
866775-295275P5 Home Learning Grid – Week Beginning 20.4.2000P5 Home Learning Grid – Week Beginning 20.4.20Literacy Numeracy and MathsHealth & WellbeingOtherThings to do each day:Writing: Look at the picture link on Pobble: Either use the story starter underneath and continue the story or Imagine you are stranded on the island and think about the following questions. What do you see and hear? How do you feel? What will you do? What things do you miss? Can you create an adventure story with a beginning, middle and end?Ext. As an extension you can complete the Pobble activities underneath the story starter.Remember to upload onto Seesaw if you are able.Numeracy:Choose some of the following numbers and write down all the different ways you can make up the number. We have used the chilli challenge colours:50 79 138 4943 95,093 234.458 Here is an example: 5020 + 30 = 5040 + 10 = 50 24 + 26 = 50 and so on…You can then make up some numbers of your own to do this with. Internet Safety:We are aware that we will all be online even more than usual just now. It is very important to stay safe online. Watch the story below which gives some helpful tips: create a poster detailing how you can stay safe online, remembering to include what should and shouldn’t be shared. Upload your poster onto Seesaw for us to see. Music:Watch the video uploaded to your OLJ to learn how to create your own “Beatbox Pattern” and your own “Musical Walkway.” All you need are some pencils and small pieces of paper. Read for at least 30 minutes every day and talk about your book. Keep a log of the books you read. Log into and listen to a story throughout the week. Play spelling and maths games on Sumdog as well as doing your weekly challenges. Continue to do the daily Joe Wicks workout.If possible, try to get outside for some fresh air. Please continue to upload any work onto the Learning Journey website or on Seesaw. And please keep sending us any messages or queries as they arise.Reading: Answer the following Blooms Questions on either your reading book or a book you have read at home: Where and when does the story take place?From who’s point of view is the story told?Can you think of another character who is similar to one in this book?What describing words show how a character feels at various points in the story?Who would you recommend this book to and why?Create a new front cover.Upload your answers to seesaw. You can either use paper, type up your answers or voice record them. Numeracy:Log onto using your log in details and play the numeracy games that have been set for your group. Log-ins have been set to the same as your Sumdog log-ins. The school code is mw9I.Sumdog: Complete 20 mins per day on Sumdog Maths. PECreate your own HIIT session which you can teach to people at home. Here are some examples of exercises you can use that we have already practised at school:Star jumpsBurpeesSquats/Jump squats PlanksFeel free to record this and upload to Seesaw so that we can see. Spanish:Try to make your own “Colour by Numbers” Spanish picture. Here is a reminder of the colours and a link to help with pronunciation:rojo amarillo azul verde rosa blanco naranja morado/violeta negro marr?n gris and grammar: Log onto Sumdog and complete your weekly spelling challenge. Now choose 10 of your words and write them out using pyramid spelling: . Angles: Write your name like the example below and find all the different angles in your name:Remember to use a ruler if you have one. Mental HealthThe next 5 feelgood songs have been added onto your playlist so you can listen to one a day to put you in a positive frame of mind: a topic of your choice that you would like to learn about. Share what you have learned. You can share your information any way you like. ................

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