Tech-level in IT – Scheme of WorkAQA Level 3 Technical Level IT: Scripting and App Programming, IT: ProgrammingUnit: Mobile applications programming Unit type: Internally assessed Guided learning hours: 90Guidance Notes:This scheme of work (SoW) illustrates how the unit content could be delivered using a three term, ten weeks per term, approach. Consideration should be given to the content in other units within this qualification when planning your unit and lessons – the content in some units for example would benefit from being covered prior to others – especially the knowledge and theory elements contained within the externally assessed units.The following units are synoptically linked. This means that learning from the units listed can contribute to assessment of this unit:? Unit 1 – Fundamental principles of computing? Unit 3 – Computer programming? Unit 5 – Website technologies? Unit 7 – Event driven programming? Unit 8 – Object oriented programming.The learners will be able to draw on their previous learning experience and transfer their technical knowledge, skills and understanding whilst working through the following activities and unit assignments. Appropriate assessment activities can be used to holistically assess the unit at the end of the course as opposed to ongoing assessment.Note: performance evidence can be videoed but the quality of sound and image must be sufficiently clear to confirm competent performance.Assessments will naturally occur as follows:? Week 2 – Centre devised Assignment 1 (Performance Outcome 1 - covering P1, P2, M1 and D1).? Week 7 – Centre devised Assignment 2 (Performance Outcome 2 - covering P3, P4, P5, P6, M2, M3, M4 and D2).? Week 17 – Centre devised Assignment 3 or AQA devised Assignment (Performance Outcome 3 - covering P7, P8, M5, M6 and D3).? Week 21 – Centre devised Assignment 4 (Performance Outcomes 4 and 5 - covering P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, M7, M8 and D4).Week numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGEAutumn term1Performance outcome 1 -Understand the key features ofmobile applicationdevelopment. (P1)Mobile platforms:?identify and differentiate different types of deployment for mobile platforms.?describe different hardware and software features which enhance mobile platforms.?calculate and convert units associated with mobile platform display technology.Tutor led:Presentation on available mobile platforms and their particular features. These can be separated into two popular types.Content should minimally include:?commercial deployment platforms, eg iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch), Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, Symbian, Python etc.?free deployment platforms, eg Java ME, Web browser etc.Learner led:Investigation into specialist hardware and software features which exist in mobile platforms.Content discovered should minimally include:?special hardware features, eg multi-touch screen, camera, microphone, accelerometer, finger print sensor, tilt sensor etc.?special software, eg voice recognition, gesture recognition etc.Group discussion and examination of mobile platform display technology, including:?screen resolution (modes) and orientation?PPI (pixels per inch), DPI (dots per inch)Learner led:topic review covering majorthemes.Tutor led: Nominated question and answer.Tutor observation of individual learner contributions to group discussions.Tutor assessment of learner calculations.Screenresolution(pixels, units), multiplication, colour depth – binary and binary weights and bit patterns, calculations and conversions ofPPI and DPI etcWeek numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGE?colour depth, eg 8-bit, 16-bit, 24-bit, 32-bit etc.Learners calculating:?screen resolution (how many total pixels based on X and Ypixel quantity)?conversion between DPI and PPI?colour depth (number of available colours based on colour depth, eg 24-bit colour = 16.7 million colours).Resources:?iOS Dev Center – Apple Developer developer.devcenter/ios/index.action?Android Developers developer.index.html?Windows Dev Center dev.en-us?Symbian Developers ?Java Platform, Micro Edition technetwork/java/embedded/javame/index.html?Sensors Overview | Android Developers w.htmlWeek numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGE?How computer monitors work computer.monitor4.htm?What is colour depth?jargon/c/colordep.htm?Convert dot/inch [dpi] <—> pixel/inch [ppi] cafe/EN/units-converter/digital-image- resolution/3-4/?dpi to ppi converter sconvert/dpippi.phpActivities to provide stretch and challenge could include: Tasking learners with deciding which mobile platforms suitparticular application profiles the best, based on the following:?screen size requirements?colour depth?PPI and DPI?hardware features?cost of development.Learners would need to justify their decisions based on their research and deliberations.Week numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGELearners could investigate the impact of colour visiondeficiency on affected users and how colour depth choices could affect this.2Performance Outcome 1 - Understandthe key features ofmobile application development.(P1)Mobile application programming technologies:?identify different technologies involved in creating mobile applications.?describe different technologies involved in creating mobile applications.?explore and recognise different technologies through practical experimentation.Tutor led:Presentation and discussion on the different technologies used to support programming and mobile platform development, minimallythis should include:?programming languages, eg Objective-C, Java. Microsoft C#, C, C++, Objective Pascal, Lua, Visual Basic, .net etc.?scripting languages, eg JavaScript etc.?style sheet languages, eg CSS3.?mark up languages eg HTML5.?SDK (Software Development Kit), eg Android SDK.?API (Application Programmers Interface), eg configuration, eg XML (eXtensible Markup Language).Learners should be tasked with exploring different technologies used to support programming and mobile platform development. This is best achieved by providing them access to the software tools and environments used to access these technologies. In addition, small time-constrained development activities can be tackled using each technology. For practical purposes this could be achieved using a pilot/navigator and/or round-robin workshops.Learner led: topic review covering majorthemes.Tutor led: Nominated question and answer.Tutor assesses learner skills through a series of practical tasks.Week numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGEResources:? assignment brief.? MIT App Inventor 2 iOS (iPhone, iPad) tutorial ios/index.htm? Android tutorial android/index.htm? Codeschool – Try Objective-Ctryobjectivec.? Learn d/learn_objectivec/? Download free Java software en/download/? W3Schools JavaScript tutorial js/? Learn JavaScript in 12 minutes watch?v=Ukg_U3CnJWI? JavaScript | codecademy en/tracks/javascript? Interactive JavaScript programming javascript/interactiveJavaScript.htmlWeek numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGEActivities to provide stretch and challenge could include:Encouraging the learners to compare and contrast different technologies that perform a similar function, particularly when being tasked to perform the same task, eg Java vs. Objective-C.Issue of centre devised Assignment 1 covering P1, P2, M1 and D1.Dyslexia is known to affect the area of the brain that processes languages – programming languages are no exception. Learners could investigate coping strategies for the condition and recognise the problems that developers face when they have this common learning difficulty.Powell, N. et al. (2003). Dyslexia and Learning ComputerProgramming Leeds Metropolitan University.3PerformanceOutcome 1 - Understandthe keyfeatures of mobileapplicationdevelopment . (M1)Types and categories of mobile application:?identify and describe different types of mobile application.?identify and describe different categories of mobile application.?assess complexity ofTutor led:Presentation on different types of mobile applications.Ideally this should focus on:?native applications – an application which has been compiled into machine code instructions for the hardware platform it is running on. They are typically stored directly on the device.?mobile web applications – an application which executes within a web browser client environment. These may be storedLearner led: Topic reviewcovering major themes.Tutor led: Nominated question and answer.Week numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGEselected applicationsfrom each identified category.remotely and be accessed via an internet connection.?hybrid applications – an application which has both native and mobile components.Learner led:Discovery and categorisation of different mobile applications. This could be presented as a poster, mind map, wiki or report.Learners should provide descriptions and commercial/freeware examples of (at least) the following categories:?computer games?media content players, eg BBC iPlayer, YouTube etc?productivity Applications, eg Office suites etc?utilities, eg calculator, calendar etc?social Networking, eg Facebook, Twitter etc?lifestyle, eg cooking recipes, price comparison, review guides.Learners should also assess the complexity of examples from each of category of application in terms of installation and usage.Resources:?Mobile: Native Apps, Web Apps, and Hybrid Apps articles/mobile-native-apps/Assessment oflearner findings for application categories.Week numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGE? - brainstorm and mind map online Play – Apps – Apple Support uk/support/itunes/apps/?App Store download on iTunes to provide stretch and challenge could include: Learners could perform additional research to discover the most popular categories and the bestselling mobile applications.Users with disabilities can be catered for by the developer, both through the inclusion of specific options for their disability (eg enlarged graphics or text-to-speech feedback for visually impaired user) and the creation of applications that improve their quality of life (eg voice control, alternative on-screen keyboards etc). Learners should be encouraged to be aware of both aspects when developing mobile applications.4Performance Outcome 1 - Understandthe keyDevelopment tools:?identify different development tools forTutor led:Demonstration of different development tools for mobile applications.Learner led: Topic review covering majorthemes.Week numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGEfeatures ofmobile application development. (P2)mobile applications.?describe different development tools for mobile applications.?explore the use of virtual devices and emulators for running mobile application code.Ideally this should provide coverage of:?commercial options, eg Adobe Flash Builder, FlashProfessional.?free tools, eg Adobe AIR SDK, Eclipse, MIT App Inventor for Android, NetBeans, Text editor, XCode, Android Studio IDE etc.?online interactive tools, eg MIT App Inventor for Android?plug-ins, eg Android Development Tools (ADT) for Eclipse.Tutor led:Workshop allowing learners to explore the use of emulators and virtual devices to simulate code running of mobile devices.Resources:?Getting Started with Eclipse users/?Download Android Studio and SDK Tools | Android Developers developer.sdk/index.html?Adobe – Adobe AIRget.air/?Xcode – What’s New - Apple Developer developer.xcode/?Welcome to NetBeans Tutor led:Nominated question and answer.Tutor observational assessment of learner practical skills.Week numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGE?MIT App Inventor 2 Plugin Release Notes | Android Developers online IDE and terminal (many languages)codingground.htm?Andy the Android Emulator ?Android Emulator | Android Developers to provide stretch and challenge could include: Learners could create simple illustrated user guides or wiki for their peers that explain how to successfully use the various virtual devices and emulators.5PerformanceOutcome 1 - Understand the key features of mobile application development. (D1)Publishing methods andissues:? describe different publishing methods.? discuss issues associated with different publishing methods.? evaluate issuesTutor led:Demonstration of different publishing methods for mobile applications.This should ideally include:? installer packages, eg APK (Android Application Package), JAD (Java Application Descriptor)/JAR(Java Archive).? OTA (over the air) programming.Learner led:Topic review covering major themes.Tutor led: Nominated question and answer.Week numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGEconnects with differentpublishing methods.? digital distribution platform, eg iOS App Store, Google PlayStore, BlackBerry World, Windows Phone Store etc.Group discussion, led by tutor to discover and evaluate the issues connected to different publishing methods, including:? licensing, eg free, commercial, GNU GPL etc? security bypassing, eg sideloading, jailbreaking? digital signing, eg developer key, vendor lock-in.Ideally, when convenient and logical, learners should be able to publish software to a mobile device using multiple techniques. This will support learning and enable comparison, contrast and evaluation of the techniques involved.Resources:Sharing and Packaging Apps assessment of learner practical skills.6PerformanceOutcome 2 - Apply the keyfeatures andfunctions of mobile application programmingMobile application development workflow:? identify stages of workflow.? describe tasks in each stage of workflow.? identify products ofTutor led:Overview of the mobile application development workflow and its associated products.This is typically split into four stages and generally follows a condensed version of the normal software development lifecycle.The four stages are:Learner led: Topic reviewcovering major themes.Tutor led: Nominated question andWeek numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGElanguages.(P3)each stage ofworkflow.? setup – investigation of the problem or user requirements, selecting the development tools (programming language, IDE etc) and target mobile platform, planning and design of a solution? development – implementing the design using the selected development tools? debugging and testing – locating and resolving errors (bugs) in the application through thorough testing? publishing – releasing a working mobile application for public or private distribution.Learners should investigate each stage and identify the products that are produced; this can be tested via multiple choice question and answer.answer.Multiple choice question and answer.7PerformanceOutcome 2 - Apply the keyfeatures andfunctions of mobileapplicationprogramming languages. (P4, M2)Event handling features:? identify and describe the components of event handling.? identify and describe different types of user event.? identify and describe different other types of event (time-based,Tutor led:Description and examples of event driven programming characteristics, for example:? components of event handling:? event loop? event trigger? event queue? event dispatcher? event handlers and listeners? delegates and interfaces.Learner led: Topic reviewcovering major themes.Tutor led: Nominated question and answer.Week numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGEexceptions etc).? demonstrate basic solutions which use (and handle) different types of events.? user events:? touch screen, eg click, drag etc? physical button presses? gesture-based controls, eg pinch, swipe, multi-finger swipes etc? motion-based controls, eg rotation, shake.? time-based events:? real time clock (RTC)? timers and interval measurement, eg milliseconds? temporal, eg Loading of forms, application exit.? software exceptions, eg On Error.Learners should gain some experience coding basic solutions with a selected mobile application language that provides ample opportunities to code user events and their typical event handlers. Again, either using a traditional IDE, interpreter/compiler or using an online emulator.Resources:? assignment brief? MIT App Inventor 2 The App Launch Sequence on blog/2011/06/app-launch-sequence-ios/Tutorobservational assessment of learner practical skills and problem solving demonstrated.Week numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGE? Code School - Try Objective-Ctryobjectivec.? Android Event Handling android/android_event_handling.htm? Lesson 9. Event listeners with Button example listeners-with-button-example.htmlActivities to provide stretch and challenge could include:Build more advanced programs, including the use of input, more advanced and complex calculations, eg converting a temperature from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit or converting centimetres into inches etc.Issue of centre devised Assignment 2 covering performance criteria: P3, P4, P5, P6, M2, M3, M4 and D2.8Performanceoutcome 2 - Apply the key features and functions of mobile application programming languages.Classes and objects:? identify object-oriented programming characteristics.? abstract real-world objects, describing properties and methods.Tutor led:Description and examples of object-oriented programming characteristics, for example:? abstraction? classes? properties and methods (plus overloading and overriding via polymorphism)? objects (instantiation).Learner led:Topic review covering major themes.Tutor led: Nominated question and answer.Week numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGE(P5, M3, D2)? investigate implementation of object-oriented programming characteristics in popular mobile application programming languages.Learners should attempt to create abstractions of real-worldobjects, eg a car, a bank account, a role-playing game character etc, identifying the properties and methods of each.Learners to investigate how object-oriented programming characteristics are implemented in different mobile application programming languages, eg Java, Objective-C etc.Resources:?Wikibooks – Object-oriented Programming - Objects and Classes java/java_object_classes.htm?Java Unleashed Second Edition Java-Unleashed-Second- Edition/ch2.htm?Understanding classes and objects shtml?Free online IDE and terminal (many languages!)codingground.htm?Classes of objects and instances of objects watch?v=IBpZBI_8QAETutorobservational assessment of learner abstraction skills andproblem solving demonstrated.Week numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGE?#9 Java Objects and Classes Theory: Java Tutorial For Beginners [HD 1080p] watch?v=MdR7519gdcE?Classes Vs Objects watch?v=QUbUuYrzrbgActivities to provide stretch and challenge could include: More capable learners could investigate more complex topics such as inheritance, virtual base classes etc.9PerformanceOutcome 2 - Apply the key features and functions of mobile application programming languages. (P5, M3, D2)User interfacecomponents:? identify and describe common components of a user interface.? identify common components used in a mobile application’s user interface.? investigate and then describe the properties and methods for each common componentthat is manipulated byTutor led:practical presentation of common components of a userinterface. These include (but are not limited to):? screen layouts and views.? pre-defined chrome, eg navigation bar, status bar etc.? common control widgets, eg textbox, button, label, listbox,? checkbox, radio button etc.? common containers, eg form, panel, tabs.Tutor led:Discussion which differentiates properties and methods of common user interface components (this should be linked to object-oriented programming characteristics):? properties, eg enable, visible, colour, font, size, position, values, etc.? methods, eg clear, refresh/repaint etc.Learner led:Topic review covering major themes.Tutor led: Nominated question and answer.Tutor observational assessment of learner practical skills and problem solvingWeek numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGEa mobile application.Learners should investigate sample applications (compiled andsource code) to identify the components present and the properties and methods which are used for each.Resources:? User Interface Elements | how-to-and-tools/methods/user-interface- elements.html? User Interface | Android Developers iOS Human Interface Guidelines: Controls developer.library/ios/documentation/UserExperienc e/Conceptual/MobileHIG/Controls.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40006556-CH15-SW 1Activities to provide stretch and challenge could include: More capable learners could investigate more complex mobile applications and explore platform-specific components.Learners should also be encouraged to explore mobile application components which can be used to enhance the experience for users with disabilities, eg visual impairment, physical co-ordination difficulties etc.demonstrated.Week numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGE10PerformanceOutcome 2 - Apply the key features and functions of mobile application programming languages. (P5, M3, D2)User interfacecomponents:? identify and describe common dialogs.? identify and describe custom controls.? leverage various types of common dialogsand custom controls in a mobile application.Tutor led:Description and examples of other user interface components once common components have been mastered.This should include:? common dialogs found in a mobile application, eg? file? print? colour? font? date picker? time picker.? custom controls (classes, methods, properties) such as bespoke dialogs etc.? third party controls, eg droidux.Learners should investigate sample applications (compiled and source code) to identify the common dialogs and custom controls that are present.Resources:? Dialogs | Android Developers led:Topic review covering major themes.Tutor led: Nominated question and answer.Tutor observational assessment of learner practical skills and problem solving demonstrated.Week numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGE? Android User Interface Design: Working With Dialogs code.tutorials/android-user-interface-design- working-with-dialogs--mobile-7297? Custom Components | Android Developers components.html? UIKit Framework Reference developer.library/ios/documentation/UIKit/Reference/UIKit_Framework/? Premium Android UI Components, App Templates | Activities to provide stretch and challenge could include: More capable learners could investigate more complex mobile applications and explore platform-specific components.Spring Term11PerformanceOutcome 2 - Apply the keyfeatures andfunctions of mobileapplicationprogrammingEvent handlers:?identify and describe typical event handlers.?create custom event handlers.?add and remove event handlers.Tutor led:Description and examples of event handlers, what they are and how they work.This should include:? common event handlers, eg on Load, Click, got Focus, lostFocus, Key down, Key press, Text changed etc? custom event handlersLearner led: Topic reviewcovering major themes.Tutor led: Nominated question andWeek numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGElanguages.(P5, M3, D2)? adding event handler? raising event handler? removing event handler.Learners should be tasked with simple problems to solve which require selecting and coding the correct event handlers.When learners are more confident they can work through an example of creating a custom event handler. This will usually involve:? defining a call back interface.? providing a registration facility on the background thread.? firing a call back when the desired ‘event’ has occurred.? registering the listener.These actions are complex and learners are probably best supported via a written (or video) tutorial or a step-by-step demonstration.Resources:? About events in iOS developer.library/ios/documentation/EventHandling/ Conceptual/EventHandlingiPhoneOS/Introduction/Introduction. htmlanswer.Tutor led: Observational assessment of learner practical skills and problem solving demonstrated.Week numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGE? Event Handling Guide for iOS – Apple Developer (PDF) developer.library/ios/documentation/EventHandling/ Conceptual/EventHandlingiPhoneOS/EventHandlingiPhoneOS. pdf? Input Events | Android Developers Android Event Handling android/android_event_handling.htm? Android Event Handling Example | Examples Java Code Geeks event-handling-example/? How to implement your own Listener in Android/Java | Tseng's dev own-listener-android-java/12Performance outcome 2 -Apply the key features and functions ofmobile applicationprogrammingIdentifiers:?describe different types of identifier.?identify and describe available data types in a selected programming language.Tutor led:Presentation on different types of identifier, how they are stored and how they are used in a programming language. This shouldminimally include:?variables and constants (programming and system defined).?data types, eg integer, decimal, Boolean, string, character, date/time, currency etc.?data primitives, eg scalar types.Learner led: Topic reviewcovering major themes.Tutor led: Nominated question andNumberranges, bit calculations,integers,floating point numbers,Booleans andBoolean logicWeek numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGElanguages.(P6, M4)?compare and contrast different identifier scopes andvisibilities.?RAM storage allocation.?value range.?declaration and initialisation.?scope and visibility, eg public, private, local (module-level), global, namespaces etcLearners should research data types for a selected programming language (eg Java if Objective-C has been covered by the tutor or vice versa). They should be encouraged to compare and contrast the different data types available and the RAM storage that is allocated for each and the resulting data ranges this permits.Learners should practice declaring and initialising identifiers of different data types, scope and visibility.Resources:?Objective-C Data Types - Objective-C Data Types - Ry’s Objective-C Tutorial - RyPress tutorials/objective-c/data-types/?Objective-C Data Types objective_c/objective_c_data_types.htm?Values and Collections developer.library/ios/documentation/Cocoa/Conce ptual/ProgrammingWithObjectiveC/FoundationTypesandColleanswer.Tutor: observational assessment of learner practical skills and problem solving demonstrated.etcWeek numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGEctions/FoundationTypesandCollections.html?Primitive Data Types (The Java? Tutorials > Learning the Java Language > Language basics) docs.javase/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/datatypes.h tml?Java Basic Data Types java/java_basic_datatypes.htm?Free online IDE and terminal (many languages)codingground.htm13Performance Outcome 2 - Apply the keyfeatures and functions ofmobile application programminglanguages. (P6, M4)Data Structures:?describe the differences between common types of data structure.?declare data structures to meet an identified need.?initialise and modify data structure content using correctmethods.Tutor led:Presentation on key features of mobile application programming languages. This session focuses on various data structures, howthey are coded (declared and accessed) and used.Note. Although no programming language is specified, it is sensible to select a well-known and commercially useful high-level language such as Java or Objective-C to provide syntax for learners to try and experiment with.Recommended content includes, but is not limited to:? array, eg one-dimensional (vector) and multi-dimensional (2D,3D etc).? First In, First Out (FIFO), eg Queue (Enqueue, Dequeue).? Last In, First Out (LIFO), eg Stack (Push, Pull/Pop).Learner led: Topic review covering majorthemes.Tutor led: Nominated question and answer.Peer review. Learners codebasic statements in a targetWeek numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGE? data files, eg text files, binary files (record) etc.? relational databases, tables, records and fields, eg SQLite.Learners create basic statements in a target language to solve set problems. Again, either using a traditional IDE, interpreter/compiler or using an online emulator to see the results of their efforts and be able to modify the code to compare expected/actual outcomesResources:? Free online IDE and terminal (many languages!)codingground.htm? Arrays (The Java tm Tutorials > Learning the Java Basics > Language Basics) docs.javase/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/arrays.html? Java – Arrays (Class) Processing java/java_arrays.htm? Objective-C Arrays objective_c/objective_c_arrays.htm? Stacks and Queues watch?v=idrrIMXXeHM? Stacks and Queues watch?v=JvGZh_BdF-8? Data structures: Array implementation of stacksprogramminglanguage using the correct syntax.Week numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in watch?v=sFVxsglODoo? What is the difference between binary and text files?help/binary_vs_text_files? File Handling in Objective-C objective_c/objective_c_file_handling.htm? Java File: Reading and Writing Files in Java java/java-file-reading-and-writing- files-in-java.html? SQLite Tutorial for iOS: Creating and Scripting 902/sqlite-tutorial-for-ios-creating-and- scriptingActivities to provide stretch and challenge could include:Using pointers to create truly dynamic stacks and queues rather than simulating them through the use of static arrays.Investigating using first party or third party library objects or functions to provide advanced data structure support when solving problems.14PerformanceOutcome 2 - Apply the keyfeatures andfunctions of mobileOperators:?identify different operators.?describe function and category of differentTutor led:Presentation on operators within a mobile application programming language. Recommended content includes, but isnot limited to:?arithmetic, eg +, -, *, ., %, ++, --Learner led: Topic reviewcovering major themes.Tutor led:Arithmeticoperators, numericliterals,compound assignments,Week numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGEapplicationprogramming languages. (P6, M4)operators.?combine a broad range of operators correctly to form statements and expressions using correct syntax.?relational, eg ==, ===, !=, !==, >=, <=, <, <?logical, eg and and , ||, !?assignment, eg =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=?concatenation, eg +?order of operations, eg BODMAS.Note. These are syntax specific examples and may differ from selected programming language. Learners should be made aware of the differences.Learners should code basic expressions using a combination of identifiers and operators, eg asking them to assign the result of an arithmetic expression to an identifier using the correct syntax. Tutor should assess the syntax used and feedback accordingly. Where possible code should be compiled in real time to check accuracy.Resources:? Free online IDE and terminal (many languages!)codingground.htm? Objective-C operators objective_c/objective_c_operators.htm? Java operators docs.javase/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/operators.htNominatedquestion and answer.Learners code basic statements in a target programming language using the correct syntax.relational andBoolean (logical) operators.Week numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGEmlActivities to provide stretch and challenge could include: Activity and algorithmic content can be increased in complexity depending on the capability of the individual learners. It is recommended, where possible, that differentiated levels of exercise are made available and that, ideally, learners are allowed to self-select, building their skills (and confidence) through achieving successful outcomesDyscalculia is generally perceived as a learning difficulty manifested through a person’s difficulty with mathematics, most specifically arithmetic. Consequently some learners may have troubles with some of the operations in this topic and need additional support.15Performanceoutcome 2 - Apply the key features and functions of mobile application programming languages. (P6, M4)Common languageconstructs:?create working code with basic sequences.?create working code with selections, both simple and complex.?create code with the correct type of loop.?solve problems whichTutor led:Presentation on key features of mobile application programming languages. This session focuses on the three constructs: sequence, selection and iteration (both pre- and post-conditioned).Note. Although no programming language is specified, it is sensible to select a well-known and commercially popular high- level language such as Java or Objective-C to provide syntax for learners to try and experiment with.Learner led:Topic review covering major themesTutor led: Nominated question and answer.Week numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGEinvolve combinationsof program constructs.Recommended content includes, but is not limited to:? constructs? sequence? selection? simple if? nested if? case type statement.? iteration? pre-condition loops? post-condition loops? knowing which loop type to use depending on the circumstance.Learners create basic statements in a target language to solve set problems. Again, either using a traditional IDE, interpreter/compiler or using an online emulator to see the results of their efforts and be able to modify the code to compare expected/actual outcomes.Resources:? Free online IDE and terminal (many languages!)codingground.htm? Program ConstructsPeer review.Learners code basic statements in a target programming language using the correct syntax.Week numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in Java Decision Making - if...else if and switch statements java/java_decision_making.htm? Java Loops - for, while and do...while java/java_loop_control.htm? Objective-C - if...else statement objective_c/if_else_statement_in_objective_ c.htm? Objective-C Loops objective_c/objective_c_loops.htmActivities to provide stretch and challenge could include: Creation of simple selection and iteration blocks in multiple languages that perform the same task, comparing the syntax differences that occur.16Performance outcome 2 - Apply the keyfeatures and functions ofmobile application programminglanguages.Functions:?identify code needed to declare and call (use) a function in a target programming languages.?create functions with different numbers ofTutor led:Presentation on modularity and functions.Note. Although no programming language is specified, it is sensible to select a well-know and commercially useful mobile application programming language such as Java or Objective-C to provide syntax for learners to try and experiment with.Remember that modularity is often implemented differently in various high level languages, eg as functions, procedures,Learner led: Topic review covering majorthemes.Tutor led: Nominated question and answer.Week numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGE(P6, M4)arguments,parameters and return values.?improve the efficiency of an existingprogram by applying modular designtechniques.subroutines or modules etc Syntax may be different, but the coreconcepts of modularity, coupling (data passing between modules)and cohesion (data kept within each module) remain the same.Recommended content includes, but is not limited to:?an overview of modularity and functions.?naming and declaration.?function calls.?return types.?arguments and parameters:? functions with no arguments and no return value? functions with no arguments but do have a return value? functions with arguments but no return value? functions with arguments and a return value.Learners create basic statements in a target language to solve set problems. Again, either using a traditional IDE, interpreter/ compiler or using an online emulator to see the results of their efforts and be able to modify the code to compare expected/actual outcomes.Tutor can supply learners with existing code written in a‘monolithic’ fashion, ie with no modules. Learners can then edit the program, aiming to improve its efficiency using modules.Peer review.Learners code basic statements in a target programming language using the correct syntax.Week numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGELearners should be encouraged to explore the library of functionscommonly built into a programming language as standard. These categorisations usually include:? input and output? arithmetic? string? date? file.Learners may also be directed to investigate the use of third party library functions.Resources:? Free online IDE and terminal (many languages!)codingground.htm? Objective-C Functions objective_c/objective_c_functions.htm? Java Functions java/java_methods.htm? Java Functions (interactive)en/Functions17Performanceoutcome 3 - DemonstrateDesign tools:?identify tools and techniques used toTutor led:Introduction to different tools and techniques for designing a mobile application.Learner led:Topic review covering majorMnemonicacronyms such as WYSIWYG.Week numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGEthe ability todesign mobile applications. (P7, P8, M5, M6, D3)design mobileapplications.?describe tools and techniques used to design mobile applications.?select and use tools and techniques to design mobile applications successfully.Coverage should include:?storyboards: a storyboard is a practical design technique which, although it isn’t limited to event-driven programs, tends to be the paradigm where it’s used most effectively, especially when building mobile applications.A storyboard is a visual representation of the onscreen forms, buttons, text boxes, checkbox, dialogs etc that make up an application. Each element is named and described and they are linked together by the event handlers that deal with triggered events.For example, ‘Form1’ may have a button called ‘Calculate’ which when clicked (‘on_click’ event) opens ‘Form 2’. This is easier to show visually than be described. Additional storyboard information may contain timed events, formatting (colours, fonts etc) and alignment.?metrics and grids, physical size and screen density (DPI)?user interface design templates, which are downloadable files (often free) containing image files containing UI (User Interface) elements which can be edited to prototype the design of a mobile application. Often it is possible to get templates for different sizes of device and mobile platform?user Interface design software, which is software (downloadable application or online) that provides a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) interface forthemes.Tutor led: Nominated question and answer.Learners design basic applications using a varietyof tools and techniques that are then peer reviewed.Screen resolution (pixels, units), multiplication, calculations for DPI etcWeek numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGEdevelopers to drag, drop and organise UI elements on screento form the prototype of a mobile application. Some may also generate template program code from this visually-created prototype?action charts or tables, which are more commonly used with event-driven designs and are a quick way to build a manifest of the event handlers to be used in a mobile application Generally these following columns are used:? container/scope (where the Object is located)? object (eg button, text box) name? event trigger (eg click, hover, drag and drop, move etc)? event handler name? parameters (values passed to the event handler)? actions (written description of what the handler does).These are often used as a complement for storyboards, which tell the same ‘story’, but in visual manner, ie from thegraphical user interface (GUI) perspective.Learners should be able to practically design a solution to a simple problem using storyboards and action tables. These can then be used to produce a basic application.In addition, the use of user interface design software should beWeek numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGEused to contrast manual techniques, demonstrating the strengthsand weaknesses that its approach brings to the design process.Resources:?Assignment brief?iPhone Development 101: Sizes of iPhone UI Elements code/User_Interface/sizes.html?Devices and Displays | Android Developers | Android Developers UI – fast and friendly prototyping ?DroidDraw : Graphical User Interface Editor for Android CellPhone Development and Programming ?TETHR - the most beautiful ios design kit you've ever seen... tethr?MIT App Inventor 2 – Clickteam Fusion 2.5 clickteam-fusion-2-5/Week numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGEIssue of centre devised Assignment 3, or AQA devisedAssignment covering performance criteria: P7, P8, M5, M6 and D3.Learners with dyspraxia tend to find practical tasks such as storyboarding quite difficult as it relies on good hand-eye co- ordination, as a consequence they may need additional support or access to other design tools (eg computerised WYSIWYG editors with ‘snap to grid’ style support).18PerformanceOutcome 3 - Demonstratethe ability todesign mobile applications. (P7, P8, M5, M6, D3)Style and accessibility considerations:?identify and describe platform styles when designing applications.?identify and describe common accessibility concerns when designing applications.?apply and evaluate both style and accessibility considerations when designingTutor led:Introduction to platform style guides, which should be considered when designing a mobile application.Content should minimally include:?iconography?typography?themes and colour?touch feedback?layout and consistency?personal or organisational branding.Learner led:Investigation and presentation into accessibility concerns and the adaptations that should be considered whenLearner led: Topic reviewcovering major themes.Tutor led: Nominated question and answer.Learners design basic applications using a varietyof tools and techniquesMnemonicacronyms such as WYSIWYG.Screen resolution (pixels, units), multiplication, calculations for DPI etcWeek numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGEapplications.designing a mobile application.Accessibility concerns should minimally include:?vision?hearing?physical and motor skills?learning and literacy.Accessibility adaptations should minimally include:?captioning?voiceover?speech?guided access?high contrast colour.Using a personally devised checklist that reflects their research, learners should review their mobile application designs to see if they reflect best practice in regards to style and accessibility concerns. Where shortcomings are found, recommendations may be made for improvements.Peers or guests may also review mobile application designs for style and accessibility.Resources:which are thenreviewed by self, peer or guests for style and accessibility.Week numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGE? Top 10 steps towards making your mobile apps more smart-accessibility/making-your-mobile-apps- more-accessible? iOS Human Interface Guidelines developer.library/ios/documentation/UserExperienc e/Conceptual/MobileHIG/index.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40006556-CH66-SW 1? Accessibility in iOS - iOS Technology Overview - Apple Developer developer.technologies/ios/accessibility.html? Accessibility for Developers - Apple Developer developer.accessibility/? Accessibility | Android Developers Accessibility | Android Developers Android Design Principles | Android Developers could be given to getting feedback from potential users who may have accessibility issues. Their insight into the difficulties they experience when using certain types of application may be instructive for theWeek numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGElearners during their development phase, especially from a customer perspective.19Performance outcome 3 - Demonstratethe ability to design mobileapplications. (P7, P8, M5, M6, D3)Selecting appropriate controls and events:?interpreting designs and selecting appropriate controls and objects.?identifying correct methods and properties to use when implementing a design.?identifying correct event handlers to use to implement a design.Tutor should lead a workshop devised to advance learners from a detailed design (any format) to the framework of a working mobile application.This will involve the learner completing the following steps:?identifying available controls and objects.?mapping storyboard to controls.?identification of required properties and methods.?identifying available event handlers.?mapping storyboard to events.As some of these steps may be interchangeable it may be possible for the tutor to walk small groups of learners through each step in a ‘round robin’ fashion.Learners will typically progress at different rates through this activity, particularly if it is their first substantial implementation of a design. The use of individual learning plans (ILPs) is therefore recommended to set short-term, focused and realistic targets that lead the learner through the complex steps in a controlled manner.Learner led: Topic review covering majorthemes.Tutor led: Nominated question and answer.Learners design basic applications using a varietyof tools and techniques withprogresstracked by the tutor using anILP.Week numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGEThe tutor should review progress of these individually with thelearner to ensure that learning has taken place and that difficulties are identified early.Resources:? Design Then Code: Building iOS Apps From Scratch scratch/Activities to provide stretch and challenge could include:More experienced and capable learners may assist the tutor in‘trustee’ capacity by providing peer support and tuition in the classroom.20Performanceoutcome 4 - Demonstrate the proficient use of mobile development tools.(P9, M7)Installing and configuringmobile development tools:?select and install developer packages appropriate to the task.?configure developer packages to meet needs.?test that developer packages have been correctly selected,Tutor should lead a workshop devised to prepare learners forinstalling and configuring their own development tools.This will involve the learner completing the following steps:? identifying the necessary developer packages (some may need assistance with this).? downloading the identified developer packages.? installing the downloaded developer packages.? configuring the installed developer packages.? testing that the developer packages work as expected, ie build/compile executable applications for a mobile device/emulator/virtual device.Learner led:Topic review covering major themes.Tutor led: Nominated question and answer.Learners’ installation and configuration ofWeek numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGEinstalled andconfigured in order to meet needs.Learners will typically progress at different rates through this activity, particularly if it is their first experience of installing complex software. The use of Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) is therefore recommended to set short-term, focused and realistic targets that lead the learner through the complex steps in a controlled manner.The tutor should review progress of these individually with the learner to ensure that learning has taken place and that difficulties are identified early.Resources:?How to install Xcode and the Command Line Tools on OS X Mavericks watch?v=je3dQW9WZOc?Xcode – Downloads – Apple Developer developer.xcode/downloads/?Download Android Studio and SDK Tools | AndroidDevelopers developer.sdk/index.html?Android Developer Tools | Android Developers to provide stretch and challenge could include:More experienced and capable learners may assist the tutor indevelopmenttools is tracked and assessed by the tutor using an ILP.Week numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGE‘trustee’ capacity by providing peer support and tuition in theclassroom. They may also experiment with different development tools (if practicable) to help evaluate which they prefer to use, eg there are many different tools, which can be used to develop Android mobile applications.Summer Term21Performance outcome 4 -Demonstrate the proficientuse of mobile development tools.(P9, M7)Using the features of an integrated developmentenvironment:?manage a project and its files.?customise development workspace.?compile and execute program code.Tutor led:Demonstration and introduction to an integrated development environment (IDE)Minimally this should include:?workspaces:? customisation eg layout, docking? restoring defaults.?projects:? project types eg form-based, console? creating a new project? navigation and storage? adding files to a project? resources, eg images, sound files etc? closing a project? moving a project safely? using project templates.?file operations:Learner led:opic review covering majorthemes.Tutor led: nominated question and answer.IDE ‘driving licence’ practical test, assessed by tutor.Week numberSpecificationreferenceAssessment outcomeKey learning objectivesConsider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and diversityin BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher asappropriate for learnergroup)Learning activities and resourcesWhat will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework?Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group)PlenaryHow will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements?Embedding orcontextualising (opportunities for skillsdevelopment)Maths in PURPLE English in GREEN Transferable Skills in ORANGE? load? save.?coding conventions and standards.?compilation/building.?executables (debug, release).?cleaning intermediary files.Learners can be assessed through a ‘driving licence’ style practical test which tasks them to complete set operations within the IDE. This checklist can be drawn directly from the unit content.Resources:? assignment brief? Xcode – IDE – Apple Developer developer.xcode/ide/? Help – Eclipse Platform help.luna/index.jspIssue of centre devised Assignment 4 covering P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, M7, M8 and D4.22Performance outcome 5 - Create anddeploy a workingmobile applicationusing cross platform development.(P10)Cross platform development:?describe the concept and features of cross- compilation.?identify the tools used to achieve cross- compilation.?explain and value the challenges of cross- compilation and the alternatives available.Tutor presentation and walkthrough of cross-compilation.This should focus on cross-compilation as a generic computing concept (at first) and focus on the practical issues of cross- compilation from PC (Windows/Linux) or Apple Mac platforms to different mobile devices (or other desktop platforms).Minimally this should include:?features, eg Cross-compiler utility, ability to support obsolete platforms etc?challenges, eg connectivity, tools, different architecture, platform neutrality (eg Java Byte Code running on a Java Virtual Machine - JVM) and platform dependence?alternatives, eg virtual machines and JIT (Just In Time)compilation?advantages over virtual machines, eg speed and efficiency.Resources:?Cross Compiling for Windows on Linux Tutorial watch?v=3-yw-aD8CTI?Introduction to Java Virtual Machine (JVM)watch?v=G1ubVOl9IBw?What Is The Java Virtual Machine and How Does It Work? tag/java-virtual-machine-work-makeuseof- explains/Learner led: Topic review covering majorthemes.Tutor led: Nominated question and answer.23Performance outcome 5 -Create and deploy a workingmobile applicationusing cross platformdevelopment. (P11)Creating a mobile application:?develop awareness of best-practice for coding.?identify and use difference techniques which contribute to best-practice for coding.?read and review internal documentation withTutor presentation and walkthrough of coding conventions and standards for a mobile application. It is advised that some ofthese aspects be seeded through earlier development weeks in order to encourage good practice.Internal documentation:?identifier naming conventions.?potential benefits, eg metadata, consistency, clarity.?common formats eg upper camel case, lower camel case, Hungarian notation etc.?code layout and indentation.?Comments.Learner led: Topic reviewcovering major themes.Tutor led: Nominated question and answer.Self review. Peer review.Proofreadingfor spelling and grammaticalerrors.confidence.?spelling and grammar?best practice and purpose.?XML and HTML documentation.Learners should be encouraged to use provided internal documentation in an effort to understand the purpose of the code. Setting exercises designed for self and peer review of internal documentation is also highly recommended.Resources:? Developing Good Programming Style Good Programming Style tutorial/style.html? Good Programming Style ml? Java Programming Style Guide style.jsp? Google Objective-C Style Guidegoogle-styleguide.svn/trunk/objcguide.xml? Coding Style Conventions msdn.en- gb/library/windows/desktop/aa378932%28v=vs.85%29.aspx? Capitalization Styles msdn.en- gb/library/x2dbyw72%28v=vs.71%29.aspx?Coding Conventions: The Hungarian Notation garian_notation.pdf?Beautify Your Objective-C Code blog/2013/05/beautify-your-objective-c-code/?Best Online Java Viewer - Beautify - Minify – Formatter javaviewer?Code Beautify Learners with dyslexia may find proofreading their onscreendialogs and prompts difficult; this also applies to comments. Peer support should be encouraged to assist learnersthrough this activity.24Performanceoutcome 5 - Create and deploy a working mobile application using cross platform development. (P11)Creating a mobileapplication:?compile (build)program source code.?confirm existence of object code or portable code.?manage source and object files to ensure successful compilation has occurred.Tutor demonstration of compiling the source code of a chosenprogramming language to produce a working mobile application.Learners must identify:? the steps involved in cross compilation/building.? whether executable or portable code (eg Java bytecode) has been .? if cleaning of intermediary files is necessary.Learners should then create simple screencast/video/notes/wiki or presentation that repeats this process with their own application code.Resources:? Building and Running from Android Studio | Build an iOS App - Design+Code led:Topic review covering major themes.Tutor led: Nominated question and answer.25Performance Outcome 5 - Create anddeploy a workingmobile applicationusing cross platform development.(P12)Debugging a mobile application:? anticipate and categorise different compilation and build problems.? debug an application using correct tools.? test applications through the use of virtual devices and emulators before transferring to a targetLearner led:Identification of different types of compilation or build problems that can occur, eg:? notices? deprecations? warnings? errors.Learners should be able to categorise the severity of each type and know the reason why they occur, eg deprecation because a class or method is no longer important and should no longer be used; usually because it has become superseded and may cease to exist in a later version of the API.Learner led: Topic review covering majorthemes.Tutor led: Nominated question and answer.Tutor practical assessment of learnermobile device.Tutor led:Demonstration of debug tools, either as part of an integrated development environment (IDE) or as a separate mon debug tools to include:? watches – the ability to see the value of a variable changing as the application executes.? breakpoints – the ability to temporarily halt the application in key locations to examine the status of variables etc Breakpoints are often toggled ‘on’ and ‘off’ and variations of this include ‘run to cursor’, which creates a temporary breakpoint.? traces – being able to run an application’s program code line- by-line to follow its logic flow; this is called ‘tracing’.? step into/step over – whether a module (function, procedure etc) is treated as a black or white box for testing. Step into treats it as a white box; Step over treats it as a black box.? output and immediate window – a facility for showing application output not aimed at the primary output device, eg for debugging purposes only.? code inspection – the ability to highlight parts of the application’s code whilst it is temporarily halted to examine variables and logic flow.Learners should be given access to suitable debug tools and use these to debug purposely faulty code.Tutor ledIntroduction to virtual devices and emulators in order to test an application before successfully transferring it to the target mobiledevice.Learners should be able to practically test their applications on virtual devices and emulators before transferring to a target mobile device.debugging skills.Peer review.Resources:? Debugging in Eclipse Java for Complete Beginners watch?v=h_dcEn_D-KU? Java Debugging with Eclipse - Tutorial tutorials/EclipseDebugging/article.html? Debugging a Java Program eclipse/eclipse_debugging_program.htm? Xcode Debugging watch?v=gPzSSeJc2oo? Intermediate Debugging with Xcode 4.5 28289/debugging-ios-apps-in-xcode-4-5? Xcode Breakpoint Wizardry blog/xcode-breakpoint-wizardry/Activities to provide stretch and challenge could include: Additional activities could include debugging more complex run- time issues such as unhandled exceptions and examining more complex facilities such as debugging Views (in iOS).26PerformanceOutcome 5 - Create and deploy a working mobile application using cross platform development. (P13)Documenting a mobileapplication:?identify good practices when creating user documentation.?create internal documentation for an application .?create user documentation for an application.Tutor presentation and walkthrough of documentation for a mobileapplication. It is advised that some of these aspects be seeded through earlier development weeks in order to encourage good practice.Learners should investigate:? internal documentation:?onscreen help eg user prompts, tool tips etc.? user documentation (paper and online), which should minimally include:?using a clear, concise ‘plain English’ style of writing.?avoiding jargon; using technical terminology only where absolutely necessary.?selecting a suitable document structure and layout.?using clear and representation screen captures to illustrate instructions.?including ‘use cases’ (the steps required for an individual to achieve a particular goal) to demonstrate different ways toLearner led:Topic review covering major themes.Tutor led: Nominated question and answer.Peer review. Learner selfreview.Elements ofwriting; grammar, spelling, punctuation etcuse the software, in different circumstances.?making sure the user guide is applicable for the target audience.?choosing whether the documentation should be online, printed or both.?knowing how online help systems differ from user manuals(eg they are often contextual).Learners should practically create user documentation for a series of programs. It is advised that they create documentation for two basic types of program: one they have written and one they haven’t. Both approaches are instructive and help the learner to understand what elements potential users need to know about a program before attempting to use it.Peer review of user documentation is exceptionally useful. If for example student #1 writes code, student #2 documents the solution for a user and student #3 uses #2’s user documentation to successfully operate #1’s program, it is a reasonable assumption that the documentation is of good quality.Resources:? Tips for writing user manuals How to write user The Chicago Manual of Style Online home.html? Microsoft Manual of Style ptgmedia.images/9780735648715/samplepa ges/9780735648715.pdfActivities to provide stretch and challenge could include: Exploring different user manuals (printed and online) and on-help systems to gain an insight into the type of content that is oftenincluded. The learner should reflect on which user documentation works well and what doesn’t, determining the reasons why and using it to inform their own practice.Learners with dyslexia may experience difficulties when proofreading their onscreen help screens and their user manual content. Peer support should be encouraged to assist learners through this activity.27Performance outcome 5 - Create anddeploy a workingmobile application using crossplatform development.(P13)Documenting a mobileApplication:? identify good practices when creating technical documentation.? create technical documentation for an application.? devise a representative description for the digital distribution of an application.Tutor presentation and walkthrough of documentation for a mobile application. It is advised that some of these aspects be seeded through earlier development weeks in order to encourage goodpracticeContent should ideally include:? Technical documentation:? Identifying the correct person to write the documentation; this may not be the programmer as they may not have appropriate communication skills, necessitating the contracting of a technical author.? Deciding what needs to be included: from inputs to output, key processes, functions, variables and constants and the overall structure of the program and any external data files that are used. Screen captures, design tools, trace tables, data tables/data dictionaries may also be considered.Known issues with the software should also be documented.? Writing in a clear and concise manner but without compromising on the technical details.?Having the documentation reviewed, preferably by multiple people and certainly by someone who is an expert in the software; this ensures technical accuracy and that it is fit for purpose.?Making sure the language used is accurate and includes the appropriate technical terminology and that it is used correctly.?Selecting an appropriate structure and layout for the document. Use this consistently throughout.Learner led: Topic review covering majorthemes.Tutor led: Nominated question and answer.Peer review.Elements of writing; grammar,spelling, punctuation etcCreative writing and review.?Knowing that some technical documentation stays within the program code; self-documentation occurs in the meaningful naming of identifiers, indentation and the use of comments to describe the code’s purpose (not its syntax).?Matching the target audience’s needs; technical documentation should help professionals understand the program that has been created in such a way that maintenance routes are clear.Learners should practically create technical documentation for a series of mobile applications. It is advised that they create documentation for two basic types of application: one they have written and one they haven’t. Both approaches are instructive and help the learner to understand what elements other programmers need to know about a programmed solution before attempting to maintain it.Peer review of technical documentation is exceptionally useful. If for example student #1 writes code, student #2 documents the solution and student #3 then maintains #1’s code using#2’s.? Digital distribution application description? Things to include, eg? Proofread copy? Provide overview of features and functionality? Show representative screen captures? Include reviews from reputable sources? Any credit to third party code or resources used.? Acknowledge any copyrights and trademarks and use them in the allowed context and with permission.? Things to avoid, eg? Use of development terms, eg ‘Alpha’, ‘Beta’, ‘v0.9’ etc that suggest an application is not finished? References to other Operating Systems or rival platforms? Improper use of copyrights or trademarks.Learners should create descriptions for their applications that adhere to best practice and use these when uploading to a digital distribution platform.Resources:? Tips for writing great technical documents and help files PDFs/Tips%20for%20writing%20great%20tech nical%20documents%20and%20Help%20files.pdf? A beginners guide to writingdocumentation docs.writing/beginners-guide- to-docs/? Software Documentation samples, J. (2012). Handbook of Technical Writing. London: StMartin's Press. 978-1250004413Activities to provide stretch and challenge could include:More advanced learners could attempt to modify third party code using available documentation. Many open source projects exist(small to big) which can be downloaded and maintained; mostinclude technical documentation to help the programmer modify the code. In addition, learners can make judgements about which documentation aspects are most useful to a programmer when maintaining someone else’s code and use this knowledge to inform their own practice? SourceForge - Download, Develop and Publish Free OpenSource Software? Learners with dyslexia may experience difficulties when proofreading their technical documentation. Peer support should be encouraged to assist learners through this activity.28Performanceoutcome 5 -Deploying a mobileapplication:Tutor led:Introduction and demonstration of deploying a successfullyLearner led:Topic reviewCreate and deploy a working mobile application using cross platform development. (P14, P15, M8, D4)?deploy application to a virtual device or emulator.?deploy application to a mobile device.?compare and contrast execution on different platforms, ie virtual/emulator vs mobile piled mobile application so that it can be tested.Note. This process can be very platform-specific, so generalised guidance is subject to platform needs and adjustments.Minimally this should include:? ensuring basic branding present, eg icon, start-up form etc.? version numbering is correct (major, minor etc).? any required digital signatures are correct.? selecting the target device (real mobile device, emulator or virtual device).? configuring the target device to run the code (may require turning on a debug mode or disabling the need to run digitally‘signed’ code).? selecting the most appropriate transfer technique, eg USB.? transferring the application to the target device.? comparing the execution on different platforms, ie. virtual/emulator vs. mobile device.? knowing how to install the application once testing has finished.? ensuring all configuration files and settings are correct, eg separate configuration files (.ini, .conf etc) or OS database equivalent to Microsoft Windows’ Registry.? packaging dependencies, eg any files or run-time libraries required are included in the installation/distribution.? required installation tools.? building an end user license agreement (EULA)/terms of Use.? agreeing digital distribution methods.Learners should be able to follow this guidance in order to test their own successfully compiled mobile applications on a device. Ideally learners should be able to compare the application running on a variety of devices (for comparison and contrast); reviewing behaviour on a real device is an absolute must.Learners should then create simple screencast/video/notes/wiki or presentation that repeats this process with their own application code.covering major themes.Tutor led: Nominated question and answer.Peer review.Resources:?How to Run your Android Eclipse App on your Phone (USB Drivers and Settings)watch?v=Ee1vyUY8J7E?Run an android application in a mobile device watch?v=TXojre_lOag?Android: Project 1(v6) - Running the App in an Andorid VirtualDevice watch?v=MFkgyVJd6N4?Launching Your App on Devices developer.library/mac/documentation/IDEs/Concept ual/AppDistributionGuide/LaunchingYourApponDevices/Launc hingYourApponDevices.htmlActivities to provide stretch and challenge could include: Comparing the application running on a number of different sized physical devices, eg mobile telephone and tablet.29Performance outcome 5 -Create and deploy aworking mobile applicationusing cross platformdevelopment. (P14, P15,M8, D4)Reviewing and maintaining a mobileapplication:?identify aspects involved in the review process.?create a checklist for reviewing mobile applications against chosen criteria.?review mobile applications against chosen criteria and make recommendations for improvement.Tutor led:Introduction to the review process of a mobile application. This should cover both the development phase and the release phase.In development phase, learners’ study should include:? importance of regular project reviewing against specification requirements through an iterative process with the client and other stakeholders, eg target users.? reviewing project milestones, eg dates and deliverables.? keeping stakeholders informed of progress.? documenting key design decisions and changes.In post-release phase, learners’ study should include:? Evaluation of completed mobile application against design and original specification/customer needs and feedback.? accuracy and efficiency.? features and functionality.? ease of use/user friendliness.?client and customer feedback (including bug reporting).Learner led: Topic reviewcovering major themes.Tutor led: Nominated question and answer.Formal peer review of mobile applications.Elements ofwriting;grammar, spelling, punctuation.Critique through formal written reviews and feedback etc? compliance with platform style guides.? compliance with platform license holders (approval process) to gain permission for release in closed digital markets.? incorporation and adaptation to meet accessibility needs.? identified bugs which need to be resolved as part of an update and maintenance strategy (and the frequency of this).Using a personally devised checklist of selected properties and qualities, learners should review mobile applications created by their peers and score them. Where shortcomings are found, recommendations may be made for improvements, eg how to improve ease of use, how to improve compliance with platform style guides or how to achieve better accessibility goals.Resources:? Mobile App Reviews | reviews/mobile-apps? Mobile App Reviews - topics/mobile-apps/Activities to provide stretch and challenge could include: Learners may also review commercially released software and compare and contrast their findings to peer and trade reviews.30Complete unit review.Individual learner performance review. Individual learner unit feedback for tutor. ................

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