Welles-Turner Memorial Library Technology Plan 2013 - 2016Introduction / Executive SummaryIn this paper, I am going to provide my ideas for a technology plan for the Welles-Turner Memorial Library located at 2407 Main St, Glastonbury, CT 06033. This library serves as the main public library for the town of Glastonbury. The information I provide regarding facts and statements about the library (amount of public access computers, internet connection speed, money spent on particular services in recent years, etc.) has been acquired a number of ways, including speaking with reference staff and the library director of the institution and examining the CT State Libraries Profiles spreadsheet accessible via . This paper contains the following sections:Welles Turner Library Mission StatementLibrary Technology VisionAssessment of Current State of TechnologyTechnology Goals and StrategiesBudget and Funding Professional Development Plan / Staff TrainingEvaluation The following Technology Plan is a 3 – 4 year plan. Welles-Turner Memorial Library Mission StatementAccording to the “About the Library” section of the library’s website, “The mission of the Welles-Turner Memorial Library is to provide books and other media, facilities and professional services to inform, educate and culturally enrich the community” (Welles Turner Library Website, 2013). Library Technology Vision As the main library for the Town of Glastonbury, CT, Welles-Turner must strive to provide and maintain efficiency and relevancy of services. This is true for all aspects of the library, but in the area of technology it is especially important. Given the rapid pace of technological changes that are occurring, the library will strive to remain on the cutting edge. It will be a sophisticated institution that will permit patrons to utilize the most current technologies they are familiar with in their daily lives to enrich their experience at the library and with using library services. The library will continually assess and revamp what is necessary in order to maintain this up-to-date environment. Staff will be continually trained in the understanding of the latest technology. Equipment (hardware and software) will be regularly inspected and updated as necessary. Various methods of acquiring patron feedback on the services most desired will be implemented as well in order to determine what updates should be deemed “top priority.” Assessment of Current State of TechnologyThe Welles-Turner Memorial Library has a CEN Fiber Optic internet connection. The connection speed is listed as being “Over 5 MBPS.” There are 29 Public Access computers with internet capability as well as a WIFI network that can be connected to through any device (laptop, etc.) that has WIFI connectivity. While at the library, I performed two “Internet Speed Tests.” An internet speed test is typically a website that a person can visit which allows them to test the download and upload speeds (essentially the bandwidth) of the current network they are connected to (either wirelessly via WIFI or hard wired via a NET cable). I used two websites, and to test the connection speed of the Welles-Turner Library’s public WIFI network from my laptop. I tested the connection with both of these sites on June 22, 2013 at approximately 11:30 AM EST. indicated that the download speed at the above time was 15.77 MBPS and the upload speed was 12.88 MBPS. Xfinity Comcast speed test indicated that the download speed was 16.56 MBPS and the upload speed was 17.20 MBPS. It is true that fluctuations occur even by the minute, but these two sites provided results that are noticeably close to one another. Screenshots of the two speed test results at the time of testing are provided below the Works Cited section of this paper. The library provides adaptive/assistive technology for patrons with visual impairments, but they do not provide this technology for those who have audio, mobility, or developmental impairments. The library is a member of the CONNECT consortium, which in turn is a part of the “Library Connection” cooperative. As per their “About” section, “Library Connection is a non-profit cooperative of 27 public and academic libraries which share an integrated library system (CONNECT) and other technological innovations that improve the delivery of services. Library Connection and CONNECT are the successors to CircCess, which was started in 1970 by approximately 10 libraries in the greater Hartford region” (Library Connection Website, 2013). “A network copy machine is available for printing; black & white and color printing are available” (Welles-Turner Website, 2013). There are two self service copier machines available for public use; one is black & white only and the other is both black & white and color. Black and white copies cost 0.20 per page and color copies cost 0.50 per page (Welles-Turner Website, 2013). Additionally, the self service fax machine is free to receive a fax provided the recipient is standing by it when the fax arrives, but there is a fee (per page) to send a fax which requires a credit or debit card (Welles-Turner website, 2013). The library is also subscribed to various databases for patron use (see for list of databases provided by the library). It is important to note that the databases are only accessible to those with a valid Welles Turner Library card; those with cards from other towns do not have access to them (Welles Turner Library Website, 2013). As of the time of this paper being written, this library does not have a “Mobile” site or app for tablet and mobile phone users. The library also does not have any RSS subscription services or any other “Library 2.0” tools (excepting a neglected Facebook page that is also in need of updating). Technology Goals and Strategies Goal 1: To improve the methods of communication between the library / library staff & the patrons of the institution using the technological means of RSS Feeds and Subscription Updates. Activities 2013: Hold a meeting with all staff to determine the degree to which everyone that works for the library is familiar with the concepts of RSS feeds/subscription update services/etc. Discuss with staff the requirements for setting up this service; who is to monitor it and if it requires outside intervention from a tech support service. Develop strategies for alerting the public that the library has recently acquired a subscription RSS feed system for library activities, updates, promotions, etc. (including where to post physical flier advertisements). Time Frame: 3 – 6 months Goal 2: To adhere to the growing number of mobile tablet and Smartphone technology users by improving mobile access to library website and OPAC. Activities 2013:To contact tech support (or other appropriate venue) in order to determine required components for setting up a “mobile” version of the library’s website and OPAC, as currently there is only the standard website not specifically formatted for these devices. Include all staff to some degree in the process of acquiring and setting up this service. This includes attending some of the setting up process, obtaining copies of instructions and components, and hands on training with how to use and access the mobile site as well as basic troubleshooting for the most common issues users might encounter. Enlist the assistance of “beta testers” of the mobile site prior to its launch. Beta testers will visit the mobile site and OPAC and use it in the way the general population will. Any errors or glitches that are encountered are to be noted and reported. This aspect of the service should be a volunteer activity. Time Frame: 6 – 8 months Goal 3: Improve access to adaptive/assistive technologies for individuals with particular handicaps and impairments. Activities End of 2013 – 2014:Utilize methods of data collection to determine approximate percentage of the patron base suffering from audio, visual, and mobility impairments. Contact appropriate individuals and venues in order to determine the best ways that physical work stations (for example the computer stations) might be changed in order to better accommodate the mobility impaired patron base. An elevator enables access to both floors of the library, but these users currently require library staff assistance for certain activities, such as installing/removing USB drives. A possible solution includes rearranging the physical set up of the work stations to enable the mobility impaired easier access to the computer ports. Devices and programs created for the purposes of assisting those with audio impairments must also be explored. A reasonable compromise has to be reached in order to help these individuals while simultaneously not disturbing the surrounding users too severely. Contact staff and directors of libraries which have more advanced tools for assisting audio/mobility/etc. impaired individuals. Cooperative communication between libraries is also a way to reduce the cost of developing new strategies. Speech to text programs can help assist audio impaired individuals with using library resources and equipment for instances in which the spoken word is an important factor. Time Frame: 6 – 24 months Goal 4: Improve connection speeds and bandwidth of the WIFI network as well as making it more secure for users.Based on the information provided by the Library Profile spreadsheet in combination with my own results of the bandwidth speed tests, it is my belief that a faster WIFI network should be established. While the current speed was not much of a problem today, I can foresee issues if there are a lot of people on the network. My home internet connection is around 65 MBPS download and around 10 MBPS upload speeds as of 6/22/2013. The price difference between this connection compared to my previous one (which was only 10 – 12 MBPS download / 2 – 3 MBPS upload) is very reasonable. Activities 2013: Contact the ISP (Internet Service Provider) in order to determine the best deals they have for faster connections and increased bandwidth. Attempt to lock into a special deal if possible (some negotiation likely required). Acquire new hardware in the form of modems and routers to broadcast the connection if the current modems/routers are not new enough to support increased speeds than what they currently broadcast. This was necessary when I upgraded my home internet connection to a faster speed as my modem and router were out dated. In regards to security, quoting prices and necessary steps for establishing a “Secure WIFI network” as opposed to the current “Open” network is a recommended additional upgrade.Time Frame: 6 – 12 months Budget and Funding According to the CT Library Profile spreadsheet, the largest percentages of income for the Welles-Turner Library come from taxes, state funds, and fees/charges. Funding will be required for the implementation of upgraded WIFI network, hardware/software upgrades required for supporting the faster bandwidth, keeping the technology updated and relevant to the needs of patrons, paying IT and Tech support to set up the RSS feeds and mobile website/OPAC, etc. Hourly wages for tech support is one of the most important financial factors that must be determined. This can be quoted and negotiated during the process of discussing the various upgrades that require tech support assistance. The CT Libraries Profile spreadsheet also indicates that The Welles-Turner Library spent $71,651.00 on “ILS Hardware/Software Telecom” in the year 2012. I am unsure of the exact percentage of the Library’s budget allocated to Telecom, but one method of garnering additional funds for the upgrades I have recommended in this plan could be to enlist the help of the residents in the form of donations. Providing a convincing case in favor of these upgrades and how they will benefit the users can help convince the residents of their necessity. We understand that budgets are tight, but even small donations multiplied by many individuals can become a sizeable amount. Professional Development Plan / Staff TrainingThe CT Libraries Profile indicates that in the year 2012 the Welles-Turner Library spent $2923.00 on “Staff Professional Development; Continuing Education.” While there is not a large amount of staff training necessary for some aspects of this plan, such as the WIFI bandwidth upgrade proposal, other aspects will require professional training to ensure universal familiarity. The most important of these for me would be the mobile website and OPAC’s use and understanding. Patrons have come to expect mobile access to library resources. A casual observer walking through any public space will see a large percentage of people swiping their fingers across mobile device screens. In order to keep current with the constantly changing technological trends relevant to the library, staff members are to attend periodic courses which will provide professional exposure and training with these innovations. I attended a professionally sponsored Microsoft Excel course at one of the New Horizons institutions here in CT (more information can be found here: ) and despite my pre existing knowledge of Excel I learned much from this course for my place of employment. Ensuring that all staff has the same level of training will help to make the process of assisting patrons more efficient by eliminating many instances of the patron having to speak with more than one staff member. In addition to professional training from courses, staff members are also to periodically read specified articles and periodicals pertaining to upcoming technological innovations. Performing this type of preliminary research can help library staff prepare for the exposure to, and seminars for, these technologies. In order to achieve this, the library should ensure that it is subscribed to one or two relevant periodicals that release updates fairly regularly and in a timely manner. EvaluationUpon approval and implementation of this plan, a regular schedule for monitoring its progress and success will be enacted. The board of trustees for this particular library serves as an advisory board only; it is the residents of Glastonbury who have ultimate control of the library and a large percentage of its allocations. Because of this, results from a quarterly (or twice a year) assessment by a selected and certified technology advisory board will be made available to library personnel as well as the residents of the town. Positive or negative progress in specified components of this plan is to be evaluated equally. With regards to any aspect that is deemed to require more progress, a reassessment may be necessary in order to determine an alternate approach that will increase its favor and ultimately its success. Various methods, such as surveys and website traffic monitoring tools, are necessary in order to help gather statistics. Works Cited1.Connecticut Public Libraries: A Statistical Profile, July 2011 – June 2012. (2013). Retrieved June 20, 2013 from: . 2.Library Connection Inc. (2013). Retrieved June 20, 2013 from Turner Memorial Library Website. (2013). Retrieved June 20, 2013 from . Screenshots of the Welles Turner Memorial Library WIFI Connection Speed TestsIP Address of this Library’s WIFI Network: ................

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