Infant Daily Care Log - ImagiNation Learning Center

Infant Daily Care Log John Doe

| | |

|Date: _________________________ |Special Instructions from home… |

|Arrival Time : ___________________ |______________________________ |

|My child ate: __________ at ______ |______________________________ |

|Last Diaper change: ________ |______________________________ |

|My baby seems… |______________________________ |

|Happy Fussy Sleepy |______________________________ |

|Contact person for today (check one): |Teacher’s Notes |

|Mom : Jane Doe |Tummy time today was … |

|work 703- |__________ __________ |

|alt 703- |(time of day) (duration) |

|Dad : John Doe, Sr. |__________ __________ |

|work 703- alt ____________________ |(time of day) (duration) |

|Other : _____________________ |__________ __________ |

|phone _________________ |(time of day) (duration) |

|Pick-up person today is: ______________________________ |Total of 30 min. REQUIRED each day. |

|(if different than contact) | |

|Pick-up time today : _______________ | |

|Feeding Instructions |Medication Instructions |

|Bottle : about every 3-4 hours | |

|(on demand) | |

|Solids : breakfast from home & school snacks & lunch ( | |

|Naps : after snack…after lunch | |

Please turn this sheet over and fill in the information for what happened at home this morning. Thank you!

Infant Daily Care Log John Doe

|Feeding |Diapering |Sleeping |

|Time : __________ |Time : __________ |Awoke at : __________ |

|Nursed Bottle ___oz |Dry BM |Slept peacefully |

|Solids : |Wet Loose Stool |Woke Often |

| | | |

|__________ ____________ |__________ ____________ |__________ ____________ |

|time teacher initials |time teacher initials |time down teacher initials |

|Nursed Bottle ___oz |Dry BM |__________ ____________ |

|Solids : |Wet Loose Stool |time up teacher initials |

|__________ ____________ |__________ ____________ |__________ ____________ |

|time teacher initials |time teacher initials |time down teacher initials |

|Nursed Bottle ___oz |Dry BM |__________ ____________ |

|Solids : |Wet Loose Stool |time up teacher initials |

|__________ ____________ |__________ ____________ |__________ ____________ |

|time teacher initials |time teacher initials |time down teacher initials |

|Nursed Bottle ___oz |Dry BM |__________ ____________ |

|Solids : |Wet Loose Stool |time up teacher initials |

|__________ ____________ |__________ ____________ |__________ ____________ |

|time teacher initials |time teacher initials |time down teacher initials |

|Nursed Bottle ___oz |Dry BM |__________ ____________ |

|Solids : |Wet Loose Stool |time up teacher initials |

|Please bring the following: | |My Child’s Teachers Are: |

|Diapers Wipes Ointment |**Please remember to update this form as changes in your |Miss Nithzia |

| |child’s schedule, routines or feedings occur! |Miss Ernie |

|Clothes Baby food Cereal | |Miss Wendy |

| | |Miss Sandra |

|Blanket | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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