Natural Remedies for 9 Common Conditions - Amazon S3

MODULE #12 - Lesson 4

Natural Remedies for 9 Common Conditions

Module 12 - Lesson 4 Sinus Infections (Sinusitis)

A sinus infections or sinusitis is basically an inflammation of the sinus cavity. This picture on the right here just shows you the sinus cavity. On the right you see this inflammation and there's this reservoir of mucus sitting in the cavities, and that's why you get this nasal discharge. It's pretty unpleasant. When I first met Amy, this was a long time ago now, I was somewhat health conscious back then but she hadn't been exposed to healthy eating or nutrition. At that time she was drinking about six to eight cans of Diet Coke a day. She

Super Nutrition Academy ? MODULE 12 - Lesson 4



had recurring sinus problems forever, and she was on different medications and stuff. It was just crazy.

When we went back to school and studied holistic nutrition, she got rid of all that stuff. She stopped consuming aspartame and Diet Coke and some of the other garbage that she was eating, and, literally, within a week, she cleared up her sinus infections. I've been with her now for eight and a half years and she hasn't had an issue with her sinuses since then.

Usually, it's a secondary condition related to a primary bacterial, viral, or fungal infection. With the flu or a cold, you'll probably have a sinus infection, but there are other times that it can be related to food sensitivities, for instance, wheat and dairy are two big ones that if you remove will alleviate things. It's associated with frontal and temple headaches; abundant nasal discharge, as we mentioned; possible nosebleeds; sense of smell disruptions.

For every condition we go through I will give you a slide with tools to overcome them. These are the natural remedies we'll be looking at. The first and foremost is the neti pot. I think everyone should have a neti pot in their household.

A neti pot kind of looks like a genie bottle that you fill it up with water and a little pinch of sea salt, essentially, you're making a saline solution. What this does is it reduces the inflammation in the nasal cavity; it'll pull some of the discharge out of there.

You put the spout in one nostril, tilt your head to the side and the water will flow out the other nostril. Do this with both nostrils, give yourself a blow afterward. If you do this day and night if you have a sinus infection, it'll go away very quickly.

This is something I would do on a weekly basis or anytime I feel any stuffiness coming on. It's amazingly powerful. You can buy one for 20 bucks and you'll have it forever.

The other commonality you're going to find throughout this presentation is the unbelievable healing powers of apple cider vinegar. You're going to see apple cider vinegar pretty much in every single one of these remedies. You just drink it in water. Take a tablespoon or two, put it in water, and drink it back.

Super Nutrition Academy ? MODULE 12 - Lesson 4



The one thing I want to mention with apple cider vinegar is that because it is acidic, before it's metabolized, you don't want to let it sit in your mouth too long because it can wear down the tooth enamel. So, if you're going to drink apple cider vinegar, it's better to have it in a smaller glass of water that you can just kind of drink quickly, and then afterward, just rinse your mouth out with water. It's not recommended to brush your teeth after using apple cider vinegar or lemon water because it'll actually spread the acidity around your teeth if you brush them. Some people recommend using a bit of baking soda in the water to add some more alkalinity, because baking soda's very alkaline, so it kind of counteracts the acidity in the mouth. You can just do a basic mouthwash with water by itself, or even a little bit more potent would be adding a bit of baking soda into that water and giving it a swish in the mouth. You can also do steam inhalation. If you have essential oils like peppermint or eucalyptus, which would be like tea tree oil kind of, you can just add that into a steamer and then just allow those vapors that steam to loosen up some of the stuff. You just kind of put your head over the steamer, or you can just boil some water, put it in a bowl, drop in some of those essential oils, and just put your head over the bowl and cover yourself with a towel so you kind of create your own little steam room within your head area. These are going to be quick little things that you can add in to kind of boost your body's potential to eliminate this stuff. These are three very powerful things to do. I highly recommend them. Obviously, as I just mentioned, removing food sensitivities wheat, dairy, and sugar are three big ones in respect to sinusitis.

Super Nutrition Academy ? MODULE 12 - Lesson 4




Acne is one of the most-searched terms on Google, and if you've ever watched TV, you've probably seen Proactiv commercials left and right, especially on weekends. Acne is specifically a problem in the puberty years, up to about 30, 35. The reason for that is because in puberty men and women start producing a lot more testosterone. Testosterone increases the production of sebum, which is an oil that's produced in the oil glands in the skin. Let me just briefly tell you what acne's all about, how it's created, and then we'll look at how to rectify. These two pictures here show you the anatomy. This is a cross section of the skin. Here we would have the exposed surface, what you would touch, for instance. Then under here we have the deeper layers of your skin.

Super Nutrition Academy ? MODULE 12 - Lesson 4




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