
Logged in as me(Sukesh Dash)Local Admin and also Sys Admin in SQLCreated a Domain account(ds\ DEV_SP_FarmWF) as Workflow RunAs accountAllocated Workflow run as account as Sys admin in SQL serverFollowing is the recommendation from Microsoft videos and resources blogs: Management service should be provisioned and runningSystem Requirements (Workflow Manager 1.0)Updated: October 22, 2012This document describes the requirements for installing and configuring Workflow Manager 1.0.SQL ServerThe SQL Server instance that is used for various databases configured as a part of Workflow Manager must meet the following requirements.TCP/IP, shared memory, or named pipes must be enabled.Port 1443 on the firewall must be open to inbound and outbound communications.If named pipes are used, the name of the machine on which the SQL Server instance is running should have a name with no more than 16 characters. Named pipes use NetBIOS names, which carry that restriction.If TCP/IP connections are used, the SQL Browser service should be running on the SQL server.SQL Server service should be running on the SQL server.The following collation types are supported.Default CollationSP CollationBinary CollationSupported AuthenticationIntegrated AuthenticationSQL AuthenticationCurrent User(Sukesh Dash)The user that is configuring Workflow Manager must meet following requirements.If the machine is domain joined, the user must be a domain user; otherwise the user must be a local user.The user must be an administrator on the computer on which the configuration is running.The user must have SysAdmin privilege on this SQL Server instance, otherwise, the databases should be pre-created and the Sql logon for the RunAs Account User should be created manually, before running the configuration, on all Sql instances.RunAs Account User(ds\ DEV_SP_FarmWF)The RunAs account is provided during Workflow Manager configuration and is used as the RunAs account by the Workflow Manager services. The Workflow Manager supports the ability to have the RunAs account user as a domain user or a local user. In both cases, this user must have access to the SQL Server instances. Alternatively, SQL Server databases can be accessed using SQL Authentication.The RunAs account user will be granted a log on as a service privilege during configuration.If all the machines in a farm share the same service account and the security policy requires the service account password to be changed at regular intervals, you must perform specific actions on each machine in the farm to be able to continue adding and removing nodes in the farm. See the section titled?Handling Service Password Changes?for this procedure.Workflow Manager does not support built-in accounts (for example, NETWORK SERVICE) as RunAs accounts.The following blog says and confirms to install newer Service Bus 1.1 and Workflow Manager refresh(which is itself workflow manager with CU2) using the Web Platform Installer to download and/or install Workflow Manager you can no longer download and install Workflow Manager 1.0 and Workflow Manager 1.0 CU1. The only option is to download?Workflow Manager 1.0 Refresh?(which essentially is CU2). So when installing a new Workflow Manager farm for SharePoint or just because you want to rock some workflows you have to use Workflow Manager (WFM) 1.0 Refresh. Unless you’ve been smart and previously downloaded and saved the original Workflow Manager. When using WFM 1.0 Refresh you also need to download Service Bus 1.1.Installed Workflow manager 1.0 refresh and service bus 1.1 from Web Platform installer in APP Server which is also going to support Workflow FarmClicked Continue but cancelled as Configuration wizard will be run later.Control Panel for installed items:The same steps were repeated in all the WFE servers to install Workflow manager 1.0 refresh and Service Bus 1.1Workflow Manager ConfigurationAdd the run as account to Local admin group before we start7747002318385Now we need to login to APP server and open Workflow Manager Configuration Choose 2nd option with Custom settings Entered Service account as account@FQDN Entered the certificate key that will be used by other WFE or servers to join the Workflow Farm.Allowing http on this computer helps us to see the status of Workflow Farm in this server in browser.The Runas account is added to Admin group and also users in Admin group will have logon access to Workflow farm for troubleshooting.Service Bus ConfigurationFinal Review before runNow runPost Configuration checksCheck in DB server whether all Databases are created81280053403508128002806700Make sure Runas account has Db_owner and Security admin access all the above databasesMake sure “APP Management service” is running on all servers(APP and WFE).And app Management Service application is started.Check IIS for Workflow site23939503238500Create a Workflow Manager Service ApplicationFrom the Start menu run the SharePoint Management Shell as administrator and execute the following command:Register-SPWorkflowService -SPSite “” -WorkflowHostUri “" -AllowOAuthHttp -Force –scope “Sharepoint”482600812800Click on provisioned Workflow serviceSharepoint 2013 Workflow in Designer(This ends up in error while publishing)System.InvalidOperationException: Operation failed with error Microsoft.Workflow.Client.WorkflowCommunicationException: The request was aborted: The request was canceled. Client ActivityId : 5d1d399d-2e07-60ea-8482-87723fa60e4d. ---> .WebException: The request was aborted: The request was canceled. ---> System.ServiceModel.ServiceActivationException: The requested service, 'net.pipe://localhost/SecurityTokenServiceApplication/appsts.svc' could not be activated. See the server's diagnosResolutionThis is not a recommended approach to install Workflow Manager only on WFE however I observed APP server was quite restrictive in terms of accepting Workflow manager requests(Firewall and Network level adjustments were necessary)It came to my notice earlier when I tried to join the Workflow Farm that I created in App server from WFE and it was declined. Thus I completely uninstalled every trace of Workflow from APP server and reinstalled Workflow Farm in WFE servers and also have joined the other WFE to the Farm.After configuring the farm in WFE ,resetting IIS and clearing Designer cache I am finally able to Publish a 2013 Workflow.Here is the result of Workflow farm status Using Workflow Manager PowerShell Run get-WFFarmRun get-WFFarmStatus Run Publish workflow works from SP designer 2013 ................

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