
Unit of Study: Reduce, Reuse, RecycleLearning Objective: What do we know about reducing, reusing, and recycling? What do we know about reducing, reusing, and recycling? What do we want to find out?MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayQOD: Did you see any trash outside today? Play through Learning: Shape Garbage TruckExplain that we can make a garbage truck by drawing just 6 shapes! Have your child draw one large square, one rectangle, one long triangle, and three circles. Color them in, then cut them out. See how you can arrange these 6 shapes to make a truck, then paste/tape them together!Example:Play through Learning:DIY Art Supplies Organizer:-Wash out recycled cans or jars then have your child decorate the outside however they please. Once dry, sort the art and drawing materials you have at home into the jars and practice cleaning up.Examples:QOD: What did you throw away today? Play through Learning:Trash Log - Every time your child throws something away, have them record it on a piece of paper. Encourage them to try to label the item with as many letters they can. At the end of the day have your child count all the items and write the total number on the bottom. Make sure to snap a pic of the paper or save it to share!Read Aloud: Hooray for Garbage Collectors! By Tessa Kenan through Learning:Trash Talk-Take a field trip to your buildings waste room. Observe how the trash and recycling is sorted, and where it goes on garbage day. Be sure to leave a thank you note behind for the professional that helps take out the trash to be collected! How Does it Work?: Trash CompactorQOD: Where do you think our trash goes after it is picked up? Play through Learning: Egg Carton Letter Matching- Place letters in an egg carton. You can use a large or small carton, depending on the letters you want your child to work on. Your child can “bounce” a ball into the egg carton. When the ball lands, they can practice the corresponding letter sound. Another way to play is by making an ABC match. With a second set of letters (magnetic letters, written letters on small squares of paper/plastic eggs), your child can match up the letters.Read Aloud: I Stink! By Kate and Jim McmullinEnvironmental Video - Solid Waste and LandfillsUnit of Study: Reduce, Reuse, RecycleLearning Objective: What do we know about reducing, reusing, and recycling?Where does trash go? What do workers do there?MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayPlay through Learning:Wasted Water Challenge: When your child brushes their teeth, plug the sink and let the water run. Use a measuring cup and bucket to scoop out the water and see how much you’ve used. Help your child record the numbers for each day in a water journal. Try to make it less throughout the week and share your progress!Recycling for Kids: Recycle Plastic, Glass, and PaperQOD: Do you recycle at home? Play through Learning: Plastic Recycling Bin: recycle a large box or container to use as a recycling bin for your home. Have your child decorate the outside with pictures of plastics your family usually recycles. They can even use container wrappers to help decorate. Don’t forget to put the recycling symbol on the front! Play through Learning:Windowsill Garden: Have children work with to create a home garden. Use recyclables (e.g., empty milk jugs) for container windowsill gardening, and seeds from plants/fruits you have at home. Don’t forget to label which plants are which! Share the fruits of your garden with family, and snap pictures to share with the class!The Dad Lab: How To Grow a Bean Plant in a Jar QOD: What did you recycle today? Where? Play through Learning:Super Eco-Hero: Invite kids to create a superhero whose job is to protect the health of the planet! They can write and illustrate stories introducing their superheroes, describing their superpowers, and explain how they use them to combat eco-villains. Play through Learning: Recycled Bottle Bowling: Use 6-8 recycled bottles and stand them in a triangle formation just like bowling pins. Have your child experiment with different size and weight balls they have at home to see how many pins they can knock down when they bowl!Virtual Field Trip:Take a Field Trip to the Recycling CenterUnit of Study: Reduce, Reuse, RecycleLearning Objective: What do we know about reducing, reusing, and recycling?How do trash and garbage affect our community?MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayQOD: Should you throw paper out of the window of a car or building? Play through Learning:Paper Recycling Bin: recycle a large box or container to use as a recycling bin for your home. Have your child decorate the outside with pictures of paper goods your family usually recycles. Don’t forget to put the recycling symbol on the front!Play through Learning:Recycling SurveyHow much paper and plastic recycling have you collected at home? Create a survey with a picture of a plastic good on one side, and paper on the other. Have your child represent each item with one tally mark, then count the total on each side. Encourage them to write the number on the bottom and solve for which side has more, and how many more.QOD: Is this litter?Play through Learning:Recycled Paper Art Collage: Use recycled paper good scraps that are fun and colorful to make a collage. Your child can practice using scissors to cut them up or use their fingers to tear the paper, and glue them together to make flowers, people, playgrounds…whatever they like best!Read Aloud: What Matters by Alison Hughes through Learning:Green Tips Flash Cards: Challenge children to develop Green Tips flash cards for use at home. Provide index cards (made from recycled materials) to draw a picture that illustrates the tip, and label it with letters they know. Encourage your child to start establishing eco-friendly habits by putting them up in your home as a reminder.QOD: How can we find a recycling bin? Play through Learning:Paper Towel Roll Ball Run-Help your child cut some paper towel rolls in half and make small openings in others. They can experiment with fitting them together to make connections and ramps. Once they are finished, they can try using a small ball, pom poms, or anything that rolls on their new marble run! ................

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