
Meeting Questions and Answers:

Subject: Windows 7 and why it matters to your business

Start Time: 25 October 2009 11:00:00 GMT+1:0

Question: Windows 7 and Windows Vista blocks Active Directory Home directories. Is there a way around this other then disabling UAC

Answer: We use AD home directories here so it's not blocked.


Question: Hello, have you started, I have no audio

Answer: Yes. You need to go to voice and video to turn the sound on


Question: the sound has stopped

Answer: we are ok heare is the speaker icon showing unchecked on the live meeting toolbar


Question: How do I get an enterprise version as opposed to the 90 day trial, and what training streams are available from whom?

Answer: The 90 day trail is enterprise. The full version goes out to customers who are on the right licensing package. All the Microsoft training providers will have courses shortly after launch. We'll try to get a URL for a list of providers into the end of the presentation


Question: What is needed in the background to support windows 7 direct access

Answer: You need a windows server 2008 r2 server in the office and windows 7 clients


Question: I cant even get any audio. Says unable to connect to audio device :\

Answer: If you are using the full client you need to go to the voice and video menu to connect


Question: Is there a recommended upgrade path from XP to Windows 7 that has been tested in an enterprise environment?

Answer: The recommended path is to use the easy transfer wizard or the user state migration tool to preserve user data and put a clean image on the machine - getting rid of the hangover stuff from years of xp


Question: Not a question but your discussion on USB security remnded me of a company I looked at a few months back with some interesting tracking ideas on this issue. Suggest you take a look at

Answer: Thanks for that link [Name]


Question: is the bitlocker just restricted to usbkeys, can it stop mediareaders, ipods, wifi/3g dongles etc

Answer: anything that acts as a mass media storage device can be bitlocked but it would then prevent your using your ipod/etc. through the ipods or other devices interface so we wouldn't recommend that.


Question: are we able to get a copy of the presentation at the end . Also how does bit locker work if the person also uses a xp machine at home?

Answer: We should be putting information up about the slides at the end. Bit locker to go has an app which gives XP (and Vista) read only access to the disk. If you need to bring stuff from home to work you need a non bit-lockered device.


Question: I have lost audio 3 times now - very poor show - the recording has to be better

Answer: [Name]it is not our end we have 119 poepe on the call and you are the only person having difficulties


Question: Is there any reason why we should use Win 7 now instead of waiting for SP1 and avoid all the teething troubles that every other Windows OS has suffered from

Answer: We have no ETA for a service pack, It's even been suggested we won't do service packs any more. I can understand the thinking of give it 3 months, but "waiit for SP1" belongs to the days before windows update. Almost everything in Vista SP1 was available 6 months before SP1 came out,


Question: Where is the info/link for the 2008 R2 server

Answer: [Name]we have a similar webcast next week on Winodws Server 2008R2 next Friday with Gareth Hall the product manager for that


Question: Sorry going back to what is required to run Windows 7, are we saying we will not be able to take advantage of Windows 7 without firstly upgrading our DC's to server 2008 r2?

Answer: No need to upgrade DCs. Some features like Branch cache and Direct Access need 2008 R2 servers.


Question: What do you recommend for enterprise systems management for Windows 7?

Answer: System Center Ops Manager


Question: Is there separate 32 and 64 bit version as before

Answer: yes


Question: How do you manage default user set up with windows 7?

Answer: [Name], can you claify if you mean managing the default account created, or the default settings seen by users logging on from a domain ?


Question: Can the branch cache function be used in conjunction with DFS and HP storage mirroring?

Answer: Branch cache will work with any 2008 R2 server using HTTP Or SMB shares , so it should work with anything fronted by a standard windows server.


Question: Is direct acces and branch caching availble in SBS2008 and EBS2008?

Answer: [Name]Not now as these are based on Winodws Server 2008. I need to check on the roadmap so if you want to know more can you drop me an e-mail so we can reply to andrew.fryer@


Question: Are there going to be different version of windows 7 i.e. Enterprise, business etc and if so what features are included in each

Answer: If you go to windows7 there is a compare versions page


Question: will 3rd party software still be required for imaging desktop installations or are the new tools in Windows 7 able to deal with the full process of imaging?

Answer: The Windows Automated Installation Kit is a free download which makes the images - so you don't need 3rd party software but it is not on the disk (same as vista). There is an executable DISM.EXE in Win7 which manages the images,


Question: Does XP mode extend the lifetime of XP?

Answer: XP mode is a way of allowing people with broken applications to keep them running on a new OS. It's not going to change the dates when we consider XP to be at "end of life" - much as server virtrualization allows people to keep NT4 apps going but NT 4 is out of support now.


Question: Is there any upgrae required to WSUS to support Win 7

Answer: In the room we're not 100% sure, but we haven't heard of any update to WSUS for Win7 so we think it is unchanged


Question: What software will be used be used run windows 7 in a virtual virtual. (Virtual PC ?)

Answer: yes it's the new version of virtual PC that comes in Windows 7


Question: Email adress chap - @

Answer: andrew.fryer or jamesone


Question: will we be able to buy enterprise preinstalled on new pcs or do we buy pc with professional and pay to upgrade to enterprise

Answer: Enterprise is bought as a licence upgrade to an existing version of Windows. Depending on what size of company you are you may be able to have machines pre-installed with your OS, apps , config etc -


Question: Will direct access allow the user to use the system without connecting to the network?

Answer: no it's a network protocol


Question: I have noticed that the windows 7 firewall is different to other windows firewalls, is this a stronger product than before?

Answer: The 7 firewall is more sophisticated. It won't block stuff that the Vista one would not (although the XP one doesn't block outbound traffic), and like the vista one it understands different network connections need different rules


Question: This question is not completely applicable to the presentation, but I recall seeing a Windows 7 technical in-person session at Wembley on (I think) the 6th of October, but cannot find it at all now?

Answer: There is an event at wembley, on the 6th, but its fully booked, and the wait list of oversubscribed as well I'm afraid.


Question: Any information on upgrading from 2008 to 2008 R2?

Answer: next week we will take questions on windows server 2008 R2


Question: We currently use ConfigMgr 2007 to deploy Vista. When (what date) will ConfigMgr be ready to deploy Windows 7 ?

Answer: [Name], I've seen config manager being used to deploy 7 already. so I beleive the stuff is out there to do it now



Answer: nope it only neeeds a 1gb (on an atom powered netbook). why do you feel the service pack is needed security,

reliability performance?


Question: Will you be sending out a mail to let folk access the slide set?

Answer: slides are on the handout icom in Livemeeting


Question: will there be a podcast of this presentation available as I missed all the audio, thanks

Answer: the handout icon next to feedback at the top of livemeeting takes you to the slides


Question: Does a virtual XP Mode require WSUS updates and AV software just as normal XP requires to minimise hacking treats etc...?

Answer: The need of patching is *less* for XP mode because you would only be using it to run one or two apps and paths into the Virtual machine are restricted. But whether that means you can avoid AV, Patching etc depends on your environment. For large scale use of Virtualized XP we have MEDV which centralizes the patching. Depending on the app in the VM you can also run it with an undo disk so that it can get infected and then go back to a clean state when it is shut down


Question: As an extension to the discussion regarding versions and direct access, my customers are primarily small businesses, 6-7 users who are interested in remote access. Are there any facilities available in Windows 7 Pro or Ultimate to provide this, without the need for Server 2008?

Answer: the direct access technology is only in server 2008-R2 and I don't think there are any plans to back port it ,so for customers on older servers it is the same VPN options we've always had.


Question: With XP mode, will this XP instances need to be patched etc or will that be handled via Windows7 level patching?

Answer: The need of patching is *less* for XP mode because you would only be using it to run one or two apps and paths into the Virtual machine are restricted. But whether that means you can avoid AV, Patching etc depends on your environment. For large scale use of Virtualized XP we have MEDV which centralizes the patching. Depending on the app in the VM you can also run it with an undo disk so that it can get infected and then go back to a clean state when it is shut down


Question: can I get a recording of the AUDIO as I missed it? thanks

Answer: the recording will be on the post event site in about a week and you'll get an e-mail from us linking you to it


Question: I would like more information on virtualizarion - virtual drive access with Remote access (Old Terminal Services)

Answer: [Name], what specifically do you want to know about virtual drive access


Question: Is there a migration \upgrade path from windows 2000 professsional ?

Answer: There is no in-place upgrade to Win7 from anything before Vista: for 2000 Pro you can use User state Migration tool or the easy transfer wizard to get the data transfered but then you put a new, clean , image on the machine with the OS, apps. customizations etc


Question: As I understand it ConfigMgr 2007 needs SP2 to be fully compatible with Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2 although I know there are some 'workarounds' for the current version. I read that SP2 has just RTM'd and that it would be available 90 days after the release of Windows 7 but it was never made clear if this is 90 days after the October 22nd release (which wouldn't make sense) or 90 days after the release to SA customers in August. If you could clear this up it would be useful.

Answer: [Name]we will try to get chapter and verse


Question: for a company with 70 desktops, if we want to upgrade how does product ativation work?

Answer: [Name], this is quite a long answer and we will have to put a link to it. There's more than one way ...


Question: What about SMS connectivity? Will SMS 2003 support 7, or will we need to go to SCCM? ALso there are animation issues with a "Judder" when you close windows, which were not in Vista. It was reported during the beta trial by a few members (on ATi, nVIDIA and Intel gfx), but this is still an issue. Is this being looked at by Microsoft?

Answer: [Name], we're going to post something about the SMS / SCCM requirements. I think the judder issue was a beta driver issue


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