
Project Due Date: ___________ Name: _____________________ Date: ___________ Period: _____

Pre-Algebra Project Menu

Throughout this year we have learned numerous concepts and vocabulary terms. In the past quarters you have displayed your knowledge through POW’s, comic strips and various assessments. This quarter you will be demonstrating your mastery of the vocabulary words and/or concepts from the year through a project. This project will be worth 30 points and will be graded using the Project Menu Rubric. This project will be part of your “project” category in your grade.

You may work alone or with one other partner. Choose a project that matches your interests or talents.

Project Menu:

Crossword Puzzle: Create a crossword puzzle that has at least 30 questions. 15 of these questions should incorporate vocabulary terms from the word wall. The other 15 questions should be word problems. The questions from your word problems should include at least one concept from each chapter we have studied thus far (Ch. 1-11). Make sure to include the units on your answers! Create both the master puzzle (blank) and the answer key. Make enough copies of your crossword for each person in your class.

Video Tutorial: Create a video tutorial, which reviews at least five concepts from the chapters we have studied (Ch. 1-11). The tutorial should include instructions on how to solve questions regarding the concept in addition to at least 1 example of each concept. For example, if I was teaching how to use the Pythagorean Theorem, I would first introduce how to solve problems using the Pythagorean Theorem (Step 1, Step 2, Step 3…) and then would show at least one example of solving a similar problem (look at some examples of video tutorials).

Match Game: Similar to the “Match” games we play in class; create your own match game which practices a concept we have learned this year. The Match game needs to have enough pieces so everyone in the class can participate. The game needs to have one set of answers and one set of questions. Pick a concept from Ch. 1-11 to practice. Make sure your game pieces are colorful and neatly written or typed so it is easily viewable from all seats in the classroom. Please also include instructions on how to play.

**** You may also create a “I have…” game if you would like. See Ms. Lake for help if you wish to do this instead.

Poem/Rap: Picking a concept from Ch 1-11, make a poem or rap, which teaches someone how to complete problems addressing that concept. Your poem/rap must also include at least 10 vocabulary words from the word wall. The poem/rap does not have to rhyme, but it does need to be at least 20 lines long. Please be creative and make it informative! Please be ready to perform and/or show a video of you performing this rap/poem in front of the class. You will also need to turn in a copy of your poem/rap to Ms. Lake.

Web Design/PowerPoint: Create a personal web page or PowerPoint presentation to demonstrate real world connections to the concepts we have learned in each chapter we have covered thus far (Ch 1-10). Pick five concepts and show how it is used in the outside world. You need to clearly show the concept as we learned it in class, and then show how it is also used in real world applications.

Drama: Please create five real-life word problems for concepts from Ch 1-11. You will be acting out the word problem in class as well the steps to find the answer. For example, if I picked the concept of adding and subtracting integers, I would act out a scene in which I had $5 but owed a friend $9. The question would then be, “How much money do I have?” You would then have to act out how to get the answer and why your answer is correct. Please be ready to present your problems to the class and turn in your script.

Interview: Find an adult in your life that uses one of the concepts from Ch 1-11 in their daily lives. Create a set of 10-15 questions asking the adult how he/she learned the concept and how he/she uses the concepts. Please ask specific questions to identify the real life applications of the concept. Please turn in your questions, answers, and a summary (1-2 pages) of what you learned from this experience.

Invention: Please create at least 3 individual 3-D representations of concepts we have learned this year, or one invention that includes at least 3 individual 3D pieces. This might include 3-D representations of triangles, polygons, or an invention proving the Pythagorean theorem. (Think about how we used scale models to show the concept of scale factor). Be creative! Please turn in your 3-D representations, blueprints, and a summary of how the 3-D models reflect the chosen math topics.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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