

Monday, September 17, 2012

|Skills and Strategies: Main Idea |Vocabulary |

| | |

|Before weight machines, stationary bikes, and step aerobics, people practiced |"Brad is clearly the greatest coach of all time," Agassi said in a joint statement. "I |

|yoga for spiritual and physical health. Yoga's origins predate written history. |have been lucky to have him as my guiding force during the past eight years of my career. |

|Archaeologists have found stone carvings that show figures in yoga positions. |More importantly, I am lucky that I have been able to call him friend for eight years and |

|These stones, from the Indus Valley, are at least 5,000 years old! Yoga can still|that our friendship remains intact." |

|contribute plenty to your weight loss program in the 21st century. | |

| |Which definition for intact is correct? |

|Which statement best states the main idea of this paragraph? | |

|a) Aerobics is very similar to yoga. |a) not well-thought-of |

|b) Yoga came from the Indus Valley |b) whole; not broken or missing pieces |

|c) Yoga has existed for centuries. |c) very public |

|d) Everyone needs to try yoga. |d) in contact |

| | |

|Underline two supporting detail in the passage above. |Underline one clue that helped you determine the meaning. |

|Point of View |Editing |

| | |

|If most people in a town own their own homes, there are fewer houses to rent, |I need to get a new bike. Because the one I have now isn't working very well. |

|which means jobless teenagers living with their parents find it harder to move | |

|out and get work. Workers who can’t move because they own a home often are stuck |Which of the following would be a better way to write the above sentences? |

|in jobs they hate. On average, homeowners drive farther to work than renters do, | |

|which causes more pollution and traffic problems. |a) Because I need a new bike, the one I have isn't working very well. |

| |b) I need to get a new bike, because the one I have now isn't working very well. |

|What point of view is the passage above written in? EXPLAIN! |c) I need to get a new bike because the one I have now isn't working very well. |

|____________________________________________________ |d) The one I have now isn't working very well because I need a new bike, |

|____________________________________________________ | |


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

|Bias & Propaganda |Vocabulary |

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|Jill's friend Roxanne finally convinces her to go to a rock concert with her. |"It turns out that math anxiety occupies a person's working memory," according to Ashcroft. |

|She tells Roxanne that her friends won't think she's cool if she doesn't go. So|Ashcroft said while easy math tasks such as addition require only a small part of a person's|

|Jill gives in, even though she doesn't really like the band. |working memory, strenuous calculations need much more. |

| | |

|Why are most people so influenced by peer pressure? |The word strenuous means |

|a) People generally care what their friends or coworkers think. |a) forgetful. |

|b) People don't stand up for themselves. |b) easy. |

|c) People don't want to be left behind. |c) stern. |

|d) Actually, peer pressure never works. |d) tough. |

| | |

|EXPLAIN: |Underline one clue that helped you determine the meaning. |

|Figurative Language |Editing |

| | |

|Dear Mary, |Jeanine wondered whether to begin her homework immediately after school _______ to wait |

|Thank you for your generous offer of visiting your home for the weekend. Given |until after dinner. |

|our last, unfortunate interaction, seeing you feels a little bit like putting | |

|on an old suit that didn’t feel too good and now needs alterations and |Which conjunction correctly fills in the blank? |

|cleaning. Perhaps we could work out some other arrangement. |a) so |

| |b) since |

|Yours truly, |c) nor |

|Bob |d) Or |

| | |

|Which is the best statement of the message Bob is conveying with the simile |EXPLAIN: |

|"like putting on an old suit that didn't feel too good and now needs | |

|alterations and cleaning"? | |

| | |

|a) He wants to alter his suits before getting together with Mary. | |

|b) He knows he and Mary both have clothes that need cleaning. | |

|c) He does not want to visit Mary in her home for a weekend. | |

|d) He is uncomfortable restarting a relationship with Mary. | |

| | |


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

|Skills and Strategies: Making Inferences | |

|Astronauts cautiously opened the newly installed solar wings on the space station|Vocabulary |

|after replacing a bolt that had been put in the wrong way. A highlight of the | |

|mission, the long, careful process of unfurling the panels began the morning |Stress about how one does on tests like college entrance exams can make even good math |

|after the repair was made. The solar panels, which look like the glistening wings|students choke. "All of a sudden they start looking for the short cuts," said University |

|of a dragonfly, provide electric power for the space station. |of Chicago researcher Sian Beilock. |

|Which of the following can be inferred from this passage? EXPLAIN! | |

|a) Solar panels on the space station are delicate and can be easily damaged. |The word choke means |

|b) Even when they are in space suits, outer space is a dangerous place for |a) pass with good grades. |

|astronauts. |b) study with motivation. |

|c) It takes a lot of extra manpower to accomplish even simple things in outer |c) struggle with the test. |

|space. |d) strangle with the hands. |

|d) It is hard to make common repairs on the international the space station. | |

| |Underline one clue that helped you determine the meaning. |

| | |

|Figurative Language |Editing |

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|Like a boil that can never be cured as long as it is covered up but must be |I am really looking forward to my upcoming vacation to England, I am very excited to visit|

|opened with all its pus-flowing ugliness to the natural medicines of air and |Europe for the first time. |

|light, injustice must likewise be exposed, with all of the tension its exposing | |

|creates, to the light of human conscience and the air of national opinion before |Which of the following applies to the sentence above? |

|it can be cured. |a) There is nothing wrong with this sentence. |

| |b) This is a run-on sentence. |

|Why does Martin Luther King, Jr. use the simile in the passage above? |c) This is a complex sentence. |

|a) to show that injustice is unattractive and ugly |d) This is a fragment. |

|b) to show that injustice does not exist in the U.S. | |

|c) to show that injustice is based on the color of skin |EXPLAIN: |

|d) to show that injustice has no cure in the future | |

| | |


Thursday, September 20,2012

|Skills and Strategies: Fact and Opinion |Vocabulary |

| | |

|Which of the following statements is an opinion? |Worrying about math takes up a large chunk of a person's working memory. This is a dire |

| |situation for the anxious student who is taking a high-stakes test. |

|a) Landfills are filling up, and disposal of wastes in them has led to | |

|environmental problems. |The word dire means |

|b) Every person should make a commitment to recycling. |a) unknown. |

|c) During World War I and II, shortages of materials led to collection drives |b) good. |

|for silk, rubber, and other things. |c) fantastic. |

|d) Recycling is the process of recovering and reusing waste products. |d) terrible. |

| | |

|EXPLAIN: |What context clues did you use to identify the meaning of the word? |

| | |

|Figurative Language |Editing |

| | |

|The human brain comprises three main parts—the cerebral cortex, the cerebellum,|I really wanted to see the movie, _______ I asked my mom for ten dollars. |

|and the brainstem. The brainstem is positioned at the top of the spinal column,| |

|just below the cerebellum. It is the crossroads of the brain. Every impulse |Which conjunction correctly fills in the blank? |

|generated in the cerebral cortex or cerebellum to the rest of the body must go |a) so |

|through the brainstem on its way to that muscle or organ or nerve cell. By the |b) the |

|same token, any nerve impulse generated in the body below the head must travel |c) to |

|through the brainstem to get to the cortex or cerebellum for processing. |d) For |

| | |

|Which of these choices is a metaphor? |EXPLAIN: |

|a) The brainstem is just below the cerebellum. | |

|b) It is positioned at the top of the spinal cord. | |

|c) The brainstem is the crossroads of the brain. | |

|d) Nerve impulses generated in the body. | |

| | |


Friday, September 21, 2012

|Skills and Strategies: Main Idea |Vocabulary |

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|Shuttle Endeavour will thunder into orbit this week with an American flag on its |The United States economy seems well on the road to recovery after one of the worst |

|right wing. The ship will carry its most international crew ever launched. The |recessions on record. Consumers show surprising resilience as they continue to buy |

|spaceship is headed for the International Space Station. Four Americans are on |household goods, automobiles, and new homes. |

|board, along with Russian, Canadian, and Italian astronauts. This multinational | |

|crew will be symbolic of those who will work and live on the growing outpost. The|Resilience refers to |

|station is a joint project of 16 nations on four continents. |the ability to recover from misfortune. |

| |wanting more than you already have. |

|This paragraph is mainly about |having a positive attitude. |

|the cultural crew aboard the space shuttle. |an increase in wages. |

|the American flag on the space shuttle's wing. | |

|the Russian aboard the American space shuttle. |EXPLAIN: |

|the brand new International Space Station. | |

| | |


|Author’s Purpose | |

| | |

|Product Description | |

| | |

|The Kelty Le Tour sleeping bag has been improved! Kelty has added some of the |Editing |

|mummy bags' best features to this rectangular sleeping bag: a zipper edge that is| |

|sewn into the seam, not just top-stitched on the insulation. They've also |Pick which of the underlined words below is spelled incorrectly, and then write down the |

|upgraded the fabric to a lighter and tighter 240T nylon taffeta. Enjoy this bag |correct spelling. |

|for summer camping and backpacking. | |

| |In the absense of a mentor, it is sometimes difficult to accomplish things. |

|Bottom Line: An excellent bag for warmer temps. | |

| | |

|The author's purpose in writing this selection is to | |

|to entertain the reader with details about the Kelty Le Tour sleeping bag. | |

|to narrate to the reader events that usually happen on a camping trip. | |

|to inform the reader about the improved Kelty Le Tour sleeping bag. | |

|to express an opinion about the joys of camping and backpacking. | |

| | |



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