Nikolay Mitkov Spasov

Personal information  

|Birth date: | |

|01.04.1989 | |

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|Place of birth: | |

|Pleven, Bulgaria | |

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|Place of residence: | |

|Sofia, Bulgaria | |

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|Nationality: | |

|Bulgarian | |

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|Student: | |

|Yes, third year, Bachelor | |

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|Period: | |

|09.2008 - 05.2012 | |

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|Major: | |

|"Economics in English", after second year – specialization in Accounting & Finance | |

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|Degree: | |

|Bachelor | |

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|Description: | |

|third year; education is not in Bulgarian but in English. | |

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|University: | |

|University of National and World Economy (UNWE) | |

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|Аdress: | |

|Sofia, Bulgaria | |

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 Work experience

Period: February 2009 - present

Company: AII Data Processing Ltd, Sofia

Position: News Indexer with English and German

Description: Daily processing (indexing) of news information from the world media (English and German) for Dow Jones . Sources include Reuters, Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, Associated Press, The Washington Post, New York Times, among others.

Period: June 2009 – July 2010

Company: , Gibraltar

Position: Freelancer translator from English and German to Bulgarian

Description: Translation of news and educational articles


|English language: proficiency level, actively and freely used within both academic and work process; Cambridge certificates – First | |

|Certificate in English (FCE), Certificate of Advanced English (CAE) and Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) – all passed. | |

|German language: actively used in the work process. High school diploma from the Language High School, Pleven, Bulgaria with major | |

|German. Level – above average. | |

|MS Office | |

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Stock market, poker, non-mainstream cinema.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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