
COVID PLAN FOR SHOW TRAININGCONDITIONS OF ENTRYIf you have even mild symptoms please do not attend - stay at home and get tested. Attendees are encouraged to download the COVIDSafe app @ covidsafe-app All persons who are not Officials MUST register their attendance at the office or prior on Show Manager.Failure to adhere to any instruction issued by an Official shall result in the trainee being required to immediately leave the grounds and they may be subject to disciplinary action.The bookings register will serve as a record of attendees for purposes of contact tracing.A record of officials and staff present at the event shall be maintained by the Secretary.If using a gazebo they must be spaced a minimum of 1.5 metres apart unless walls are used.A maximum of two exhibitors shall share a gazebo unless they are from the same household.Exhibitors must vacate the Showground within 30 minutes of the completion of their training session.PHYSICAL DISTANCINGTotal numbers shall not exceed the NSW Government Gazetted COVID-19 Restrictions on Gathering and Movement Order current at the time of the show.Keep a distance of 1.5 metres between yourself and other people.Do not shake hands, hug or kiss as a greeting.Practise good hygiene by cleaning your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds with soap and water, or sanitizer, after visiting a common area, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.There shall be no congregating or setting up chairs in groups.Masks may be worn by Officials and Trainees - but are not compulsory.The Club shall provide hand sanitiser at the rings, exhibitors are encouraged to provide their own.All Vendors and Patrons shall adhere to physical distancing rules.Trainees shall avoid touching dogs that are not their responsibility.Trainees and Officials shall not use common pens & pencils or tables & chairs.Trainees must enter the ring via the entrance and depart via the exit maintaining physical distancing at all times.Ring equipment shall be regularly sanitised during the event.A cleaner shall be designated by the club to maintain hygienic conditions in rest rooms.Trainees are requested to be considerate of fellow trainees and maintain appropriate hygiene and physical distancing when visiting rest rooms.Rings are required to be 10 metres apart.JUDGINGTrainees shall stand at arm’s-length from their exhibit as it is being examined by the Judge. (This will assist in providing the requisite 1.5 metre physical distancing.)The Trainees shall be responsible for mouthing the exhibit.Judges are encouraged to spend no more than 15 seconds going over an individual exhibit.Judges are encouraged to examine exhibits at arms-length to facilitate physical distancing.Judge will wash/sanitize their hands on a regular basis.Only the dog required for a particular class/session should be brought into the assembly area. ................

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