Commissioners Meeting 05/07/96






A regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Haddon was convened in the Municipal Building, 135 Haddon Avenue, Westmont, NJ on Tuesday, May 24, 2016 at 7:00 PM.

Mayor Teague requested all stand for the flag salute.

Mayor Teague announced that Chapter 231, Public Law 1975 requires adequate notice of this meeting be provided. This was done by placing Annual Notice in the Courier-Post and Retrospect Newspapers and by posting on two bulletin boards in the Municipal Building.

ROLL CALL: Mayor Teague Present

Commissioner Foley Present

Commissioner Dougherty Present

Eric Riso, Esq., Scott Smith, James Stevenson, Martin Blaskey, Lee Palo, Kate Burns and Mark Cavallo were also present.

Eric Aparicio was administered the Oath of Office for the position of Police Officer by Commissioner Foley accompanied by Mayor Teague and Commissioner Dougherty.

Matt McCarthy presented the Green Scholarship on behalf of Haddon Township and Clean Communities to John Cona, a Haddon Township High School Senior that will be attending the University of Vermont with a major in Environmental Sciences.

Commissioner Dougherty moved, seconded by Mayor Teague that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on April 26, 2016 be approved, with all members voting in the affirmative.


The following ordinance was read by title:

#1358 – 2016 Salary Ordinance

Commissioner Foley moved, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty that the aforementioned ordinance introduced at this time be approved on the first reading and remain on file with the Clerk for public inspection until the public hearing thereon and further consideration thereof which will be on June 28, 2016, in the Municipal Building. The Clerk was further directed to publish said ordinance together with the notice of such hearing in the manner required by law in the Retrospect Newspaper and also to post copies on the bulletin boards in the Municipal Building prior to the second reading and make copies available to the general public of the Township who shall request same.

ROLL CALL: Mayor Teague Aye

Commissioner Foley Aye

Commissioner Dougherty Aye

The following ordinance was read by title:

#1359 – Repeal and Replace Chapter 99, entitled “Crystal Lake Pool”

Commissioner Foley moved, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty that the aforementioned ordinance introduced at this time be approved on the first reading and remain on file with the Clerk for public inspection until the public hearing thereon and further consideration thereof which will be on June 28, 2016, in the Municipal Building. The Clerk was further directed to publish said ordinance together with the notice of such hearing in the manner required by law in the Retrospect Newspaper and also to post copies on the bulletin boards in the Municipal Building prior to the second reading and make copies available to the general public of the Township who shall request same.

ROLL CALL: Mayor Teague Aye

Commissioner Foley Aye

Commissioner Dougherty Aye


The following resolutions were approved by consent agenda, with a motion by Commissioner Foley, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty, with all members affirmatively


#2016-094 - Bill Resolution

#2016-095 - Refund Escrow Fee to Heartbeet, Inc.

#2016-096 - Authorizing Twp. Solicitor to Represent the Twp. in Pending Litigation

#2016-097 - Appointment of Tax Assessor

#2016-098 - Appointment of Temporary Personnel Officer

#2016-099 - Renewal of 2016/2017 Liquor Licenses

#2016-100 - Person-to-Person Liquor License Transfer

#2016-101 - Refund Business License Renewal App. Fee to Westmont Diner

#2016-102 – Award Contract for the 2015 Street Improvement Project

#2016-103 - Approval of Change Order No. 3 for Reconstruction of Mansion Ave.

#2016-104 - Approval of Change Order No. 4 for Storage Building with Restrooms

#2016-105 – Appt. of Summer Help for Revenue & Finance

#2016-106 – Award Contract for Mobile Stage

#2016-107 – Authorization to Re-advertise Bids for Portable Restroom Trailer


The following Business License Renewal Applications were presented and approved with a motion by Commissioner Foley, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty, with all members voting in the affirmative:

• Sweet Basil Deli

• Day & Night Limo

• Tiny Treasure Learning Center

• Red Barn

• Long 4 A New U, LLC

The following Raffle License Application was approved, with a motion by Commissioner Foley, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty, with all members voting in the affirmative:

• #RA10-2016 for Ministry with the Deaf


The following reports for April 2016 were presented and ordered filed:

Revenue Report

Budget Status Report

Tax Collector’s Report

Mayor Teague reported that after speaking with the municipal staff, it was suggested that the hours be altered for the summer for the benefit of the residents and to give the staff off on Friday afternoon when the office is not as busy. The hours would be extended on Thursday and the Municipal Offices would close at noon on Friday.

Commissioner Foley moved, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty that summer hours be established with an extended work day Thursday and the Municipal Offices closing at Noon on Friday, contingent upon pool tags being available for sale at the Crystal Lake Pool on the weekends, with all members affirmatively concurring.

ROLL CALL: Mayor Teague Aye

Commissioner Foley Aye

Commissioner Dougherty Aye

There being no further business on the agenda, Commissioner Foley moved to open the meeting to the public, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty, with all members voting in the affirmative.

Jim Foster, 8 Carlton Avenue – Mr. Foster came to the meeting to express his concern regarding the new traffic signage and striping on Carlton Avenue. He reported limited parking in front of his house and now it has a one hour limit. He asked why the Township can’t accommodate resident parking like Collingswood. He believes there is an enforcement issue when he calls the police because vehicles have been parked there for several hours and they patrol by and then come back several hours later. He believes employees of Giumarellos and patrons of the Irish Mile are parking in those spots. Mayor Teague explains that the parking restrictions on Carlton were put in place many years ago by Ordinance and the police just posted the signs to comply with the Ordinance. Mayor Teague further responds that once we do it for one street, we have to do it for others and this would further choke our businesses. Mayor Teague explained that he believes the answer is more enforcement. Commissioner Foley responded that there are not a lot of police officers on any one shift. Commissioner Foley asks the Chief to peek at Carlton to the extent they are able and continues by commenting that parking in Haddon Township is very tight.

John Kendall, 120 Washington Avenue – Mr. Kendall inquired as to the status of Crystal Lake Diner. Mayor Teague responded that it is a private site, a private project and he believes there are insurance issues. Commissioner Foley directs Mr. Kendall to send him an e-mail so that he can check with the building inspector for more information on the Crystal Lake Diner. Mr. Kendall asked about the Ruby Shoes Building in West Collingswood Heights. Mayor Teague responded that it is a private sale between owner and potential buyer. He asked if pool tags are for sale now. Mayor Teague responded that they are being sold in the Tax Office this evening. Mr. Kendall asked the governing body to inform Betty Band about 117 Washington Avenue which is vacant and the grass needs to be cut. Mayor Teague explained to Mr. Kendall that the Township has to notify the owner or the bank that the grass needs to be cut so they can send someone out. If they don’t maintain the property then we will send out a private contractor. Mayor Teague commented that the Township does not want to be in the business of maintaining properties.

Tom Herishko, 211 E. Collingswood Avenue – Mr. Herishko came to the meeting about a tree that came through his window. He reported the top 25 feet of the tree is dead and no one has come out to look at it and it will come down eventually. Mayor Teague responded that the Township will send the Shade Tree out to evaluate the tree.

There being no further comments, Commissioner Foley moved to close the meeting to the public, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty, with all members voting in the affirmative.

There being no further business to discuss, Commissioner Foley moved, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty that the meeting be adjourned at 7:24 PM, with all members voting in the affirmative.

May 24, 2016



Dawn M. Pennock, Municipal Clerk ___________________________

Randall W. Teague, Mayor


John C. Foley, Commissioner


Paul Dougherty, Commissioner


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