

Gold Dust Lounge

165 Jefferson St.

San Francisco, CA 94133

(415) 397-1695

Date: 3/17/2016

Time in: 10:30

Time out: 1:40

Evaluation Area Max Score Actual Score %

Facility 60 54 90%

Host Services 20 13 65%

Bartender Services 105 49 47%

Cocktail Services 0 0 #####

Door Greeter & Security 30 21 70%

Food & Beverage Quality 30 22 73%

Management 0 0 #####

TOTAL 245 159


Evaluation Area: Facility

Exterior Score/Max

Signage: Visible, well lit, and in good condition? 5 5

Lighting: Maintained and appropriate? 5 5

Parking lot: Maintained and clean? n n

Building: Maintained and clean? 5 5

Main Entrance: Maintained and clean? 4 5


Waiting area: Maintained and clean? 5 5

Floors: Clean, swept, vacuumed and in good condition? 5 5

Décor: Good condition and appropriate? 5 5

Lighting: Maintained and appropriate? 5 5

Music: Appropriate sound levels and style fits theme? 5 5

Atmosphere: Ambient atmosphere? 4 5

Restroom: Clean, odor free, and in good condition? 1 5

Restroom: Stocked with paper products and soap? 5 5

Maximum Total 60

Actual Total 54

Score 90%

Facility Summary

The facility is easily discerned from the Street and has good curb appeal with the bright blinking lights.

Everything seemed to be in order outside except for of minimal amount of trash in the entryway.

There was a standup board stating the specials that were going on, as well as, a St. Patrick's Day banner out front.

Lighting inside was appropriate and the decor was in good condition.

The PMI guy was playing a good mixture music that ranged anywhere from Green Day, to Billy Joel, to Irish pub songs. He was good and the customers were entertained by him.

The men's room condition was absolutely atrocious. As soon as I opened the door to the restroom there was an overwhelming smell of urine and once I entered it was quite obvious that there was urine all over the floor.

There's graffiti scratching the mirror and there are tiles missing from the wall.

Evaluation Area: Host Services

Preliminary Phone Call Score/Max

Timing: Was phone answered in timely manner? (3 rings) 1 5

Friendliness: Employee answered with prescribed greeting, 2 5

identified themselves, and was pleasant?

Service: Employee was able to accommodate guest's request 5 5

Knowledge: Employee was knowledgeable of any events, 5 5

menu, general information?

Directions: Employee was able to give clear and accurate n n

directions to the establishment?

Maximum Total 20

Actual Total 13

Score 65%

Preliminary phone call

The call was answered after the fifth ring by a male voice with an English accent who simply said, "gold dust." The greeting didn't feel very welcoming.

Caller said, "how are you doing?" And he said back, "good." Caller then asked if there any specials going on that day and he said, "we have five dollar margaritas, bloody Mary's, Irish coffees, glasses of champagne, or five dollar well drinks and Bud and Bud light."

Caller said, "okay great then will see you in a little bit" and he returned, "okay bye-bye."

Caller felt that the employee didn't exude very much warmth in the call.

Evaluation Area: Bartender Services

Arrival Score/Max

Timing: Acknowledged in appropriated amount of time? 3 5

(< 2 min at least eye contact)

Friendliness: Bartender was friendly and personable? 2 5

Service: Cocktail napkins were used for each drink? 1 5

Service: Pouring method within operating controls 2 5

and followed correct recipes? (4count = 1 1/2 oz)

Sales Ability: Did bartender offer menu or suggest food sales? 1 5

Timing: Drinks were served in timely manner after ordering? 5 5

Honesty: All drinks properly recorded immediately after service? 2 5

Honesty: Tip jar not used to make change or handled in any way? 1 5

Honesty: Cash handling procedures were handled 1 5

within the operating controls?

Honesty: Tab procedures were handled within the 5 5

operating controls?

Honesty: Giving away free drinks by bar staff not observed? 1 5

Sales Ability: Additional drinks were offered at appropriate times? 2 5

Honesty: Bartender charged the appropriate amounts for all 5 5

drinks served?

Honesty: Bartenders tab presented correctly with no mistakes? n 5


Laws: Bartenders observed all state liquor laws to the fullest 3 5

including over serving, identification checking?

Honesty: Drink orders between servers and bartenders were 4 5

handled within the operating controls? (Servers waiting)

Cleanliness: Bar top and back bar were clean and organized? 1 5

Cleanliness: Ashtrays emptied and cleaned in a timely manner? n n

Cleanliness: Empty glassware cleared in a timely manner? 1 5

Organization: Bar seemed well organized and running smoothly 3 5

within the operating controls?

Hygiene: Bartender not eating, drinking, or smoking behind bar? 1 5

Appearance: Bartender dressed professionally with no frayed uniforms 5 5

and proper hygiene observed?

Maximum Total 105

Actual Total 49

Score 47%

Bartender Summary

• Bartender Ash

The agent and associate took a seat at the only open chairs at the bar. We were immediately quite disgusted of the absolute grossness of the bar top. It was an absolute disaster. There were puddles all over the bar top and when I mean puddles there were spilled drinks. There was glassware from empty drinks, empty bottles, cocktail cards, used fruit, straws etc. again it was an absolute disaster area.

As we sat down a few minutes later bartender Ash approached us and asked what we would like to drink. While doing this he took away some of the glassware that was on the bar top but very surprisingly never wiped down the bar.

Agent asked him if there are any specials that were going on that evening and with a rather lethargic and sarcastic tone he said back to me, "I don't know … Irish whiskey." I thought that was a very odd statement and instead of pressing it just decided to order beer and my associate ordered a cocktail.

Agent observed him to scoop the ice with glassware which is not hygienic and a health code issue.

He returned with our drinks and the agent handed him $100 bill. He went to the register and rang in and then returned with change and put the bills directly into a large spill on top of the bar. He said nothing as he put the money down and walked away.

He delivered the drink with an absolutely disgusting old lime wedge as a garnish for the drink. It was brown and completely slimy. I was astounded that he would actually put something so rotten into a cocktail.

Agent was very surprised that he is running this bar completely by himself. There is a completely full bar and a full bankette of people at tables. There are people waiting for drinks, as well as, the cocktail server waiting as well. This is far too many customers for one bartender to try to handle by themselves and the lack of service and service standard showed that as people waited a good deal of time for service and the condition of the bar top was disastrous. Agent made note that the server well was completely stacked with soiled glassware to the point where the server needed to start putting dirty glassware on either side of the cocktail station.

Ash really lacks a sense of pride in his workplace. I can't stress enough how dirty and filthy he keeps his bar. With that said, Ash does move quickly and with efficiency but only to get drinks out. The rest of his bartending duties seem to not be a concern to him.

At 10:50 PM agent observed him to pour a whiskey drink without a spout approximately 2 1/4 ounces.

Agent notes that my Associates drink has been empty for a while and ash comes by and asked the group of people next to us for drinks but fails to ask my associate. My drink was 80% down as well.

At 10:57 PM agent observed the bartender to pour alcohol from a bottle of the cooler directly in the customer's glass and did not ring it in.

Agent makes note that he is finally going to begin cleaning some of the glassware. Agent makes note that the bartender grabs the glassware with his fingertips from the top which is on hygienic and a health code issue. Agent observed him to make drinks directly after that squeezing limes into drinks without washing his hands first.

At 11:01 PM agent's drink is now empty as well. It took approximately 5 more minutes before the bartender approached asked if we would like another round of drinks. My Associates drink was poured approximately 2 ounces of alcohol. Agent ordered a draft beer and it was not poured to the top. He did not deliver these drinks with a cocktail cards. He still is not wiped down the bar.

At approximate 11:12 PM agent observed a very suspicious transaction with bartender. Bartender fist bumped a couple of guys who were leaving and they gave him a stack of money. The bartender went to the POS and appeared to be fiddling around with the money for quite some time over an open POS drawer. He didn't appear that he ever did put money in the register only took out. He then fiddled around again with the POS screen and then put all the money back into the POS.

This bartender manipulates the screen very quickly and I think that is by design in order to mask some clandestine transactions. His integrity is very challengeable.

Ash is on his cell phone quite frequently. Agent warns that many times bartenders will use a cell phone as an advocate system to keep track of stolen money in a register.

At 11:15 PM the bartender went to the POS system and rang five consecutive times into the register with each time du jour would pop open and then e-mail you shut it again. 2 min. later 11:17 PM he did the same thing again.

At 11:19 PM agent observed that the bartender was over with a large framed male eating old buffet food that was on a back table. Agent then observed the bartender to lick all of his fingers and then wiped his hand on a bar towel. He then went back to bartending without washing his hands first. Moments later agent observed that he poured draft beer and then carried the beers at the very lip of the glass with his soiled fingertips.

The bar is starting to empty out somewhat and is becoming really apparent how bad of condition this bartender's bar top is. He still doesn't make any move to clean anything.

Agent makes note that there is a group of guys at the end of the bar who are waiting for service for several minutes without being acknowledged.

At 11:24 PM the bartender presses a button and it opens the POS drawer. He took something out of the jar in his hand and went into the back office. 2 min. later he came back and no sales the register and puts money in and then take some out.

At 11:29 PM bartender poured a shot at Jamison and put it on top of glass at the end of the bar. This was not accounted for in the POS system.

Agents drink is empty and it took approx. 13 min. before the bartender asked for it to be replenished. I told him that I would like a cocktail and ordered one from him but for some reason he didn't ask my associate if they wanted one even though their glass was empty. When he delivered my drink which was poured in excess of 2 ounces my associate said that they wanted a drink too and he rolled his eyes and looked rather annoyed at this request. He came back and stated that the price of the drinks was $15. Agent put up a $20 bill and left it there and for some reason he never picked it up.

9 min. later the bartender returned and took the $20 bill and went to the register and appeared to ring it with integrity.

11:51 PM agent observed a very suspicious transaction with the bartender. He was at the POS drawer for what seemed like two min. and was counting money on the side register and then co-mingling it with money from the drawer several different times. How many times he co-mingled money between what was in the drawer and what was not of the drawer in the agents opinion it was rather ridiculous. It reminded me of the peanut shell game. After this is all done he went and gave money to a Caucasian bald male customer. All this was highly suspicious and agent believes that he is laundering stolen money through the POS drawer and his tips.

Agent notes that the bar is at a significantly slower pace now and we have been here around an hour and a half and the bar top still has not been wiped down. With the volume of customers there is definitely more than enough time to start cleaning the bar top. This bartender fails to do so and it just appears to be out of laziness. I did get rather upset at one point when I put my arm on the bar and my elbow went directly into liquid and soaked my shirt.

Agent ordered a cocktail and it was poured with approximately 2 1/4 ounces of alcohol. It was delivered without a cocktail card. The bartender does ring in the drink properly.

At approximately 12:04 AM agent observed the bartender to deliver a shot of Jamison to the girl together the bar and he does not bring it into the register.

At approximately 12:23 AM agent is returning from the restroom and observes bartender ash to fist bump a guy at the bar and agent distinctly overheard him say, "you don't owe me anything man." No transaction was observed.

At approximate 12:27 AM agent placed an order for my associate and the agent ordered a double cocktail. The double cocktail was poured in excess of 4 ounces of alcohol which is a dram shop liquor liability issue. Agent gave him enough cash along with an amount for a tip and told him to keep it all. Ash went to the register and very quickly swiped the POS screen. Agent highly recommends that management do a mid shift drawer pull as it is highly suspected that he's storing stolen money in the register.

At approximately 12:30 AM agent observes the bartender to pour a knob whiskey shot and did not report to the register to account for the alcohol.

Agent makes note that the bartender had left a cooler door opened on the opposite side of the bar and it did not get closed.

Agent notes that bartender ash is eating a sandwich behind the bar. When he finished he wipes his face with his hands and then goes back to his bartending duties without washing his hands.

At approximately 12:48 AM agent observed him to pour a crown Royal cocktail at approximately 2 1/4 ounces to a curly haired female at the bar and did not ring in the drink.

At 12:52 AM agent observed bartender to blows nose into a napkin and then he wiped his face.

Directly after this he poured a shot of Jamison and gave it to the cocktail server who appeared to now be off-duty and he did not ring in the drink into the register.

At approximately 1:07 AM agent observed a male customer approached the bar and give the bartender a package of food saying it was free. The bartender thanked him and gave him a shot as well as a Guinness beer and did not ring these two drinks into the POS system. About 10 min. later he was seen eating the food behind the bar.

At 1:11 AM bartender ash took a wad money from the customer who brought him food. Bartender ash takes his money and drops it directly into the tip jar. Nothing was ever registered into the POS system.

The agent observes a very intoxicated male at the bar who was showing signs of not being able to stand on his own. He's clearly intoxicated and the bartender did not cut him off. What's more, he was harassing a woman who was sitting at the bar.

At approximate 1:14 AM agent observed the bartender to make a cocktail and delivered it to an apparent friend of the off-duty cocktail server. This drink was never accounted for in the register.

At 1:20 AM agent observes that the bartender is looking and studying his sales on the POS screen. Agent would suggest that this option be taken away as bartenders can compare this sales amount to any stolen funds they may have in the register.

At approximately 1:21 AM an older gentleman went behind the bar and poured himself a Guinness beer. No reporting to the POS to account for this.

The bar was not wiped down the entire time we were there.

Evaluation Area: Cocktail Services

Seated Score/Max

Timing: Acknowledged in appropriated amount of time? N N

Friendliness: Server was friendly and smiled? N N

Friendliness: Server introduced self? N N

Service: Cocktail napkins were used for each drink? N N

Sales Ability: Server asked for liquor preference or attempted N N

to up sell?

Timing: Drinks were served in timely manner after ordering? N N

Sales Ability: Additional drinks were offered at appropriate times? N N

Service: Server seemed accessible? N N

Cleanliness: Empties were cleared in a timely manner? N N

Honesty: Cash handling procedures were handled N N

within the operating controls?

Honesty: Tab procedures were handled within the N N

operating controls?

Honesty: Server charged the appropriate amounts for all N N

drinks served?

Timing: Finalized payment processed in a timely manner? N N

Liquor Laws: Server observed all state liquor laws to the fullest N N

including over-serving, identification checked?

Organization: Server seemed well organized and running smoothly N N

within the operating controls?

Hygiene: Server not eating, drinking, or chewing gum? N N

Appearance: Server dressed appropriately? N N

Maximum Total 0

Actual Total 0

Score ####

Evaluation Area: Door Greeter/Security Services

Door Greeter

Service: Checked all identifications of everyone appearing 5 5

30 years old or younger?

Friendliness: Door greeter was friendly and inviting? 2 5

Appearance: Dressed professionally with appropriate hygiene? 5 5

Friendliness: Door greeter acknowledged departure? 5 5

Service: Used name of guest and said "XXX have a good time"? 1 5

Security Staff

Identified: Easily identified as part of the security team? N N

Friendliness: Seemed friendly and inviting? N N

Professional: Conducted him/herself professionally with guests N N

and staff?

Service: Helpful and attentive to employees? N N

Service: Visible on the floor and moving throughout N N

the club on guard for any possible problems?

Appearance: Dressed professionally with appropriate hygiene? N N

Problem Solving: Handled problem professionally? N N

Problem Solving: Satisfactory solution to problem? N N

Liquor Laws: Security observed all state liquor laws to the fullest 3 5

including over-serving?

Friendliness: Acknowledged our departure? n n

Maximum Total 30

Actual Total 21

Score 70%

Security Summary

• Security guard - large frame African American male wearing a beanie hat.

Agent and associate approached the entryway where the security guard was seated. He said nothing to lessen gave no kind welcoming gesture whatsoever. All he did was put up his thumb and index finger a few inches apart and put it towards me. I asked him, "are you asking for my ID?" In which he gave me what I would term an "ass hole" look. We both reached in and got our identification cards and presented them to him. He scanned over them very briefly not studying them in detail at all. He handed them back to us and said nothing. He just then stared off into the street as we entered the building.

This was extremely unfriendly as a first impression of the facility.

Later during the evaluation agent noted that he walks to the room with intimidating scowl on his face. It's unwelcoming and unpleasant.

At approximately 12:15 AM and then again at approximately 12:25 AM agent smelled the distinct smell of burning marijuana towards the back and of the bar area. Agent made note that the security guard was upfront and did not apparently know that marijuana was being smoked in the bar.

In stark contrast the security guard was very friendly upon exit shaking our hands on the way out and saying it was nice to meet us both.

Evaluation Area: Food and Bev Quality

Beverage Score/Max

Presentation: Drinks were visually appealing? 4 5

Glassware: Glasses free of chips, scratches, and adequate size? 5 5

Preparation: Drinks made with proper levels of alcohol, mixes? 2 5

Preparation: Hot drinks hot, cold drinks cold? 5 5

Preparation: Beverage full of flavor? 3 5

Preparation: Cold beer glasses, draft head, or appropriate garnish? 3 5


Presentation: Food was visually appealing, simple, and nice? N N

Preparation: Food met all expectations as described N N

by the server or as in the menu?

Preparation: All accompaniments accented the food? N N

Preparation: All hot food hot, and cold food cold? N N

Portions: Appropriate size, not too large or too small? N N

Selection: Good selection of appetizers, salads, and entrees? N N

Value: Beef cooked to specification, if applicable) N N

Maximum Total 30

Actual Total 22

Score 73%

Food and Beverage Summary




Unfortunately, food was not available at the time that we performed the evaluation. The agent did ask bartender asked when they stopped serving food and he said somewhere around 8 PM.

I told him that the menu looks good and said I would probably come in tomorrow to try it and asked him what items were really good. Ash pauses for a moment and said, "it's all right. Some of the flatbread is good but most of the seafood just really sucks." I found that really surprising coming from an employee.


Agent ordered a blue moon and Guinness mix. The bartender did not fill the glass to the top.

My associate ordered a Malibu and diet Coke and most of the drinks were poured in excess of 2 ounces.

Agent ordered a number of vodka and Diet Coke drinks. Some short and some tall to test the bartenders pouring ability. There doesn't seem to be much of any rhyme or reason to have this bartender pours as one of my drinks was in excess of 4 ounces which is very dangerous.

Evaluation Area: Management

Seated Score/Max

Service: Visible on the floor and throughout the restaurant? N N

Identified: Easily identified as the Manager on Duty? N N

Friendliness: Seemed friendly and sociable? N N

Professional: Conducted him/herself professionally with guests N N

and staff?

Service: Helpful and attentive to guests, checked our table? N N

Service: Helpful and attentive to employees? N N

Leadership: Seem cool, calm, collected and in control? N N

Appearance: Dressed professionally with appropriate hygiene? N N

Problem Solving: Handled problem professionally? (If applicable) N N

Problem Solving: Satisfactory solution to problem? (If applicable) N N

Maximum Total 0

Actual Total 0

Score ####

Management Summary

Not evaluated

Hospitality CheckPoint LLC

The accompanying evaluation was prepared by Hospitality CheckPoint LLC (HCP). Time stamps, liquor pouring methods and physical descriptions are given as precisely as possible, but unless otherwise stated are understood to be approximate. It is a policy of our company to make as many transactions as deemed necessary to determine ringing procedures, recording processes and controls. Alcoholic beverages purchased during an evaluation are not always consumed in their entirety as they are ordered to assess pour counts, controls and integrity issues and then they are possibly discarded.

Hospitality CheckPoint LLC is an Information Broker and a sub contracted service acting as a third party observer for its clients and not directly employed by the client. The “Mystery Shop” information provided by HCP is for employee training and incentive. Therefore, any subsequent terminations by client and employees should be at the discretion of the client and their accumulation of facts and not solely based on a single third party observation. In order to keep price point affordable, HCP Agents do not testify in court and thus HCP reports cannot be used for prosecution. If you need these services please contact our office to set up service with a licensed Private Investigating Firm.

HCP agents utilize the use of cameras within the evaluations which on occasion will have a subject employee photographed and an accompanied physical description is given. It is highly recommended that these specific pictures and physical descriptions be omitted if management desires to allow the general staff to observe the evaluations and the original evaluations be utilized only for direct contact with the individual employee.

As one of our services, HCP includes telephone “Mystery Shopping” to help our customers determine the level of telephone service that is currently being offered. Federal law allows recording of phone calls (in one party consent states) and other electronic communications with the consent of at least one party to the call. This law permits individuals to record conversations to which they are a party without informing the other parties that they are doing so. These laws are referred to as "one-party consent" statutes, and as long as you are a party to the conversation, it is legal for you to record it.

The need for expediency, errors may occasionally occur in spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure. Please allow ample time for turnaround of evaluations. These evaluations are very detailed, and we strive for accuracy and this requires an appropriate preparation time. If client requires specific evaluation turnaround time, it is necessary to contact our office BEFORE scheduling; additional charges may apply.

Evaluations are sent in a secure PDF format to ensure their legitimacy and credibility. A copy in MS Word format is also sent so that the evaluation may be altered by the client for employee distribution. All evaluation verbiage, content, and recordings are the sole intellectual property of Hospitality CheckPoint LLC. HCP retains rights to publish excerpts into the HCP blog or associated HCP publications. Please inform our offices, in written documentation, if you do not wish to have any past evaluations quarterly purged from our database.

HCP agrees to perform service evaluations for Client, and Client in turn agrees to pay HCP for any Evaluation(s) at time of evaluation delivery via EFT check payment or credit/debit card payment. While Client, of course, retains the right to terminate this Agreement at any time by giving HCP ample and verified written 30 day notice thereof, this Agreement shall be presumed binding and in full force and effect for any and all Evaluation(s) ordered by Client and completed by HCP, whether Client’s order therefore be given verbally (by telephone or otherwise) or in writing (by e-mail, fax or letter). Client also agrees that any HCP invoice left unpaid more than 30 days beyond the due date is subject to a $25 late fee, and also subject to a continued monthly late charge in the amount of 1.5% per month. HCP shall be entitled to said amounts, together with reasonable costs and attorney’s fees incurred in collecting said amounts; if necessary. A $25 gas surcharge may be assessed for travel greater than 100 miles. HCP evaluators operate in secrecy as efficiently as possible; however, at times their anonymity may become exposed - This does not release the Client of financial responsibility.

By way of this Disclaimer, the client automatically indemnifies and holds harmless Hospitality CheckPoint LLC and its respective officers, directors, employees, agents, subcontractors and any other person with an affiliation to the evaluation, from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including attorney fees arising out of or resulting from the performance of our services under this agreement. Should you have any questions regarding this evaluation or disclaimer, please contact our office.

Hospitality CheckPoint LLC

PO Box 995 Gilbert, Arizona 85299

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