
Visit Us: Us:: 08/07/2013Source: LINKPermalink: LINKDocument Version: 1.0Total Chars: 1660Total Words: 278Created by: HeelpBook Page: PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 1Install Local RPM or DEB Files on LinuxOne of the common problems you may encounter with a Linux server is that locally-installed packages require dependencies in order to work. When you install software directly from your distribution’s package repository:?yum or apt-get, for example, these programs will install any necessary dependencies automatically.Install Local RPM or DEB Files on LinuxSometimes, however, you need to download a single .deb or .rpm file and install it manually. This usually presents a dependency problem. On a?Debian-based?system, you can install single deb packages with the following command:dpkg -i package-name.debOn a Red Hat-based system, you can install a single rpm package with this command:rpm -ivh package-name.rpmIn both instances, packages that require additional dependencies will not install correctly. You can solve this problem by using tools that automatically search for dependencies for any package you install, thereby avoiding what many Linux users refer to as “dependency hell”.For deb packages, use?gdebi:gdebi package-name.debFor rpm packages, you can use yum with the “localinstall” option:yum –nogpgcheck localinstall package-name.rpmBoth of these solutions will search your distribution’s online repositories for any dependencies that the package needs.Once located, it will install the dependencies before it proceeds with the package installation. Finally, with the dependencies installed, your local package should install without any difficulty.Visit Us: Us:: 08/07/2013Source: LINKPermalink: LINKDocument Version: 1.0Total Chars: 1660Total Words: 278Created by: HeelpBook Page: 2 ................

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