
-909955-623570Lesson 28. Education abroad - UK, USA, Canada, Australia, NZ1. Would you like to study English abroad? Why(not)?What do you think? Complete the sentences with one of the countries.2. Look at this picture. What can people do while they're studying abroad?3. Why do people study abroad? Can you think of any reasons and benefits of studying abroad?Read this information. Did you have any of these ideas?Cover the text. Remember as many reasons as you can.4. Look at these quotes. How do you understand them? Do you agree with them?5. Read the text about experience of studying abroad and complete the gaps with given words.I have come to the University of Birmingham as an (1)_Erasmus_student to study English, that is mainly literature, (2)_linguistics_ and translation. From the very beginning I have had (3)_the feeling_ that I am living a wonderful experience. First of all, living (4)_abroad_ for a whole academic year is really exciting and (5)_enriching_. I got to meet new people, to discover another (6)_lifestyle_, another way of studying too, and last but not least, it was the best way for me to (7)_improve_ my English. But I cannot write about my Erasmus (8)_experience_ in Birmingham without mentioning the part that the university (9)_itself_ has played in it. My Erasmus tutor in the French (10)_department_, my tutor in the English department, (11)_as well as_ my lecturers and other members of staff have definitely (12)_made_ it easy for me to select courses and find what was (13)_best_ for me. They were ready to answer any question at any time when (14)_somebody_ needed them. To put it in a nutshell, I would highly (15)_recommend_ spending one year abroad as an Erasmus student to anybody wishing to live the time of his or her (16)_life_. 6. Are there any disadvantages of studying abroad? Watch this video and find out about some drawbacks. so good apartmentfoodflatmateparty7. Discussion questions.Do you intend to study abroad? Which country would you choose? Why?Do you think studying abroad can have a beneficial effect on your future?Where would you choose to live if you had a chance to study abroad?(home stay, a campus) Do you think it's good for you to work as an au pair while you are studying?Thank you for the lesson!Home task.1. Hans and Cathy have been learning English in London and believe that is a rewarding experience! Read these texts. I’m Hans Smith from Zurich in Switzerland. I’m a photographer for a wildlife magazine. I need English because lots of handbooks are written in it and I travel a lot. Next month I’m going to visit South East Asia. I hope I’ll be able to make myself understood. I’ve found it is often easier to speak English to other foreigners than to native speakers! One American colleague doesn’t speak slowly enough for me to understand him. It is useful to know English but one thing I really don’t like is the way English expressions have been incorporate into other languages. I’m Cathy Wong and I’m from Singapore. I’ve been studying business administration in London for the past two years. I felt really homesick to begin with because I’d never been away from home. I’ve got fairly used to it but I still miss my parents. They brought me up to speak English and I was sent to an English-speaking school. When I got here, though, I still had a few problems with people’s accents and the slang that lots of other students used. Some of the lecturers were hard to understand at first and then there was lots of business jargon to pick up too. Living in London is expensive and I almost ran out of money but luckily I got a part-time job and I now get by.2. Say whether the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE. Correct the false ones.1. Hans’ job requires the knowledge of the English language. T2. He is able to communicate as easily with both non-native and native speakers. F3. He admits a good command of English is important. T4. He agrees with the assimilation of English expressions into other languages. F3. Complete the following sentences according to the text. 1. As Cathy wasn’t used to living abroad _she still misses her family_____.2. She had attended an English speaking school because_ her parents brought her up to speak English .3. At the beginning she experienced some difficulties_ with people’s accents and the slang that lots of other students used.4. She applied for a part-time job in order to _get by .4. TEXT A- Find ANTONYMS for the following words.1. a few___lots of________________2.last___ Next ____________3. harder___ easier _____________TEXT B- Find SYNONYMS for the following words.4. the last ____the past5. reasonably__ fairly ________6. fortunately luckily5. Say what the following words refer to:1. “it” (text A)__English____________________ 2.”him” (text A)__ American colleague ____________________3. “they”(text B)_ parents ___________________ 4. “here”(text B)__ London __________________ ................

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