convention. % % Note that this function returns random values in DEMO mode, % or when a sketch that does not support encoders is running on % the Arduino board. % % Examples: % val=encoderRead(a,2); % reads angle from encoder #2 % val=a.encoderRead(0); % reads angle from encoder #0 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ARGUMENT CHECKING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % check arguments if a.chkp is true if a.chkp, % check nargin if nargin~=2, error('Function must have the encoder number argument'); end % check encoder number errstr=arduino.checknum(enc,'encoder number',0:2); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end % get object name if isempty(inputname(1)), name='object'; else name=inputname(1); end % check status if a.encs(1+enc)~=1, error(['Encoder ' num2str(enc) ' is not attached, please use ' name' '.encoderAttach(' num2str(enc) ') to attach it']); end end % check a.aser for validity if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'valid'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % warning if sketch is inadequate and a.chkp is true if a.chkp && a.sktc<1 disp('Warning: the sketch running on the Arduino does not support encoders'); disp('A random value will be returned'); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% READ ENCODER POSITION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if strcmpi(get(a.aser,'Port'),'DEMO') || a.sktc<1, % handle demo mode % minimum analog input delay pause(0.0074); % output a random value between -32768 to 32767 val=round(2*32768*rand-32768); else % check a.aser for openness if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'open'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % send mode and enc fwrite(a.aser,[71 48+enc],'uchar'); % get value val=fscanf(a.aser,'%d'); end end % encoderread % encoder reset function encoderReset(a,enc) % encoderReset(a,enc); resets the position of a given encoder. % The first argument, a, is the arduino object. % The second argument, enc, is the number of the encoder (0 to 2). % % Examples: % encoderReset(a,1); % resets encoder #1 % a.encoderReset(2); % resets encoder #2 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ARGUMENT CHECKING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % check arguments if a.chkp is true if a.chkp, % check nargin if nargin~=2, error('Function must have the encoder number argument'); end % check encoder number errstr=arduino.checknum(enc,'encoder number',0:2); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end % get object name if isempty(inputname(1)), name='object'; else name=inputname(1); end % check status if a.encs(1+enc)~=1, error(['Encoder ' num2str(enc) ' is not attached, please use ' name' '.encoderAttach(' num2str(enc) ') to attach it']); end end % check a.aser for validity if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'valid'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % warning if sketch is inadequate and a.chkp is true if a.chkp && a.sktc<1 disp('Warning: the sketch running on the Arduino does not support encoders'); disp('No operation will be performed on the Arduino board'); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% RESET ENCODER POSITION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if strcmpi(get(a.aser,'Port'),'DEMO') || a.sktc<1, % handle demo mode % minimum analog output delay pause(0.0014); else % check a.aser for openness if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'open'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % send mode and encoder number fwrite(a.aser,[72 48+enc],'uchar'); end end % encoderreset % encoder attach function encoderDebounce(a,enc,del) % encoderDebounce(a,enc,del); sets debounce delay for an encoder. % The first argument, a, is the arduino object. % The second argument is the encoder's number, either 0,1 or 2. % The third argument, del, is the debounce delay (in units of % approximately 0.1 ms each) between the instant in which an % interrupt is triggered on either pinA or pinB and the instant % in which the status (HIGH or LOW) of the corresponding pin is % actually read to understand the rotation direction. % % Note that this delay will limit the maximum rotation rate that % can be detected, so use it only if you know what you are doing. % Possible values go from 0 (no delay) to 69 (6.9 ms). In general, % it is suggested to keep this value no higher than 20 (2 ms). % % Examples: % encoderDebounce(a,0,20); % sets a delay of 20 for encoder #0 % a.encoderDebounce(1,17); % sets a delay of 17 for encoder #1 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ARGUMENT CHECKING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % check arguments if a.chkp is true if a.chkp, % check nargin if nargin~=3, error('Function must have both the encoder number and the delay value as arguments'); end % check encoder number errstr=arduino.checknum(enc,'encoder number',0:2); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end % check delay value errstr=arduino.checknum(del,'del',0:69); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end % get object name if isempty(inputname(1)), name='object'; else name=inputname(1); end % check status if a.encs(1+enc)~=1, error(['Encoder ' num2str(enc) ' is not attached, please use ' name' '.encoderAttach(' num2str(enc) ') to attach it']); end end % check a.aser for validity if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'valid'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % warning if sketch is inadequate and a.chkp is true if a.chkp && a.sktc<1 disp('Warning: the sketch running on the Arduino does not support encoders'); disp('No operation will be performed on the Arduino board'); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SETS DEBOUNCE DELAY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if strcmpi(get(a.aser,'Port'),'DEMO') || a.sktc<1, % handle demo mode % minimum analog write delay pause(0.0014); else % check a.aser for openness if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'open'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % send mode, encoder and pins fwrite(a.aser,[73 48+enc 97+del],'uchar'); end end % encoderdebounce % round trip function val=roundTrip(a,byte) % roundTrip(a,byte); sends something to the arduino and back % The first argument, a, is the arduino object. % The second argument, byte, is any integer from 0 to 255. % The output is the same byte, which was received from the % arduino and sent back along the serial connection unchanged. % % This is provided as an example for people that want to add % their own code to this arduino class (the section handling % this dummy function in the pde file is handled as "case 400:", % one might take the parameter, perform some potentially useful % operation, and then send any result back via serial connection). % % Examples: % roundTrip(a,48); % sends '48' to the arduino and back. % a.roundTrip(53); % sends '53' to the arduino and back. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ARGUMENT CHECKING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % check arguments if a.chkp is true if a.chkp, % check nargin if nargin~=2, error('Function must have one argument'); end % check argument (must be a byte) errstr=arduino.checknum(byte,'byte',0:255); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % check a.aser for validity if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'valid'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SEND ARGUMENT ALONG %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if strcmpi(get(a.aser,'Port'),'DEMO'), % handle demo mode % minimum analog output delay pause(0.0014); % sets the output val=byte; else % check a.aser for openness if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'open'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % send mode and byte fwrite(a.aser,[88 byte],'uchar'); % get value back val=fscanf(a.aser,'%d'); end end % roundtrip % motor speed function val=motorSpeed(a,num,val) % val=motorSpeed(a,num,val); sets the speed of a DC motor. % The first argument, a, is the arduino object. % The second argument, num, is the number of the motor, which can go % from 1 to 4 (the motor ports are numbered on the motor shield). % The third argument is the speed from 0 (stopped) to 255 (maximum), note % that depending on the motor speeds of at least 60 might be necessary % to actually run it. Called as motorSpeed(a,num), it returns % the speed at which the given motor is set to run. If there % is no output argument it prints the speed of the motor. % Called as motorSpeed(a), it prints the speed of each motor. % Note that you must use the motorRun function to actually run % the motor at the given speed, either forward or backwards. % Note that this function returns random values in DEMO mode, % or when a sketch that does not support the Adafruit motor % shield is running on the Arduino board. % % Examples: % motorSpeed(a,4,200) % sets speed of motor 4 as 200/255 % val=motorSpeed(a,1); % returns the speed of motor 1 % motorSpeed(a,3); % prints the speed of motor 3 % motorSpeed(a); % prints the speed of all motors % a.motorSpeed; % prints the speed of all motors % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ARGUMENT CHECKING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % check arguments if a.chkp is true if a.chkp, % check nargin if nargin>3, error('This function cannot have more than 3 arguments, arduino object, motor number and speed'); end % if motor number is there check it if nargin>1, errstr=arduino.checknum(num,'motor number',1:4); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % if speed argument is there check it if nargin>2, errstr=arduino.checknum(val,'speed',0:255); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end end % perform the requested action if nargin==3, % check a.aser for validity if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'valid'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % warning if sketch is inadequate and a.chkp is true if a.chkp && a.sktc<3 disp('Warning: the sketch running on the Arduino does not support the motor shield'); disp('No operation will be performed on the Arduino board'); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SET MOTOR SPEED %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if strcmpi(get(a.aser,'Port'),'DEMO') || a.sktc<3, % handle demo mode % minimum analog output delay pause(0.0014); else % check a.aser for openness if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'open'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % send mode, num and value fwrite(a.aser,[65 48+num val],'uchar'); end % store speed value in case it needs to be retrieved a.mspd(num)=val; % clear val if is not needed as output if nargout==0, clear val; end elseif nargin==2, if nargout==0, % print speed value disp(['The speed of motor number ' num2str(num) ' is set to: ' num2str(a.mspd(num)) ' over 255']); else % return speed value val=a.mspd(num); end else if nargout==0, % print speed value for each motor for num=1:4, disp(['The speed of motor number ' num2str(num) ' is set to: ' num2str(a.mspd(num)) ' over 255']); end else % return speed values val=a.mspd; end end end % motorspeed % motor run function motorRun(a,num,dir) % motorRun(a,num,dir); runs a given DC motor. % The first argument, a, is the arduino object. % The second argument, num, is the number of the motor, which can go % from 1 to 4 (the motor ports are numbered on the motor shield). % The third argument, dir, should be a string that can be 'forward' % (runs the motor forward) 'backward' (runs the motor backward) % or 'release', (stops the motor). Note that since version 3.0, % a +1 is interpreted as 'forward', a 0 is interpreted % as 'release', and a -1 is interpreted as 'backward'. % % Examples: % motorRun(a,1,'forward'); % runs motor 1 forward % motorRun(a,3,'backward'); % runs motor 3 backward % motorRun(a,2,-1); % runs motor 2 backward % motorRun(a,1,'release'); % releases motor 1 % a.motorRun(2,'release'); % releases motor 2 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ARGUMENT CHECKING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % check arguments if a.chkp is true if a.chkp, % check nargin if nargin~=3, error('Function must have 3 arguments, object, motor number and direction'); end % check motor number errstr=arduino.checknum(num,'motor number',1:4); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % allows for direction to be set by 1,0,-1 if isnumeric(dir) && isscalar(dir), switch dir case 1, dir='forward'; case 0, dir='release'; case -1, dir='backward'; end end % check direction if a.chkp is true if a.chkp, errstr=arduino.checkstr(dir,'direction',{'forward','backward','release'}); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % check a.aser for validity if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'valid'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % warning if sketch is inadequate and a.chkp is true if a.chkp && a.sktc<3 disp('Warning: the sketch running on the Arduino does not support the motor shield'); disp('No operation will be performed on the Arduino board'); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% RUN THE MOTOR %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if strcmpi(get(a.aser,'Port'),'DEMO') || a.sktc<3, % handle demo mode % minimum analog output delay pause(0.0014); else % check a.aser for openness if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'open'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % send mode, num and value fwrite(a.aser,[66 48+num abs(dir(1))],'uchar'); end end % motorrun % stepper speed function val=stepperSpeed(a,num,val) % val=stepperSpeed(a,num,val); sets the speed of a given stepper motor % The first argument, a, is the arduino object. % The second argument, num, is the number of the stepper motor, % which can go from 1 to 4 (the motor ports are numbered on the motor shield). % The third argument is the RPM speed from 1 (minimum) to 255 (maximum). % Called as stepperSpeed(a,num), it returns the speed at which % the given motor is set to run. If there is no output % argument it prints the speed of the stepper motor. % Called as stepperSpeed(a), it prints the speed of each stepper motor. % Note that you must use the stepperStep function to actually run % the motor at the given speed, either forward or backwards (or release % it). Note that this function returns random values in DEMO mode, % or when a sketch that does not support the Adafruit motor % shield is running on the Arduino board. % % Examples: % stepperSpeed(a,2,50) % sets speed of stepper 2 as 50 rpm % val=stepperSpeed(a,1); % returns the speed of stepper 1 % stepperSpeed(a,2); % prints the speed of stepper 2 % stepperSpeed(a); % prints the speed of both steppers % a.stepperSpeed; % prints the speed of both steppers % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ARGUMENT CHECKING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % check arguments if a.chkp is true if a.chkp, % check nargin if nargin>3, error('This function cannot have more than 3 arguments, object, stepper number and speed'); end % if stepper number is there check it if nargin>1, errstr=arduino.checknum(num,'stepper number',1:2); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % if speed argument is there check it if nargin>2, errstr=arduino.checknum(val,'speed',0:255); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end end % perform the requested action if nargin==3, % check a.aser for validity if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'valid'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % warning if sketch is inadequate and a.chkp is true if a.chkp && a.sktc<3 disp('Warning: the sketch running on the Arduino does not support the motor shield'); disp('No operation will be performed on the Arduino board'); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SET STEPPER SPEED %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if strcmpi(get(a.aser,'Port'),'DEMO') || a.sktc<3, % handle demo mode % minimum analog output delay pause(0.0014); else % check a.aser for openness if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'open'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % send mode, num and value fwrite(a.aser,[67 48+num val],'uchar'); end % store speed value in case it needs to be retrieved a.sspd(num)=val; % clear val if is not needed as output if nargout==0, clear val; end elseif nargin==2, if nargout==0, % print speed value disp(['The speed of stepper number ' num2str(num) ' is set to: ' num2str(a.sspd(num)) ' over 255']); else % return speed value val=a.sspd(num); end else if nargout==0, % print speed value for each stepper for num=1:2, disp(['The speed of stepper number ' num2str(num) ' is set to: ' num2str(a.sspd(num)) ' over 255']); end else % return speed values val=a.sspd; end end end % stepperspeed % stepper step function stepperStep(a,num,dir,sty,steps) % stepperStep(a,num,dir,sty,steps); rotates a given stepper motor % The first argument, a, is the arduino object. The second argument, % num, is the number of the stepper motor, which is either 1 or 2. % The third argument, the direction, is a string that can be 'forward' % (runs the motor forward), 'backward' (runs the motor backward), % or 'release', (stops and releases the motor). Note that since version 3.0, % a +1 is interpreted as 'forward', a 0 is interpreted as 'release', % and a -1 is interpreted as 'backward'. Unless the direction is 'release', % then two more argument are needed: the fourth one is the style, % which is a string specifying the style of the motion, and can be 'single' % (only one coil activated at a time), 'double' (2 coils activated, gives % an higher torque and power consumption) 'interleave', (alternates between % single and double to get twice the resolution and half the speed), and % 'microstep' (the coils are driven in PWM for a smoother motion). % The final argument is the number of steps that the motor has % to complete. % % Examples: % % rotates stepper 1 forward of 100 steps in interleave mode % stepperStep(a,1,'forward','double',100); % % rotates stepper 2 forward of 50 steps in double mode % stepperStep(a,1,'forward','double',50); % % rotates stepper 2 backward of 50 steps in single mode % stepperStep(a,2,'backward','single',50); % % rotates stepper 2 backward of 50 steps in interleave mode % a.stepperStep(2,'backward','interleave',50); % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ARGUMENT CHECKING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % check arguments if a.chkp is true if a.chkp, % check nargin if nargin>5 || nargin <3, error('Function must have at least 3 and no more than 5 arguments'); end % check stepper number errstr=arduino.checknum(num,'stepper number',1:2); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % allows for direction to be set by 1,0,-1 if isnumeric(dir) && isscalar(dir), switch dir case 1, dir='forward'; case 0, dir='release'; case -1, dir='backward'; end end % check arguments if a.chkp is true if a.chkp, % check direction errstr=arduino.checkstr(dir,'direction',{'forward','backward','release'}); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end % if it is not released must have all arguments if ~strcmpi(dir,'release') && nargin~=5, error('Either the motion style or the number of steps are missing'); end % can't move forward or backward if speed is set to zero if ~strcmpi(dir,'release') && a.stepperSpeed(num)<1, error('The stepper speed has to be greater than zero for the stepper to move'); end % check motion style if nargin>3, % check direction errstr=arduino.checkstr(sty,'motion style',{'single','double','interleave','microstep'}); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end else sty='single'; end % check number of steps if nargin==5, errstr=arduino.checknum(steps,'number of steps',0:255); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end else steps=0; end end % check a.aser for validity if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'valid'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % warning if sketch is inadequate and a.chkp is true if a.chkp && a.sktc<3 disp('Warning: the sketch running on the Arduino does not support the motor shield'); disp('No operation will be performed on the Arduino board'); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ROTATE THE STEPPER %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if strcmpi(get(a.aser,'Port'),'DEMO') || a.sktc<3, % handle demo mode % minimum analog output delay pause(0.0014); else % check a.aser for openness if a.chks is true if a.chks, errstr=arduino.checkser(a.aser,'open'); if ~isempty(errstr), error(errstr); end end % send mode, num and value fwrite(a.aser,[68 48+num abs(dir(1)) abs(sty(1)) steps],'uchar'); end end % stepperstep end % methods methods (Static) % static methods function errstr=checknum(num,description,allowed) % errstr=arduino.checknum(num,description,allowed); Checks numeric argument. % This function checks the first argument, num, described in the string % given as a second argument, to make sure that it is real, scalar, % and that it is equal to one of the entries of the vector of allowed % values given as a third argument. If the check is successful then the % returned argument is empty, otherwise it is a string specifying % the type of error. % initialize error string errstr=[]; % check num for type if ~isnumeric(num), errstr=['The ' description ' must be numeric']; return end % check num for size if numel(num)~=1, errstr=['The ' description ' must be a scalar']; return end % check num for realness if ~isreal(num), errstr=['The ' description ' must be a real value']; return end % check num against allowed values if ~any(allowed==num), % form right error string if numel(allowed)==1, errstr=['Unallowed value for ' description ', the value must be exactly ' num2str(allowed(1))]; elseif numel(allowed)==2, errstr=['Unallowed value for ' description ', the value must be either ' num2str(allowed(1)) ' or ' num2str(allowed(2))]; elseif max(diff(allowed))==1, errstr=['Unallowed value for ' description ', the value must be an integer going from ' num2str(allowed(1)) ' to ' num2str(allowed(end))]; else errstr=['Unallowed value for ' description ', the value must be one of the following: ' mat2str(allowed)]; end end end % checknum function errstr=checkstr(str,description,allowed) % errstr=arduino.checkstr(str,description,allowed); Checks string argument. % This function checks the first argument, str, described in the string % given as a second argument, to make sure that it is a string, and that % its first character is equal to one of the entries in the cell of % allowed characters given as a third argument. If the check is successful % then the returned argument is empty, otherwise it is a string specifying % the type of error. % initialize error string errstr=[]; % check string for type if ~ischar(str), errstr=['The ' description ' argument must be a string']; return end % check string for size if numel(str)<1, errstr=['The ' description ' argument cannot be empty']; return end % check str against allowed values if ~any(strcmpi(str,allowed)), % make sure this is a hozizontal vector allowed=allowed(:)'; % add a comma at the end of each value for i=1:length(allowed)-1, allowed{i}=['''' allowed{i} ''', ']; end % form error string errstr=['Unallowed value for ' description ', the value must be either: ' allowed{1:end-1} 'or ''' allowed{end} '''']; return end end % checkstr function errstr=checkser(ser,chk) % errstr=arduino.checkser(ser,chk); Checks serial connection argument. % This function checks the first argument, ser, to make sure that either: % 1) it is a valid serial connection (if the second argument is 'valid') % 3) it is open (if the second argument is 'open') % If the check is successful then the returned argument is empty, % otherwise it is a string specifying the type of error. % initialize error string errstr=[]; % check serial connection switch lower(chk), case 'valid', % make sure is valid if ~isvalid(ser), disp('Serial connection invalid, please recreate the object to reconnect to a serial port.'); errstr='Serial connection invalid'; return end case 'open', % check openness if ~strcmpi(get(ser,'Status'),'open'), disp('Serial connection not opened, please recreate the object to reconnect to a serial port.'); errstr='Serial connection not opened'; return end otherwise % complain error('second argument must be either ''valid'' or ''open'''); end end % chackser end % static methods end % class def ................

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