
To Click or Not to ClickEstimated duration: 90 minutesAge level: Lower secondary school studentsLearning objectives, skills and competenciesStudents will create their own examples of clickbaits and learn how to detect them. Students will use Minecraft to create a world where visitors will be guided in how to recognise clickbaits. Learning objectives:?Recognise clickbaits.?Identify strategies for detecting clickbaits.?Think critically about online content.Activities and rolesStudents work collaboratively individually, in pairs or small groups and solve the adventure mode of the Minecraft world provided by the teacher. After solving the quest and reading and learning about clickbaits, students will create their own structures and typical clickbait titles in Minecraft in order to develop strategies for detecting them online.The teacher is the facilitator of the students’ learning process and encourages them to work on the tasks at their own pace as well as to critically think about the clickbaits they encounter in the world of Minecraft. The Teacher monitors their work and helps solve the puzzles when needed. At the end of the lesson students do self- and peer assessment.What do you need?Students work on a PC where Minecraft Education Edition game is installed. The game is freely available on the following website: Please allow about 10 minutes before the lesson to set up the game on one computer. Students can do this by themselves on their computers.To sign into the game, students and teachers need their school email address and password. Once the game is set up, the teacher must download and import the following world built specifically for this lesson: The WorldStudents and teachers can work on computers or laptops and the teacher can optionally display the game on a projector. The teacher provides students with the handout for navigating the quest successfully as well as the evaluation checklist.Learning spaceThe lesson can be conducted in the classroom or in a distance learning session online by setting up the multiplayer game. The lesson can also be set as homework where students can work on the tasks individually. The teacher follows the instructions: Screenshot SEQ Screenshot \* ARABIC 1To import a world, select Import button and select the Mcworld file from your computer. To start a multiplayer select View my worlds and then click host.To join the world, students select Join world and enter the join code that was given by the host. The detailed instructions in English are in additional resources. Activity descriptionWarm-up: Teacher distributes the world to students and starts a multiplayer game / or sets the task for homework. Teacher announces the topic of clickbaits and the lesson outcomes for students. Clickbait is any Internet content with the sole purpose of enticing readers to click on and follow a link to a website, video or photo.The quest: Students start playing the game in Rivertown where they meet Non-Player Characters (NPCs) who guide them through the quest. The town consists of the hospital, a café, a TV station and a club where all the tasks are presented and where students learn about clickbaits. Teacher reminds students to take the book and quill tool to record their learning process and note the basic strategies to avoid clickbaits online.Starting point: NPC states the objectives of the lesson and greets the player, navigating the students to the Mayor and the hospital.Screenshot 2 The hospital: There are three floors and a basement laboratory where students encounter NPCs and books where they read about clickbaits and learn from them.Screenshot 3Pharmacist NPC gives a quest to find the three books about clickbaits:What are clickbaits?Using clickbaitsExamples of clickbaitsThen the player is navigated to the Conference Hall where there is a presentation about the topic in English. The NPC there (Clickbait Specialist) has a link to the Quizizz quiz in English to check for comprehension. The player goes to the TV station station: Students explore how news is created and how sometimes the media use clickbaits and how important it is to be a professional journalist. The Director shows a link to another presentation about clickbaits in English and later sends the player to the Café.Screenshot 4 The café: A celebrity has been spotted, so the Bartender NPC navigates the player to the club.The club: The final party with the celebrity is in the club where students are navigated to the helicopter on top of the hospital roof. The helicopter: Students are teleported to the creative part of the world where they hand in their book and quill to the teacher and prepare ideas for building their own structures. The directions are written on boards:Once they finish the quest, it is their turn to create their structures, clickbait titles and strategies for avoiding clickbaits.Creating: In this part of the lesson students are free to switch to the creative mode of the game and build upon the existing world or can choose to be teleported to the building section. They consult their book and quill to review what they have learned and produce new rules and strategies for avoiding clickbaits.Summarizing: If working in pairs or groups, each group gets a part of the world to display their work (posters, slates or books) with their recorded notes and strategies.Evaluation: Students do a peer evaluation of their work by filling in a checklist they received from the teacher. The teacher wraps up the lesson by pointing out the learning outcomes achieved and the tips for recognizing the clickbaits the students have recorded.Self-assessment and peer-assessment listsDescriptor: 1I can define what clickbaits are.2I can give examples of usual clickbait titles.3I can write at least three strategies for avoiding clickbaits.4I have created a part of the Minecraft world with tips for avoiding clickbaits.Self-assessment list YESNOStudent has created the part of the Minecraft world with tips for avoiding clickbaits.Student is taking part in a creating process.Student can define clickbaits and give some examples.Student has worked respecting others.Peer assessment listAdditional resources:A walkthrough video: To learn the basics of Minecraft, follow the links: Multiplayer set-up: rules: Quiz: Extra materials: Students’ handoutACTIVITYTO DO LISTIntroductionInstall the gameImport the worldStarting the gameTalk to the GuideTalk to the MayorRead the objectives in front of the hospitalEnter the hospitalHospitalTalk to the PharmacistFind three books: nurses’ officesGo to the Conference HallDo the QuizTV StationExplore and talk to NPCsFind the DirectorSee the presentationCafé ExploreClubExploreHelipadTeleport to the creative partCreatingCreate the necessary buildingsDisplay boards or postersEvaluationSelf-evaluationPeer evaluationName of author: Tea Horvati? ................

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