Unit 3 Week 5 Morning Traffic Reading 6th Grade

Vocabulary Words

1. pawn in chess, one of sixteen pieces of the lowest value

2. reception the quality of sound reproduced in a radio or other device; formal celebration

3. remote far away; distant; isolated

4. resume to begin again; to get or take again

5. rummage to search in a disorderly way

6. rustling moving or acting with energy or speed

7. simultaneous existing, done, or happening at the same time; synchronized

More Words to Know (Suffixes ―ion and ―less)

A suffix is a meaningful word part added to the end of a word. The Latin suffix –ion means “the act or process of, the result of, or the state or condition of being.” The suffix –less means “without.”

8. ceaseless unstopping; unending

9. completion the state of being finished

10. impression mark; the effect produced by an influence

11. penniless without any money

12. effortless without any hard work

Comprehension Skill: Draw Conclusions

When you draw a conclusion, you form a reasonable opinion about something you have read. Drawing conclusions is related to making inferences, or inferring.

• Use what you know about real life to help you draw conclusions. (prior knowledge)

• Use details from the text to help you draw conclusions.

Text-Based Response

• Look Back and Write (Pg. 472, #5) What does it usually mean to be stuck “in morning traffic”? Other than on the roads, where was there morning traffic in the play? Before responding, reread pages 456-458 and 464-468. Also note the title and illustration on the opening page. Give specific examples to support your answers.




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