
|Assignment brief – QCF BTEC |

|Assignment front sheet |

|Qualification |Unit number and title |

|BTEC LEVEL 3 DIPLOMA IN PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCE |Unit 5: Action and Uses of Medicines |

|Learner name | Assessor name |

| |Sean Hamilton |

|Date issued | Hand in deadline |Submitted on |

| | | |

| | |

|Assignment title |Understanding how medicines work |

|In this assignment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria. Indicate where the evidence can be found |

|within your assignment using headings or criteria throughout work. |

|Criteria |To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the learner is able to: | |Task no. | |Evidence |

|reference | | | | | |

|P1 |describe the basic modes of actions of medicines on the human body | |1 | |Pt Med History |

|P2 |explain the reasons for using different routes for the administration of | |2 | |Worksheet |

| |medicines. | | | | |

|P3 |describe the common drug-drug and drug- food interactions | |1 | |Pt Med History |

|P4 |describe the factors which lead to the successful medicinal treatment of | |1 | |Pt Med History |

| |disorders | | | | |

| P5 |describe the main sources of pharmaceutical information | |3 | |Pharmacy query |

|P6 |describe how to select and use the appropriate sources of information in order | |3 | |Pharmacy query |

| |to correctly answer pharmaceutical queries | | | | |

|M1 |explain, with examples, how agonists, antagonists, drugs acting on enzyme | |2 | |Worksheet |

| |systems and ion channels modulators/blockers exert their mode of action | | | | |

|M2 |describe the advantages and disadvantages of the different routes of | |2 | |Worksheet – |

| |administration of medicines | | | |addition writing|

|M3 |explain why it is important to take an accurate medication history from a | |1 | |Pt Med History –|

| |patient | | | |written |

| | | | | |statement |

|M4 |discuss the limitations inherent in the use of medicines and how these can be | |1 | |Pt Med History –|

| |mitigated to maximise patient benefit from their treatment | | | |written |

| | | | | |discussion |

|M5 |using an appropriate source of information, respond to a work- related | |3 | |Pharmacy query |

| |pharmaceutical query | | | | |

|D1 |discuss the effect pharmacokinetics can have on how medicines work in humans | |2 | |Worksheet – |

| |and how this affects dosage regimens | | | |addition writing|

|D2 |examine what should be done to help a patient maximise the benefit of their | |1 | |Pt Med History –|

| |treatment with medicines and minimise any adverse effects they might experience| | | |written |

| | | | | |discussion |

|D3 |evaluate the usefulness and quality of information retrieved to answer a | |3 | |Pharmacy query –|

| |pharmaceutical query in a work- related context | | | |additional |

| | | | | |writing |

|Learner declaration |

|I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that |

|false declaration is a form of malpractice. |

| |

|Learner signature: Date: |

Assignment brief


|Unit number and title |Unit 5: Action and Uses of Medicines |

|Assessor name | |

|Date issued | |

|Hand in deadline | |

| |

|Assignment title |Understanding how medicines work |

|Purpose of this assignment |

|The aim of this unit is to provide learners with basic information and concepts to help them understand how medicines work. It relates |

|physiological function with disease and eventual treatment to help learners with their work in the Pharmacy. |

|Scenario |

|You are a Pharmacy Technician and you have been asked to review a patient medication as a pharmacy professional. Use the patient medication |

|history provided at the end of this assignment to complete Task 1 below. |

|Task 1 |

| |

|Select two medicines from the patient medication history and provide an explanation for the patient on the following: |

| |

|Describe the basic mode of action of the medicine (You may include diagrams if you wish) (P1) |

|Describe the following drug-drug and drug-food interactions: (P3) |

|Warfarin and amiodarone |

|Simvastatin and clarithromycin |

|Simvastatin and grapefruit juice |

| |

|Describe the factors which lead to successful medicinal treatment of disorders. You need to be able to describe the factors relating to the |

|patient, their circumstances and feelings, which will have an impact on the success of treatments (P4) |

| |

|Explain why it is important to take an accurate medication history from a patient and the issues that can arise when taking one. (M3) |

| |

|Discuss the positive and negative aspects of using all the medicines in the patient medication history provided and discuss how you would |

|help patients deal with them in order to maximise treatment (M4) |

| |

|Examine what should be done to help a patient maximise the benefit of their treatment with medicines and minimise any adverse effects they |

|might experience (D2) |

| |

| |

| |

|This provides evidence for P1, P3, P4, M3, M4 and D2 |

|Scenario |

|You are a Pharmacy Technician and you have been asked to provide a teaching aid for new nursing staff to help them understand the different |

|routes of administration and how drugs work in the body. Use the template worksheets at the end of this assignment to help you with Task 2. |

|Task 2 |

| |

|Use worksheet 1 to explain the reasons for using different routes for the administration of medicines (P2) |

| |

|Use worksheet 2 to describe the advantages and disadvantages of the different routes of administration of medicines (M2) |

| |

|Use worksheet 3 to explain, with examples, how the type of drug (agonists, antagonists, drugs acting on enzyme systems and ion channels |

|modulators/blockers) exert their mode of action. (M1) |

| |

|Discuss the effect pharmacokinetics can have on how medicines work in humans and how this affects dosage regimens (D1) |

| |

|This provides evidence for P2, M1, M2 and D1 |

|Scenario |

|As a Pre-registration Pharmacy Technician you have been asked to respond to a pharmaceutical query from a healthcare professional using a |

|real scenario (This could come from your NVQ work) and provide evidence of this in your assignment. |

| |

|The following alternative scenario may be used should the above not present an opportunity: |

| |

|You are working in the pharmacy dispensary when you receive a phone call from one of the prescribers at your local surgery. He intends to |

|prescribe Simvastatin 20mg tablets to Mr BP to lower his cholesterol levels. Mr BP is also currently taking Amlodipine 10mg tablets for |

|hypertension. The prescriber wants to know what the maximum daily dose of Simvastatin he is able to prescribe for this patient. |

|Mr BP is an adult of average weight, a non-smoker, does not drink alcohol, and does not take any other medication apart from Amlodipine for |

|hypertension. He has no renal or hepatic impairment. |

|Task 3 |

| |

|Describe the main sources of pharmaceutical information available to you in your workplace to help you respond to this query (P5) |

| |

|Describe how you selected and used the appropriate sources of information in order to correctly answer your pharmaceutical query (P6) |

| |

|Using an appropriate source of information, respond to your work- related pharmaceutical query (M5) |

| |

|Critically evaluate the usefulness and quality of information retrieved to answer your work-related pharmaceutical query (D3) |

| |

|This provides evidence for P5, P6, M5 and D3 |

|Evidence checklist |

|Task 1 Patient medication history | |

|Task 2 Worksheets | |

|Task 3 Pharmaceutical query | |

|Sources of information |

| |

|Pharmacology and clinical pharmacology textbooks |

|Jevon P, Payne L, Liggins D and Endecott R – Medicines Management: A Guide for Nurses. (2010) Wiley-Blackwell ISBN: 978-1-4051-8163-1 |

|Laurence DR, Bennett PN and Brown MJ – Clinical Pharmacology, 8th Edition (Churchill Livingstone, 1997) ISBN 0443049904 |

|Neal MJ – Medical Pharmacology at a Glance, 7th Edition (Wiley-Blackwell London, 2012) |

|ISBN 0470657898 |

|Rang HP, Dale MM and Ritter JM – Pharmacology, 7th Edition (Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, 2011) |

|ISBN 0702034711 |

|Walker R and Whittlesea C (Editors) – Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 5th Edition (Churchill Livingstone, |

|Edinburgh, 2011) ISBN 0702042935 |

|Drug use textbooks |

|Blenkinsopp A, Blenkinsopp J and Paxton P – Symptoms in the Pharmacy, 7th Edition (Whiley-Blackwell, 2014) |

|ISBN 1118661737 |

|Richards A – Drugs in Use (Nursing and Health Survival Guides) 2nd Edition (Routledge, 2004) ISBN 027376375X |

|Harman RJ and Mason P (Editors) – Handbook of Pharmacy Healthcare, 2nd Edition (Pharmaceutical Press, 2002) ISBN 0853695075 |

|McGavock H – How Drugs Work, 3rd Edition (Radcliffe Medical Press, 2010) ISBN 1846194784 |

|Websites |

|.uk/emc/ Electronic Data Sheet Compendium |

| BNF On-line |

|nhs.uk NHS Choices |

Patient Medication History – Anytown Hospital NHS Trust

|Patient Name |Mr Pill |

|DOB |09/02/1963 |

|Address |1 Anyroad, |

| |Anytown |

| |AB1 CD2 |

|Height: 5’ 12” |Weight: 172Kg |

|Lifestyle |

|Alcohol intake: 3-5 units a day |Smoker: 10-15 a day |

|Medication |

|Simvastatin |40mg ON |

|Clarithromycin |500mg BD 14/7 (been on for 6 days) |

|Warfarin |According to INR at 6pm |

|Amiodarone |200mg OD |

|Theophylline (Uniphyllin Continus) |200mg BD |

Worksheet 1 (P2)


| | | |

| | | |

|Oral tablet | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Rectal | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Intravenous | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Transdermal patch | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Inhaled medication | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Worksheet 2 (M2)


| | | |

| | | |

|Oral tablet | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Rectal | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Intravenous | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Transdermal patch | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Inhaled medication | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Worksheet 3 (M1)


|Agonist | | |

|Antagonist | | |

|Ion channel blockers | | |

|Ion channel | | |

|modulators | | |

|Drugs acting on | | |

|enzyme systems | | |

|-activators | | |

|Drugs acting on | | |

|enzyme systems | | |

|-Inhibitors | | |


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