Creating a “Dream Team” and Setting the Stage for Success!

Creating a "Dream Team" and Setting the Stage for


Cindy Pezza, PMAC Cindy@

You are the "Captain of the Ship"

But, without the right TEAM. . .

Most employees will fit into ONE of THREE categories

? 1. Those who punch in and out (and not much else)

? 2. Those who perform, fulfilling the minimal expectations of their job descriptions.

? 3. Those who are there to work towards the success of the practice, and contribute as an integral part of your TEAM.

Avoiding Categories ONE and TWO

? The team of staff members you create, can and will effect the entire dynamic of your practice.

? Choose carefully

? First impressions of patients are made by staff before they enter your office


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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