
LiteracyNumeracyHWBTopicAfter Happily Ever After...Watch a film of your choosing. Afterwards write a story using the same characters about what happened after the film ended.Time Memory Game : Match o’clock timesMedium: Match o’clock and half past timesSpicy: Match o’clock, half past and quarter past timesFischy SingingJoin in a Fischy Assembly. You can watch them live on YouTube at 11am each Monday morning. Previous ones are still available to watch. Favourite AnimalDraw a picture of your favourite animal, where do they live?Challenge: Can you write a sentence or short story about your animal?SuckAnish Kapoor is a sculpture. He has created this sculpture in West Lothian, it is called ‘Suck’. It is a deep hole in a cage, where do you think the hole goes? What is at the bottom, draw and write what you think is there.Daily 10This site gives you 10 questions to practise your adding and taking away. You can choose the amount of time you have to answer each question.: Level 1 – Up to 10 (adding ones)Medium: Level 1 – Bonds to make 20Spicy: Level 2 – Missing Numbers to 20Draw Together!Take some time out to get creative, draw and doodle! Wendy is encouraging lots of children to #drawtogether in the USA! You can join them too – here is one of her videos. This clip encourages you to draw a dog! A-ZCreate a list of living things, one which begins with each letter of the alphabet.A- B-C-Spelling PractiseChoose your own spelling words to revise. Can you read the words and sort them into real or nonsense words with the pirates!Mild: CVC wordsMedium: choose a phase 3 digraph, for example, sh, ch or th.Spicy: challenge yourself and pick any sound! Hunt and CountCan you find things to count around the house? Here are some ideas.How many rooms?How many chairs?How many people?How many doors?How many animals?Can you find other things to count? Is there anything that would be easier to count in 2s?Be helpful!Help your family to do some chores around the house, for example, make your bed or tidy part of your bedroom! Edinburgh ZooHave a look at the webcams for Edinburgh Zoo. What are the animals doing? Which is your favourite to watch? some new books on EPIC! out how to login using your Online Learning Journal.There are lots of books to explore. Choose a book and then pick a mild, medium or spicy challenge.Mild: draw a picture from the book.Medium: write a sentence explaining if you liked it or disliked it!Spicy: If it is a fiction book write 3 sentences to retell the story. If it is a non-fiction book write 3 interesting facts you have found out in sentences!Number TennisPlay number tennis with a grown up or brother or sister in your house. Take turns to say the numbers. Remember you don’t always have to start at 1 – you can start at any number! Start from a number that you know how to write.Mild: count forward in 1s from any given numberMedium: count backwards in 1s from any given numberSpicy: count forwards in 2s, 5s or 10s from any given numberBrain BreakNeed a brain break? Move, freeze and follow the actions to this song. A Sculpture ChallengeLook underneath your learning grid for more details. ................

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