Week 3: This is the new home learning grid. Each day you can pick 1 English activity 1 Maths activity 1 other activityWe suggest that these tasks could be completed throughout the day, in 20/30 minute bursts with breaks in between.We have also included a list of our usual daily tasks to run alongside the English, Maths and Other Curriculum Areas activities. Some activities will need online access, please remember that this does not need to be a laptop/PC…this can be accessed using different platforms such as laptop, computer, Ipad, android tablet, kindle fire, mobile phones, etc. If you have any problems accessing the activities below, please contact your class teacher via the class email address. ENGLISHMATHSOTHER CURRICULUM AREASMondaySpellings – tricky grammar wordsHere is a list of some tricky words all linked to grammar Homophones, paragraph, antonym, vocabulary, synonym, consonants, punctuation, abbreviation, quotation marks and onomatopoeia. Check you understand what they all mean – have a go at learning them, you might need some for tomorrow’s activity! You might need some help from a dictionary to find the definitions! Addition and Subtraction – mental strategiesThis week we are going to focus on addition and subtraction. First we need to practise our mental strategy skills. Why this is important? Have a think. When would you need to use mental strategies? Look at this clip to help you complete the work sheet in this week’s pack. You can choose to do either A, B or C but I am certainly hoping you will be challenging yourself!History – The Olympic GamesThe summer Olympics were due to be held in Tokyo from 24th July – 9th August 2020. The current games are known as the ‘Modern Olympics’. I would like you to do some research on how these games were started. What was their purpose? Who came up with the idea? I would like you to write a fact file about the modern day Olympics. TuesdayGrammar – SPaG vocabularyNow you have found out what the words above mean, have a go at doing the crossword in your pack. There may be a clue to one of the answers in the heading of this section!Now improve your grammar by playing the Crystal Explorers game for Grammar at me know how you get on and whether the game has helped you improve your understanding!Addition – formal methodI know you are all super mathematicians but sometimes it is good to revise and practise skills learnt. You may want to look at this clip first - practise by completing the addition problems in this week’s pack – again you can choose A, B or C and again I want you to challenge yourself!More challenge – find the missing digits! (see this week’s resources) choose which sheet you want to do!Science – Muscles and bones in the human bodyYour task today is to design and create a new Olympic game which could be performed either indoors or outdoors depending on where you are! When you are designing the game, I would like you think about which muscles you will need to perform the activity.To remind yourself about the role of the muscles and bones in the human body watch the video below. How do muscles and bones work at - HYPERLINK "" you need to keep it safe!WednesdayReading – ComprehensionThis week your comprehension will be based on a short film called The Clock Tower. First you need to read the questions which are in to this week’s resources as you will need to stop the film at various points and answer a question before moving on. You can find the clip at either - or Have a think about the last question – perhaps the new ‘support bubbles’ will help some people feel less lonely!Subtraction – formal methodSubtraction can be a little trickier especially when you have to exchange. Look at this clip first - practise by completing the subtraction problems in this week’s pack – again you can choose A, B or C and again I want you to challenge yourself!More challenge – find the missing digits! (see this week’s resources) choose which sheet you want to do!-50165-1926590ART – The Olympic symbolLook at the Olympic symbols below – one is for Tokyo 2020 which has now been postponed. The other one was for the London Olympics which took place in 2012. It was a fantastic event although many people were not sure about the symbol when it was first shown to the public!Your task is to design your own Olympic symbol for when the game returns to Great Britain hopefully at some point in the future. Perhaps you can do a better job!00ART – The Olympic symbolLook at the Olympic symbols below – one is for Tokyo 2020 which has now been postponed. The other one was for the London Olympics which took place in 2012. It was a fantastic event although many people were not sure about the symbol when it was first shown to the public!Your task is to design your own Olympic symbol for when the game returns to Great Britain hopefully at some point in the future. Perhaps you can do a better job!ThursdayWriting – Sentence Boosters!In this week’s pack there are two sheets which require you to improve sentences. I would like you to have a go at doing both these activities following the instructions on the sheet. Now I would like you to have a go at writing a very short story (only two or three paragraphs) based around one of these sentences and using your improved sentences somewhere in your writing. This could be either at the beginning, middle or end.Remember non-negotiables, and always go back and edit and improve your work. Addition and Subtraction - word problemsOnce you have learnt the skills of adding and subtracting, you now need to apply these to solve different problems.You first need to read the problem through first and then understand what calculation you need to do to solve the problem – look at the RACECAR poster to help you. (in your resources)You have two sheets of problems in your pack. One is for addition (4 and 5 digit numbers) and one is for subtraction (Everest heights). Have a go at these and see how accurate you are. RE – A Mission StatementA mission statement tells us about the values of an organisation. The International Olympic Committee’s mission statement is - ‘The goal of the Olympic Movement is to contribute to building a peaceful and better world by educating youth through sport practiced without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play.’Now write a mission statement for our school – remember our values – respect, hope and friendship. Being a Church of England school is important to us. Think about this when writing your statement. Draft it, then produce a polished version using different fonts, WordArt or pictures.FridayWriting – Super Saturday! At the London Olympics, Saturday 4th August was known as Super Saturday – watch this YouTube clip to find out more – – do a bit of research. Ask your family if they can remember – perhaps someone you know was even there! I want you to imagine you were in the stadium on that day and watched this in person. What would you write in your diary when you got home? Now write an entry for this day. Remember it is a recount – this will help you! - Remember non-negotiables! Addition and Subtraction – puzzles and investigationsTo consolidate all your super learning this week have a go at the two puzzles in these week’s resources. Then …..Challenge – Maze 100….More challenge! Subtraction surprise Let me know how you got on with these!French As we are looking at the Olympics this week and also how our muscles work, it would be good to learn some French to describe our body. Go on to the website below and choose the topic of ‘body’ with the lessons, then move onto the games and finish with the tests to see how much you have learnt!Daily Activities: PE, Reading TTRockstarslefttop ................

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