
ST PAUL’S PARISH NEWSLETTER29TH NOVEMBER 2020 1ST SUNDAY OF ADVENTPLEASE NOTE THE CHURCH WILL RE-OPEN ON WEDNESDAY 2ND DECEMBER WITH MASS AT 9:30AMSUNDAY MASS TIMES – PLEASE NOTE THE NEW TIMES AT SUNDAY MASSES AS FROM 6TH DECEMBERSaturday Vigil Mass5:30pmSunday Masses:8:30am, 10:30am, 12:30pmFINDING OUR FEETIt can be very hard to live with uncertainty. Back at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, a counsellor was interviewed on radio about how people were coping with the ‘lockdown’. People were anxious and fearful, she said. Many were experiencing loneliness, as their normal routines and social life came to an abrupt halt. Another thing that people really struggled with was the inability to make decisions. They felt trapped and stuck, unable to plan ahead. They couldn’t make plans to visit family or go on holidays. They didn’t know if their jobs were secure, or if their children would return to school. When things are up in the air, it is hard to find your feet and feel grounded. Many of us are still struggling with these feelings. Today we enter a new church year, and our first Advent season since the pandemic hit. Many of us are feeling more subdued than normal as we begin our preparations for Christmas. It will be very different from the usual family and social occasion, and we are saddened and worried by this. In today’s gospel, Jesus urges his disciples to ‘stay awake’. We might feel we have no choice at the moment – the feeling of not knowing what is coming is very familiar. We are on our guard, on edge, waiting for the latest news. Yet already, there are initiatives springing up to support those who are vulnerable or in need this Christmas. In our own families, we are plotting ways to ensure no one is alone or isolated. We are ‘awake’ to the strange circumstances, and we are finding ways to cope. We pray today for the strength to guide us through the coming weeks, and for the peace and joy of Christ to lift our hearts and carry us onwards.‘In this time of tribulation and mourning, I hope that you will be able to experience Jesus, who comes to meet you, greets you and says: ‘Rejoice.’ Pope FrancisCONFIRMATION 2021 – ONLINE REGISTRATIONPlease visit the parish website: to the pandemic, the preparation for Confirmation 2021 will not commence until January 2021 at the earliest.? Registration will take place during November 2020. Completed forms need to be with the Parish by 30th November 2020.? Details of the format of the sessions have not yet been finalized.?Please note the following points before registering.?1. St Paul the Apostle Church, Wood Green should be your regular place of worship.?2. Those registering should be in Year 9 or above.?Once we receive your registration form we will arrange a time for you to come and meet with Fr Jonathan.?FIRST HOLY COMMUNION 2021 – ONLINE REGISTRATION Please visit the parish website: to the pandemic, the preparation for First Reconciliation & First Holy Communion will not commence until January 2021 at the earliest.? Registration will take place during November 2020. Completed forms need to be with the Parish by 30th November 2020. Details of the format for the programme are being finalized in the coming weeks.?Please note the following points with regard to registering.?1. St Paul the Apostle Church, Wood Green should be your regular place of worship.?2. Children for the programme should be in Year 3 or above.?3. If your child attends a non-Catholic school, please contact the Parish Office.?Those who were attending the Pre-Communion classes need to register for the First Holy Communion classes.?Once we receive your registration form we will arrange a time for you to meet with Fr Perry.?CLOSING DATE FOR ALL APPLICATIONS 30TH NOVEMBER 2020 PLEASE RETURN TO woodgreen@.ukPLEASE PRAY FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOULS OF – Noel Kelleher and Costancio Fernandes who died recently. Attendance at the funeral Mass is by invitation only. The number is limited to 30 people.MASS INTENTIONS - We will begin to book Masses for January 2021 from Tuesday 1st December. CHRISTMAS MASS TIMES CHRISTMAS EVE4PM, 6PM & 8PMCHRISTMAS DAY8:30AM, 10:30AM & 12:30PMDue to limited space in church admission will be by ticket only. Tickets will be available at Sunday Masses from 12th December. More details next weekend.WALK WITH ME – a Journey of Prayer for Advent 2020 booklets are available from the church – price ?1. NIGHT SHELTER - Please see the parish website for the ways in which you can help this year.HELP REQUIRED - An experienced carer is required to attend an elderly bed bound lady in personal care for two hours per day. Possibility of additional hours. Applicants must be kind, caring and flexible. Location is near to Bounds Green Road tube station. Please contact Kay at 102 8361 9275 after 3pm.SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) – At the present time it isn’t possible to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation in the Confessional. Both Fr Perry and Fr Jonathan are available for the celebration of the sacrament by individual appointment. Please call the Parish Office if you wish to arrange a time to come.GIFT AID – Thank you to all our parishioners who have signed up for Gift Aid. With your help and generosity, we have received ?21,381.28 from the Government for the tax year 2019/2020. For those of you who are tax payers and have not signed up for Gift Aid and currently make your donations either by Standing Order, Direct transfers or weekly donation envelopes, why not complete a Gift Aid declaration which is available from the Parish Office. You can also backdate your Gift Aid by completing the relevant section on the form.PARISH DBS UPDATES - The Parish Safeguarding Representatives are currently updating DBS certificates for all those parishioners who volunteer in activities within the parish. This is a lengthy process but a very important one. It is one of the ways we ensure we are making our parish a safe place for our children and vulnerable adults. We know that we will have your full support in this work.?For those parishioners who are helping in activities within the parish that involve children or vulnerable adults you will need an up-to-date DBS. This means it should have been completed within the last 3 years. If your DBS certificate is more than 3 years old it is out of date.?Parishioners who have out of date DBS certificates should have been contacted via email or in person by the Safeguarding representatives. Please could you ensure that you respond promptly to the emails/requests for information. Failure to have a full and up to date DBS check will mean that you will be unable to volunteer at these activities when we resume them after lockdown.?Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries or you feel that you should have had a contact by now on woodgreensg2@.uk.LIVE-STREAMING APPEALA word of thanks to those who have contributed to the Live Streaming Appeal – at present we have raised ?3624 towards the cost of ?5500. Please use the blue envelopes for donations or you can give via the parish website or a bank transfer. - Please identify your donation as LIVESTREAMAccount Name: WRCDT WOOD GREENSORT CODE:40-05-20Account Number:81276514Monday – Wednesday 9am Morning Prayer9:30amMass5pm – 6pmAdoration of the Blessed Sacrament7pmRosaryTo access our live stream visit?? the page is loaded click on the picture of the church to view the live stream. If you scroll to the bottom of the page you will be able to see the weekly schedule for all Masses, the link can also be found on the front page of our website.?CELEBRATIONS THIS WEEK Monday 30th November – St Andrew ; Thursday 3rd December-St Francis XavierNEXT SUNDAY 6TH DECEMBER – 2ND SUNDAY OF ADVENT – 1st Reading Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11; 2nd Reading 2 Peter 3:8-14; Gospel Mark 1:1-8With our best wishes and assurance of prayers for you and your loved ones during the coming week. Fr Perry Sykes Fr Jonathan Stogdon Mgr Canon Tom EganParish Website:? Fr Perry - perrysykes@.uk Fr Jonathan - jonstogdon@.uk Parish Office – woodgreen@.uk ; tel: 020 8888 2390 ................

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