[pic]L'école élémentaire


Elementary School

85 Ennis Avenue

St. John's, NL A1A 1Y7

Telephone: 709. 754.2440

Fax: 709. 754.1805


Twitter @VElementary



Learning, sharing, growing – preparing for the future

En apprenant, en partageant, en grandissant – on se prépare pour l'avenir


At Vanier Elementary School, we are committed to fostering independent lifelong learning in an atmosphere of caring and mutual respect, which encourages personal achievement and development, and promotes a sense of responsibility to society and the world.

School Report 2017-2018

Table of Contents




Our School Community 6

Key Highlights / Special Projects 6

Vanier Learning Commons 6

Physical Education 7

Music 7

Instrumental Music Program 8

Guidance Program 8


Kids Eat Smart Breakfast Club 9

Royal Newfoundland Constabulary DARE Program 9

Vanier Chess Club 9

Chapters Fundraiser Night for Vanier Learning Commons……………………………………………………………………………………………….10

SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….10

Boys Undercover Reading Program (B.U.R.P.)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..10

FREEZE DNA KID'S COMIC BOOK ART TOUR…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..11

SINGER/SONGWRITER PAIGE PENNEY ……………………………………………………………………........................................................11

TD CANADIAN CHILDREN'S BOOK WEEK………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………11

Community Food Sharing Association 11

Hour of Code 11

Mathematics Centrum Contest…………………………………………………………………………………………….12

Summary Report on Vanier Elementary’s Internal Data 13

Internal Assessment Data 13

Report on School Development Plan for 2017-2018 15

REPORT ON OPERATIONAL ISSUES……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………….19

ACTIONS FOR CHANGE…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………21

One YEAR school development plan 2018-2019……………………………………………………………………………………………………22

OPERATIONAL ISSUES 2018-2019…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…...…………….26

Director’s Message7

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The staff and students of École élémentaire Vanier Elementary School is proud to present our Annual School Development Report for the 2017-18 school year. Our school has a long history of excellence in the East End of St. John’s. Every day, we are reminded of our motto Be the best you can be ~ Fais de ton mieux ! and we work hard to live out that motto in everything we do.

During the 2017-18 school year, staff members and school council members reviewed data from our school community in the Fall, which served to inform and shape our one year School Development Plan. We thank the members of our school community who took time to complete surveys and provide feedback to our school through this process. This document reports on our progress in that plan, and presents our plan for the current school year. Our objectives focus on increasing student achievement in reading, writing and representing, and providing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) opportunities for all. We are also focused on promoting a safe, caring, healthy and inclusive environment, and ensuring that our communication with stakeholders is efficient and effective.

Our plan aligns with the NLESD Strategic Plan, and each teacher’s professional learning plan. We work with our district office and our school council to ensure that our school development plan guides and informs our collective efforts. Professional development days are used to complete this work. There are five days allotted per year for learning in areas such as new curriculum, assessment, instruction, policies and initiatives. School Development is discussed at each School Council Meeting.

In the School Development Model, a school’s five-year plan is reviewed through peer validation once in a five-year cycle. Vanier is scheduled for Peer Validation in the 2019-2020 school year.

This report provides both a look back on 2017-18, and a look forward in 2018-19, as our School Development Plan for the coming school year extends the work we have done, and is informed by data reviewed. We look forward to working with our school community as we monitor our progress together, and chart our course for future improvements.

Gina Ducey Line Daly

Principal Assistant Principal


The members of the 2017-18 School Council were:


Joanne Pardy (Chair and Parent Representative)

David Pine (Community Representative)

Line Daly (Teacher Representative)

Tina Maloney/Gina Ducey (Administration)

Claudia O’Dea (Parent Representative)

Glenn Janes (Parent Representative)

Erin Stanley (Community Representative)


Dear Parents / Guardians and School Community,


The Vanier School Council held eight meetings during the 2017-2018 school year with a continued focus on student achievement, the learning environment and parental involvement.   As a regular part of our Council meetings we review and discuss progress on the School Development Plan with school administration to ensure that the school is attaining its objectives.  The School Council works in an advisory capacity, providing ideas on improving our student achievement or improving our school performance and environment. Notice of our School Council meetings and approved minutes are posted on the school website, and any parent may attend any of our meetings just to listen or to voice their opinion or ideas.


This year has been another busy and rewarding year for our school, Council and its many volunteers. We participated in supporting school fundraising, continued progress towards improving our outside space, and continued to support and sponsor a variety of events to help promote school and community spirit.  


At Vanier we are very fortunate to have a dedicated school community of parents, students, teachers, and administration where we all work to help our children fully thrive as they learn, develop their talents, and make friends.  Student learning and the school environment are greatly enhanced by the contributions of our volunteers’ time and help.  Some of the achievements of the school council in 2017-2018 include the following:


• Continued monitoring of the School Development Plan

• Growth of the Vanier Garden Club and improvements to the garden

• Continued to support the Vanier Breakfast Club.  Many students avail of this important initiative and the school community showed tremendous support through generous contributions of food and money throughout the year.

• Conducted several successful fundraisers, including the Vanier 50th Birthday Bash


We wish to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of the many individuals who volunteered their time to contribute to the success of the School Council in the 2017-2018 school year.


On behalf of the Vanier School Council, I would like to thank the entire school community for its support and commitment to L’École élémentaire Vanier Elementary School.


Joanne Pardy


Vanier Elementary School Council 


Our School Community

Vanier Elementary is a primary/elementary school located on Ennis Avenue in the East End of St. John's. It serves a student population from Kindergarten to Grade Six. It is a dual track school with English and French Immersion streams.

Our 2017-18 enrollment was 278 students. The average class size was 19.8 students. Our school had 21.5 teaching units which included 14.00 regular units and 3.25 Instructional Resource Teachers (IRTs).

Included in Vanier’s teacher allocation was a School Counselor (0.75 unit), Music Specialist (0.85 unit), Physical Education Specialist (0.85 unit), Learning Resource Teacher (0.29 unit), and administration (1.25 unit). There was also a band instructor (0.25 unit) for interested students in Grades Five and Six.

There was a total of 28.5 hours of student assistant time per day (one 6-hour student assistant, two 5.5-hour student assistants, one 5-hour student assistant, one 3.5 hour and a 3 hour position).

In addition to staff based at the school, itinerant personnel at District Office are also available to work directly with students and in consultation with teachers, including the areas of Speech-Language Pathology, English as a Second Language, Hearing, Autism, Educational Psychology, Audio-Visual Therapy, and Behaviour. We worked with the Literacy-Numeracy Teacher Itinerant again this year, with a teacher assigned to work in classes with our staff for a period of eight weeks in four two-week blocks.

Vanier also has the services of a secretary, a master custodian, a custodian and a cleaner.

Key Highlights / Special Projects

Vanier offers programming from Kindergarten to Grade Six using the curriculum prescribed by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. We also offer KinderStart sessions to our pre-Kindergarten students and their families.

The following are some of the highlights of this school year.

Vanier Learning Commons

Like many schools, we are in the process of developing our Learning Commons, which we formerly referred to as our Resource Centre. Our goal is to create an inclusive space that is flexible, learner-centered, and both virtually and physically encourages collaboration, inquiry, imagination, and play. We also had 30 iPads in constant circulation, to which we added many new exciting apps. There were many projects happening throughout the year which had students engaged, collaborating, and excited about their learning.

We also started to transform our physical space, so that it is better suited for presentations and group discussions, yet flexible for collaborative projects. This is a work in progress, but we are off to a great start, and have exciting plans that will be implemented in the coming year(s). The Learning Commons will grow and change to reflect how students interact, learn, and exchange information. We are excited!

Physical Education

At Vanier Elementary School, we follow the authorized provincial curriculum and provide regular opportunities to make active living part of everyone’s day.

Throughout the 2017-2018 school year students were encouraged to be physically active in a wide variety of ways. Vanier continues to be part of the Active Schools program, characterized by daily physical activity in the classroom.

Beyond the curriculum, we also had a variety of programs for our students throughout the year including the cross country running program for grades 4 through to grade 6, NLAA Cross Country Running Series, ANE School Mile One Race for grade1 through to grade 6, Healthy Commotion Day, basketball, Steven Phillips Baseball Tournament for Grade 3 and 4, Geoff Walsh Memorial Baseball Tournament for Grade 5 and 6, volleyball, Ultimate Frisbee, Sprockids Mountain Biking program, Terry Fox Walk, Sports Day, an iWalk to School Day. We have a number of volunteer coaches who work very hard to practise with our students and assist with tournaments. Thank you to our many volunteers!

Our annual Sports Day was held on June 22nd at the Techniplex with all students enjoying a wide variety of activities. Students in Grade Six led each station, and students in K-5 were placed in multi-grade teams which allowed all to work together in a cooperative format. A big thank you to all who helped to make this day such a great success! This day provided an excellent opportunity for all to be involved and to get lots of physical activity.

Last year, Ms. Shortall was trained as an instructor in the Sprockids Mountain Bike Program, and implemented the program in the 2017-18 school year.  This is an after-school program that teaches mountain bike riding skills.  The program is designed to provide participants with the opportunity to experience success no matter what their riding skill level.  Through the sport of cycling, 8-12 year olds develop a strong sense of self-esteem by discovering and building on potential within themselves.  I look forward in continuing this program into the next school year.

We love physical activity at Vanier Elementary!


The music program at Vanier Elementary continues to foster musicality and promote an appreciation of music for all students. All students in Kindergarten to Grade Six participated in the classroom music program and have been involved in a variety of musical activities through performing, creating, and listening. Grade level choir has continued from last year in the class schedule with great success. This year saw the addition of a Music Therapy class providing more learning opportunities for students with diverse learning needs.

In addition to the classroom music program, Vanier had many opportunities for students to both participate in and view performances during the 2017-2018 school year. Early October, Grades 2 - 6 attended the Peter MacDonald production of Oliver featuring a number of our current and former students. November, “Donna & Andy” returned and performed for the entire school.   

In March, Grades 2 - 6 took in the musical Narnia performed by Holy Heart. Finally, in May, the whole school was treated to Opera Roadshow’s rendition of The Billy Goats Gruff.

This December, the Grade 4 Choir and combined 5 & 6 Choirs performed at the Arts & Culture Centre for the NLTA Christmas Suite. Later that month, Grades 1, 2, & 3 performed a matinee and evening concert at Vanier of the school musical The Big Chill. Late April, all students from Grades 1 through 6 participated in Rotary Music Festival. For the event, larger groups were created with combined choirs of 1s & 2s, 3s & 4s, and 5s & 6s. Each combined choir attended a daytime clinic/workshop were they all achieved gold standard. To close Vanier’s participation in the festival all groups were featured in an evening concert at Holy Heart Theatre.

Instrumental Music Program

The Vanier Elementary Instrumental Music program consists of two bands, the Grade Five Beginning Band and the Grade Six Advanced Band.  The Beginning Band instruction focuses on developing fundamental technical and musical skills, mostly in small groups or sectionals.  The Advanced Band continues the development of these skills as well as a focus on blend, balance and playing in the full ensemble.  Each band student has band class twice each seven-day cycle, usually with one small sectional class and one larger group class or full band.  Both bands perform at Christmas time and at the Spring Concert in school.  This year the Grade 6 Band joined with the Grade 6 Bands of Rennie's River Elementary and Macdonald Drive Elementary and performed at the Macdonald Drive Junior High Spring Concert in May as well as the Rotary Music Festival in St. John's where they received a Gold Award for their performance.

Guidance Program 

The Guidance Program at Vanier Elementary is a comprehensive developmental program designed to support students in developing positive self-concept, effective relationships with others, and problem-solving skills that will enable effective choices in all environments. These outcomes are achieved through class-based programs and other school-wide initiatives. Providing and delivering guidance to the children of Vanier is a team effort involving the school counsellor, teachers, administration, students and parents.

Roots of Empathy was offered in the Grade Three classes this year. These two classes participated in the program over three months.   It is a school goal to have all students experience Roots of Empathy before they leave Grade Six.  Currently, students from Grade Three to Grade Six have taken part in the Roots of Empathy program at our school

In February 2018, we celebrated Pink Shirt Day.  We started our day with our parade of pink followed by an assembly. Vanier students and staff showed support, awareness, and a whole school effort in encouraging kindness by wearing their pink shirts.

During the 2017-2018 school year, we continued to work on our school's goal to enhance our safe and caring environment for students and staff.  Our Character Development program started in January and continued until the end of the school year with Grades One to Six each presenting in a school assembly, highlighting a character trait, and culminating with Project Peace Day on June 15th. Project Peace Day is a special event each year and for the sixth consecutive year, we had a photograph taken of all students and staff wearing our pink t-shirts. All students received a copy of the picture with #ProjectPeaceDay printed on it. Additionally, this year, students and staff created a video of students singing the song “Namaste”, which encouraged the celebration of all people and highlighted the beauty of diversity in our school and community.


Kids Eat Smart Breakfast Club

This year, we were very pleased to continue our Vanier Breakfast Club.  We are truly grateful to Kids Eat Smart Foundation Newfoundland and Labrador for their continued support ensuring our children start their day with a healthful breakfast so they are well nourished and ready to learn.  Over the course of the program, we served approximately 120 children each day.  We are so thankful for our over 20 wonderful volunteers who willingly gave their time to be coordinators, plan menus, shop for groceries, prepare schedules, and serve children with smiles on their faces, among the other myriad of other tasks to be done daily to serve so many students!  In addition to the funds provided by KES, our school community donated over $8000 through cash donations, food donations, fundraising events such as our Recycling Blitzes, and events such as our Fill the Fridge/Cupboard events.  We also wish to recognize the contributions made by local businesses who supported this important initiative. Thank you to everyone in our school community for your support of such a wonderful program!

Royal Newfoundland Constabulary DARE Program

The Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) program continued at Vanier during the 2017-2018 school year. Our Grade Six students participated in the program with 100% graduation rate. Constable Milks of the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary delivered the program to the Grade Six classes, and the DARE graduation was held on December 15, 2017. During the graduation, two students read their DARE essays and the Grade Six students celebrated their learning by receiving certificates and DARE T-shirts. 

Vanier Chess Club

Vanier Chess Club continued to meet in 2017-18 on Saturday mornings. All grades and skill levels were encouraged to participate. This year, the club was opened to students from K-12 from other schools in the Metro area as well, to encourage growth in the area.  In the past, the Vanier chess club was opened to other schools, but had been limited to Vanier players only for a couple of years while new volunteers transitioned.  The objective of the Vanier club is to help every child improve his/her chess skills through game play and instruction. Chess fosters the development of mathematical and problem-solving skills, builds self-esteem and confidence. A science fair project by a former Vanier graduate showed that playing chess improves problem-solving skills of K-6 students by a full grade level. Chess is played equally well by both boys and girls, and continues to challenge players well into adulthood.


In 2017-18 Vanier students participated in a number of events including the Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Championship of the Canadian Chess Challenge in March 2018. A number of students won awards, and two Vanier students were invited to join the 12-player Newfoundland and Labrador Chess Team at the National Chess Championship in St. John’s in May. A number of students from other schools who attend the Vanier club also made the provincial team. 


The 2017 Vanier Open Chess Tournament was held in October 2017.  As well, Vanier students won medals, trophies, plaques, pins and other performance awards at tournaments during the school year; many did so several times.


An exciting and unique scholastic chess event every year is the Newfoundland & Labrador Team Chess Championship. Vanier students participated In April 2018, with both primary and elementary players bringing home the team banners. 


We thank our volunteers of the Vanier Chess Club. Their tireless work to continue the strong legacy of the Vanier Chess Club has been exceptional.

Chapters Fundraiser Night for Vanier Learning Commons

In November, Vanier held its third fundraiser for our Learning Commons. Once again, our school community came out to support this important initiative, while many of our students provided a wonderful night of entertainment. We had incredible support from our families, who purchased many books from our "Student Wish List" table. In addition, we received a gift card for over $1397 to purchase new books and technology. This was a great night and our most successful fundraiser for the Learning Commons to date!

Scholastic Book Fair

In March, Vanier hosted the Saddle Up and Read Scholastic Book Fair.  This is an exciting week for our students, and this annual literacy event brings out the whole community to our special family night. The Book Fair is a great way to build excitement and interest in reading. Once again, we had a very successful fair and were able to acquire many new resources based on our school community’s support.

Boys Undercover Reading Program (B.U.R.P.)

This year we expanded B.U.R.P. at Vanier, and now learners in grades 3, 4, 5, and 6 are active participants. We have been fortunate, through our Chapter’s fundraiser, to be able to purchase many new books and magazines. Our current collection of book titles, as requested by students, is increasingly expanding and we have been able to get the books the boys want as requested. We also gave presentations this year promoting Newfoundland and Labrador Public Libraries to all of our Grade 3 students. As a result, we had many students acquire library cards and access their online collection during B.U.R.P. In particular, our students loved the online selection of graphic novels. We also had boys reading on iPads, using the EPIC reading app, and others who brought their own e-book reading devices. It was amazing to see the boys come together sharing resources, talking about great books and magazines, excited to read.

Freeze DNA Kid's Comic Book Art Tour

In April, we were lucky enough once again to host the Freeze DNA Kid's Comic Book Art Tour at Vanier. Over the past 10 years, professional comic book artists Anthony Stanberry and Jermaine Smith, along with their team at Freeze DNA, have travelled to hundreds of schools across Canada teaching thousands of kids the fundamentals of drawing comic art through their interactive workshops. This initiative partners artists with students, giving them the opportunity to explore their artistic abilities and help build self-esteem. Students are so engaged and love these worthwhile presentations. Comic book art continues to be great inspiration for many great writing opportunities at Vanier.

Singer/Songwriter Paige Penney performs at Vanier

In April, local singer/songwriter Paige Penney performed for the entire school population. This was an excellent opportunity for our students. Paige performed many original songs while playing her guitar, and talked to the kids about how she’s making a dream of hers come true (going to Nashville to record her very first EP). She engaged with the students as she talked about the process of songwriting, and also performing. It was great, and she has proved to be a great role for our students; many of them who are learning to play instruments and/or sing themselves. It was a powerful message; with hard work and perseverance, dreams can come true.

TD Canadian Children’s Book Week

In May, we welcomed award-winning Canadian author, Anna Humphrey, to Vanier as part of TD Canadian Children's Book Week. Anna gave two engaging presentations to our grade two, three, and four learners. Anna talked about how becoming a writer gave her a voice as a shy child, and how much time and effort goes into getting a book written, and then published. She also talked about editing, and how it’s a process that every writer must go through. Her message was that it’s really important to ‘keep trying to make your work better’, and ‘don’t give up’ if a teacher suggests that your writing might need a little editing. She shared her published books, and read from her newest book coming this summer, Mega Bat. The question and answer period was great, and the students learned a lot. We love having Canadian authors touring Newfoundland schools.

Community Food Sharing Association

At our annual Thanksgiving Assembly, Mr. Eg Walters of the Community Food Sharing Association addressed our school community and thanked them for the support that they have provided to the local food banks. Each year, Vanier conducts several food drives in support of the Community Food Sharing Association, at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Our food drives are greatly supported by our families, and each year we make a substantial contribution to this very worthy cause.

Hour of Code

During the week of December 4-8th, 2017, Vanier participated in our second Hour of Code, as organized by . It was a great success, with students engaging in a wide variety of fun activities that help them better understand coding and why it is an important skill. is an international non-profit organization which is dedicated to increasing participation in computer science, in particular by women and minorities.

Mathematics Centrum Contest

Approximately 45 students from Grade 5 and 6 participated in the Mathematica Centrum Contest on April 18th. The Fibonacci (Grade 5) and Pythagoras (Grade 6) contests are national competitions prepared by the Mathematics Contest Centre that challenge and promote students’ problem solving skills. To help prepare students for the contests, a Math Club, supervised by Mme Daly, was created and run by two former Vanier students from MacDonald Drive Junior High who have a passion for Math and wanted to give back to the school. Our students performed very well this year, winning a provincial championship plaque for each contest, and one of our Grade 6 student was awarded a special medal for being a provincial champion. Top performing Vanier students for each contest were also awarded a medal for their achievement!

Summary Report on Vanier Elementary’s Internal Data

Internal Assessment Data

Synthesis of Report Card Data

On October 5, 2018, Vanier staff members reviewed all internal and external data for our school. This included a thorough review of report card results from the previous school year for our K-6 students, in order to further refine our school development plan. The following synthesis is provided of our internal data (report card results):

• Reading in Primary was identified as an area for improvement for a percentage of our student population. While many results were strong, some of our students were still struggling with reading at a desired level. (i.e.: 46% of Grade 1 students scored 1 or 2 in reading and 25% of Grade 2 students scored 2 or lower in reading).

• Student writing results tend to improve from Term 1 to Term 3, but there is still room for improvement. For example, in Kindergarten 25% scored a 2 in writing on report cards and in Grade 2 30% of students scored 2 or lower in writing)

• Improvement was noted in Listening in the Primary grades in Term 3, increased from Term 1 and 2.

• Good achievement was shown in speaking, math, reading and writing in Elementary.

• Most students in French are reading on par with their English peers. Each strand for each grade level showed improvement in student scores from Term 1-3 in English Language Arts.

• Most elementary students are scoring 3 or 4 in French Language Arts. Overall, there is a need to increase French primary reading and writing.

• Most grades show 50% or higher of students achieving 4 in patterns, shape and statistics. Lower scores exist schoolwide in understanding number.

What do these results tell us?

The following recommendations were made by staff after reviewing the data trends and the school development plan for 2018-19:

• Explore ways to best meet the needs of our at-risk students in the classroom and with IRT support (seek consultation).

• Review programming for students with specific learning disorders.

• Continue schoolwide implementation of the Vanier Writing Continuum and ensure that as a staff we have established expectations for writing; focus on use of correct vocabulary (e.g. text features, etc.)

• Promote and use the writing strategies resource purchased for classrooms (Jennifer Saravallo)

• Continue modelled and shared writing

• Focus on analysis of Benchmark Assessment System (BAS) running records

• Continue to learn about and implement LLI and strategies to support struggling students during literacy block, with a focus on primary grades to ensure we are striving to have all students reading by the end of primary (Grade 3).

• Look at the possibility of implementing a program such as LLI in the French classroom to meet the needs of the students who are non-readers or are reading below grade level expectations

• Increase emphasis on math achievement (math clubs, problem of the week, math game resources, Grade 6 pilot of the number assessment)

• Develop center for math resources from which teachers can store and use resources

• Continue focus on LNT work with higher order questioning and thinking.

Report on School Development Plan for 2017-2018

|Goal 1: Student achievement will improve through enhanced collaboration and communication in a responsive teaching environment |

|Objective 1.1 To increase the number of students reading at |Objective 1.2 To increase the number of students|Objective 1.3 To enhance/provide STEM opportunities for all students. |

|grade level. |achieving success (3 and 4’s) in writing and | |

| |representing. | |

|Strategies: |Strategies: |Strategies: |

| |Share resources for writing in French |Explore STEM activities for primary |

|Explore BURP for primary |Consolidate implementation of writing continuum |Explore STEM activities for girls |

|Explore making BURP more inclusive (alternate by semester |Review writing continuum and evaluate |Explore longer BURP sessions to accommodate STEM activities |

|girls/boys) |effectiveness throughout the year |Have technology-focused events |

|Provide collegial circle time or planning time LNT activities |Share effective practices during staff |Share effective practices during staff meetings/collegial circles |

|(i.e. morning with LNT, afternoon grade level) |meetings/collegial circles |Implement Dreambox math in Grade 2/3 |

|Implement LLI in all classrooms | |Implement Grade 6 EFI math videos from district |

|Source/develop LLI materials for EFI | |Explore problem of the week (bulletin board) |

| | |Explore STEM activities for Kindergarten |

|Indicators of Success |Indicators of Success |Indicators of Success |

|BURP implemented for primary |Resources shared and used for writing in French |Explored STEM activities for primary |

|BURP more inclusive (alternate by semester girls boys) |Writing continuum implemented |Explored STEM activities for girls |

|Collegial circle time/planning time used for LNT activities |Writing continuum reviewed and effectiveness |Explored longer BURP sessions to accommodate STEM activities |

|LLI in use in all classrooms |evaluated |Held technology focused events |

|LLI materials sourced/development begun for EFI |Effective writing/ representing practices |Shared effective practices during staff meetings/collegial circles |

| |shared during staff meetings/collegial circles |Implemented Dreambox math in Grade 2/3 |

| | |Implemented Grade 6 EFI math videos from district |

| | |Explored problem of the week (bulletin board) |

| | |Explored STEM activities for Kindergarten |

|Goal 1. Support Plan |

|Financial |Professional Development/Time Required |

| |1.1.2 PL to familiarize teachers with LLI kit |

|1.1.2 $ 1500 to buy primary level BURP books |1.1.3 PL/Time for planning LNT activities |

|1.1.5 Budget for an identified French LLI material (if available) |1.2.2 PL Time to develop common school wide language/expectation/use of writing continuum |

|1.3.4 $ 500 to purchase coding/robotic devices |1.3.4 PL around STEM activities (coding/robotics, video capture, etc.) |

|1.3.10 $ 500 for math manipulatives for math games | |

| | |

| | |

Goal 2: We will promote, nurture and communicate our safe, healthy, caring and inclusive environment.

|Objective 2.1 : To promote a safe, inclusive, and caring environment |Objective 2.2: To promote a healthy environment |Objective 2.3: To include and communicate with all |

| | |stakeholders |

|Strategies |Strategies |Strategies |

|Continue positive behavioural supports (PBS) to encourage following the Code of |Develop more activities to motivate boys in school |We need to find out what is not exciting about school for |

|Conduct |Explore why teachers do not feel confident enabling |students in grade 5-6 |

|Introduce and implement the Random Acts |their most challenging students to learn (i.e. |Parent survey on if/why they think student interests (and |

|of Kindness program |resources, class makeup, SA, training, time |which ones) are not being met |

|Continue Roots of Empathy, Friends for Life |constraints, etc.) |Survey interests of students gr. 5-6 |

|Explore implementation of Fun Friends in primary |Explore/implement swimming program at Paul Reynolds |Evaluate the effectiveness of BURP |

|Continue with Project Peace Day, Pink Shirt Day, Character Development Program |Recreation facility or Aquarena |(beginning and end of year survey) |

|Work towards identifying specific children and/or groups that do not feel |Continue to explore more regular staff wellness and |Regular review of Review 360 (monthly) and report trends to |

|included or belonging to our school community |team building such as speaker from NLTA- Judy Belanger|the Action Team |

|Continue to implement social justice opportunities for students in need | |Make Think Sheets available for teachers to use |

|Look into having Life Touch print Character Development signs for the stairway | |Continue to Review some policies/forms for inclusive language |

|“Buddy Bench/Table” in the tree section between both Primary and Elementary play | |(i.e. parent/guardian, gender) such as used in letters, |

|areas and implement a plan to inform students of its/their use (possible Student | |emails, etc. |

|Leadership opportunity) | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Indicators of Success |Indicators of Success |Indicators of Success |

|Students know and follow the school’s Code of Conduct and teachers recognize good|Activities that motivate and engage boys will be | |

|behavior with Sea Stars |developed and implemented |Reason for disinterest of students in Grades 5-6 will be |

|A “Random Acts of Kindness” program is implemented |Team will learn why teachers do not feel confident |identified |

|Roots of Empathy and Friends for Life programs continued in Grades 3 and 6 |teaching their most challenging students to learn |Parent survey will be created, sent, analyzed |

|respectively |(i.e. resources, class size, SA, training, time |Survey will be created and implemented |

|Fun Friends program will be explored and preliminary steps taken to implement in |constraints, etc.) |Surveys will be created and implemented at the beginning of |

|the primary grades next year |Swimming program will be implemented for elementary |the program and at the end of the program to measure the |

|Project Peace Day and Pink Shirt Day and the Character Development program will |grades |effectiveness of BURP |

|have occurred |Regular staff wellness and team building activities |Review 360 will be reviewed monthly and analyzed to discover |

|Children and/or groups that do not feel included in school community will be |will take place throughout the year |any trends |

|identified | |Think sheets will be placed in areas that are easily |

|Social justice opportunities for students in need will be provided | |accessible |

|Character development signs will have been ordered and installed on stairs | |Inclusive language will be used on all forms of parent |

|“Buddy Bench/Table” will be purchased and placed in the tree section between both| |communication |

|Primary and Elementary play areas and students will be familiar with its purpose | | |

|Goal 2. Support Plan |

|Financial |Professional Development/Time Required |

|2.1.3 Funding for a buddy bench or painting the ones in place; funding for | |

|signs in hallway. |2.2 PD time for wellness/team building activities for individual staff members as well as whole group |

| | |

|2.1.4 Funding for guest speakers | |

| | |

|2.2.3 and 2.2.4 Funding for speakers for staff meetings, outings for team | |

|building, resources for information for both teachers and students on | |

|anxiety/wellness | |

| | |

| | |

| | |


|Year |Issue |Action |Evaluation |

|2017-2018 |Continued improvement of school grounds |Remove aged slides on front of school and | In process of ordering new playground |

| | |replace with new playground equipment |equipment. |

|2017-2018 |Security and surveillance of grounds (evenings |Security system installed; further training of |Installed….need to be adjusted for proper |

| |and weekends); reduce vandalism and graffiti |use required |direction. |

|2017-2018 |Classroom lightning-high ceilings require |As some rooms are resolved, other rooms develop |On-going. In the system and waiting for the |

| |scaffolding for repair |issues. Continued monitoring and requests for |scaffolding to arrive to replace lights. Will |

| | |repairs/replacement as these occur. |continue to monitor. |

|2017-2018 |Aesthetics of school environment (chemical |Development of learning commons |Painting requests to be made and district |

| |sensitivities require this to be done when | |request for overtime for this to be completed |

| |school is not in session) | |over the summer months. |

|2017-2018 |Clocks throughout the school are out of sync |Tie in with new PA system, based on requested |On-going….most rooms are complete. |

| | |quotes; three rooms remain for installation | |

|2017-2018 |Replace/install blinds in classrooms |Continue process starting with rooms with large |Only one room to be done with blinds. |

| | |windows | |

|2017-2018 |Fencing issues-deliveries to front door and snow|Monitor-follow plan to clear path for deliveries|Monitor for this coming school year in winter |

| |clearing hampered | |season. |

|2017-2018 |Install kitchen-current food service is not |Develop plan for kitchen and tenant to provide |Ongoing communication with the district to |

| |satisfactory to students |food daily |determine our need. |

| |

| |


Goal 1: Student achievement will improve through enhanced collaboration and communication in a responsive teaching environment.

|Objective 1.1 To increase the number of students reading at |Objective 1.2 To increase the number of students achieving |Objective 1.3 To enhance/provide STEM opportunities for all |

|grade level. |success (3 and 4’s) in writing and representing. |students. |

|Actions for Change 1.1 |Actions for Change 1.2 |Actions for Change 1.3 |

|Explore more STEM and SLURP activities |More regular sharing of resources and best practices being used |Explore grants for more involvement in STEM activities |

|Explore STEM activities for Kindergarten |in each classroom during collegial circles at the beginning of |Explore STEM activities for Kindergarten students |

|Action buying a RED LLI kit |every staff meeting |School wide implementation of SLURP related to STEM |

|Professional development time for more training for LLI kits as |Provide writing continuum to all and explore French writing |PD for sharing technology with staff |

|needed |continuum development. |Collegial Circles consistently before staff meetings |

|Collegial sharing of best practices |Obtain J. Serravallo for Kindergarten |Math resources base in LRC |

|Enquire about French reading resources as needed. |Clear focus on 6 traits of writing with clear expectations | |

| |outlined | |

| |LLI and technology sharing | |

Goal 2: We will promote, nurture and communicate our safe, healthy, caring and inclusive environment.

|Objective 2.1 : To promote a safe, inclusive, and caring environment |Objective 2.2: To promote a healthy environment |Objective 2.3: To include and communicate with all |

| | |stakeholders |

|Actions for Change 2.1 |Explore swimming or skating options |Explore new apps and text messages for parent communication |

|Ensure guidance programs are carried out ( Roots of Empathy, Fun Friends,|Maximize creative scheduling to meet all needs and |along with continuing to use Twitter, Synrevoice, etc. |

|etc.) |support teachers |Edit student data form to ensure it is a true reflection of an|

|More frequent Pink shirt days and other peace activities |Explore Mental Health awareness literature to provide |inclusive school. |

|Code of conduct reviewed with Review 360 usage consistently |staff |More efficient completion of Review 360 reports |

|Ensure implementation of the ”SeaStar” program |Involve more parents as volunteers for Breakfast |Ongoing policy review of inclusive language in all |

| |Program |communication |

One Year School Development Plan

School Development Plan 2018-2019

Goal 1: Student achievement will improve through enhanced collaboration and communication in a responsive teaching environment.

|Objective 1.1 To increase the number of students reading at |Objective 1.2 To increase the number of students achieving |Objective 1.3 To enhance/provide STEM opportunities for all |

|grade level. |success (3 and 4’s) in writing and representing. |students. |

|Strategies: |Strategies: |Strategies: |

| |Review writing continuum and evaluate effectiveness throughout |Explore STEM related activities for primary |

|Implement SLURP. Explore reading and literacy skills in small |the year (Develop school wide language around writing |Explore SLURP sessions that incorporate technology literacy |

|groups. |continuum) |skills |

|Provide sharing time in staff meeting time for literacy |Have grade level specific writing goals/language with the |Have technology focused events |

|practices |continuum (6 traits of writing) |Share effective practices during staff meetings/collegial |

|Continue LLI in all classrooms |Explore French writing continuum. |circles |

|Explore LLI materials for EFI |Share effective practices and writing resources (J.Serravallo) |Continue Dreambox Math in grade 2/3 |

| |during staff meetings/collegial circles/PD |Implement grade 6 EFI math videos from district |

| | |Explore STEM activities for kindergarten |

| | |Explore grade level resource center for math games (in LRC) |

| | |Explore more Science instructional resources (Let’s talk |

| | |science) |

| | | |

| | | |

|Indicators of Success |Indicators of Success |Indicators of Success |

|SLURP will be offered to everyone. (SL-Student Lead) |Review report card data at the end of each term. |1.3.1. Involve primary students in STEM |

|Sharing of best practices to be added to each staff meeting |Goals are measurable at each grade level. |activities. |

|agenda in 2018-2019. |Ask for a committee to develop. |1.3.2 Increase in technology awareness for all. |

|Increase student achievement results. |Collegial circles/sharing consistently. |1.3.3 Committee to plan and implement activities. |

|Obtain LLI materials for EFI. | |1.3.4 Collegial circles/sharing consistently. |

| | |1.3.5 Increase in Math achievement data. |

| | |1.3.6 Videos will be used and evaluated. |

| | |1.3.7 Technology use in Kindergarten with |

| | |increased involvement in technology. |

| | |1.3.8 Ensure Math games are available to |

| | |students and are being used. |

| | |1.3.9 Evidence of Science achievement in data |

| | |results. |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Goal 1. Support Plan |

|Financial |Professional Development/Time Required |

| |1.2.1 Planning time to develop common school wide |

|1.3.1, 1.3.2 $ 500 for Code & Go/Beebots/Sphero |language/expectation/uses of the writing continuum. |

|1.3.8 $ 500 for math manipulatives for math games for |1.3.1 , 1.3.2 Planning time for STEM activities (coding/robotics, video |

|whole school |capture, etc.) |

|1.3.9 Mystery Science subscription ($400) | |

| | |

| | |

| | |


Goal 2: We will promote, nurture and communicate our safe, healthy, caring and inclusive environment.

|Objective 2.1 : To promote a safe, inclusive, and caring environment |Objective 2.2: To promote a healthy environment |Objective 2.3: To create a gender neutral school |

| | |environment |

|Strategies |Strategies |Strategies |

|Continue positive behavioural supports (PBS) to encourage following the |Explore the possibility of other recreational |2.3.1 Create an awareness of and a respect for a |

|Code of Conduct |opportunities (ex. curling) |gender neutral bathroom |

|Evaluate the effectiveness of BURP |Continue to explore more regular staff wellness and | |

|(beginning and end of year survey) |team building | |

|Regular review of Review 360 (monthly) and report trends to the Action | | |

|Team | | |

|Implement the “Sea Stars” Program in September at opening assembly and | | |

|use throughout the year. | | |

|Recognize Sea Star recipients in a meaningful way (announce during | | |

|assemblies, photos, Vanier Voice, Etc.) | | |

|Explore the implementation of one of the following Programs: Roots of | | |

|Empathy, Fun Friends, Friends for Life, Random Acts of Kindness, or | | |

|others. | | |

|Continue with Project Peace Day, Pink Shirt Day, Character Development | | |

|Program | | |

|Look into having Character Development signs for the stairway and | | |

|hallways. | | |

|“Buddy Bench/Table” in the tree section between both Primary and | | |

|Elementary play areas and implement a plan to inform students of | | |

|its/their use (Student Leadership opportunity?) | | |

|Indicators of Success |Indicators of Success |Indicators of Success |

|Positive behavioural supports (PBS) will be reviewed at the start of the|Other recreational opportunities (ex. curling) will |2.3.1 Bathroom across from the Gym will become a |

|year and referred to throughout the year to encourage following the Code|be explored and possibly implemented |dedicated gender neutral bathroom space, cleaned, |

|of Conduct |Regular staff wellness and team building activities |have proper signage, and be used regularly |

|“Sea Stars” Program will be implemented in September at opening assembly|will be explored and implemented during the year. | |

|and use throughout the year. | | |

|Students Sea Star recipients will be recognizes in a meaningful way | | |

|(announce during assemblies, pictures, Vanier Voice, etc.) | | |

|One of the following programs will be implemented: Roots of Empathy, Fun| | |

|Friends, Friends for Life, Random Acts of Kindness, or others. | | |

|Project Peace Day, Pink Shirt Day, and Character Development Program | | |

|will occur during the school year. | | |

|Character Development signs will be chosen, ordered and displayed in the| | |

|stairway and hallways. | | |

|A “Buddy Bench or Table” will be acquired and placed in the tree section| | |

|between both Primary and Elementary play areas and implement. A plan to | | |

|inform students of its/their use will be developed and implemented. | | |

| | | |

|Goal 2. Support Plan |

|Financial |Professional Development/Time Required |

|2.1.1 Money for a buddy bench or painting the ones in place. | |

| |2.2  PD time for wellness/team building  individual staff as well as whole group |

|2.1.2   Inventory update for LRC | |

| |2.3.1  PD time for more LGBTQ and gender neutral initiatives |

|2.1.7  Money for guest speakers/snacks | |

| | |

|2.1.8  Money for Character Development Signs | |

| | |

|2.2  Funding for speakers for staff meetings, outings for team building, resources for | |

|information for both teachers and students on anxiety/wellness | |

| | |

|2.3.1   Money for bathroom upgrades | |


|Year |Issue |Intended Action |

|2018-2019 |Continued improvement of school grounds |Remove aged slides on front of school and replace with new playground equipment |

|2018-2019 |Security and surveillance of grounds (evenings and |Security system installed; further training of use required and cameras to be adjusted |

| |weekends); reduce vandalism and graffiti | |

|2018-2019 |Classroom lightning-high ceilings require |As some rooms are resolved, other rooms develop issues. Continued monitoring and requests for |

| |scaffolding for repair |repairs/replacement as these occur. |

|2018-2019 |Aesthetics of school environment (chemical |Development of learning commons |

| |sensitivities require this to be done when school | |

| |is not in session) | |

|2018-2019 |Clocks throughout the school are out of sync |Tie in with new PA system, based on requested quotes; three rooms remain for installation |

| | | |

|2018-2019 |Replace/install blinds in classrooms |Continue process starting with rooms with large windows |

| | | |

|2018-2019 |Fencing issues-deliveries to front door and snow |Monitor-follow plan to clear path for deliveries |

| |clearing hampered | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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