
Reading Week of April 20thDue April 24, 2020 8:00 PMInstructionsStudents will hear a story read aloud. They will build background knowledge and vocabulary to support their understanding of the text. Students will respond to critical questions that promote a deeper understanding of the story. The story will be read aloud on Class Dojo. Students are also assigned to work in Lalilo for 30 minutes this week, to build phonics skills and read independently for 10 minutes a day.?Essential Question: How can a positive attitude help prepare you for something new??Materials Needed:The King of Kindergarten Digital Plans PowerPoint Presentation. This presentation includes the lesson with audio recording of key questions and a link to the eBook, This is School.?Class Dojo, to hear the story read aloud.?Class Dojo, Teams, or email access to submit reading response assignments.?Paper, pencil, crayons.(Optional) A print out of the crown task.?Lalilo access. Learning codes have previously been sent.?Access to age appropriate books in the home or Epic online Library, a free online library.??Monday, April 20Standard: 1.B.e Develop an understanding of vocabulary by using words and phrases acquired through being read to.?Objective: Build background knowledge and vocabulary.Listen to the eBook, This is School by Naomi O’Brien and LaNesha Tabb. This is our focus text and will provide background knowledge for this week's story book.After reading the eBook, listen to meaning and synonyms of the following words: garment, royal, and pride. Draw a picture to represent each of these words and submit your work on Class Dojo, Microsoft Teams of by email.Tuesday, April 21Standard: 2.A.a Identify elements of a story including the setting, characters, and main events.?Objective: Understand the characters, illustrations, and setting.??Review the key reading vocabulary words?Listen to the story, The King of Kindergarten, read aloud. Draw a picture of the setting of the story and submit your work on Class Dojo, Microsoft Teams of by email.?Listen to sentences read aloud the fill in the blank with the vocabulary word that fits best.?Wednesday, April 22Standard: 1. C.a Make text to self-connections.?Objective: Retell the story and identify who is telling the story.?Review the reading vocabulary words.Listen to the story, The King of Kindergarten. Retell the story using a graphic organizer and submit your work on Class Dojo, Microsoft Teams, or email.?Thursday, April 23Standard: 2.A.f Compare and contrast adventures of characters.?Objective: Compare and contrast the characters feelings in the story.?1.Review the reading vocabulary words.2. Listen to the story, The King of Kindergarten. ?Write and draw to compare how the boy was feeling in the story to how the other children were feeling,??Friday, April 24Standard: 3.C.c Name the main topic and recall key details from the text.?Objective: Identify your favorite character, setting, and part in the story.?Draw a crown or print the crown provided. The crown will have three circles. Draw your favorite character, setting, and part from the story, The King of Kindergarten, a circle of the crown.Color your crown and submit it to me on Class Dojo, Microsoft Teams of email.? ................

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