Volcano Paper Outline/Draft

Volcano Project You are to research and produce a report/document/presentation on any volcano in the solar system or major earthquake fault system. Acceptable formats:Poster (recommended)iMovie or Audio PowerPointVod/PodcastTyped research paper - 3-5 pages of text, 12 point font, 1.5 - 2.0 line spacing, and referenced with Works Cited.Alternative formats must be OK’d by your instructor.PRESENTATION – You are also required to give a brief presentation on your volcano. Be able to show the class the location of you volcano on a map, along with the type, size, and general information (1-2 minutes). If you have stage fright, a brief audio PowerPoint is acceptable.Choose a format from which you can work at home.Sign up for your volcano so no one else can take it.Be sure there is enough information available on your volcano (hint: research early).Turn your project in on time. One grade deduction for each day late.See page 2 for project details/rubricGreat sources to begin your search:Volcano World - - note any interesting sites and sources of relevance. You may also cite your textbook, notes, videos shown in class for background information, as well as some of the sources in the classroom.Please include the following unless approved by your instructor.Point BreakdownIntroduction3Name, location (continent, country, lat/long)Age of volcano, Volcano type, SizeReason for choosing the topic. Briefly discuss the topics of the paper Geologic Setting9How was the volcano formed?Explain the tectonics. What plates are involved? Explain the motion. What kinds of magmas are produced? What kinds of rocks are in the area? Folklore/History + Additional Information6How did the volcano get its name? Do people live in the vicinity? Why?Did anything special happen?Any additional interesting stuff you came across in your research that doesn’t fit elsewhere.Can replace Folklore if little/no information can be found.Eruptive History5Date(s) of eruption(s) / frequency. Volume of debris/ gases expelled.Destruction, DeathsEconomic/Social impacts?Future of the Volcano?5When is the volcano due to erupt next?Earthquakes, lahar flows, tsunami, and other geologic dangers?Are there any cities nearby that will be affected?Major hazards to humans in the vicinity of this volcano. What has been done in this area to minimize the risk due to an eruption? How would you minimize the risk to the population?Conclusion4Briefly recap the major points of your paper.Did you learn anything? Explain.Works Cited5Included at least 3 reliable sources in addition to course material (Textbook & notes).All resources are cited within the project.Conventions/Organization3Includes section headingsProject is neat, legible, “clean”Total40 ................

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