% of Buyers vs

Dave Edwards



Getting Your Home in Top Selling Condition

|Curb Appeal |Overall Interior |Bedrooms |

|Drive up to your home and look at it from afar. |Walk through your home. Store, give away, throw, |Arrange furniture to create a spacious look. |

|Look at it through the eyes of buyers. |or donate anything that you won’t need until after |Remove games, toys, magazines, cosmetics, jewelry –|

|Check the shingles – repair or replace damaged |the move; e.g. furniture, knick-knacks, clothing, |especially on the nightstands. |

|shingles. |toys, equipment, appliances, worn rugs, papers, |Replace bedspreads, quilts and pillow shams if they|

|Clean and repair the gutters. |books, cosmetics, jewelry, games, CDs, etc. |are worn or faded. |

|Clean and repair the HVAC units. |Walk through your home again, this time with some |Bathrooms |

|Repair broken windows and shutters. Replace torn |tools. Fix loose door knobs, cracked molding, |Remove rust and mildew stains. |

|screens. Make sure frames and seams have solid |leaky faucets. Remove cob webs. |Wash or replace shower curtains. |

|caulking. |Replace worn or broken door knobs, cabinet |Make sure everything sparkles – including grout. |

|Repair or replace door knobs, doorbell and light |fixtures, light fixtures, light switches, outlet |Replace worn rugs and towels. |

|fixtures if necessary. |plates, faucets and vent covers. |Kitchen |

|Remove all toys, equipment and litter. |Clean the fireplace. |Make sure all appliances work. |

|Remove cobwebs and nests. |Clean the vents. |Throw or eat the foods that you’ve been storing for|

|Remove mildew, moss and stains from the side of |Clean and organize your closets. Add extra space |so long. |

|your home – use bleach. Remove stains from the |by storing or giving away items. |Clean the inside of the refrigerator, stove and |

|walkways and driveway – use concrete cleanser |Add a fresh coat of paint in light, neutral colors.|cabinets. Make sure everything is organized to |

|and/or kitty litter. |Shampoo the carpet. Replace if necessary. Clean |create a spacious look. |

|Repair and clean patio furniture and deck area. |and wax the floors. |If your stove has electric burners, purchase new |

|Remove anything that can’t be repaired. |Vacuum the window blinds, shades and drapes. Wash |drip pans for each burner. Wash removable knobs in|

|Make sure the spa and pool sparkle. |or dry clean curtains. Wash all the windows, |your dishwasher. |

|Go around and touch up the exterior of your home |frames and sills. |Polish the cabinets with furniture oil. |

|with putty and paint. |Add dishes of potpourri. |Make sure appliances, countertops and the sink |

|Clean or paint the front door and mailbox. |Remove all valuables, such as jewelry, artwork, |sparkle. Install new faucets if necessary. |

|Hose off the exterior of your home, especially |knick-knacks, medications, cash, coin collections |Attic, Basement and Garage |

|around entrances. Use siding cleanser. |and so on. |Get rid of unnecessary items. Store or pack items |

|Wash the windows. |Open all the window shades to create a spacious and|you won’t need until after the move. |

|Wash your garbage can and put it in a place where |bright look. |Organize everything to create more floor space and |

|it’s not the first thing potential buyers see when |Put pet supplies and dishes in a place where they |make inspections easy. Put things on shelves or in|

|they drive up. |are not the first thing potential buyers see or |matching boxes. |

|Stack the woodpile neatly. |smell when they walk into a room. |Provide bright lighting. |

|Mow the lawn. |Living Room and Family Room |Clean all equipment and vents. Replace filters. |

|Trim the trees and shrubs. |Make these rooms spacious and inviting. |Fix any insulation that might be showing. |

|Weed the gardens. |Discard or repair chipped furniture. Replace worn |Take care of stale or musty odors. Open the |

|Add colorful plants or foliage to fill in bare |rugs and pillows. |windows, dust and wash the walls and floors, |

|spots. |Remove magazines, games, toys and so on. |purchase room deodorizers. |

|Edge the gardens and walkways. |Make sure the entertainment center sparkles. |When It’s Time to Show |

|Sweep the walkways and driveway. |Vacuum upholstery, drapes, pillows, etc. |Make sure your property folder is out in the open. |

|Replace doormats that are worn and torn. |Dining Room |It should contain utility bills, an MLS profile, |

|Shine brass hardware on the doors and light |Clean out your china cabinet. Polish any visible |your Seller’s Disclosure, extra property flyers and|

|fixtures. Polish stained wood doors and trim. |silver. |extra business cards. |

|Drive up to your home again and look at it from the|Put a lovely centerpiece on the table – treat |Do a quick clean and vacuum. Air out your house. |

|eyes of a potential buyer. Walk into your home as |yourself to fresh flowers. Set the table for a |Dispose all trash. |

|a potential buyer. Determine what kind of |formal dinner to help potential buyers imagine |Put pets outside if it’s safe to do so. |

|impression the walkways and entrances now make. |entertaining there. |Turn on a radio with peaceful music. |

Do you need assistance selling your home? Call us today. Our full-time job is to sell homes!!


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