10) Touch Typing – pdf Handout tnt03



Date Job Begin: _______________________________ Date Job Ended: ____________________


INBASKET/COVERSHEET #6- Advanced Building Keyboarding Skills /Business Formats

• Learning to key properly at the keyboard

• Learning to keep organized

• Learning to prioritize time

• Learning time management

• Learning to key and write business letters

Directions: Complete the following assignments, either have signed by teacher or print and attach to sheet.

______ (5) Lesson 6. 1 Create an Inbox #6 Advanced in your server space. Get teacher’s stamp.

________(10) Lesson 6.2 Creating Business Letters– read through the online articles

← Lesson 6.2.1 How to Format a US Business Letter – link

← Lesson 6.2.2 Parts of a Business Letter - link

← Lesson 6.2.3 Tone in Business Writing - link

← Lesson 6.2.4 How to write and set out a business letter – link

← Lesson 6.2.5 Guide to basic letter writing - link

← Lesson 6.2.5 Just the Facts – xls. Fill in the blanks @ least 5 facts – turn in

________(10) Lesson 6.3 Creating Letters and Envelopes

← Lesson 6.3.1 WTry05a

← Lesson 6.3.2 WTry05b

← Lesson 6.3.2 WTry05c

← Lesson 6.3.3 Project 9 (Key Full Block Letter)

← Lesson 6.3.4 Project 10 (Modified Block Letter)

_______ (15) Lesson 6.4 OWN OWD6.4 Key a full block letter---Representing Huron create a business letter to Ann asking them to include them to include information about upcoming events in a calendar listing. School events might include athletic contests such as homecoming football game, club activities, field trips, band and choir concerts, or vacation days. In the letter indicate that you have attached the necessary information and that you are sending a copy to your instructor. Remember business letter is 3 paragraphs—intro, body and conclusion.

______ (10) Lesson 6.5 Speed Study 2-1 Drills: Key Drills 1-3 four times each. ______________________ get                                                    teacher’s signature

______ (10) Lesson 6.6 Go to the Typer Shark: play 3 online game and try to increase your speed and accuracy.

Screen Shot and your results and print. You can have all three games on one sheet.

________(10) Lesson 6.7 Grammar Rules: Capital 3: Located on the Network. Edit each sentence so that it is grammatically correct. Highlight in yellow your corrections

________(10) Lesson 6.8 Grammar Rules: Capital 4: Located on the Network. Edit each sentence so that it is grammatically correct. Highlight in yellow your correction.

____________(10) Professional ________(10) Timeliness _________Total = 100[pic]


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