
SUMMER CONDITIONING PROGRAM8TH, 7TH, 6TH GRADE GIRLS BASKETBALLSTRETCHING: DO AS MANY DAY’S AS POSSIBLEIt is important to incorporate a short warm-up prior to stretching. Never stretch a “cold muscle”. By doing the exercises outlined here, you can improve and maintain your range of motion, reduce stiffness in your joints, reduce post-exercise soreness, reduce the risk of injury and improve your overall mobility and performance.**Do a large muscle warm-up such as a walk or jog for 5-10 minutes before stretching. If you know some Plyometrics, or Dynamics you can also use some of those as a warm-up.Calf stretch: 30 seconds, 2 reps – Stand leading with your right leg. Bend forward at the waist and place your hands on the ground. Keep your right knee slightly bent and your left leg straight. Make sure your left foot is flat on the ground. Do NOT bounce during the stretch. Hold for 30 seconds. Switch sides and repeat.Quadricep stretch: 30 seconds, 2 reps. - Place your left hand on a chair or a partner’s left shoulder. Reach back with your right hand and grab the front of your right ankle. Bring your heel to buttock. Make sure your knee is pointed down toward the ground. Keep your right leg close to your left. Don’t allow knee to wing out to the side and do not bend at waist. Hold for 30 seconds and switch sides.Figure Four Hamstring stretch: 30 seconds, 2 reps. Sit on the ground with your right leg extended out in front of you. Bend your left knee and rest the bottom of your foot on your right inner thigh. With a straight back, try to bring your chest toward your knee. Do not round your back. If you can, reach down toward your toe’s and pull them up toward your head. DO NOT bounce. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat with other leg.Inner Thigh stretch: 20 seconds, 3 reps. Seated on ground. Spread your legs evenly apart. (In a V) Slowly lower yourself to the center with a straight back. You want to feel a stretch in the inner thigh. Now reach toward the right with the right arm. Bring your left arm overhead then stretch over to the right. Hold stretch 20 seconds and repeat on the opposite side.Hip Flexor Stretch: 30 seconds, 2 reps. Lunge forward leading with your right leg. Drop your left knee down to the ground. Placing your hands on top of your right thigh, lean forward with your hips. The hips should be square with your shoulders. If possible, maintain your balance and lift back for the left ankle and pull your heel to your buttocks. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on other side.STRENGTHING: DO 2/3 TIMES A WEEK. MAKE SURE TO HAVE A DAY OFF BEFORE YOU DO THEM AGAIN.Push-ups: 2 sets of 10 – (upper body) If you need to start with a modified push-up with knees on the ground, start with that position and work up to a regular position push-up. Focus on technique.Regular Crunches: 2 sets of 25 – (abdominal) Lay on back and reach toes to heels while knees bent. Each reach to toes counts as one. Don’t let hands go past heels. (Can do everyday if you want)Lunges: 3 sets of 10 reps. – (strengthen thigh -quadriceps muscle) Lunge forward leading with your right leg. Push off with your right leg and lunge forward with your left leg. Drop the back knee straight down. Make sure that you keep your front knee over your ankle. Control the motion and try to avoid your front knee caving inward. (If you can’t see your toes on your leading leg, you are doing the exercise incorrectly.)Elbow Planks/High Planks: 2 sets of 30 sec. Work up to 60 sec. (lower abdominal, shoulder, triceps) Watch YouTube Planks for Beginners if unfamiliar with planks.Single Toe Raises: 2 sets of 20 reps. – (strengthen calf muscle and increase balance) Stand with your arms at your side. Bend the left knee up and maintain your balance. Slowly rise up on your right toes with good balance. You may hold your arms out ahead of you in order to help. Slowly repeat 20 times and switch to other side. CARDIOVASCULAR/AEROBIC: DO 3 DAY’S A WEEK FOR A TOTAL OF ATLEAST 20-30 MINUTES. YOU CAN COMBINE ACTIVITES TO GET YOUR TIME.RUNNINGWALKINGSWIMMINGBIKINGYour choice as long as it’s aerobic.IMPROVE YOUR GAMESHOOTING:Layups: Right and lefthanded – Make 5 in a row from each side. When you can complete 5 in a row move up by 2 next time. i.e. 7, 9, etc.**Make sure to shoot righthanded on the right, and lefthanded on the left.Spot Shooting: 10 shots each spotFront of basketShort corner (baseline) right and left sidesElbow – right and leftWing – each side; right and left3 pt. – if you have the rangeFree-throws – shoot 25Ball handling: 5 times each segment; keep head up and feel for ball. Time yourself to get quicker each time you do your ball handling.5 times around right leg in the air, no dribbleAround Left legAround waistFigure 8Figure 8 and around waistDribble figure 8Reverse dribble figure 8Scissor’s3 hard dribbles, and pound the last one hard to the ground to stop clock** If you get good at one ball dribble and ball handling, try some 2 ball: Alternate dribble; same time dribble; switch balls – push one left and the other right. Dribble 3 hard dribbles high, then low. Once you can do them stationary, try moving. ................

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