
Olivia Harriett Hughes

(This is my college junior/senior graduation banquet picture.

I was the queen!)

Olivia - A Continuation of the Hughes Legecy

A novel by: Larry W. Storm © 2018

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the author or publisher, except in the cases of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.



Printed in the United States of America. "Make America Great Again."

Table of Contents

|Chapter Number/Title |Page # |

|Chapter 1 - Olivia's Introduction.................................... |6 |

|Chapter 2 - Vacation in Kentucky.................................. |8 |

|Chapter 3 - New Water Tanks........................................ |12 |

|Chapter 4 - New Rail Service......................................... |17 |

|Chapter 5 - New Rail Service Planning......................... |21 |

|Chapter 6 - Westward Hoe............................................. |30 |

|Chapter 7 - A New Reunion........................................... |55 |

|Chapter 8 - Back to Work in Omaha.............................. |68 |

|Chapter 9 - The Proposal................................................ |83 |

|Chapter 10 - Back to Work............................................ |85 |

|Chapter 11 - Wedding Bells........................................... |93 |

|Chapter 12 - New Plan and Back Home........................ |106 |

|Chapter 13 - Come Together.......................................... |118 |

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The author would like to thank the following:

• First, I want to thank my deceased wife. We shared our lives together for over forty years. She passed in April, 2017. In my first book, "My Name is O'l Sammie she did the corrections for my bad grammar and misused of verbs and pronouns.

• Secondly, is my best friend Ritchie Calkins at church. He also is a camera operator. He did the copy editing for this and two other books I've written. He only gets paid in pennies. He saves wheat pennies for his grandkids.

• And finally, my lady friend Penny who gives the feminine slant and interactions that only a female can do. I say, "Thank You."


This book begins where the last one left off, "Ol' Sammy Revisited".


Chapter 1 – Olivia's Introduction

My name is Olivia Harriett Hughes. I am almost twenty years old. I graduated from the University of Kentucky with a doctorate in Mechanical Engineering. I am writing this book to carry on what my father, Samuel Lewis Hughes and my cousin Gloria had done in documenting the legacy of the Hughes family. I lost my mother and dad last year. I missed them terribly, but, I know that are with God and are at peace. I now live in Omaha and have a job with the Union Pacific Railroad. Mr. Wilson gave me the job upon learning of his Vice-President's retirement. I work on the twelfth floor of the Union Pacific Headquarters Building and have the same office my dad had. I still, from time to time, visit my parent's grave and leave flowers and pray over them. I am most thankful I had parents like I did. Most people don't or didn't experience the loving, nurturing, giving and supportive parents I had over the years.

During my upcoming vacation, I plan to visit my childhood home in Kentucky. I also will see some of my professors I had in school. My aunt Ruth and her husband Mathew haven't any plans for the house I grew up in. They are being patient and hoping I'll move back home someday. Maybe with a husband. The Hughes family is a closely knit family. We love being around each other and keeping up with what we are doing and who we have met. My cousin Gloria came and visited me here a few weeks ago. She had never seen where her uncle, my dad, had worked. She stayed with me in my apartment for five days. I introduced her to Mr. Wilson and Dolly. She said they were delightful people. She even told them, "I'm so glad you showed my uncle the kindness and love you did. I really appreciate it." I think Mr. Wilson and Dolly were taken back a bit by that statement.

Gloria and I had dinner out at some of the more famous restaurants here in town. We only cooked dinner two times while she was here. We went dancing at a nightclub but didn't drink any spirits. Gloria and I bonded during those five days. I think we will become good friends.

I have vacation coming up in a month and I will travel home. My last vacation I stayed here so I could get used to the street layouts and the night spots in Omaha. I only took a week's worth then, but, I still have two weeks left.

It now, Saturday, March 16th, 1985. My vacation begins on Monday, March 31st. I have the car that mom and dad bought me for my graduation. It's a 1984 Lincoln Town car. It has all the bells and whistles and I seldom have any trouble with it.

Chapter 2 – Vacation in Kentucky

I drove back to Mill Springs for my vacation. I arrived at six-thirty pm after fourteen and a half hours of driving. I drove up to Ruth's and Mathew's house and knocked on the back door. I had called them before I left and they were expecting me. Ruth answered the door. She said as she hugged me, "I'm so glad to see you. So, how have you been?" I said as we walked into the kitchen, "I've been just fine. My job is a challenge but I really enjoy it. Mr. Wilson and Dolly are such nice people." She said, "How was your time with Gloria and what all did you two do?" "We mostly just hung out went to dinner most of the time. We went to a nightclub, but, we didn't drink any alcohol though. We fixed dinner only twice at my apartment while she was there. I think we will be good friends some day." Ruth said, "Please stay for dinner. I'm fixing Samuel's favorite. It's his grandmother's fried chicken." "Dad told me about that. Don't you add something spicy to it?" "Yes, I add a little cayenne pepper to it. Mathew likes it." I said, "I am allergic to anything spicy." "I'll leave that out. Mathew and I put clean sheets and blankets on your bed in your old room at the farmhouse. I think you'll be comfortable." "Thank you Aunt Ruth." Ruth said, "You're most welcome. Say, are you dating anyone?" "Yes. I met a man who I went to school with. He has his doctorate as well in electrical engineering. He works for the City of Omaha Public Works. He is their head electrical engineer. Nothing serious though. His name is Mark. His family is from Mt. Vernon. They were farmers but made enough money to send him to school. He is so kind and understanding. We've been out a few times. I'm not seeing anyone else though. With my work schedule, I just don't have the time. After work, I'm so tired. So, we go out on Saturdays and to his church, then mine, on Sunday mornings. He too is a Baptist. He's quite handsome. He is taller than me. He stands five foot eight inches tall. He has a nice build and he works out three times a week. His hobby, like dads, is woodworking. He has his own home and has a workshop in the garage. He has a cat name Sylvester. He is a tabby that just showed up one day while he was working in his shop. Mark told me he likes making all of his Christmas gifts every year. Last Christmas, he turned pepper grinders on his lath for all the ladies in his family. He is quite talented at it. Listen Aunt Ruth. Do I have enough time to go and see dad and mom's gravesite?" "Yes. Dinner won't be ready for almost another two hours. I knew you would want to go so I bought some flowers while at the grocery this morning. They are sitting on the back porch table where I do my canning." "How much did they cost and I'll repay you." "Not a problem. Mathew makes good money at the bank. It's on the house. Beside, they'll be from me and Mathew as well. It's a large bunch of flowers. You'll have to save the vase from the flowers I left there last month. I try to keep fresh flowers on the grave most of the time." "Thank you. I'll be leaving now." "Okay. Dinner will be at 8 o'clock. It's now almost six thirty. I'll see you when you get back." "Do you need any help? I'm a pretty good cook." "No. I have it under control. Bye Olivia." "Bye Aunt Ruth."

So, I got the flowers and left in my car. The cemetery is only five minutes away. I drove up and the gates were closed. The sign said they close at 6 pm on Saturdays but would reopen at 9 am on Sundays. I suppose I'll have to go tomorrow after church.

So, I drove back to Aunt Ruth home. Ruth said, "Back so soon?" "Yes. They're closed." "Oh. I forgot. They close at six on Saturdays. I don't know why they do that. It doesn't make any sense. You, I and Mathew will have to go tomorrow after church." I said, "Do you need any help in the kitchen?" "No. Why don't you go and see your cousins. All three of them live here in town. I'll write down their address. Let's call them to make sure that are home." She called and the twins, Missy and Shannon were home, but, the boy, Joseph, wasn't. Ruth gave me their address and I visited the twins for the next hour or so. I was good to see them. I hadn't seen them since the funeral; a little over a year ago. We got caught up on everything for the last year or so. Then, I drove back. As I was walking into the kitchen Ruth said, "Olivia. Get cleaned up. Dinner will be ready in a minute." We had dinner after Mathew said the blessing. We got caught up on everything as well. I told them more about Mark and Mr. Wilson and Dolly. It was a good evening and good to see them and the twins again. Ruth told me to be back here at 8 o'clock for breakfast. At nine pm I dismissed myself and went to dad's and mom's house and retired for the evening. I suppose now the house is mine. At least, that's what was in the will.

I slept peacefully until seven-thirty and awoke. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. I put on my clean church clothes and went to their house for breakfast. We ate with me telling them more about Mark. Apparently, I didn't tell them what Mark's last name was. So, I said, "It's Curry." We ate breakfast. I had what my dad always had. It was two eggs, over easy, hash browns and sausage with apple juice and water. I never did get accustomed to drinking coffee. We ate and then we left for church. We rode in their car since all of us were going to the same church and to the cemetery together. We finished church and the cemetery thing and went back and had left over fried chicken and potato salad for lunch.

For the next week we just spent time together getting caught up on our lives. One night we ate dinner at a Chinese Restaurant in Somerset. It was good but not as I had remembered it when I was a teenager. We talked mostly, watch TV and I read the Somerset newspaper. Ruth had saved the last two months of newspapers so I could catch up on local events. Every morning, before he would go to work, I'd call Mark to see how he was doing. And, for the first time yesterday, as were signing off, he said, "I love you." I thought it was too soon. I like him a lot. But, no "I love you" yet. Maybe later. I spent the next week with them. I visited the gravesite two more times. I told Ruth and Mathew I was going back to Lexington to see some of my friends and professors. I did and then returned to Omaha on Saturday, March 23, 1985. I wanted to be back to work on Monday because I wanted to save the last week of my vacation in case of an emergency. Mark and I went out that evening and then to my church Sunday morning. I never brought up the "I love you" thing and Mark didn't say it again. I suppose since I didn't reciprocate he felt, as I do, "It's too soon."

Chapter 3 – New Water Tanks

When I showed up early for work on Monday Mr. Wilson said, "I thought you were going to take two weeks." I said, "I want to save the last week in case of an emergency." He said, "Smart. Just like your dad. He was like that."

The other day Mr. Wilson asked me to find something in the archives. The thing he was looking for was the one-hundred thousand gallon water tank. Apparently, there was a design flaw because all eight, located from here to Seattle were leaking after eight years of service. Crews couldn't find out what was causing the leaks. One foreman said they were leaking from the vertical seems but, it didn't happen all the time. Mr. Wilson told me the tanks won't be used much longer due to diesel engines taking over. Steam engines are a "dying breed."

The archives are located in the basement of the headquarters building. While looking, I found some of dad's old handwritten notes from his journey to Seattle with Willie Lewis. Over the years dad spoke highly of Willie. The writings were his "Daily Activity Logs". They had some funny stories in there and they were a delight to read. I learned things I'd never heard dad speak about. About the time the foreman, a Mr. Cunningham, for the construction company built a snow plow from old street signs. And, another story about how Mr. Lewis had the two of them going to the wrong church. Willie apparently had taken them to a Catholic church.

I spend the better part of the morning finding what Mr. Wilson was looking for. Once I found the plans I went to his office. Upon entering, Mr. Wilson said, "Please lay the plans on that table and let's go over them. After a couple of hours of looking at them, examining each part of the tank, nothing became apparent as to the problem. So, Mr. Wilson called the fabricator. A mister Trumbo with Northwest Distributors was the manufacturer. Mr. Wilson asked him, "What kind of wood did you use in building the tanks and where did you get it?" He said, "It was some species from South America that he got on sale from the supplier for half the normal cost. It was, however, flat sawn." Mr. Wilson said, "That's the problem. You never should accept lumber that is flat sawn when it's exposed to the weather. It can expand and contract as much as fifteen percent over the course of a year. That's why all of the eight tanks are leaking. Mr. Trumbo. You should have known that!" "Sir. I am just the purchaser. My company didn't tell me what it was going to be used for, just how many board feet they needed." Mr. Wilson said, "I expect for Northwest Distributors to remake these tanks. All eight of them." "I'll have to check with my boss, the company president, and I'll call you back either this afternoon or tomorrow morning. I think he is in a meeting for most of the afternoon." "Okay. Please get back with me." "Yes sir. I will as soon as I find out something. Bye, Mr. Wilson." "Bye, Mr. Trumbo." They hung up. Mr. Wilson then turned to me, and, taking a book from his bookcase, he handed it to me. The title was "The Art of Milling Lumber." He said, "Here. Read this. It will tell you everything about a saw mill and how the lumber is milled. It'll be a good read for you. Since we don't have much else going on this afternoon, now would be a good time to start reading." So, I got a cup of tea; just like mother liked; and returned to my desk to read the book. It took me three and a half hours to read it, cover to cover. I no sooner closed the book and place it on my desk than Mr. Wilson came in my open office door. He said, "The owner of the fabricating company is going to remake the tanks with no charge. And, that's they way it should be. I would like for you to supervise and watch their crew fabricate each tank. They only have one crew that will start here in Omaha and then work their way west to Seattle. You'll be driving with the company car. I'll have Dolly cut you a check for your lodging, food and fuel for you trip. They want to begin the day after tomorrow. So, tomorrow afternoon, say after lunch, you get the money, hotel reservation list and keys from Dolly and go home and pack. I'll see you here Friday next for work. Please send me your "Daily Activity Reports" via facsimile." I said, "Yes sir Mr. Wilson. Will do."

I spent the remainder of the day cleaning up the mess I made in the archives. And, Thursday I worked on some schedule changes for the freight service. That took most of the morning. I got the money, reservation list and car keys from Dolly and left to go home and pack for my trip. It was Thursday, March 28th, 1985. Once I got home, I called Mark and told him of my plans. I call him most every day after dinner before retiring for the night. I also faxed the "Daily Activity Reports" every evening to Dolly so she could give them to Mr. Wilson. Mark said, "I'll miss you this weekend. But, we can get together when you get back." I replied, "Yes. I'll miss you also. But, it's only a little over a week and I'll be back." We said our good byes and I hung up the phone. I packed and had a modest dinner and retired at 9 o'clock.

I awoke at five am. I took a shower and got dressed in some jeans, a nice flannel shirt and work boots. I took along a light weight jacket in case it get colder in the afternoon. I thought that was fitting for a construction site. I had breakfast at the café and went back home. I got all my necessary paperwork; place it in my briefcase, got in the car and left. The water tank was just two-hundred yards west of the Omaha station. It took me just ten-minutes to get there. The crew of fifteen workers arrived promptly at seven am. I met the foreman and his name was Mr. Dunkin. He was rather young and good looking. While we spoke his crew of men and one woman wasted no time on getting started. They drained the water out and then removed the iron bans and stays from the old tank. Then a crane came in and got set up. Within one hour they had the tank on the ground and was loading all the lumber onto a flatbed trailer. The crew kept the steel stays and foundation bolts nearby. Another flatbed soon came in with all new lumber. I inspected it and, yes, it was quarter sawn. I learned the difference reading Mr. Wilson's book. By lunch they had half of the tank erected. They broke for lunch at noon and ate under a large oak tree nearby. I ate at the café. When I arrived back at twelve-thirty they were already working. Apparently, they only had a thirty-minute lunch break. I spent an hour at the café because Mark met me for lunch. By four thirty they were finished. The next town is going to be North Platt Nebraska. It's almost a five hour drive so I'm going to leave today and be there in the morning when they start. I started out at a quarter passed five pm after having an early dinner at the café. I drove and checked in at the Barkley Hotel where Dolly has made my reservations. The clerk told me breakfast was included in the price. I paid the room rate and retired for the night at ten-thirty. The room was nothing really special. It was nicely decorated and the bed slept well. I didn't stir the entire night. I woke up at 6 o'clock dreaming about Mark. My, how that man has affected me! I took a shower, got dressed in clean clothes and had breakfast in the hotel. They had a really nice restaurant that cooked whatever you wanted. You just tell the chef what you wanted and he'd prepare the food. I ate what my dad always did, but, I added some cut up fruit and my tea.

I grabbed my suitcase that I had place next to my chair, got the car from the lot and left. The next construction site was very similar to the last one in Omaha. However, the water tank was on a siding at the station. Today was like yesterday with the same crew, crane and one woman worker. I think she was an inspector for the company because I never saw her do anything but to closely look at things. We ended the day same as yesterday.

The next stop is Cheyenne, Wyoming. It's a little over a four-hour drive. So, like yesterday, I had a modest dinner and drive to Cheyenne.

The next cities and town were Green River, Utah. That was a little over an eight hour drive. So, I had to leave the construction site mid afternoon in order to get these at a decent hour. The next one was Salt Lake City, then northwest to Twin Falls, Caldwell, then Pendleton, Ellensburg, Washington and finally to Seattle. Mr. Dunkin and his crew did a wonder job and now it was time to go back home. It took me two fourteen hour days to drive back. I arrived late on Monday, April 8th, 1985. I called Mr. Wilson before leaving my midpoint yesterday. He told me, judging from my reports, I did a great job and to take the rest of the week off since I had worked the weekends also. I said, "No. I'll take the next two days off. Please just add it to my vacation time and I'll use it later." Mr. Wilson said again, "Just like your dad."

Chapter 4 – A New Rail Service

The next couple of days I spend time with Mark after he got off work. We had dinner together and, like mom and dad, spent time in the park. We enjoyed each others company. For the second time, our last day together, he kissed me. I was rather taken back because it was a passionate kiss. Not like the peck I got after our third date. I thought, "This might lead to something a little more serious. I'm not sure I'm ready for a long time and serious relationship. I have my career to think of." Next month, I will have been with the Union Pacific for two years. I really enjoy what I do. It makes me glad to be helping other people, people I don't even know; keeping them safe and on time when they travel.

So, on Thursday I went back to work. I arrived early, before Dolly and Mr. Wilson arrived. I put on the coffee for them and some hot water for my tea. When Mr. Wilson came in he asked if I could come into his office. I obliged and went in. He said, "We have a new plan in the works and I want you to be a part of it. Our freight and passenger traffic demands we expand again. This time, according to our projections, to San Diego, California. There aren't too many freight and passenger lines going from Omaha to San Diego and so we want to beat the rush and be the first full service line to do that. There are short lines that make little trips but not all the way from here to there." I said, "Where are we on the planning?" "It's on the drawing board. You will be selecting the route, buy the land, securing the purchases, ordering the materials, hiring the contractors, etc. I would like to use Mr. Cunningham again. He and his Chinese coolies did a good job for the UP the last two times. So, we'll give them another go at it." I said, "When do I get started?" "I want you to go back to the achieves and dig out the files of when your dad made that track to Seattle, Washington about twenty five years ago. Those records will show you how it's done. You can begin right now." "Okay. I'm on it." So, again, I left for the achieves. I found the records and took them to my office and sat down to read. I read for the remainder of the morning and picked up again after lunch. There was so much information. I took notes as I was reading making sure not to miss anything my dad had done. I read his "Daily Activity Logs" and all the rest. He was meticulous in his recording of the events. It took me the remainder of the day to finish. So, for the rest of the week I had to secure the land from owners. I learned it was much easier to get the land from rural areas such as farm owners rather than in a metropolitan area. The tracks would be straighter and the price would be less expensive. I spent all day Thursday mapping out the route I felt we should take trying to avoid as many potential tunnels, bridges and trestles as possible. It would save the UP money.

I spent the rest of the week calling deed offices and getting them to fax me deed records. Once secured, I could call land owners and make them an offer on part of their land. I'll have to get with Mr. Wilson on Monday to find out what the UP should offer. Friday afternoon I met with Mr. Wilson and told him where we were regarding my plans. Once he heard what I'd done he said, "Good job. Just like your dad. I'll see you first thing on Monday morning and will show you how to price the land purchases." I left work on Friday afternoon at five and went home to call Mark and tell him about my new adventure. He said, "Let's meet for dinner and you can explain it all to me." I said, "Okay. Where do you want to go?" I said, "How about that new Cracker Barrel." Mark said, "I hear it's a good restaurant. I'll meet you there in an hour." "Okay. That's a deal. I'll see you then."

We met up at the Cracker Barrel on the corner of Queen and Buffet Streets. Since it was a Friday night we had a slight ten-minute wait to be seated. Mark and I sat in the rocking chairs they had on the porch until our number was called. I told Mark, "I've never eaten at a Cracker Barrel before. They started in Lebanon, Tennessee back in 1969 and they have been expanding ever since. They now have over three-hundred stores nationwide." Mark said, "How do you know so much about it?" I replied, "I read up on it just a bit ago. I got here early and found a brochure that tells all about their history. Here. Look for yourself." So, I handed him the brochure. He began to read and a few minutes later they call us for dinner. The food was really good; good flavor, prompt and the service was excellent. I told him during dinner about the new adventure and tasks Mr. Wilson had given me. He asked me. "Will you be going out of town for very long?" I said, "Yes. According to my research of what my dad did I'll also be supervising and inspecting the rail lines during construction. I need to ask Mr. Wilson though. I haven't asked him if I'll be doing that part. I'll ask him first thing Monday morning and I'll call you at lunch and let you know." He said, "Okay." After dinner, Mark paid the bill and we left. We were standing next to my car and he again, kissed me with passion. I said, "Mark. I know you told me once that you loved me. And, I really appreciate that. But, I must tell you I'm not ready for a serious relationship right now. I'm focusing most of my efforts on my career. I still want to date you and maybe, someday, we can move on to a more serious relationship. I don't want for us to take this on too fast. I think it would be better if we took it slow and developed our relationship over time. Say, the next few years. Okay." Mark said, "I was hoping for it to go a little faster. But, for both our sakes, we'll take it slower as you say." With that we left and he kissed me again.

We had an early dinner again on Saturday afternoon and then to his church on Sunday.

Chapter 5 – New Rail Service Planning

Bright and early Monday morning I met with Mr. Wilson. He showed me the records for the land purchases that dad had made. Mr. Wilson said, "I know the land prices per acre will be different due to the change in time since your dad did it and also where we are going. I've found over the years that the further southwest you go the prices tend to be less. How much, I'm not sure. You'll need to get the records from the most recent purchases in the areas of your planned route. Then, offer the land owners, say twenty-percent more than what the normal asking price is. If one land owner doesn't want to sell, then you'll have to offer that owner more than what he can refuse. But, before going over, say thirty percent, get with me and we can discuss it before making an offer. I don't think the UP Board of Trustees would allow me to make an offer of fifty percent over the normal asking price." I said, "Yes sir. Is that all?" "Yes. Now, get yourself some tea and go to work." "Yes sir."

So, all week long I gathered the information that Mr. Wilson had spoke about. By Friday afternoon I was ready to begin making offers. I had the deed list, the deed owners, the utility surveys, topographical maps from the US Geological Survey and the reams of lists of recent land purchases. I spent the remainder of the day organizing all that information, and, on Monday morning, I could begin with a fresh slate.

Over the weekend I tried calling Mark and only got his answering machine. I tried five times on Saturday and four times on Sunday but, there was no answer. I thought perhaps I handled our last conversation at the Cracker Barrel a little too harshly for him. Maybe, he just needs a little time to digest what I said about my career and about us taking it slow.

So, Monday morning I arrived early after breakfast at the café and began work. Again, I made the coffee for Mr. Wilson and Dolly and my hot water for my tea. I arrive at my office at six-thirty. Mr. Wilson didn't come in until an hour later. Once he saw the coffee he came to my office and asked, "How long have you been here?" I said, "Since six-thirty." "Why so early?" "Because I'm anxious to get started." He said, "You are just like your dad and I'm so glad to see that you take after him and your personality from your mother." I replied. "Yes. I think you're right. I inherited the best from each of them." Mr. Wilson said, "I'll let you go back to work now. I know you are enjoying what you're doing." I said, "Yes. I live for this kind of thing."

I still had a lot to do. I have to contact the land owners and make them offers, I need to plan the staging areas, get the materials list together and hire Mr. Cunningham and his crew of Chinese Coolies. The trek from Omaha City to San Diego, by rail route, is over sixteen-hundred miles. By my count the line will require over two-hundred grade crossings, twenty-nine bridges, fifty-six trestles and seven tunnels through the southern Rocky Mountains. We will have a staging area every fifty-miles in each city or town along the way. My tally sheet says I need over thirty-five hundred miles of rail and five point two million railroad ties. Oh, I must include about fifteen percent for sidings and switches. That makes the required railroad ties total at, by rounding off, at a little over six-million. I then panicked. How am I going to get that many ties in such a short order? I'm must start with that now! So, I looked into the records and found out what company made the railroad ties for dad. It was a southern manufacturing company in Mississippi. Their name was Southern Rail Manufacturing, Inc. I called them and spoke to their VP of Manufacturing. His name was David Hearn. David told me they stock over ten million ties in several areas around the country because about thirty rail lines buy from them on a regular basis. He also said, over the past one-hundred years they have learned that they need to stock that many. I told him, "I want to place an order for sixty point one million ties." He said, "We'll have to start production right away because that will seriously deplete our stock. I need to know when, where, how many ties and how many switch ties, Y-shaped ties, twin ties and Bi-Block ties do you need?" I said, "I'll have to get back to you. I haven't planned that far yet." He said, "As soon as you know please call me back and we'll make those plans. For now though, I'm going to place the order for the manufacturing of six point one million ties. We said our good byes and hung up. I was so relieved to learn that I didn't have to worry about the ties anymore. Next, I have to concern myself with the rails. I found a steel plant in Pittsburg that made the last ones for my dad. I called them and spoke to manage of the steel named Horace Curry. He, also, was very accommodating and quickly put me at ease. I ordered forty hundred miles of standard gauge rails plus the tie plates and over fifty-million rail spikes and wedges. I will pay for all of those with the company credit card that Mr. Wilson gave me the other day while discussing this project. I next have to concern myself with all the ballast rock we'll need. It's going to take almost three-million tons of ballast counting the sidings and switch rails. I found from my dad's records that there is a rock quarry in western Kentucky. I found their number and called them. The gentleman said they had the amount of stone ballast already in hand in several places. After telling him the scope of the project he asked, when, where and how many tons do you need at each point along the line?" I said, "I'll have to get back with you on that. I haven't planned that far yet." He said, "As soon as you do please call me back and we can make the plans and order." We said our good byes and hung up.

I spent the next two days calculating what all was needed, the contact companies, phone numbers, contact persons and the total cost. I was going to need:

• 520,000 standard, oak, railroad ties ($19,344,000)

• 3,200 switch ties ($119,040)

• 3,200 Y-shaped ties ($119,040)

• 3,200 Bi-Block ties ($119,040)

• 3,200 Switch blocks ($119,040)

• 422,400 40-foot 100 lb. rail ($263,800)

• 10 million tons of rock ballast ($280,000)

• 11,500 tie plate ($51,750,000)

• 47 million rail spikes ($23,500,000)

• 3,500 16-inch round culvert pipes (RCP) ($78,750)

• 1,600 Switch boxes ($1,000,000)

• 6,400 signals ($1,760,000)

• 1,600 crossing gates ($4,000,000)

• 32 Depots ($6,400,000)

• 32 depots labor cost ($1,600,000)

• 32 lots of Staging area fencing ($8,000)

• 7 tunnels including Labor and Materials ($7,000,000)

• Land Surveyor Company ($22,000)

• Land purchases and one 100-year lease ($20,500,750)

• Mr. Cunningham's labor cost ($2,500,000)

Total Estimated Cost = $703,739,910

On Thursday morning I met up with Mr. Wilson at the coffee station. I told him I had an estimate of the cost. He said, "Please, let's go to your office and we'll discuss it." We went to my office, I grabbed my paperwork from the desk and we sat down in two chairs with a square table in between next to the window. He said, "Okay. What's your bottom number?" I said, "Just short of 704 million dollars." He replied, "That's good. The UP Board of Directors has allocated $750 million for this project. That's a little more than the four-hundred thousand per mile your dad did. But due to inflation and the cost of living that is to be expected. It also leaves a contingency for things that may have been overlooked. You have my permission to proceed with the plans. Have you contacted Mr. Cunningham yet?" "No sir. I plan on doing that today. I'm also going to contact all the vendors and place the orders." "Can I see your spreadsheet?" I handed it to him. After a minutes he said, "Looks like you have everything covered. Good job Olivia. But, I knew all along you would get right. On another note, we have ordered computers. They are made by Radio Shack® and the model is a TRS-80. You'll be getting one for yourself and Dolly and I will get one as well. I've arranged for a computer expert to come in and give us all a one day, hands on seminar so we can learn how to use them." "Sounds good. We had punch cards when I was in college. This will save some time and also be good for organizing our data." "Yes it will. We'll be having the training in the conference room with everyone who get's one." "Okay. Just let me know when and I'll put it on my calendar." "Dolly is making the arrangements as we speak."

Mr. Wilson left and I felt relieved now that I was able to bring the construction cost under budget. I felt I really enjoy doing this. It can be high stress at times but it's worth it at the end.

I called Mr. Cunningham's office. His secretary, Sal, answered. I learned, Mr. Cunningham was in a meeting and she would have him call me back as soon as he was finished. She said, "It'll probably be after lunch. His meeting is supposed to last three-hours." I said, "Thank you. I look forward to his call." We hung up. I finished the morning contacting the vendors and placing orders. I used the UP company credit card that Mr. Wilson had given me a few days ago. It took me until lunch to place the orders. I gave them drop off locations, an item list and the quantities needed at each location. I then went to lunch at the café. I just had a chief's salad. I wasn't all that hungry due to the stress. And besides, I weighed myself this morning and I'm four pounds overweight.

I no sooner got back in my office and Dolly told me that Mr. Cunningham was on the phone. I answered, "Hello, Mr. Cunningham." "Good afternoon Dr. Hughes. I look forward to meeting you. I knew your father Samuel well. He, Willie and I spent almost a year together a while back." "Yes. I know. Dad told me all about it and I've read the Daily Activity Report and journals from the construction." He said, "So. What can I do for you?" I said, "The UP is planning on expanding a rail line from here in Omaha to San Diego, California and Mr. Wilson would like to use you and your crews again." "That's great news. I wonder why I haven't heard of it until now? How far along is the planning?" "I've ordered all the materials and hired some contractors for the depots, bridges, tunnels and trestles. The only thing left is hiring you." "That doesn't give us much time. How soon do you want us to start?" "As soon as I secure the land purchases then we'll be ready. I'm estimating in about two weeks. If that is okay with you, I'll have Dolly type up the contract. Mr. Wilson wants to give you a five thousand dollar bonus for each day you finish early. You just let me know how much for the entire job." "Do you have any plans?" "Yes. I'll have them reproduced and express mailed to you today." "Okay. I'll have you a price say by Wednesday or Thursday of next week. I expect it'll take a couple of days for the plans and such to arrive here." "Okay. I look forward to getting your quotation and also meeting you in person." "Are you going to do the inspections like your dad done?" "I don't know yet. I haven't asked Mr. Wilson yet. I'll let you know as soon as I speak with him." "Okay. You have a wonderful day. Bye." "Bye, Mr. Cunningham." We hung up the phone.

I began calling all the land owners about their property. It took me three days. I worked all day Saturday due to not being able to reach some of them. I suppose they were "in the fields".

On Wednesday, April 17th, 1985 I got a call from Mr. Cunningham. "Hello Mr. Cunningham." "Good day Dr. Hughes." "You don't have to call me Dr. I'm not really into ""titles"". Just call me Miss Hughes. Okay?" "Okay. Miss Hughes. I have a price for you. The total comes to two and a half million dollars and it will take us about six months to complete. That doesn't include the cost for the materials or the tunnels, just labor." "I have a boring company hired for the boring of the tunnels. Your price should include the labor cost to erect the staging area fencing, culvert pipe, signals, switch boxes, crossing gates, etc. It'll all be laid out clearly in the contract. We are going to issue you a check for one-million dollars to start. Your next check won't be until you finish." Mr. Cunningham said, "That's fine." "Well then. You can get started in Omaha on Wednesday, May 1st. Are you available for that date?" "We're wrapping up another job. It'll most likely be the following day on May 2nd. I'll be at your office at 8 o'clock to go over some of the details on what we plan to do." "That'll be fine. I'll see you then. Bye Mr. Cunningham." "Bye. Miss Hughes." We hung up the phone and I went and told Mr. Wilson the details.

I hired the land surveyor and had them start immediately. I spent the next week securing land, making purchases and pulling out some depot plans from the archives. I was going to use the six-inch exterior walls with insulation for the depots going through the Rockies. There was one land owner who didn't want to sell. He said, "No matter what you offer me, I'm not going to sell my land." I said, "Would you be willing to lease it for say one-hundred years?" "I'll have to think about that." "The only other option, if you don't lease it, is for us to have the county condemn the property. It's a law called "Immanent Domain." We can do that due to us being a public transportation corporation. I don't want to really do that. It is so negative. I'd much rather do the lease." "Okay. How about a lease for one-hundred years at say three-thousand dollar per year?" "I think we can do twenty-five hundred." "Okay. Twenty-five hundred it is." I said, "I'll have our legal department draw up the lease papers. I'll have them call you so they can get your name, address, the plot number on file at the courthouse and other information that frankly, escapes me right now. Is that okay?" "Yes. I look forward to their call. Bye for now. I'm sure we'll be speaking again." I said, "Bye. Mr. Davis." We hung up the phone.

By close of business on Thursday, May 2nd, 1985 I had all the land purchases made and the lease papers from Mr. Davis in hand. I thought, "Just in time. Mr. Cunningham will be here tomorrow morning." I left for lunch at the café. Then, after lunch, I spent the rest of the day organizing my paperwork and having Dolly make photocopies of everything needed to give to Mr. Cunningham. Our meeting should go smoothly.

Chapter 6 - Westward Hoe

The next morning Mr. Cunningham arrived promptly at 8 o'clock. Dolly escorted him to my office. I was sitting behind my desk. I stood up as he approached and I said, "Mr. Cunningham. It's so nice to meet you in person." We shook hands. He said, "Yes Miss Hughes it is." "Please have a seat." I handed him all his copies of the document he would need. And, I said, "I think those are all the documents you'll need for your files. I have secured all the land purchases and one one-year lease from a Mr. Davis. You may want to approach him with caution. He maybe a little cranky. He was the only one from over two-hundred that wouldn't sell his land. I had to threaten him with the "Immanent Domain" law before he agreed to lease the property. I've hired a land surveyor and he and his crews are now putting "right of way" stakes beginning from Omaha. They started almost a week ago. They should be near Lincoln by now. You'll find everything in those papers that will inform you of all the material deliveries, when they will occur and the plans will show you where the staging area fencing is be erected. Do you have any questions?" "Not right now. If I have any later I'll give you a call. I have to spend a little time going through all this paperwork. I've also hired two-hundred Chinese coolies. It's the same ones as I used when I was working with your dad." He stood up and said, "Bye. Miss Hughes." I responded, "Bye. Mr. Cunningham." He left and I felt a sigh of relief. The meeting was brief and I was glad it was over because of what I read in dad's Daily Activity Logs. Now onto the next thing. I have to ask Mr. Wilson if I will be doing the construction administration inspections. I called Mr. Wilson on the phone and said, "Mr. Wilson. Will I be doing the construction administration inspections on this job?" He said, "Would you like to?" "Yes. Yes I would love to." "Well then. You'll be doing them. Just get the necessary forms from Dolly and I'll have her make your hotel reservations and give you a check for food and fuel. You can put the hotel charges and fuel purchases on the company credit card. You'll need to give her times and dates on where you will be so she can make the reservations. Is that all?" "No sir. I just finished with my meeting with Mr. Cunningham." "How did it go?" "It was brief, but, it went smoothly. He is, pardon the pun, on board with everything." "Okay then. I would say for the first week or so you can drive back and forth and stay at home each night. Then, after that, you'll have to stay in a hotel. Will that be alright?" "Yes sir, it will. Bye." He said, "Bye."

It is Thursday, May 2nd, 1985. I did a little more paperwork and then to lunch at the café. When I walked in, I saw Mark. He was waiting on me. He said, "Olivia, Please have a seat." I sat down in the booth across from him. He said, "I have something I want to tell you." I said, "What?" He said, "I want for us to take a six month break; maybe longer to see if it's really true, "absence make the heart grow stronger." I said, "Mark. I'll be traveling for almost a full year. So, I won't be around much during that time. I'm doing the construction administration inspections on the line to San Diego. I begin next week. How do you feel about that?" "That works out just fine. It'll give us some time to access where we stand. Would you like to have dinner tomorrow evening with me? I heard there is a new Chinese restaurant on the corner of Queen and Maxwell streets. Do you like Chinese?" "Yes. Every so often dad would take us all there after church. It was the one across the tracks. I think it's closed now. What time?" "Say at six o'clock. Is that okay with you?" "Yes. That's fine." Mark said, "Let have lunch." So we did. It was a nice lunch and we chatted about my upcoming, year long adventure. I just felt there was something wrong. Mark seemed distant. I can't put my finger on it yet. Maybe time will tell. Who knows? Maybe he isn't the one for me. We finished lunch, he paid the bill and we left and went our separate ways.

Once I arrive back at my office, I called the tunnel boring company, Tunnels, Inc, and spoke to Richie Calkins. He told me he had received the plats and surveys on where the tunnels are to be constructed. He said he would be starting early Monday morning with the first tunnel. It was a three-hundred foot tunnel at the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains. He went on to say that the longest tunnel was over two-miles long. He said, "I have secured the blasting permits for the entire route. He said the blasting permit for the Colorado Springs pass was hard to get due to the ski resorts nearby. He went on to say that he finally got the governor involved and quickly got permission but we can't blast. We have to rent a UBM. In case you don't know, that stands for Underground Boring Machine. He went on to say, "That is costing us over eighteen-thousand dollars for three days. Can we be reimbursed for that?" I said, "I'll check with Mr. Wilson and will call you back on Monday." With that we concluded our call and I did a little more paperwork. I was thinking I'll have to go to a clothing store and get some new clothes that are suitable for construction work. I'll also have to get some steel toed boots. I'll do that after work today. I finished out the day and then left. I stopped of at a ladies fashion store that had all sorts of clothes. As I was browsing, I noticed Mark with an attractive lady three isles over. They were holding hands. I kept out of site. Now I know why he seemed so distance at lunch today. That explains everything. He's seeing another lady! Well, that ends that. I picked out what I needed, including the boots, size six narrow, paid the bill, left and went home. I fixed dinner at home tonight because eating out every day for lunch is getting expensive. I think I take my frugalness from my dad. After dinner, I tried on the clothes and boots. Perfect fit. I watched some TV and saw on the evening news an announcement about the UP's new line to San Diego. They even mentioned my name, "Doctor Hughes." There was an interview with Mr. Wilson. He said, "Yes. Our research has shown that this line expansion to San Diego is greatly needed. Not only for passenger traffic but also our cargo and freight division as well. This will save passengers time and money by having just one railroad to make the entire trip. There are other short lines from here to there, but, not just one railroad. The time factor savings comes in when a passenger has to transfer to another railroad company. Then, there are the layovers. The cost factor allows us, with one railroad for the entire trip, to charge a lesser rate. The total cost is estimated at being around three-quarters of a billion dollars. I'm sure we'll hit that mark with some unforeseen cost. That price includes a contingency fund to handle those costs." I thought Mr. Wilson was a very smart man. I retired at eleven o'clock.

I didn't do much on Saturday. I went to the office to pickup my briefcase, got new business cards from my desk drawer, my company hardhat and packed my briefcase with everything I thought I'd need. I found an envelope on my desk with my name on it. Dolly had placed it there. It was her hand writing. It had a list of all the hotels where I'd be staying and a two-thousand dollar check for my meals. There was a new credit card in the envelope because mine was due to expire next month. I placed all of that in the envelope, then into my briefcase and I left. I went home and dropped off the briefcase and then decided to give Ruth and Mathew a call. I told them of my new adventure. I didn't mention anything about Mark and me. I thought it was too soon, and, besides, it's a private matter. Just between Mark and me.

Saturday night, the TV station, re-aired the same segment they showed last night. I retired at the same time, eleven pm.

Sunday, I went to church. The same church my mom, dad and I attended for years. Like most times, the reverend spoke longer than most other pastors. But, I enjoy his teachings. I had lunch after church with an old friend of mine from school. His name was Brad. He visited our church and he asked me out to lunch. We went to the Golden Corral up on Douglas and North 5th Streets adjacent to the courthouse. I hadn't been there in a long while. It was when Mark and I first dated. Brad and I had a nice lunch, chatted for a bit, and, then he asked me, "Are you dating?" I said, "I just broke up with a man yesterday. He doesn't know it yet though. I saw him with another lady at a store on Friday after work. He didn't see me. And, I'm glad." So, I said, "No. I'm not actively dating. Why are you asking?" "Well, I think you are smart and also attractive." I said, "Thank you. I really appreciate it. That was nice for you to say that." He asked, "Are you available next weekend?" I responded, "Yes. But, after that I'll be going on a long business trip and will be gone for almost a year." "Where are you going?" "Eventually, to San Diego. I'm going to be the ""Construction Administrator Inspector"" for the Union Pacific railroad." He said, "I saw that clip last night on the evening news. So you are a doctor. In what?" I said, "I have my doctorate in mechanical engineering." "Shall I now call you Dr. Hughes?" "No. I don't like titles. Just call me Olivia." "Okay. Olivia. It has been a pleasure meeting you and I'll see you next Saturday, say at six o'clock for dinner." "Yes. Where do you want to meet?" "If you'll give me your address I'll come and pick you up." I said, "It's 8072 Florence Blvd. I'll see you next Saturday at six o'clock for dinner." He paid the bill with a tip and we left.

I packed my suitcase and placed it and my briefcase at the front door. I set out the clothes I was going to wear in the morning. I decided to turn in early tonight because tomorrow was going to be a big first day on the job. I've never done this before, so, I hope I do everything right so Mr. Wilson will be pleased. I turned in at eight o'clock. I slept well without stirring much. I had a bad dream about Mark and me. That wasn't good.

I arose at five-thirty. I took a shower, brushed my teeth and hair, got dressed in my new clothes and boots and fixed my breakfast. I had the same thing my dad always had, sunny side up fried eggs, country ham, hash browns and orange juice and hot tea. I finished, put the dirty dish, iron skillet and flatware into the dishwasher and left. It was six-thirty. Mr. Cunningham and his crew start at 7 am. I arrived at six-forty five. I got out of the car with my hardhat and approach the job site.

A crew was unloading an "All-in-one Track Laying Machine". I'd never seen one of those before. I had read about them in "Railroader Magazine" a few months ago. I told Mr. Cunningham good morning and he said, "Good morning Dr. Hughes." He saw me looking at the machine and said, "Do to the time schedule we have to lay almost four and a half miles of rail per day. With this machine we can lay eight miles per day and it is a cost savings because it takes the place of fifty workers. I've heard from some contractors who have leased a machine just like ours that they can, in a twelve hour day, get upwards to twelve miles per hour." I said, "Amazing." They also unloaded a bulldozer, a scraper and a backhoe. Mr. Cunningham's Chinese coolies began erecting the first staging area. They were fast and had it finish in just under an hour. Then, all of the staging area things arrived. There were rail plates, rail spikes, concrete culvert pipe, signage and many other things. The cribbage was one-hundred feet square. Then, the ties and ballast came and was delivered. They laid the first six-hundred feet of rail by hand. Once that was finished, they put the "All-in-One Track Laying Machine" onto the newly built rail. In behind that was the ballast car, a car for the rest of the parts for the machine and a dining car for his workers and eight sleeper cars for their lodging. Once it was all assembled, it was "off to the races." The Chinese coolies worked together like a fine Swiss watch. Everyone knew what their job was and what the other workers were doing. Everyone knew when and where everyone else was. It was an amazing sight to see. Mr. Cunningham was the "music director" if you will. He would make sure everything was at his workers hands, when they needed it and in the amounts necessary. It was like a fine concert all choreographed to perfection. At the end of the day Mr. Cunningham and his crew laid ten and a half miles of track. That was far better than the eight miles he mentioned this morning. At the day's end, I drove back to Omaha, just eleven miles, and went home, got undressed and took a shower. I was dirty due to all the dust, not only from the ground but also, the ballast. I got into my night gown and fixed dinner. It was a long and hard day. The last time I was that tired was when dad made me help him prepare our garden for planting the spring crops. I retired at nine-thirty after watching the nine o'clock news.

The next couple of days were just like the first. I did point out on the plans a culvert pipe he had missed. He quickly assembled a crew of six to take care of it. By Wednesday, May 8th we were in North Platte, Nebraska. Mr. Cunningham and his coolies were lying just short of twelve miles per day. Yesterday, day four, there was some granite outcroppings that had to be jack hammered out by hand. When that wasn't going as quickly as Mr. Cunningham wanted, he, without a blast permit, used dynamite to loosen the granite. Without him knowing it, I recorded the incident in my Daily Activity Log. That act alone, reduced my admiration for him a little.

I'm now staying in a hotel just three miles up the road. Dolly has booked me here for two nights. By Friday, May 17th. 1985 we were on the eastern outskirts of Aurora, Colorado. The track line then takes a gradual trek to twenty-miles north over a twenty-mile horizontal distance. This is so we can avoid the Denver metro areas that are heavily populated. The survey crew did a good job on staking the "Right-of-Way" boundaries. We'll be in farm country soon. I'm now staying at a hotel in North Aurora. It's was a pleasant hotel with all the amenities with all meals included for the sixty-five dollar per night fee. I was having a very good time. However, the Rocky Mountains aren't far away and then we'll be forced to slow down due to the terrain. I think tomorrow I'll drive to where the first tunnel is located and see how they are coming along.

I called Mr. Calkins Friday afternoon just after I left work. He had his cell phone and immediately answered after just one ring. "Hello. This is Ritchie. Who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?" "I'm Miss Hughes." "Well. Hello Dr. Hughes. How are and where are you?" "I'm in Aurora and tomorrow morning I'm coming you way. Do you have the first tunnel finished yet?" "Yes darling. In fact, we're working on the third one now in Grand Junction. The tough one is going to be the one near Colorado Springs. We'll have to use our boring machine. We had to ship it in parts because it was in the Swiss Alps last month for a job we were doing there for their government. It just arrived yesterday in Denver. I have a crew there now loading it onto a flatbed and they will take it to Colorado Springs. It'll be there a week before we need to use it. That way, if there is anything broken and we have to order parts, we'll have time to do that. I'll send you a book about this model of machine. I'll send it by courier. You should have it in a couple of days. I think you'll find it's an interesting book." "I appreciate it. I look forward to reading it. Sounds like you have everything under control." "Yes ma'am. I think so. Is there anything else you need to know?" "No. I think that's about it. I suppose I don't need to come by tomorrow. I'll just stay here and work here in the Denver area. You have a great day Mr. Calkins." "You too Dr. Hughes." We hung up. I thought I must have Dolly take the "Doctor" off my business cards. Like I said before, "I don't do titles." I spent most of the remainder of the day going over the staging area inventory list. I discovered we were short on tie plates by two-hundred-fifty. I walked over to where Mr. Cunningham was and spoke to him. "Excuse me. Mr. Cunningham. I just completed an inventory of the staging area and we are short by two-hundred-fifty tie plates. What's up with that?" "Those are on the parts car. I'll show you." We walked over to the parts car and, sure enough, they were there. At the end of the day I made note of it in my Daily Activity Log. I left at the end of the work day and went to the hotel. I was staying at the Marriott Inn just northwest of Denver. It was a very nice hotel. The nicest one I've stayed in so far. As before, it included the meals; both breakfast and lunch. Dinner was on the company credit card. I had dinner at the "Jax Fish House" on 17th Street. They had a whole varies of seafood. Tonight, I had grilled Red Snapper with a fully loaded baked potato and long string beans with a salad and carrot cake for dessert. I had hot tea for my beverage. The total, with tax, came to eight-dollars and forty-eight cents. Like my dad, I left a modest tip and left. I went back to the hotel, watched a little news on the TV. I saw where it was the 110th running of the Preakness with jockey Pat Day aboard "Tank's Prospect" won with a time of 1:53:4. I then took a shower and retired at nine pm.

I thought I'd go to church tomorrow. I'll have to look in the yellow pages to see where the closet Baptist church is located or ask at the concierge's desk.

Sunday morning, May 18th, 1985. I arose at five-thirty. I went to the bathroom and washed my face, got dressed in my Sunday clothes and went down to the lobby where they were serving breakfast in one of the conference halls. It was buffet style with scrambled eggs, bacon, link sausage, fried ham, fruit bowls, orange juice, apple juice, hash browns, coffee and tea. I had the scrambled egg with ketchup on them, the fried ham, hash browns, a fruit bowl, orange juice and hot tea. It was a hardy breakfast. That's enough to last me until lunch. I then stopped by the concierge's desk and asked where the closest Baptist church was. The lady told me it was just five blocks south of here and the name was St. Matthew's Baptist Church and it was on the east side of the street. I asked, "What time is their service?" She looked on a sheet she'd pulled from under the counter and then said, "They have two services. One at nine and one at eleven." I said, "Thank you." She replied, "You're most welcome." I had an hour and a half to kill so I got a newspaper from the lobby and began to read. I read the entire paper. I then went back up to my room and called Ruth. She answered and said, "This is Ruth Van Ives. Who's calling?" I said, "This is Olivia." Ruth said, "Well, hello. Are you in town?" "No. I'm in Denver Colorado." "What are you doing there?" So, I told her about my new endeavor. We spoke for about thirty-minutes and then we hung up. I still had about an hour to kill so I returned to the concierge's desk again and asked the same lady, "Do they have Sunday School?" She looked at the same piece of paper and said, "Yes. It starts at 8 o'clock. Are you leaving now?" I said, "Yes. This is perfect. I'll go to Sunday School." I haven't been in a good while so it will be a nice change. She said, "I'll have your car brought up to the front door for you." I told her, "Thank you." She said, "You're most welcome Dr. Hughes." I briefly thought again about getting Dolly to change my business cards.

So, I picked up the car once it was brought up and left for church. I was there in less than five-minutes. I parked the car and went in. A greeter ask me if I need to find something. I said, "Yes. I'm new here and I want to go to a Sunday school class for people my age group." He said, "Yes ma'am, go downstairs and it is classroom six. The number is on the door and it's the third door on your right. The age group is from twenty to thirty-five years old." I replied, "Thank you." He responded, "Yes ma'am. You enjoy your class and have a blessed day." "Thank you. I will." So, I went to the basement and found classroom six. I went in and they were serving coffee, tea and donuts. I got some hot tea and a plain cake donut. As I was standing there making small talk with some ladies a man came into the classroom. He was stunning. He had coal black hair, a nice build, a nice three piece suit, a good tan and a handsome appearance. He obviously worked out because his abs were large and presentable. And, he wasn't wearing a wedding ring. I asked one of the ladies, "Who is that?" She said, "That's Luke. He is the most eligible bachelor in our church. He has been coming here since he was just six weeks old. He's a mechanical engineer and he works for Colorado Energy. He's their head engineer. He's smart, witty and knows a lot. Would you like for me to introduce him to you?" "Yes, please. My name is Olivia Hughes and I work for the Union Pacific Railroad. I work at the headquarters building in Omaha. I'm here on business and I'll only be here for a couple more days." "Okay. Let's walk over and I'll introduce him to you." So, we did. She said, "Luke. This is Olivia Hughes. She is an engineer, like your, and she works for the Union Pacific Railroad. She works at the headquarters building in Omaha. Olivia, this is Luke Baker. He works for Colorado Energy Corporation based in Denver. It's not far from here. He is the head mechanical engineer for their Power Plant Division." He said, "How do you do? What brings you to Denver?" "I'm here on business. I'm overseeing the construction expansion of our new rail line from Omaha to San Diego." "That's interesting. Do you have a degree in something?" "Yes. I have a doctorate in mechanical engineering and I got my degree from the University of Kentucky just a little over two years ago. My parents, who are deceased now, lived in a small town near Somerset, Kentucky. That's where I grew up." "Wow. You've come a long ways from the sticks of Kentucky. How did you do it?" "I had very loving, nurturing and financial supportive parents. They helped me through college. I'm now the Vice President of the Union Pacific Railroad." "You seem young to have your doctorate and you must make a lot of money." "I accelerated very fast in college. As far as the money is concerned I'm not now making all that much, but, maybe someday." "Are you dating?" "No. I ended a relationship not quite a week ago. He was seeing someone else behind my back." "How long will you be here in Denver?" "Just two more days. But, I'll be coming back once we are finished with the construction and I'll be headed back to Omaha." By that time we were asked to take a seat. Luke and I sat next to each other. It was a good lesson and I learned some things I didn't know. After class, Luke asked, "What are you doing for lunch after church?" I said, "I didn't have any specific plans. I was just going back to my hotel and have lunch there. The lunch is included with the room rate." Luke said, "Can I ask you to join me for lunch somewhere?" I said, "That would be nice. Where were you thinking of?" "I don't know. What kind of cuisine do you like?" "I like just about anything. But, Chinese is my favorite." "I know an out of the way Chinese Restaurant in Golden that is fabulous. We can go there if you would like." "Sounds great. I'll follow you in my car after church." "Okay. I drive a hunter green Mercedes Benz. I'm parked in the back lot. Where are you parked and what do you drive?" "I drive a 1984 GMC sedan. It's hunter green as well. I'm parked in the front parking lot in a ""Visitor's"" parking spot. So, I'll wait for you after church and we can leave from the front parking lot." "Sounds like a plan." We both sat together during church. The sermon was on the results of the Mother's Day service last Sunday. They had over one-thousand people in attendance and twenty-two souls saved. I thought that was wonderful. I met up with Luke and we drove to Golden. There was this quaint little Chinese restaurant on a seclude street. We parked and went in and were seated right away. We got our selection of food from the buffet and sat down. Luke said the pray over our food. We were there over two hours and we spoke about many things including where he went to school. "Luke. Where did you go to engineering school?" "I went to the University of Kentucky also. They have one of the best engineering schools in the nation. I graduated in 1980. How about you?" "I graduated from there also in 1984. I got my doctorate in mechanical engineering." "That's great. I just have my masters. I'm currently taking classes to get my doctorate though. I'm about six months from finishing." We spoke of our ancestors, our parent and our grandparents. I said, "I'm an only child. However, I have an aunt and uncle who dearly loves me. We're calling each other weekly to see how we're doing. How about you?" "I'm also an only child. I also have my two living parents and both my grandmother and grandfather are still living. They have a farm in the southwestern part of Colorado. My grandfather is a potato farmer and a chemist. He hybridizes the potatoes. He even has a purple potato, inside and out. They both are due to retire next year after forty years of farming." "What does the purple potato taste like?" "Like a normal potato. So, Olivia. When will you be back through here?" "It'll probably be in January sometime. The contractor said this construction would take just short of a year to complete. We have another six-months left. So, we're about at the halfway point. But, due to how fast he's traveling, I'm thinking sometime near Thanksgiving." "That would be great. We could spend Thanksgiving together." "That would be nice. Do you normally spend it with your family?" "I used to. But, due to my hectic work schedule I haven't in a couple of years. This year though, I'll have the time off by myself. My mother and father are planning a trip to Scotland for Thanksgiving." "You don't want to go with them?" "No. Even though I'm off, should there be a work emergency, I have to be available." "Oh. I see. Well, we can have Thanksgiving here if I'm in the area." "That sounds good. I'd like that." "So, when do you leave the Denver area?" "It'll be Tuesday morning. I'll be staying in Colorado Springs for a couple of days." Luke said, "Say. Do you ski?" "No. Never have. I'd like to try it though. I think it would be fun to learn." "If you're here around Thanksgiving, then we'll go and I'll teach you. After a few hours you'll do just fine. I'm on the Ski Patrol in Colorado Springs. I haven't done it in a while due to work." I said, "That sounds like fun! We exchanged cell phone numbers and left. Once at my car, he hugged me and I hugged him back. "Bye Olivia." "Bye Luke." We went our separate ways.

It's now Sunday afternoon, May 19th, 1985. And, all is well with my soul. I went back to my hotel. I took the elevator up to the forth floor and entered my room. I went to the bathroom and washed my face, dried it off with the hand towel and brushed my hair. I went to the desk, opened by briefcase and took out a blank "Daily Activity Log." I had to make it out for yesterday and note the incident with the dynamite. It took me just fifteen minutes to finish. I then wondered what else I could do? I think I'll go shopping for some gifts for Ruth, Mathew and my cousins. So, I grabbed my purse and left. I asked at the concierge's desk where there was good shopping. The lady asked, "What in particular are you looking to buy?" "I want to buy some souvenirs for my family back home." "There is a good area in Golden that have these little shops with locally made items. There's probably a dozen or more of those shops there. These shops are in the block areas on 10th Street from Illinois Street to Washington Avenue. I think you will enjoy it. Are you going and, if you are, then I'll have you car brought up?" "Yes. I'll leave now thank you." "Would you like a map?" "Yes please." She took out a map of Golden and highlighted the area she was telling me about. As she was handing me the neatly folded map I said, "Thank you." She replied, "You're quite welcome." My car was brought up quickly. I tipped the driver three-dollars. I got into my car, set my purse and the map on the passenger seat. I put it in drive and left the hotel. It was a thirty-minute drive. I found a public parking lot near the police department just across the street. I grabbed my purse, got out of the car and locked it. I was on my way. The first little shop was at the northeast corner of 10th Street. The sign on the front said, "Golden's This and That Shop". I went in and was greeted by a lady behind the counter. She said, "Can I help you find something?" I said, "No. Just browsing thanks." I looked around and found a section with a sign hanging from the ceiling that said, "Local Artisan Crafts". I thought I might find something of interest here. I looked, and, there was one area that had Navajo Indian Tribe jewelry. I found a nice turquoise necklace for Ruth and a turquoise bracelet for Mathew. I continued to look. I didn't find anything really special for my three cousins, so, since they're close to my age, I'll get them the same. I even picked out for myself a turquoise necklace and bracelet. I returned to the front counter and place all the items on the counter. The lady said, "Is this all?" I said, "Yes." She rang up the amount on the cash register and said, "That'll be sixty-five dollars and thirty-eight cents please." I handed her a fifty and a twenty dollar bill. She bagged the items and gave me the change. I placed the change in my purse and grabbed the bag and said to her, "You have some nice things here. I enjoyed shopping her." She said, "Thank you. This shop is owned by my parents. You have a wonderful Sunday afternoon ma'am." I said, "You as well." I left and continued to look inside six more shops and really didn't see anything else that I thought was special or that caught my eye. So, I returned to my car in the parking lot and drove back to the hotel. It was now four-thirty. I went to my room to call Ruth. I placed my purse and bag on the red chair next to the bed and went over to the desk. I sat down, turned on the lamp, pulled the telephone closer and dialed her number. She answered in two rings and said, "Van Ives residence. Who's calling?" I said, "Hello Ruth. This is Olivia." She said, "How are you and how is your trip going?" "I'm fine and the job is really interesting and fulfilling. I'm learning a lot. The contractor has this tunnel boring machine they are using to bore a tunnel through the Colorado Rockies. It's an amazing machine. They have to use that due to a local law that restricts blasting near ski resorts. Their afraid of an avalanches. It's also much faster. They also have this machine that grades the rail bed, lays the ballast, ties and the rail. All they have to do is keep feeding the machine. It takes the place of fifty workers." "That's interesting. Did you go to church today?" "Yes. I went to a church here in northern Denver. I went to Sunday school and met a really nice man. One lady introduced him to me. She said he was the most available bachelor in the church. We sat together for Sunday school and church. Then, we went to a Chinese restaurant in Golden. We were there two hours. We exchanged phone numbers and, on my way back, he's going to teach me how to ski." Ruth said, "That sounds like fun. Have you ever skied before?" "No. Never have. Anyway, he has black hair, nice abs, he loves the Lord and he is extremely attractive." "What about the other guy you were dating in Omaha?" "I went shopping one day and saw him with another woman. They didn't see me though. So, I won't be seeing him anymore." "This new man. Has he ever been married before?" "No he hasn't. Anyway, I like him and I plan on dating him. He is also a mechanical engineer and he, as well, graduated from the University of Kentucky like me. He graduated in 1980 whereas, I graduated in 1984." Ruth said, "That's a long distance relationship. Do you think it will work out?" "I don't know. But, I like him and we'll see how it goes. How is Mathew and the twins?" "Mathew is great. He still is making the bicycles and working at the bank. And Missy and Shannon are also good. They both have good jobs and are dating. Nothing serious though. On the other hand, Joseph is engaged to a nice little lady he met at the doctor's office. She's a nurse there and they seem to be a good couple. Joseph told me a few months ago that they have never had a harsh word toward one another." "When are they getting married?" "Next June. I think it is Saturday, June 14th. Anyway, they are planning a big wedding and you'll be getting an invitation sometime in April of next year." "I look forward to coming. I went shopping after church today in Golden. The concierge told me about these little quaint shops there. I bought you'all some things. I won't tell you now. It'll be a surprise." "You didn't have to do that. But, it is sweet of you to do so. When will you be coming to pay us a visit?" "I'm not sure. This job is due to end, I'm thinking around Thanksgiving. I'm spending it with Luke. I'm going to make an effort to be home for Christmas." "We'll celebrate. Listen, Mathew just came in from his shop and is hungry. So, I'll let you go for now. I'll tell him about your new friend over dinner. We're have your dad's favorite, fried chicken. We both love you dearly. You have a great afternoon. Bye Olivia." "Bye Aunt Ruth." We hung up the phone. It was a good chat and I enjoyed speaking with her.

I'm also am getting hungry. So, I grabbed my purse from the chair, went to the bathroom, brushed my hair, straightened my blouse, turned off the light and went to get something to eat. I stopped by the concierge's desk to see where there was a good restaurant. She told me about this nice restaurant only three blocks down and over one block called "The Hungry Man's Cabin". I though that sounded good so that's where I went. Being only four blocks away I didn't need the car. I walked. I got there, entered and was seated immediately. A waitress came over and handed me a menu and said, "What are you drinking?" I said, "Hot tea please." "I'll bring it back in a minute or so." I said, "Thank you." She left. I looked at the menu and decided I was going to have a light dinner because Luke and I ate too much for lunch. They had a chef's salad on the menu, so, I'll have that. I closed the menu and the waitress was there with my tea. She said, "Have you decided on what you're having?" "Yes. I'm having the chef's salad with Ranch dressing." "Is that all." "Yes. I had a big lunch today and I'm not all that hungry." "Yes ma'am. I bring it back shortly." I responded, "Thank you." "You're welcome ma'am." She picked up the menu and left. I looked over across the isle and saw Luke sitting there by himself. Another waitress had just brought him iced tea. I said, "Luke. Why are you here?" "I eat here a lot. It's a good restaurant." He got up, grabbed his iced tea and sat across from me. He said, "It's good to see you. I didn't expect to see you until Thanksgiving. What a delight." "Yes. I had the same thought. Will you have dinner with me?" "I'd love to. Have you ordered?" "Yes. I'm having a chef's salad. I ate too much at lunch." "I'm having the same. I see you are having tea. Do you not drink coffee?" "No. I never developed a taste for it. However, my dad drank a lot of coffee. My mother also drank hot tea. I suppose I got my pallet from her." Luke said, "I don't drink coffee either. I drink unsweetened ice tea. Most places tend to over sweeten their tea. So, I add one packet of artificial sweetener. I also drink water and most juices. I read once that the birthplace of sweet tea was in a small town in South Carolina named Summerville." "I didn't know that. Interesting!" The waitress brought our salads. He, like at lunch, said the prayer over our food. We ate, talked and enjoyed each other's company. I told him, "I called my aunt Ruth when I got back to my room after lunch. I call her at least once a week to check up on her, her husband Mathew, my twin cousins and their older brother Michael. He's getting married next June to a nurse he met at his doctor's office. Ruth said she learned they have never had a cross word with one another." "How old is Michael?" "I think he's twenty-three. He is the oldest. He's just a year older than me. The twin girls are twenty." Luke said, "Interesting." With amazement in his voice he said, "You got your doctorate degree when you were twenty-two?!" I said, "Yes." I continued, "I went shopping today after I called my aunt. I went to Golden; not far from where we had lunch. Anyhow, I bought some gifts to give to them." "Are they you're only relatives?" "Yes. After mom and dad died everyone else just scattered." "How did your mom and dad die?" "My mom died of leukemia and my dad died at her funeral. There was no apparent medical reason. The coroner said he just died from a broken heart." "Your parents were very close weren't they?" "Yes. They loved each other more than any other couple I've every seen." "I'm sorry for you loss. How long ago did they pass?" "It's been a little over two years now. I still miss them and think of them often." "I'm sure you do." We finish our dinner and Luke paid the bill, left a tip and we departed. Outside the restaurant we hugged again and he said, "Well, unless we have another encounter soon I'll see you for Thanksgiving." "Yes. I think it was pure chance we met tonight. I'll see you for Thanksgiving. Bye Luke." "Bye Olivia." We departed and I returned to my hotel. The concierge asked, "How was dinner?" "It was great. You gave me a good recommendation. Thank you." "You're most welcome. I have a package for you from a Mr. Calkins. You have a restful night and sleep well." "Thanks. I will." I caught the elevator and returned to my forth floor room. I went to the bathroom and washed up from the sink, put my nightgown on, turned off the light and went to do some reading about the tunnel boring machine. I turned on the pole lamp next to the chair, opened the package and book and began to read. It has a lot of technical data, which I like. It took me over two hours to read all of it. I then closed the book, turned off the lamp, place it in my briefcase, turned on the lamp next to the bed, turned back the bed and settled in for the night. I woke up at two am freezing. Apparently, the maid had turned back the temperature. She was a heavy set woman so I think that's why she did it. She must have forgotten to turn it back up. So, I climbed out of bed and turned the thermostat back to seventy-five. That's the temperature I sleep the best. I climbed back into bed and pulled the sheet and cover back over me. I was asleep in no time. I slept well. I dreamed about Luke. It was a pleasant dream. We were having fun at a concert. I awoke, without an alarm clock, at five-thirty. I got up and set out my work clothes for today. I got undressed and took at shower. The hot water felt good on my back and face. I finish, got dressed, grabbed my purse and went down for breakfast. I had the same thing as yesterday. I'll have to check out of the hotel after breakfast because tonight I'll be staying in Colorado Springs. I finished breakfast, returned to my room, packed, turned out the lights and went down stairs to check out. I did that, grabbed a free newspaper, the Wall Street Journal, and met up with the driver and my car at six-thirty. I handed him a five dollar bill. I didn't have any ones. Then I left and drove to the job site. I arrived just as everyone was beginning to work. I gave Mr. Cunningham a lesson on the tunnel boring machine. I told him that Mr. Calkins had sent me a book on it. He stated he knows all about the machine because he had seen it several times before in action. And, I thought I was going to have something over on him. Guess not. Mr. Cunningham said today we're going to break a record. We're going to go all the way to Cody Park. He said that was eighteen miles away and that trek would break a record. He said everyone agreed to work fourteen hours today in an effort to break the record. Sure enough. By nine-thirty pm we were in Cody Park. Mr. Cunningham had a generator to power the big lights. I had to stay in a hotel not scheduled by Dolly due to our accelerated schedule. I called and booked a room at a resort on Lookout Mountain. It was about twelve-miles east of Cody Park. I arrived at ten pm and checked in. I didn't eat dinner tonight due to the long day. So, I'll have a nice breakfast in the morning. As last night, I dreamed the same dream about Luke. But, this time, we were at an amusement park. I was rather surprised that Luke is having this affect on me. I've never met a man that has made me feel the way I do right now. I, unlike yesterday and the days before arose at six-thirty. I took a shower, got dressed in my work clothes and went to breakfast. I had a hardy breakfast. I was at the job site a little late due to me oversleeping. I arrived at a quarter 'til eight am. Mr. Cunningham questioned me by saying, "So. You overslept this morning." "Yes. I didn't get to sleep until eleven. Sorry." "No. You set your own schedule. We'll continue working, as always, with or without you." I thought that was comforting knowing that the job goes on, even without me. Today, Mr. Cunningham said we're going to make it to Two Bears Tap and Grill. It's a little outpost where Clear Creek flows through the town. That's just a little over eleven miles. By the end of the day we were there. I ate dinner at the Two Bears Tap and Grill. Their burger and fries were a bit too greasy and salty for me though. I had to have iced tea because they didn't have hot tea. I'd only had it when I was a child. It was better than I had remembered. I stayed at the same resort as last night. I did the whole thing again as last night. But, in the morning I arrived before everyone else did. The coolies where there only because they were sleeping in the bunk cars. When I arrived they had a fire going outside and were fixing breakfast. It smelled good. I don't know what they were fixing but I enjoyed the smell even if I had a hardy breakfast. Today, we made it to Lawson which just short of eleven miles. Tomorrow, Mr. Cunningham plans on making it to Georgetown, just short of seventeen miles away. By Saturday, May 25th, 1985 we were in Colorado Springs. I examined the tunnel that Mr. Calkins and his crew had bored. It was straight, had smooth walls and he had installed lighting in the tunnel. There was a small stream about midway through. Mr. Calkins installed some culvert piping to divert the flow to the low side of the mountain. This wasn't in his contract so I called him. He answered right away. "This is Ritchie. Who's calling?" "This is Miss Hughes." "Hello Miss Hughes. Where are you now?" "I'm here in Colorado Springs. I just inspected your tunnel and you installed a culvert pipe to divert the water and tunnel lighting. Those weren't in your contract." "Yes. I know. Just consider it gratis; no charge. I had the extra RCP and lighting from another job and it only took a couple of hours to do. We'll trade it later if I should run into something else." I said, "What about the power for the lights?" He said, "The local power company told me they and the local community were delighted to have a train running near their town. So, they are donating the power necessary for the lighting. The lighting is on a photo switch. When it sees a train or someone coming near either entrance it turns on. There are motion sensors inside the tunnel so the lighting will only stay on while there is a train or a line inspector in the tunnel. So, it'll only be on for short periods." I said, "All right. That's a deal." I thought that was ingenious. Mr. Calkins is a smart man.

We are now headed due south. In the next month we'll be going through Santa Fe, Flag Staff and Victorville.

By Saturday, June 8th, 1985 we were in Victorville. Mr. Cunningham was setting records. Especially, through the Rocky Mountains. We were on the western foothills of the Rockies in just a week. It hadn't been done before. The shortest time was ten days. He is a good contractor. I suppose the five-thousand dollar per day bonus is his motivation.

We are now headed to El Centro. We are less than six-hundred miles from San Diego. If we average fifteen miles per day, we should be in San Diego by Tuesday, July, 23rd. I must call Luke and let him know. I need to call Mr. Wilson as well to inform his of the bonus that Mr. Cunningham will be getting. He will cut the construction time by a little more than fifty percent. He will be finishing one-hundred eleven days ahead of schedule. He'll be getting a bonus of five-hundred-fifty-five thousand dollars. Mr. Wilson showed me how he came up with that number. Apparently, the net profit per day of service on the new active line will be near three quarters of a million dollars. I thought that was amazing. So, giving Mr. Wilson two thirds of that is worth the investment. And, that doesn't include the pure profit after that.

After work I called Luke. I told him of the new plans. He was amazed. He said, "I suppose Thanksgiving is out. But, we can celebrate my birthday on Saturday, July, 27th." I said, "I'll have to request vacation. Not a problem thought, because I'll have over two weeks coming to me by then."

We finished by noon on Tuesday, July, 23rd, 1985. There was a ribbon cutting ceremony and afterwards, we had a Chinese cookout. They fixed chicken, pork, beef and fish. Anything you wanted. There was also rice with gravy, long green beans, tea, coffee, soft drinks and water. I ate too much. In Mr. Cunningham's contract, he was instructed to get back to Omaha as quickly as possible with a Union Pacific furnished high speed diesel locomotive. He was the only one going. His crew and crew supervisors would be taking all the equipment back and to Salt Lake City. That's where they're based. But, along the way they had to disassemble the staging fencing and return it and the surplus supplies back to Omaha.

I couldn't take the high speed locomotive because I had the car. But, it will take me just over nineteen hours to get to Golden. It's almost eleven-hundred miles.

Chapter 7 - A New Reunion

I called Luke and told him what time I'd arrive. It was going to be around noon the following day. We arranged to meet at the same Chinese restaurant where we ate before. I told him I would call him when I was thirty-minutes out. He was delighted. I drove the entire way only stopping for fuel, meals and a few naps at rest stops. When I reached Littleton I gave him a call. He said he was taking off early so he could meet me. I told him where I was and said, "Fine. I'll be waiting for you." Before we hung up he said, "I've missed you." I said the same thing. After all, he is good looking, fit and loves the Lord. I just don't know how much yet. Time will tell.

I arrived and his face immediately lit up with this big grin on his face. I smiled back at him. We hugged. He asked, "Have you had lunch yet?" "No. I ate breakfast this morning around six o'clock." "Can I treat you to lunch?" "Yes. That would be very nice. It's good to see you. How long has it been now? I think it's been just one day shy of eleven weeks." He said, "My! You are good with numbers. I'm good, but, not that good." I replied, "I get it from my dad."

We had a nice lunch and he paid the bill with a tip. He said as we were leaving, "Where are you going to stay?" "I think I'll stay somewhere here in Golden. Where do you live?" "I live here in Golden. There is a Denver Marriott West here in Golden. It's nice. I've had friends and family stay there over the years when they'd come to visit. I've received nothing but good comments." "That sounds good. I'll have to pay for the room myself because I'm supposed to be back in Omaha tomorrow. I'll have to call my boss and let him know I need to take a few days of vacation. How many days can you afford to spend?" "I can take as much time off as I want. After all, I am the head engineer and in charge of over eighty other people and engineers. If you can, I'd like for you to stay until Monday, July 29th. That way, you could go to my church again on Sunday." "I'd like that. You follow me and I'll show you where the hotel is. The address is 1717 Denver West Blvd. Could you also join me for dinner?" "Maybe some other time. I'm really tired from all the driving and I haven't had but four hours sleep in the last day." "Okay. I understand. You need your rest." So, I followed him and we were there in short order. We parked in the parking lot and he came to my car just as I was getting out. We hugged and he said, "Can I see you tomorrow for breakfast?" "Yes. Where are we going?" "It'll be a surprise. I'll pick you up, say, at eight-thirty. I'll be in the lobby. Is that okay with you?" "Yes. That'll be fine. I'll see you at eight-thirty in the lobby." We hugged again and he left.

I checked in and didn't even have dinner. I was so tired. I don't every remember staying up for so many hours at one time before. Oh, yes. When mom and dad died, I stayed up for an entire twenty-five hours. I called the office and Dolly answered. I said, "Dolly. I need to speak with Mr. Wilson please." She said, "Are you coming back to work tomorrow?" I said, "No. That's what I want to talk to Mr. Wilson about. I'm staying in Golden, Colorado for tonight and maybe the next four nights. I'll tell Mr. Wilson what's going on and he can inform you." She said, "Okay. I'll connect you." The phone rang and Mr. Wilson said, "Hello Olivia. Are you headed back?" I said, "No. Mr. Wilson. That's what I want to talk to you about. I met this really nice man in Golden, Colorado on my way west. His name is Luke. I met him at his church in Sunday school. Anyhow, we spoke about me staying a few days when my job was finished. So, I'm here in Golden and I'll be back to work next Monday morning, bright and early. I am requesting, I know it's now in writing like the handbook says, the rest of the week off so I can spend time with Luke. Is that okay?" Mr. Wilson said, "Yes. By all means. You take the time you need and get to know this Luke fellow and we'll see you on Monday morning." I said, "Thank you so much for allowing me to do this." He said, "Olivia. You are a good employee and VP and I think, because of the wonderful job you just did, that you deserve some time off. I'll sign off for now. I have a meeting at the bank in ten-minutes." "Bye Mr. Wilson." "Bye Olivia." I hung up the phone and was so delight that he is allowing me to do this. I then took a shower and went to bed at three-thirty. I slept all night long without stirring. I didn't remember any dreams. I awoke at six-thirty am to the sound of some kids running down the hallway. I went to the bathroom, turned on the light and did my morning ritual. I then got out a set of nice clothes I had brought. I had thought while packing back in Omaha that I might need them for something. I laid them on the bed, got undressed and took a long hot shower. It was relaxing. Once finished, I dried my hair, grabbed my purse and I left. It still was only seven-thirty and Luke wouldn't be here for another hour. So, I grabbed the free newspaper from the lobby and went and found some tea at the hotel's gift shop. I sat down in a lounge just off the lobby, read the newspaper and drank my tea. It was good and I hope Luke is early because I'm starving. Luke arrived at eight-fifteen. We hugged and then we left in his car. He took me to an expensive restaurant that was family owned. It only sat sixty people. They had a menu but, on the front page, it stated that everything was cooked special order. I ordered hot tea and Luke had unsweetened ice tea. We examined the menu and then decided what to have. In about five minutes the waiter came and said, "Are we ready to order?" "I said, yes. I'll be having two, over easy eggs, the hash browns, two pieces of buttered toast with strawberry jam and fried country ham." "Sorry miss. We don't have the country ham. Would regular ham be all right?" "Yes. Please have your cook fry it well done." "Yes ma'am, I will. And for you sir?" "I'll have the same please." "Okay, it's be in about ten-minutes. Luke said, "Fine. Thank you." The waiter said, "You're welcome sir."

Just as the waiter had said, he was back with our order in just ten-minutes. He brought one single rose in a vase and placed it near the back of the table. I looked around and no one else had a rose. I wondered what that was for? Luke, as before, said the blessing over our food. We held hands and He said, "Our most gracious heavenly father. We are thankful for all the blessings we receive from you daily. Most, we just aren't aware of like our health, friends and family. I pray now that you bless Olivia's and my time together as well to develop a friendship. Please bless this food to the nourishment of our bodies and our bodies to your service. In His most holy and blessed name we pray these things. Amen." I thought that was a very good prayer.

"So. Please tell me about the past, almost, eleven weeks." So, I spent some of the time telling him all that had happened. I would take a bite, take a drink of tea, swallow and would tell him in between. We were there almost a full hour eating, talking and sharing facts about our respective families and friends. I said, "I guess we're not going to learn how to ski. I can't swim. I never learned to. Do you know how to swim?" "Funny you should ask. I was on the swim team in college. I'm a great swimmer. So, if you would like, I can teach you how to swim. In an afternoon, about three-hours, I can teach you. It's really simple. Are you afraid of the water?" "No. My mom or dad just never taught me." "Did you bring a swim suit?" "No. But, I can go and buy one." Luke said, "Why don't we make that an outing this afternoon." I said, "I'm still a little bit tired. How about tomorrow?" He said, "That fine. It's a date." We finished our meal, the paid the bill with a tip and we left. Standing outside of the restaurant he said, "What do you want to do today?" I replied, "I just want to stay in my room and take it easy. We can have dinner though. I think I'll have lunch brought to me in my room." He said, "That's probably a good idea. It's not good to go swimming if you're tired." I said, "Yes. I just need some time to recoup." He asked, "What time do you want to do dinner?" I said, "Around six o'clock would be fine." "Six o'clock it is. I'll pick you up in the lobby." "Yes. That'll be good." We hugged again and we departed. He went home and I went back to the hotel. I grabbed another newspaper. The one I left was gone. I took the newspaper and a cup of tea back to my room. I turned on the TV and hit the "mute" button. I sat in the recliner next to the bed and read the paper. Before long I was asleep. I slept until three-thirty. I awoke, I felt rested and was ready for dinner. I didn't have lunch. I slept threw it. I called Luke. He told me he had arranged to take vacation for the entire time we'd be together. I thought that was great. We made plans to meet up a little early at five o'clock. I watch some TV until four-thirty. I took another shower and put on the same dress as before. I put on some perfume, brushed my red hair and went to the lobby. I waited and soon he was there. He had the same smile on his face as he did this morning. We hugged again. He asked, "Where would you like to go?" I said, "Let's have seafood. I love shrimp, scallops and lobster." He replied, "There is a Red Lobster just two miles from here. We can go there." I said, "Okay. That sounds like fun. I'm starved. I slept through lunch, so, I haven't eaten since this morning." "Okay." We went to his fancy car, and, as I was starting to open the door he said, "Oh. Hold on. I'll open the door for you." I though he was such a gentleman. Most men nowadays don't do that. A host asked, "Party of two?" Luke said, "Yes please." She said, "Right this way please." She led us to a nice table near a large, decorative fish tank with all kinds of tropical fish in it. We were seated near the rear of a dining room on the right. The host placed two menus on the table before us. Then, Luke pulled out my chair. I sat and thought, "What a gentleman. I like being treated like a lady." Luke sat and we opened our menus. Luke said, "Open menu." I said, "Anything?" "Yes. Anything?" We looked at the menus and after a minutes Luke said, "Do you know what you're having yet?" I replied, "Yes. I'm having the surf and turf." "What comes with it?" "Fresh Maine lobster, a six ounce filet mignon, creamed potatoes, green beans and a drink." "That sounds good. I think I'll have the same." Moments later a waitress came by, placed a basket of their famous biscuits on the table between us and asked for our drink orders. Luke said, "The lady is having hot tea and I will be having unsweet iced tea." She said, "Is that all?" He said, "Yes. Thank you." "You're most welcome sir." We chatted for a spell and then the waitress brought us our drinks. She gently placed them on the coasters in front of us. Luke thanked her and she asked, "Are we ready to order?" Luke replied, "The lady is having the surf and turf with the Maine lobster, filet mignon, creamed potatoes and green beans. And, I'm having the same." She asked, "How would you like your steak cooked." I said, "Medium well, no blood" and Luke said, "like wise." She said, "Does that complete your order sir?" "Yes. Thank you." "Dinner will be out in about fifteen-minutes." She then left. I was admiring the decor of the place with many pictures of fishing boats, shrimp boats, a crab boat and one of the "Old man and the sea". I pointed that one out to Luke. They even had an old and battered small dingy hung from the ceiling. We chatted for the entire time. Luke asked, "So, what are we going to do once you go back to Omaha. It's a nine-hour drive and almost five-hundred and fifty miles away. Due to travel time that wouldn't give us much time to spend with each other." I said, "I can arrange with my boss, Mr. Wilson, for me to take off every other Friday. I think, just for now, twice a month would work out. Maybe more later." Luke responded, "I can do the same. After all, I work directly for the CEO and he's gone most of the time attending meetings and such things. I can pretty much do anything I want. I guess we are dating now." I said, "I suppose you're right." We both giggled. Then, our meal came. The waitress said, "Please be careful. The plates are hot." With a pot holder she placed the plates in front of us and said, "Can I get you anything else." I shook my head no and Luke said, "No ma'am. Thank you." "You're welcome sir. I'll keep an eye on your drinks and refill them when needed." Luke and I both nodded our heads "yes". We both took our linen napkins, opened them and place them in our laps. We reach out both hands across the table and held hands and bowed our heads. Luke said grace and then Amen. It was a brief prayer. I think Luke remembered what I told him earlier about me not eating lunch. That was thoughtful. I was thinking to myself that this is a wonderful, kind, loving, spiritual and handsome man and I like being with him. I really hope this works out and that he's not hiding something from me like Mark did.

"So Luke. What do you do in your spare time?" "I love to entertain and cook. I'm an excellent cook. I was even thinking, after I retire and maybe before on opening a restaurant in Golden. Lord knows we need some better restaurants there. I've even developed some of my own recipes. I've started a collection and plan to publish a cookbook someday. But, with my busy work schedule that's not possible right now. Maybe soon though. How about you?" "I don't have any hobbies but I pretty good at woodworking. My dad, Samuel, taught me everything I know. I now have his woodshop back in Kentucky that's just sitting there. I would like to have it shipped to Omaha but I live in an apartment. So, there isn't enough room." Luke said, "I have my own house out in the country with a barn that's not being used for anything. You could have it shipped there and when you come to visit you can teach me about woodworking. The only thing I've used is a few hand tools to repair things. How does that sound?" "That sounds like it'd work and then I can get back to my woodworking. I really enjoy it. It is good stress reliever. When would be a good time to have it shipped to your place?" "Any time would be fine. How about within the next month or so? I need some time to cleanup the barn. There is some old stuff in there that was there when I bought it four years ago. I don't what purpose they serve. I just know I won't be using those things. Perhaps I can donate it to another farm owner. Yes. That's what I'll do." "Luke. I'm so much looking forward to "making saw dust" again and teaching you my hobby. I think it would be fun." We ate and chatted for the rest of our meal. The waitress came and gave me another tea kettle of hot water and a tea bag and brought Luke another glass of tea. We really enjoyed talking and share our time with one another. I think I'm beginning to think this is a little more than an acquaintance. Maybe this could develop into something really nice. I certainly hope so. We finished our meal and the waitress came over and asked, "Will you be having desert?" Luke asked me, "Do you want something?" I said, "No. I'm full thanks." Luke addressed the waitress and said, "No. Thank you." She placed the bill on the table next to Luke and said, "Anytime you're ready, I'll take your payment." He said, "Let me give it to you now." So, he pulled out his wallet and placed a credit card inside the folder. She took it and said, "I'll be right back." Luke said, "Thank you." Moments later she returned. Luke filled out the recipes, kept his copy and returned the merchant's copy back inside the folder. He said, "Are we ready to leave now." I said, "Yes. I'm stuffed!" He came around to my side of the table and pulled back the chair as I rose. What a gentleman! We left and while standing at the rear of his car he asked, "Is there something else you'd like to do?" I said, "No. I'd like just to go back to the hotel for now. But, thank you." He said, "Okay. I'll take you back and we can have breakfast together tomorrow morning. Say, at the same time as this morning." I said, "Yes. That'll be fine." We drove back to the hotel, he got out and opened my door and I got out. I felt compelled to kiss him but I didn't. We both could see that look in each other's eyes and we both recognized what it was. I think we both thought it was too soon. So, we hugged and then he said, "I hope you sleep well. Have sweet dreams and I'll see you in the lobby at 9 o'clock." I said, "Okay. 9 it is." I walked to my hotel and entered. Luke drove off. As I was walking passed the counter the clerk said, "I have a message for you miss. It was from a Mr. Wilson." I got the message and wondered how Mr. Wilson knows where I was staying. He must have had Dolly call around and find out. Anyway, the message said. "Olivia. I need your last three days "Daily Activity Logs. Pronto." I thought, "Oh no. I'm in trouble now. I must not forget about my duties to the company. So, I went up to my room and got them out of my suitcase then had the clerk at the desk fax them to Mr. Wilson. I wrote a note on the coversheet. It read, "Mr. Wilson. I'm so sorry I forgot about the logs. It won't happen again. I promise. Best regards, Olivia." I was relieved. I went back to my room, turned on the TV, got undressed and took a long, hot shower. I had a kink in my back from poor posture at the restaurant so the hot water felt good. I washed my hair, got out and dried off. I used the hair dryer attached to the wall to my right to dry my long, curly red hair. I brushed my hair and got into my gown. Today was wonderful and I enjoyed myself. It was eight pm and I watched some TV and caught the 9 o'clock news. Today was, Saturday, March 16th, 1985 and all is well with my soul. I retired to bed after the 9 o'clock news.

I slept well. I briefly dreamed about our dinner together. But, one thing that really didn't happen is, in my dream, an elderly man got strangled and Luke helped him dislodge the food from his throat. The rest of the night I slept without stirring. I arose at six am. I turned on the TV to catch the news. There were these stories about Matti Nykanen of Finland set a world ski jump record of 623 feet and Jane Blalock wins the LPGA Women's Kemper Golf Open. As I listened, I got out of my gown and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I had to return and turn up the volume because, once I turned on the shower, I couldn't hear it any more. I adjusted the water temperature before I got in. I took a twenty-minute shower. My lower back was still hurting a bit. But, not as much as last night though. I think after the shower it should be fine. I got out of the shower, dried off and, as before, used the hair dryer to dry my hair. I got dressed in some nice clothes. I muted the TV and returned to the bathroom to put on some perfume. I then checked to see if there was a newspaper just outside my room door. There was. I got the paper, relocked the door, turned on the lamp next to the chair and sat down to read. The two headline stories were the same as what was on TV earlier. The weather was supposed to be nice today. A good day to go to breakfast and church with Luke. After reading the newspaper, I put on my stockings and shoes. I was wearing pumps today. I've haven't worn those in a long while. I set the newspaper in the chair as I got up, grabbed my purse, opened the door and left to find some hot tea. I took the elevator down to the lobby. Off to one side of the lobby was a coffee stand with donuts. They had decaffeinated coffee, regular coffee, hot water for tea, juices and the donuts. So, I had got myself some tea and returned to my room. I set my tea on the table next to the chair, picked up the newspaper, sat down and picked up reading where I'd left off. Periodically, I would take a sip of tea. It took me until eight-forty-five to finish. I got up, placed the newspaper in the trashcan, grabbed my purse and left to meet up with Luke. I entered the lobby and Luke was waiting for me in the little lounge area off to one side. It was where I got my tea earlier. There was no one there at the time. He was all decked out in a three piece suit. He was dapper! We both came together and kissed. I had waited for this since yesterday. I was excited beyond belief. I had butterflies in my stomach. He said, "Well. Now, that tension is over. I could tell last night that we both wanted to kiss." I said, "Yes. I too saw the look in your eyes and I knew it was time. So, are you ready for breakfast and then Sunday school and church?" "Yes. Let's go." "Where are we going?" "To the IHOP just five blocks from here. It's on the way to my church.

Like before he open the car door for me. Once in, he closed the door and got in on his side. We were off. I couldn't help but think of the kiss Luke gave me. It was passionate and loving. We arrived in just three-minutes. He got out and did the same thing. He closed the door and held my right hand as we walk in. A hostess said, "Party of two?" Luke said, "Yes. Please." "Right this way please." She lead us to a table. Luke pulled out the chair so I could sit down. What a wonderful thing. Except for my dad, I don't think anyone has been this thoughtful and sweet to me. He truly is a "Southern Gentleman." A waitress came and handed us menus and asked, "What will you two be having to drink?" Luke replied, "The lady is having hot tea and I'm having unsweet ice tea please." "Right away sir." She left. We looked at our menus and decided what we were having. Luke said, "What are you having my lady?" I said, "I'm having the Belgium waffles with bacon on the side and orange juice." "Sounds good. I'll have the same." Shortly, the waitress brought our drinks and asked, "Are we ready to order?" Luke responded, "Yes. My lad is having Belgium waffles with bacon on the side and orange juice. And, I am having the same." "Fine sir. It'll be up in about ten-minutes." She took the menus and left. For the next ten-minutes we talked and just couldn't take our eyes off each other. I asked him, "You forgot to shave this morning didn't you?" He took his right hand and rubbed his face and said, "Oh. I'm sorry. I did forget." We both laughed and I said, "I don't mind. I think I like a man with a little beard." Luke said, "When is your birthday?" "It's on Valentine's Day. How about you?" "I told you, remember?" "No. When?" "When we were planning for you to be here so I could teach you to ski. Now do you remember?" "Oh. Yes I do. It's on July 27th isn't it?" "Yes. You do have a good memory!" "Yes. My dad was always remembering train time tables and the like. His memory of numbers was his strong suit." We spoke for another few minutes and then the waitress brought our food. She placed every plate and glasses in their proper places and then said, "Will there be anything else?" Luke said, "No. Thank you." "You're welcome sir and ma'am. I'll check on you in a few minutes to refill your glasses if needed." With that she left. Luke said a nice prayer and included in it "And, Lord. Please bless Olivia's and my time together and may we have fun, go many places and please allow this relationship to develop in accordance with your will. Amen." I thought that was a sweet prayer and I liked what he said about our relationship. We ate and talked until we were finished and it was time to go. Luke paid the bill, left a tip and we left with him being the gentleman with the doors. We did the Sunday school and church thing, then lunch. I told him I had to check out and go back to Omaha because I had to be at work tomorrow morning at seven am. I told him I'd learn how to ski and swim at another outing. He took me back to my hotel, we kissed a bit longer this time and I left. I turn around and I could see a tear in his eye; mine as well. I entered the hotel, went to my room, packed, turned off the light and checked out. I put my suitcase in the trunk and I was on my way to Omaha. It took me just short of nine-hours to get there. I thought of Luke most of the way back. I got my suitcase and went into my ground floor apartment. It's a modest apartment with two bedrooms, one bathroom, a living room and a "eat-in" kitchen. It comes with a single car garage where I park my car. I unpacked and put away my clothes and put the dirty one in the hamper. I started a load of laundry, then organized my briefcase. While the washer was going, I fixed a light dinner. I was in bed by nine-thirty.

Chapter 8 - Back to Work in Omaha

I woke up at five-thirty, took a shower, got dress, grabbed my purse and briefcase and headed to the office. Once I arrived, I unlocked the front glass door and walked in. I went to my office and put my purse and briefcase on to my desk and then went to make the coffee and hot water. While doing this, Mr. Wilson came in and said to me, "Do you have time to come into my office?" I said, "Yes sir. I'm right behind you." I thought this might be my first reprimand. I was scared. He said, "Please have a seat." I sat down. I could feel the blood leaving my head. He noticed. He said, "Olivia. Please don't fret. The thing about the ""Daily Activity Report"" is no big deal. And, I'm not concerned about it. Everything got done. I paid Mr. Cunningham, Mr. Calkins and the depot contractor and Dolly did the inventory of left over supplies and I had Mr. Cunningham put the extra supplies in the yard behind the depot. So, don't concern yourself with this little incident. Just forget it. You did a wonderful job and I'm proud of you and I know your dad is rejoicing in heaven right now for the accomplishment you just made. In fact, I'll be recommending to the board of directors later this morning to give you a bonus. So, tell me about this Luke person." I said, I met him in his Sunday school classroom. I was speaking with some ladies while facing the door. Luke came in and I was shock and delight that he was my age, not wearing a wedding ban and so handsome and fit. We were introduced and we had lunch together after church and made plans for me to visit with him after I finished my work. Once I got back in Golden, I got a hotel and over the course of the new few days we spent time together eating at nice restaurants. We seldom were apart except at night when I would go back to my hotel. That's another thing. Since I was on personal time I paid for the hotel. After lunch yesterday, we made plans for us to meet up, alternating between Golden and here every other weekend. That's another thing. I was wondering if I could have every other Friday off. The drive to Golden takes eight hours and that doesn't leave much time for us to be together on the weekends." Mr. Wilson said, "Of course. Since this project is finished there isn't much else going on and I don't foresee anything now that would prevent that. We only have a few projects that you'll be working on for the next several months. Now that the San Diego job is finished the board of directors wants to get more revenue from that new line and restock the coffers. They're not willing to spend a lot of money on another major project for a few months. So, yes. You can take every other Friday off beginning Friday next. Are you in love with him?" "No. We've only seen each other six times now. We have kissed twice. But, you don't need to know that. Excuse me." "That's okay. I don't mind. It reminds me of when your dad met Coralie. Pretty much the same. So, now, get your tea and write the Summary Report for the records. Then allow me to read it and then we'll have Dolly file it. Oh. Buy the way. The computers will be here tomorrow. I'll schedule the staff to take the one day course this Friday. There will be sixteen people there. Beside Dolly and I, I don't think you know most of them that will be there. They're coming from HR, legal, accounting and the ground floor main office." "At what time?" "The company that's doing it will begin at nine am. They'll be here at eight-thirty to setup everything." "Okay. I'll be there." "Fine. Now say hello to Dolly and tell here about Luke. I'm sure she will be delighted." "Bye Mr. Wilson." "Bye Olivia. Oh, I'll let you know late today or first thing tomorrow morning about the bonus." "Yes sir." I left and I was relieved that I wasn't reprimanded. I took a deep breath. I felt the blood come back into my head. I then returned to my office. I left the door open because I tend to be claustrophobic if there is no one else in the room. I even do this when I go to my doctor's office. I don't know where I got it from. It's not a big concern. I met up with Dolly and told her about Luke. I went into a little more detail with her. She said, "He sounds like a Southern Gentleman, very nice, loves the Lord and is a good thing for you. Are you in love with him?" I said, "No. Not yet. But, maybe sometime later. We'll see how this goes. Besides, he's also very good looking."

I got the forms I need to write my Summary Report from Dolly and returned to my office. I sat down and began to write. I had to summarize all that happened including the final budget number, left over material inventory, where they were stored and a financial sheet summarizing everything from A to Z. It took me all day to complete only stopping for lunch at the cafe. I had to get the inventory from Dolly and include it. She gave me a photocopy because she had to keep the original in files. By the end of the day I had the final report, spreadsheets, final expense report and all the rest finished. I walked to Mr. Wilson's office. He wasn't there. I saw Dolly and asked, "Where is Mr. Wilson?" She said, "He is again at the bank. When he left he said to have you place the report on his desk and he'd look at it in the morning." I said, "Thank you. I'll do that now before I leave." She said, "Fine. Will you be back tomorrow?" "Yes. I'll be here through Friday for the all day computer training." "Okay. I'll see you in the morning." "Yes. I'll place this on Mr. Wilson's desk and then I'll go home. I have some more laundry to do from my trip. I only got one load done yesterday." "Okay. Bye." "Bye Dolly."

That evening I did laundry, two loads, fix a light dinner, watched a little TV. I hadn't thought about Luke all day long. So, I called him. We spoke for over an hour with me telling him that I'll be off every other Friday. Luke said, "Great. Why don't you fly here. I'll pay the airfare." I said, "No. I make good money, and, besides, I'm probably going to get a bonus for the good job I did." I didn't want to mention about all the money I inherited from mom and dad. I'll save that for later. I told Luke, "I've never been on a jet before. So, I'm a little apprehensive about it." He said, "You'll be fine. I've flown plenty of times before. They say it's safer to fly than drive." I just said, "Okay." We then hung up. I retired shortly after watching the nine o'clock news. It was Monday, March 28th, 1985 and all is well with my soul.

For the rest of the week was nothing special. Mr. Wilson approved and signed off on my report Tuesday morning. We all attended the computer training class on Friday. It lasted all day long and they even brought in lunch. At the end, they asked us to leave our individual office doors unlock because they were going to install all the computers over the weekend. Dolly told them. "When you're finished Sunday, please call me and I'll come and relock all the doors." They agreed. I went home at five pm on Friday. It was a long day but I enjoyed the seminar greatly. I was wondering that maybe, someday, they'll find a way that we all can talk to one another by linking our computers. I think on Monday I'll make that suggestion to Mr. Wilson. I fixed dinner and retired at nine without watching the news. I'd have a long and mind tasking day. Mentally, I was worn out.

The weekend wasn't much to talk about except I spoke with Luke a couple of times. We were looking forward to getting together next Friday. I told him I was going to book my flight on Tuesday at 3 o'clock so I could get a good rate. In between our call, I would become lonely and I missed him so. I think I will consider him my knight in shining armor. I won't say anything to him about it. It's too soon. I don't want him thinking I'm going to fast or overbearing. I'll let what happens, happen. I'll let the Lord decided what to do next and at His pace, not ours.

Sunday came and went. I returned to work Monday and Tuesday morning. On Tuesday at three o'clock I called the airlines that gives the UP a discount. I got a flight out of Omaha Airport at six-thirty in the morning and arrived in the Denver Stapleton International Airport at eight-thirty. I called Luke and told him of my itinerary. He said he would pick me up at the baggage claim area. I was delighted and anxious to see him again.

There was a note on my desk from Mr. Wilson. It said, "The board of directors approved your bonus of five percent of the anticipated annual revenue for the San Diego job. It is going to be a bonus of forty-thousand dollars. I was pushing for more but due to the major expenditure for the San Diego job, they said they just didn't have it. Maybe, a pay raise in six months to a year from now based on your performance reports and revenue generated by the projects I design, supervise or oversee. Your bonus will be in your paycheck the first of April. Best regards.......Mr. Wilson." I was so thankful I said aloud, "Thank you Jesus."

Mr. Wilson told me of a low key, low cost project I have to do over the course of the next couple of months. He told me to keep it quiet and not tell anyone. He didn't want it to get out to the media. Apparently, the NRA had cited the UP for some safety violations. The fines totaled over three-hundred thousand dollars. The project involved some switches that were outdated due to engines "jumping the track." They were defective in design, and, apparently the memo went out to all railroads over a year ago. Everyone had six months to comply. After that, a three month extension was grant if applied for. There would be no additional fines while the request was under review. After that period, there would be an additional fine for "non compliance." The extra fine wasn't determined yet but I'm sure it would be hefty. Someone at our headquarters dropped the ball. So, after a full day's research I found the manufacturer in Pittsburg who were making the new switches. My total count for the entire UP line was three hundred and twenty new switches. Apparently, after some inspections, most of the switches were not defective and the NRA approved them to remain in service. I found a memo in the file regarding this. Someone in safety started the process but didn't follow up to finish it. The name on the memo was erased. That person knew they had messed up. So, he or she made sure there was no way they would have to take the blame. Smart, but in a bad way. I suppose they didn't want to loose their job.

The manufacturer said it would take them two months to get all the new switches made. The man I spoke to said, "We were the original manufactures for the defective switches so, there will be no cost for the materials and manufacturing labor. But, under the purchase agreement we don't have to pay for the labor to install them. I thought that was a "double edged sword." The reason they didn't have the new switches in stock was, because of the new directive, they had depleted almost all they had. I got the approval to pay extra to have them in six weeks. I had to get with staff to see how many track gangs we could have available in six weeks. They told me they could have twenty-eight track gangs ready on a dime's notice and that it would take them just shy of six weeks to complete. They went on to say that they would have to work six days per week and ten-hours per day. I gave them a verbal notice to proceed with a written one to follow by mail. I also found out what the average daily cost for one track gang would be. I needed this so I could calculate the total cost. After we hung up I began calculating the cost. With twenty-eight track gangs, ten hours per day, at an average of twelve-dollars per hour for the first eight hours plus two hours overtime Monday through Friday and overtime for all day Saturday that comes to a total project cost, including some materials and the extra cost for expedited delivery to almost twenty-three thousand dollars. I recorded all the data and placed the spreadsheets on Mr. Wilson's desk at lunch. He had already left for lunch. After that, I left for lunch too.

When I got just outside the door of the office building I saw a street vendor with a food cart. I stared at it for a moment thinking, I didn't include the fuel cost or the cost for the wear and tear on the equipment. So, I just bought a ham sandwich, returned to Mr. Wilson's office, got the spreadsheets and went back to my office. I added those cost and the new total was just shy of twenty-three thousand dollars. I made the corrections and returned the spreadsheets to Mr. Wilson's desk. I got a cup of tea and my ham sandwich and returned to my desk to eat. I thought, "I'm glad I caught that and not Mr. Wilson." I finished lunch and went back to work. Once Mr. Wilson came back I went into his office to explain all my numbers. He understood and said, "Good job Olivia. Most people would not have though of the fuel and wear and tear cost. Excellent." I left and returned to my desk.

Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon was average. I anticipate my leaving early Friday morning. On Wednesday, Mr. Wilson said, "I looked at your time sheets and you work most Saturdays while on the San Diego job. Why did you do that?" "The job required I be there. Mr. Cunningham had his crews were working Saturdays, so, I felt I had to be there in case something happened and he need an answer to some question." He said, "I'll tell you what. You can leave at the end of the day for the rest of the week. That's two extra days." "Mr. Wilson, with all due respect, I've already made my airline reservations and Luke has arranged to take this Friday off. It would be a slight inconvenience to redo everything. Beside, the airlines will charge extra to change the flight on such short notice. I would rather just add that time to my vacation if that is okay with you." "Fine. When you get back next Monday I would like for you to calculate how much overtime you spent on the San Diego job and will add that to your vacation." I said, "Fine. Thank you." "You're welcome." I finished out the day, then Wednesday and Thursday. I left on Thursday at the normal four o'clock quitting time and went home. I was thinking about what Mr. Wilson had to say and thought he was a very nice and fair man. I think he'd doing most anything for me.

I got home, packed for the extended weekend with Luke, fixed dinner, watched the 9 o'clock news and retired for the night. I couldn't sleep much in anticipation of seeing Luke tomorrow. I arose early at three-thirty am. I took a shower, got dressed in an outfit that Luke hasn't seen, called a cab for a five-thirty pickup and fix my breakfast. After breakfast I went back to the bathroom and put my hair in a long pony tail, put on some perfume and then looked in the mirror. I fixed my hair like I did for my Junior/Senior graduation banquet dinner. Yes, I hope that pleases him. It does me.

I still had another thirty-minutes before the cab was due to arrive. So, I got the newspaper from the front door and sat down in the kitchen to read. I saw where REO Speedwagon came out with "Can't Fight This Feeling" and Dead or Alive release it's new song "You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)". It was on the evening news last night with a short video of both bands singing their new songs. Both were good songs. And, maybe they will be hits. I was about half way through the newspaper when I heard the honk from, what I thought, was the cab. I looked out the window and sure enough, it was the cab. So, I turned of the lights, grabbed my suitcase, my purse and the newspaper, locked the front door and got in. The driver opened the rear street side door for me and he took my suitcase and placed it in the trunk. I got in and soon we were on our way. We were at the airport in less than thirty-minutes. We got out and both of us went to the rear of the cab. He handed me my suitcase and said, "That'll be seventeen dollars and forty cents." I handed him a twenty and said, "Please keep the change." He said, "Thank you ma'am!" I was in such a hurry that I gave him that tip. I took all my belonging and headed to the ticket counter. They took my suitcase, weighed it and printed out my roundtrip ticket. I paid the with attendant my debit card. The total was one-hundred and forty-two dollars. She said, "You'll be boarding in fifteen-minutes. So, please go through security and proceed to gate A4." I said, "Thank you." "You're welcome ma'am." In five-minutes I was at the gate. They were already pre-boarding people with infants and the disabled. Once finished, they boarded everyone else. I was sitting in seat A4. It was a Boeing 707 with four engines, fourteen seats in first class and one-hundred and twenty-three seats in coach. The flight time is just short of two hours. It only included a drink and a snack; no meal. The flight went well except for a little turbulence just minutes before landing. I suppose I didn't have anything to be apprehensive about. The flight went well and now I'm not scared to fly. We landed and we all waited until they started to disembark the aircraft. I was near the front so I go off quickly. I walked to the baggage claim area on the first level. I sooner arrived that the carousal began. Luke came up and kissed me on the back of my neck. I was startled and wasn't expecting that. Soon, my suitcase was there. Luke retrieved it from the carousal and we were on our way. Once outside, he released my suitcase and gave me this wonderful kiss. It was yet even longer and more compassionate than before. I've never been kissed like that before; ever! We finished and we got in his fancy car, drove and stopped at the gate and paid the fare. We left and were on our way to Golden. He said, "Where would you like to go?" I said, "I would like to see your house you spoke of." "Okay. We'll be there shortly." When we arrived, his place had a four rail fence all around, a large beautiful two story house. Luke had to enter a code for the front gate to open. I could see a barn out back. It was large; more than enough room for my shop equipment. He parked the car in the two car garage on the bottom floor. We got out, he got my suitcase from the trunk and we went inside. He immediately said, "Please excuse the mess. My cleaning lady has been ill for a week and she hasn't been here to clean." I thought, "He can afford a cleaning lady. Wow!" I asked, "Is she attractive?" He said, "She is in her fifties. And no, I'm not attracted to her. But, I am to you." I leaned over and kissed him. "Now, let me she you house." He showed me everything. There was a large kitchen. Big enough to entertain probably twenty guests. I even had a wine cooler. There was a living room, nicely decorated, a den, a study, four bedrooms on the second floor, two bathrooms upstairs and a half bath downstairs. There was a laundry, a mud room, large front porch and a screened in back porch and a deck that had seating for entertaining for probably twenty guest, a small kitchen with a grille and a stone pizza over, granite walls, a pool and a water feature. It was very nice and probably cost him a lot. It was a nice, cool day so we sat on the deck for a spell. He told me how he cam by it and it got it for a song. Apparently, it was in foreclosure and the bank auctioned it off. He was at the auction and bought it four-hundred and twenty thousand dollars. The bank appraisal listed it for over half a million dollars. I ask, "How long of a mortgage do you have to get?" He said, "Fifteen years." "How long have you had it?" "Just short to four years. So, after another eleven years it's be paid for." I thought to myself that it would be a nice place to raise a family. We sat and spoke for another hour and then we left for lunch. He said, "I want to take you to someplace special that I've only been to once about five years ago." I said, "I'm looking forward to it." We traveled to the heart of Denver metro and arrived at a restaurant called McCormick and Schmicks - Seafood & Steaks. Upon entering I felt underdressed. It was very elegant and fancy. The waiters and waitress' all had on white shirts or blouses and they also wore a while linen apron across their left arm. We were seated. And, again, Luke pulled out my chair. We were handed menus. Upon opening it, there were no prices. A note at the bottom of the back page said, "All prices are variable depending upon the season and availability. Please check with your server for current pricing. Luke said, "Open menu as before." I said, "Thank you." A waiter came and asked for our drink order. Like before, Luke had iced tea and I had hot tea. The waiter said, "I'll have your drink order shortly." He left. The place was beginning to get packed, so it was about five-minutes before he came back. That gave us enough time to pick out what we wanted. Luke was having a salmon steak with mashed potatoes and brussels sprout and a crescent roll. I decided to have the same thing. He said, "Sorry folks. We're getting busy. Here are your drinks. Are you ready to order?" Luke said, "Yes." Then he gave the waiter our order. We had to wait about twenty-minutes to get our order. The waiter appologized for the wait and said, "The crescent rolls are on the house due to your wait." He and another waiter placed our plates on the table. Then he said, "Will there anything else sir." Luke said, "No. Thank you." He said, I'll get you a refill on your iced tea and hot tea when you're low." He left and Luke said the prayer like before. We began to eat. The food was very good and delicious. The waiter brought the tea refills a bit later. We continued to eat and talk. I asked him, "Where do your parent and grandparent live?" He said, "My parents live in North Denver and my grandparent live in Grand Junction." "How far away is Grand Junction from Golden?" Luke said, "It's a far piece. Almost five hours from where I live." "Why do they live so far?" "They don't like the Denver Metro area. It's too much hustle and bustle for them. So, they found this little place in the mountains and immediately fell in love with it." "How long have they lived there?" "About twenty-two years now." "Do you get to see them often?" "On birthday, holiday and anniversaries is all. They are quite people. They are nearly eighty now and it won't be long before they'll have to go to an assisted living center. They are getting to the point where it difficult for them to take care of themselves. My cousin Sara, lives near by and stops in every few days to check on them." "That's sad. How long have they been married?" "They celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary last December. We had a celebration at a golf country club. It was very nice with lots of food, alcoholic beverages and a dance ban for those who wanted to dance." I said, "I better stop asking so many questions. Our food will get cold." Luke said, "No. The more we learn about each other the better it will be." "Yes. But, you need to learn more about me." We ate and I spoke of my linage, friends, happening and the like for the next thirty-minutes or so. When finished the waiter come over and said, "Will we be having desert today?" We both nodded "no". He left the ticket in a nice black leather folder and said, "Anytime you're ready sir." He then left. As Luke was calculating the tip I briefly saw the bill. It was eighty-six dollars and some change not including tax. Luke wrote out the total amount for one-hundred dollars. I thought this was costing Luke way too much money. So, I thought it was time for me to tell him about my inheritance. "Luke." "Yes, Olivia." "I need to tell you something really important." "Okay." "I inherited over two-million from my parents when they died." "Why are you tell me this?" "Because I saw what you just paid and I think you are spending way too much money on me." "Olivia. Not to worry. I won the Colorado Education Lottery just before I bought the house. That's how I could afford to buy it and the, as you call it, ""his fancy car"". I won over six-million and I've invested it well. I can afford it." My eyes bulged with disbelief. I said, "Wow. That's far more than I would have expected. Well then, I guess it okay. I won't bring it up again." He paid cash for the meal and we left.

We next went to his house and he taught me how to swim. I was wearing a cute little hunter green bikini that was showing way too much of my cleavage. I changed into it in his master bathroom. He taught me in just short of two hours. I was swimming like an Olympic swimmer before I knew it. He taught me five different swim methods.

The next two day went very well. And, then on Sunday, I had to go back to Omaha. It was a sad departure for both of us. He drove me to the airport and while still in his fancy car he kissed me like never before. I was breathing heavily and he could tell. He said, "Olivia. I think I like our relationship. I hope it develops into something very special for the both of us. I like who you are inside and out. I like how you love the Lord. That means a lot to me. I wouldn't be dating you if you weren't a believer. I promise I'll never embarrass you or take advantage of you. You are special, kind and loving. Please kiss me one more time." So we did. And, again I began to breathed heavily. We stopped and said our good byes. I left and suddenly turned. Luke was crying. So, I put down my suitcase and ran to him. I jumped into his strong, muscular arms. We kissed again and we both were crying. He said, "I'm going to miss you so much. I won't see you again for another two weeks. This time I'll come to Omaha." I said, "Yes. I'm going to miss you also. And, yes, I'll see you in two weeks in Omaha. We kissed away each other's tears. Bye Luke." "Bye Olivia." With that I turned around and left crying all the way to the terminal building. I thought I had to get a hold on myself so I don't embarrass myself in front of strangers. I returned to work early on Monday morning. I couldn't focus because I was thinking of Luke. At my lunch break I suddenly realized I was in love with this man. So, without hesitation I went back to my office, closed the door and called him. He said, "Hello Olivia. Are you on your lunch break?" I said, "Yes. Luke. I have something really important I want to tell you." "Yes." "I just realized that I'm in love with you." "Olivia. I knew that you were going to be the one for me the first time I set my eyes on you in Sunday school. I've felt the same way since our third date and, someday, I'm going to propose to you. I want to be sure that it isn't just a knee jerk reaction. We need to get to know each other better and I want to introduce you to my parents. Is that okay with you?" "Yes Luke. May I call you darling?" "Yes. That's sweet." "Okay, darling. What you have said makes perfect sense to me and it is best. We hung up the phone and I felt a sense that I've never felt before. It was exhilarating and fulfilling. I was so happy. Happier than ever before. Except for the wonderful times with my mom and dad. I was happy because I knew, one day, I would marry this wonder man and raise a family. It's a dream come true.

So, for the next eleven months, Luke and I alternated between Omaha and Golden.

Chapter 9 - The Proposal

Then, at dinner one evening, on Friday, May 2nd, 1986, Luke proposed to me. I began to cry and said, "Yes darling. I'll marry you. You have made me so happy that words can't express. I stretched out my left hand across the table and he placed the engagement ring on my finger. The ring was so beautiful. The main diamond must have been two carats. We immediately went outside, and in the back alley, kissed like we've never kissed before. I know we were out there for at least five-minutes. Several of the kitchen workers saw us out the back screen door and applauded. One older woman was crying. They knew what just happened. Then, we returned to our table. We finished our meal and returned to his place. We celebrated over a glass of fine wine and spoke about raising a family some day. We set the wedding for Saturday, July 5th, 1986. Two hours later he took me back to my hotel.

On Saturday, we visited his parents. They were a sweet couple and obviously in love and have been for over thirty years. I immediately fell in love with them. They were very receptive of me and gave Luke and me their blessings. Their whole house was full of paintings and prints of Christian related things. Now, I know where Luke found his love for Jesus and his God. Like me and Luke, they were Baptist. Mrs. Baker told me they hadn't missed a Sunday service in over twenty years. I thought that was amazing! I couldn't say the same for me. Largely, due to my travel schedule.

On Sunday, we went to his Sunday school and then church. We enjoyed the service and afterwards, his pastor came and asked us to please follow him to his office. His name was Pastor O'Brien. He asked us to please take a seat around this round table in his office. He addressed me saying "I understand that you and Luke are to be wed." I said, "Yes sir." He said, "Luke has told me all about you and I want to say that I applaud the two of you. Luke has known our Lord since he was a teenager. He has served Him well and I know how deeply his love goes to his Lord. I expect his love for you is, and will be, no less than that love. I also am going to bless the two of you for your wedding, your years together and the family you plan on having one day. So, please bow your heads." We did. He said, "Our Father in heaven. I ask that you bless your children and that their togetherness will be blessed by you in heaven. May you bless their marriage and their family. It's in His most precious name we pray these things. Amen." Luke and I both began to cry. Pastor O'Brien gave us tissues to dry the tears. We were so, so happy. Once we composed ourselves, we shook his hand and then left. In his fancy car I asked, "Did you plan that?" "No. Last Sunday after church I told him about you and our plans to be wed. That's all." "Okay. That was very sweet of him. I'm very thankful he is your pastor. And, soon, to be my second pastor."

Chapter 10 - Back to Work

After lunch, Luke took me to the airport. I left and was back to work, bright and early on Monday morning. Mr. Wilson said, "Dolly is sick and in the hospital. I don't know when she'll be back. Her husband says the hospital is running tests to find out what the trouble is. I plan on going to see her tomorrow after work. I can't today because of all the tests she's having." I said, "I'd like to go with you." "Okay. We can ride together." Mr. Wilson didn't notice the ring on my finger. I figured I'd tell him later because I could see the concern he had on his face for Dolly. If he doesn't notice it before tomorrow, when we go to the hospital, I'll tell him all about it. I think that is fitting and considerate.

I got some hot tea and went to my office. There was a note on my desk from Mr. Wilson. It said, "I have another task for you. Our board of directors received an ""Offer to Sell - Short Line Railroad"" notice. The sole owner's, a husband and wife both died in a freak accident and their two grown sons are selling it. It's in Spokane, Washington. The short line will sell the one-hundred and sixty mile, single track, standard gauge rail line in that area. It mainly serves the industrial areas of Spokane with eighty-seven customers. The freight is scrap metal. The estimated annual tonnage of freight is two-hundred thousand tons per year. The line is totally one-hundred pound rail and in good condition. Olivia. I would like for you too see if this would be something of interest to our board of directors. Please determine what it's worth, calculated the ROI and report back to me on your findings. Assume a five percent increase per year of tonnage and revenue. I've included the notice and the list of their customers that has their shipping tonnage per year itemized. They wouldn't give any phone numbers or contact information. So, you'll have to just do the math. They've asked us to not contact them due to privacy issues. They are going to sell it to the highest offer in two weeks. Sincerely........Mr. Wilson." I thought, "Well, another interesting project."

It's Monday, May 5th, 1986. So, I began with a clean spreadsheet. I titled the page "Gross Revenue Generated for Rail Freight (Per Year)" with column headings "Short Line Distance, Gross Annual Shipping (Tons), Medium Distance, Price per Car, Weight per Car (Tons), Quantity of Car, LOL Adjustment (5%) and Gross Revenue." Once I made the entries for each column, the calculated result was seven-million dollars per year, even. I'm thinking a five year Return on Investment (ROI). I think that would be fair. The offering price would be thirty-five million dollars. That's what I'll recommend to Mr. Wilson.

I wrote everything up, rechecked my math, bundled all the paperwork in a nice, logical order and placed it in a labeled folder. I took it to Mr. Wilson's office. He wasn't there so I placed it in the middle of his desk. It took me all day to do. I left for home to relax for the evening and to call Luke.

I got home and changed my clothes into something more relaxing. I used the bathroom and washed my face. I turn on the TV to see what was going on in Omaha. The six o'clock news wasn't on for another hour and a half. So, I muted the TV and got the newspaper from the coffee table where I had placed it this morning as I was leaving for work.

I went to the phone in the living room and called Luke. We spoke until just before the 6 o'clock news. We spoke for a long while about our wedding arrangements; where, who was going to do it, the guest list, etc. We both hung up after we said, "I love you dearly." I watched the news at six, fixed a light dinner, took a shower, put on my gown and read the newspaper until eight-thirty. I went to bed. Tomorrow is to be another day and I was wondering what Mr. Wilson had in store for me.

I was at work at the 7 o'clock normal time. Mr. Wilson was standing at the coffee station. I asked, "Have you seen the paperwork I place on your desk?" "No. I just got here. Summarize it for me." "Well, with a five year ROI was can offer thirty-five million dollars. The annual gross revenue comes to seven-million dollars." Mr. Wilson said, "Good job. I'll look at it after I find a temp for Dolly." I went to my office to answer two letters I received from the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC). The first one was asking us to furnish them the annual tariff report which will be due June 1st. The second one was a miss addressed letter that had the same notice in. But, the letter inside wasn't addressed to the UP Headquarters. So, I put the letter back inside the envelop and sealed it closed with some clear tape and placed in the mail shoot that leads to the mailroom on the first floor.

I got the necessary forms from Dolly's file cabinet to answer the first letter. I went back to my office and, within an hour had it finished. I pulled apart the form putting the carbon copy to one side. I folded the form, placed it in a UP envelop, sealed it and placed a 22¢ stamp on it in the appropriate location. Again, I put it in the mail shoot. Mr. Wilson was standing at the coffee station. He said, "I'd like to go and visit Dolly now. Is it a good time for you?" I said, "Yes. I just finished the annual tariff report and it's in the mailroom." He said, "Let's go."

While riding in his car to the hospital he said, "You did a good job. I'm going to send it to our legal department so they can draw up the proposal. I'll then sign it and we'll mail it off this afternoon.

We arrived at Clarkson Hospital in about twenty-minutes. We went in and asked at the front desk what room Dolly was in. They said, "426. Please use elevator "B" to the forth floor." We took the elevator and found room 426. She wasn't in there. So, we went to the nurse's station nearby and inquired about her whereabouts. Mr. Wilson said, "I'm Dolly Madison's boss. Where is she?" The head nurse said, Mrs. Madison passed in the middle of the night. I could see the look on Mr. Wilson's face and, he was fighting back the tears. He said with a broken voice, "We need to go now." He didn't say a word all the way back to the office. He dropped me of at the main entrance and said, "I need some time to be alone. I'll see you tomorrow morning." Dolly had worked for Mr. Wilson for over twenty-five years. I know they must have been like brother and sister. I've only known her for a little while; just a little over a year. What a tragic loss. I went down to the mailroom and got two boxes, wrapping paper and some packing tape. I went back up to her desk and packed all of her personal belongings. I sealed the boxes and labeled them.

I returned to my office and sat down behind my desk. I didn't know what to do. Mr. Wilson wasn't here and I was sad for his loss. I know. I'll call Luke. He'll cheer me up. So, I picked up my desk phone receiver and called his number. He asked, "This is Luke. How can I help you?" I said, "Luke." He said excitedly, "Hello Love. Why are you calling me in the middle of the day?" "Mr. Wilson's secretary passed last night. Mr. Wilson had to leave and told me he would see me in the morning. He said he needed some time to be alone. They were like brother and sister. I'm sad for his loss." "What was here name?" "Dolly Madison." "Really!" "She worked for Mr. Wilson for over twenty-five years. I was hoping you could cheer me up." "Olivia. It's times like this that we have a saddened heart. Did she know the Lord?" "Yes. Yes she did." "That's comforting. Has the funeral arrangements be made?" "No. Like I said, she died in the middle of the night. I suppose her husband will let us know the details as soon as he has made them." Luke said, "Love. I'll be praying for you, Mr. Wilson, her husband and family and the UP staff that knew her." "Thank you." I felt a little bit better. We hung up the phone and I returned to work. I couldn't focus much due to me thinking about Mr. Wilson. I left for lunch at the cafe at eleven-thirty. On my way out I turn off the coffee machine. I just had a salad and some hot tea. I sat there thinking. "I'm not going to be very productive today so, I'll just go home. After lunch I went back to the office and turned out all the lights, then, went and got my car from the parking garage and drove home.

The next couple of days were slow. Mr. Wilson came back to work on Wednesday. I didn't hear from him at all. I read in the newspaper this morning Dolly's obituary. The funeral was going to be on Friday, May 9th, 1986 at three pm. The viewing was at 4 pm Thursday afternoon. Mr. Wilson, I and many others from the UP office building went to both. We learned that Dolly had a massive heart attack. She was overweight but only a little. Her husband said, "It runs in her family. Her brother died from the same thing two years ago." Her sister Ann, was at the funeral. Dolly looked good. She was now at peace with her Lord in heaven. Mr. Wilson and I didn't go to the gravesite service.

The next few months were uneventful. Mr. Wilson had me help him conduct the interviews of candidates to replace Dolly. We had nine applicants. One stuck out above the others. Her name was Cassie and she had a bachelor's degree in office management. Mr. Wilson and I both felt she would be a good fit. She was smart, witty and well organized. She was in her late forties and was married with two married children and two grandchildren. So, we hired her on Friday, May 16th. She was to begin on Monday at seven am. On Monday, she showed up fifteen minutes early and when Mr. Wilson and I came in she had the coffee made, my hot water for my tea and had turned on the office lights. That week she caught on very quickly and by weeks end she knew where everything was located and the likes and dislikes for Mr. Wilson and myself. During the hiring she asked to only take a thirty-minutes lunch because she had to pickup her granddaughter from school. We granted that request.

Due to Dolly's death and funeral we postponed the computer training class. We had it on Friday, May 30th. The class went well. The company had lunch brought in so we could eat while learning. The course was intense and we needed that time to squeeze in all of the material. Cassie was instructed to come in Sunday afternoon to lock all the office doors after the computer company had installed everyone's computer. Other staffers did the same thing on their floors.

I hadn't seen Luke for almost a month now due to my and his work schedules and Dolly's funeral. So, on June 6th he came to Omaha. Once he arrived at the airport and we were waiting on his luggage at the baggage claim I told him, "Luke darling. You know our wedding is in a month. I know over the last four months or so we have made all of the plans but there is one thing we haven't planned." "What's that?" "Our honeymoon. Where are you taking me?" "To Cancun. We're going to be there for almost two weeks." I was so excited I yelped. I said, "That's wonderful! I can wait. I've never been outside the US before." Luke said, "I've already bought the airline tickets and made the reservations. We are going to be staying in a honeymoon suite at a resort. What until you see what I've planned." "Please tell me." "No. It's going to be a surprise." We got his luggage and left in my car. I told him, "Mr. Wilson will be retiring just after our honeymoon. The board of directors have approved for me to be his replacement based on Mr. Wilson's recommendation." "Then you'll be making a lot of money?" "The annual salary is one-hundred and twenty thousand dollars." "That's great. But, will you have to spend more time at the office?" "No. In fact, I'll be there the normal times as I do now." "That's wonderful. I've been talking to my parents and the CEO of the company and after we start a family I'm going to retire. It's not like I don't have the money. So, then we'll live here in Omaha. We'll buy or build a house and we can live happily ever after. What do you think?" "I'm looking forward to it. So, you will be a stay at home dad?" "Yes. I don't mind."

Luke and I spent the entire weekend together talking, sleeping, eating, going to church and doing fun things. We had a wonderful life.

Sunday afternoon I drove him to the airport to catch his flight back to Denver. While riding there I told him that the pastor that was going to do the ceremony had to cancel due to his elderly brother who lived in Spain. There was something about his wife. The associate pastor was doing it and his name is Michael McDaniel. Luke asked me, "Have you met him?" I said, "Many times. He is nice and really, I prefer his sermons and teachings more than Pastor Turner's." "That's good." Luke left and I did also.

Fast forward. Friday, July 4th, 1986 was a glorious day. I took off work to make last minute plans. I had to pickup my wedding dress and my new white heels. I had to go and pay for the limousine company and the hotel. I did all of that before lunch. I took my wedding gown and shoes back to my place. I took a nap because last night I didn't sleep much due to me thinking about our wedding and what we'd be doing afterwards. I was running on all cylinders. Friday, after lunch I picked up Luke at the airport. We had a good dinner and he went to his hotel for the night. Once there we kissed and brief spoke of what our day was going to be like tomorrow and tomorrow night. We were both nervous from the anticipation. We said our good byes and I left his hotel. Never once, did we have sex. Even though both of us wanted to. We wanted to wait until we were married. That comes tomorrow. I respect Luke for that.

Chapter 11 - Wedding Bells

Saturday morning came. I arose at six am. I didn't sleep well due to all the fireworks last night. They were going off until around three am. I fixed a little breakfast and lost it in the bathroom. I had butterflies in my stomach. I was nervous yet happy to be alive and soon I will be married to this wonderful, loving, caring, God fearing person. I know in my heart that he and I will live a wonderful life and will rear children someday. I think he will be an excellent father.

I killed some time reading the newspaper and watching some TV. I had a light lunch at home and at noon I got my wedding gown, shoes, hose and the like and went to the church. I met up with my matron of honor. Her name is Ann Whitaker. She has been coming to my church for decades and we have become like sisters. Ann is attractive, very thoughtful and loving. She is married and has two girls, ages four and six. She met up with me in the bridal suite at church to help me get dressed. The wedding photographer would be arriving soon, so, we can begin pre-altar pictures one hour before the ceremony. My wedding dress had a six foot train, is long sleeved with a head covering. I am wearing my white heels and white, silk long sleeve gloves. I got dressed and the photographer took some pictures while we were in the bridal suite. Then, it was time. He took pictures of the entire bridal party, then different combinations of people including Mr. Wilson and Cassie. He took pictures of Luke and me in different poses. At the end, he took pictures of Luke and I, his best man, me and Ann, me and the flower girl and on and on. By two pm, he had taken over two-hundred photographs. Then Ann and I went into the foyer and shut the door. All of the other people including the flower girl, the ring bearer and my brides maids. Luke, his best man from college and his groomsmen all gathered in the anti-room to the right of the altar. There were seven steps from the main floor up to the altar.

The music started and the flower girl and the ring bearer walked up the isle. The flower girl was throwing rose pedals to the left and to the right. The ring bearer had our rings on a silk, red pillow. Luke and his best man and the groomsmen came out and stood at the front of the church. Next, Ann came out and the bridesmaids followed her. The door closed. The organist began playing the wedding march. The doors opened and I came walking up the isle every so slowly. Luke's face lit up and he smiled. I smiled back at him. We all formed an inverted "V" up to the altar with Luke and I holding hands in front of Pastor McDaniel. The pastor said, "Shall we pray. Our most gracious heavenly father. We all come before you today to honor you and to join your two children in holy matrimony. This union, oh Lord, was made and blessed by you through your Son Jesus Christ. We asked now, that you bless this union and that you bless Luke and Olivia in the days, months and years ahead. It's in His most loving and forgiving son's name Jesus. Amen." We all said, "Amen."

"Family and friends, we welcome you today to witness the marriage of Luke and Olivia. You have shared and contributed to their lives in the past, and by witnessing their marriage ceremony today, Luke and Olivia ask you to share in their future.

Marriage is a promise, made in the hearts of two people who love each other. Within the circle of its love, marriage encompasses all of life's most important relationships. A wife and a husband are each other's lover, teacher, listener, critic, and best friend.

It is into this state of marriage that Luke and Olivia wish to enter.

Luke, do you take Olivia to be your wife? Will you love, honor, and cherish her, in good times and in bad, and do you promise to stay true to her as long as you both shall live?

(Luke): I do

Olivia, do you take Luke to be your husband? Will you love, honor, and cherish him, in good times and in bad, and do you promise to stay true to him as long as you both shall live?

(Olivia): I do

Luke and Olivia, may you pledge to each other to be loving friends and partners in marriage. To talk and to listen, to trust and appreciate one another, to respect and cherish each other's uniqueness, and to support, comfort, and strengthen each other through life's joys and sorrows. May you promise to share hopes, thoughts, and dreams as you build your lives together. May your lives be ever intertwined, your love keeping you together. May you build a home that is compassionate to all, full of respect and honor for others and for each other. May your home be forever filled with peace, happiness, and love.

Luke and Olivia, please face each other and hold hands. Luke, as you look at Olivia, please repeat these words after me:

I, Luke, take you, Olivia, to be my wife. Together, we can accomplish anything. I pledge to honor, encourage, and support you. When our way becomes difficult, I promise to stand by you and uplift you, so that through our union we can accomplish more than we could alone. I promise to work at our love and always make you a priority in my life. With every beat of my heart, I will love you. This is my solemn vow.

Olivia, as you look at Luke, please repeat these words after me:

I Olivia, take you, Luke, to be my husband. Together, we can accomplish anything. I pledge to honor, encourage, and support you. When our way becomes difficult, I promise to stand by you and uplift you, so that through our union we can accomplish more than we could alone. I promise to work at our love and always make you a priority in my life. With every beat of my heart, I will love you. This is my solemn vow.

The ring is a symbol of unity into which your two lives are now joined in an unbroken circle; there is no beginning and no end, in which, wherever you go, you will return to one another.

Olivia, I offer you this ring as a symbol of my love and devotion. Let it always be a reminder of my love, and my vows to you.

Luke, I offer you this ring as a symbol of my love and devotion. Let it always be reminder of my love, and my vows to you.

Luke and Olivia, may your home be a haven of peace and your relationship be one of truth and understanding. May you enjoy length of days, fulfillment of hopes, and peace and content of mind as you, day-by-day, live and fulfill the terms of this covenant you have made with one another.

And now, for as much as you have made your vows, each to the other, and have declared the same by giving and receiving your rings, I pronounce that you are husband and wife. Luke, you may kiss your bride." We kissed unlike we've every kissed before.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I introduce to you Mr. and Mrs. Baker."

Everyone cheered and clapped. We both turned around to face all those in attendance. There wasn't a dry eye in the whole place.

Luke and I walked down the altar steps. The flower girl gave me one, long stemmed rose. I walked forward and handed it to Luke's mother. She pulled my head down and kissed me on the cheek and said, "Darling Olivia. You have made my son so happy, which makes me and his father happy. Thank you for loving him. His father and I look forward to watching you two develop into the loving and caring couple that we have had. Bless you my child." I felt a tear running down my face. I kissed her on her cheek and then raise back up and took Luke's hand.

Everyone gathered in the basement multipurpose room for the reception. They had punch and finger food and, of course, the wedding cake. There was a nice band named "Exit." After about twenty-minutes Mathew stepped up to the microphone and said, "It's time for the toast. He said, "Everyone please get a glass of punch." Everyone got a wine glass of punch and Mathew stepped forward. “Attention everyone. I want to say that I haven’t known Luke for very long. And, of course, I've known Olivia since she was born some twenty-three years ago. But, I see the same love, compassion and sincere happiness that surpasses all things and, like Samuel and Coralie, had. I know they will have a wonderful life together and I and Ruth look forward to sharing it with them. Now, let’s cut the cake.” Everyone began to tear again. We cut the cake and Luke smeared the cake all over my face. Someone handed me a napkin and I wiped it off the best I could. Everyone had a wonderful and joyful time.

We did the garter removal thing. Luke bit my calf. Next was the bouquet toss. The photograph had me stand on a chair and, with my back to the single ladies, I tossed the bouquet over my right shoulder. My niece Missy caught the flowers. Someone had spiked the punch and it wasn’t long before most were getting tipsy. They danced and then we finished. Mathew told everyone to get a package of bird seed off the foyer table and line up outside, to each side of the sidewalk.

Luke and I waited while the last of the crowd was outside. We stood by the closed foyer walnut, double swinging doors at the back of the church. Then, upon Ann's signal we ran out the open doors and down the sidewalk. Everyone was lined up to each side of the sidewalk throwing birdseed at us. The chauffer had the rear door to the limousine open and we got in. Ruth placed our luggage in the trunk. The chauffer closed the door and we soon were off.

We were staying in the Radisson Executive Suites. I had booked the Honeymoon suite for the night. And, what a night it was going to be. We arrived in forty-five minutes. The chauffer gave the bell hop our luggage and we were promptly escorted to our room. Once inside, the hop said, "Where would you like your luggage?" I said, "On the luggage rack please." "Yes ma'am." Luke handed him a five-dollar tip and he left. We couldn't get our clothes off fast enough. We climbed in bed and I said, "Luke darling. I'm a virgin. Please go slow." "Yes. I know and I will. I'm a virgin as well."

For the next hour we made passionate romance and intimacy to one another. I've never experienced anything like it before. Both of us were euphoric. Afterwards, we took a twenty-minute nap and did the whole thing over again. He was such a good lover. I suppose our Lord put this desire and understanding in our hearts. We napped again and then got dressed in our street closes. Then Luke said, "You have pretty feet. Most people don't. But, you do." I said, "Why thank you. No one has ever told me that before." "You're welcome." We took the elevator down to the lobby and exited the hotel. We walked, taking in all the sights and sounds of the area. There were still spent fireworks left on the street and sidewalk. I hadn't been in the part of town since I was a young child. And Luke has never been here. We stopped in a little souvenir shop and purchased a trinket that said, "Happy Together." We continued for the next hour or so then returned to our room.

We had dinner in our room. The host brought it with a single rose and a note from the manager that read, "Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Baker. We hope you enjoy your stay. If there is anything I or my staff can do for you, you can call my direct line by dialing extension 137. Dennis Hoffman, Manager." We both felt that was a nice touch.

Luke and I didn't sleep much that night. We made love four more times before we arose at eight-fifteen. We turned on the TV, filled the Jacuzzi with hot water and bubble bath. Once the temperature was to our liking we climb in. We were in there so long all of our fingers were wrinkled. We got out and dried each other off. We again, got dressed in our street clothes and ordered breakfast. There again, was a single red rose in a vase. We ordered what we almost always have, two sunny-side up eggs, hash browns, fried ham and my hot tea and we both had a large glass of orange juice. We read the newspaper and watched a little TV. Our flight to Cancun leaves the airport at twelve-thirty. We packed and took a cab to the airport. We were staying in the Temptation Cancun Resort. It was for adults only. We will be flying, non-stop from Omaha to Los Angels. Then, with a one-hour layover, our next flight is also non-stop to Cancun. The total package was almost four-thousand dollars. The total flight time was nine and a half hours. We were in the resort by midnight. Once we checked in and went to our room we immediately went to bed. We made love again one more time before falling to sleep.

The next morning we arose at seven-thirty. We took a shower together, got dressed in vacation clothes and ordered breakfast in our room. We turned on the TV. There was only four channels that were in English. One was CNN. The other two were one from NYC and the other two from Tampa Bay and Chicago. Not much news today. The doorbell rang. Luke answered the door. A resort hostess brought in our breakfast alone with a copy of the Wall Street Journal. I don't much care the Wall Street Journal because it tends to slant to the left. She placed our food on the table by the large window that faced the beautiful ocean water, placed the newspaper on a table by the bed and Luke tipped the lady five-dollars. She then left. Luke, like most times, and now being the head of the family, said the prayer. He said, "Our Lord. We thanked you for blessing our union. We both thank you for blessing us and our bodies, romance, intimacy and passion we've had yesterday and the night before. Bless this food to the nourishment of our bodies and our bodies to your service. Amen."

After breakfast, we went and got a free bicycle at the side of the resort. It was a bicycle built for two. I though of my uncle Mathew and his making of bicycles. We rode for more than an hour, exploring the area. We stopped once to watch a dancer dance in front of a water fountain. She was very talented. She had a container for tips. Luke left a two-dollar tip. We continued and found a street vendor selling ice cream cones. Luke bought one for the each of us. Mine was vanilla and Luke had chocolate. We sat down on a nearby bench and ate our ice cream cones. It was a beautiful day. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and the temperature was just right. We watched children play in the fountain. Afterward, we continued to ride for the next thirty-minutes and then returned to our hotel. It was nine am. We returned to our room and made love again. I said, "Luke. We haven't been taking precautions. I hope I don't get pregnant. I don't want children just yet. We have to think about our careers." "Yes. You're right. I can either use condemns or we can get the resort doctor to give you some birth control pills." "I think I would like that over the condemns." "Okay. We'll get you an appointment now. I saw on the desk next to the phone a card with all of the resorts amenities with their phone numbers." We walked over and I picked up the card. The resort doctor's extension was 178. I dialed it. "Doctor Jenkins' office. This is Mary Ann. How can I help you Mrs. Baker?" "Yes. I need to get some birth control pills please." "Yes ma'am. This is a common thing. I'll have Doctor Jenkins send up a bottle of them right away. Can we put the charge on your room?" "Yes. That'll be just fine. Thank you." "You're welcome." Luke said, "What did they say?" "The lady said this is a common thing and she'll have the doctor send up a bottle right away." Luke said, "That's good. Now, we don't have to worry about it any longer. Just then the door bell rang. I answered the door because I knew who it was. I opened it. "Hello Mrs. Baker. Here is you medication. You have a wonderful day." I said, "Thank you and I will." I closed the door and Luke said, "Listen, I haven't worked out all week. I noticed they have a gym. I'm going there. Would you like to come?" "Yes. I brought my sports bra, tennis shoes and a nice pair of tight shorts that I think you'll like." "I can't wait to see you in them."

We changed, left and went to the gym. It was large one and it had every kind of exercise equipment that anyone would want. So, Luke and I worked out for a little more than an hour and returned to our room and took a shower and got into some nice, cool clothes. "Luke. That was exhilarating. I feel better. I noticed your abs bulging while you were lifting weights. You are so muscular and handsome." "Thank you, my love." I said, "What do you want to do now?" "Why don't we go out and sit by the pool and get some tea. I'm thirsty." "Sounds good." We did just that. I picked up a brochure that listed all the amenities. There were six restaurants including El Embarcadero witch serves International meals, The Asian Wok that offers Asian cuisine and Bellavista which serves Caribbean dishes. Margarita’s Snack Bar & Grill offers Mexican food as well as cocktails while Bikini offers drinks. They has a spa, casino, and sauna, a steam room a shuttle to and from the airport and of course the concierge. Luke and I haven't even been to most of those places. Before sitting down, we found the bar and Luke got iced tea. The bar tender said the hot tea was just inside and he'd have someone bring it to me. We found a nice set of chairs with a round, white table between them that had a large, red umbrella. It had in white letters the resorts' name in script lettering. We both sat there watching and listening to all the people having fun in the pool. It was a large pool configured like a kidney. There was a water fall at the far end with a water slide to one side. At one end, there were eight people playing pool volleyball. They were having a lot of fun. There was one elderly couple that were swimming across the pool. They were very good swimmers. They obviously were much in love. Even though they were probably in their eighties, the man was well built, no fat or flab and attractive. I didn't say anything to Luke. There were two life guards perched on high, white seats with a red umbrella overhead. Again, the umbrella had the same lettering as ours. I said to Luke. "Luke. It's too hot for me to be drink hot tea. Can I have a sip of your to see if I like it?" "Of course, babe." He handed me the glass. It was good. "I like it. I'm going over there to get myself a glass." Luke said, "No. I'll get it for you." "You're such a gentleman." "I try to be." Shortly, he came back. I put some sweetener in it for you. Most places tend to over sweeten their tea." I took a sip and said, "I think I could get use to this when it's hot outside. It's good." We stayed there for over an hour, drinking our tea and enjoying what we were watching and hearing. It was very relaxing and spiritually calming. After I drank my second glass of iced tea I had to use the bathroom. I said, "Luke. I have to use the bathroom. Can we go to our room now? After that, can we eat? I'm getting hungry." "Yes. My love." We left and went back to our room. I used the bathroom, took my birth control pill and we went to the Asian Wok. We were greeted by an Asian lady. She was attractive and appeared to be too young to be working there. We were seated immediately. Luke, like always, pulled my chair out so I could sit. "Luke. I hope you are always the Southern gentleman. I like being treated this way." "Yes. I'll never change. I cherish you and will always treat you with respect and honor. Nothing less than that." "Thank you." We looked at the menus and you could order from the menu or they had a buffet. "Luke. I think I would like the buffet." "That sounds good. I'll have the same." Then a waitress came to our table. She said, "May I please have your drink orders?" We both ordered unsweet iced tea. "Yes. Thank you. I'll be back shortly." Sure enough, she was back in less than two-minutes with our tea. She placed them on the coasters and asked, "Do you know what you're having?" Luke said, "We're both having the buffet." "Yes sir, Mr. Baker. Will that be all?" "Yes." She said, "The plates are on the buffet table." Luke said, "Thank you." She responded, "You're most welcome and you and Mrs. Baker please enjoy your meal. I'll be back periodically to check on your drinks." "Thank you." "You're welcome sir." As she left I wondered how she knew our names. We went to the buffet and filled our plates. We returned, and, again as before, Luke pulled out my chair. While holding our hands across the table, Luke said the pray. We talked while eating and we were having a very pleasant time. I learned that Luke was in a car wreck when he first got him driver's license. It broke his left leg in four places. It took him six months to fully recover. Luke told me that's when he began working out. It was the physical therapy that the doctor had ordered. He said he just never stopped working out. I'm glad. We continued to talk and share our past with each other. I briefly told him about Mark. He didn't seem to be jealous or threatened thought. I suppose he was secure in who he was and the fact that we were now a married couple. We were there almost forty-five minutes. Luke signed the bill with a fifteen percent tip and we left. We went back to our room and laid down for a while due to all the food we ate. We got out of our clothes. Me in my bra and panties and Luke in his boxer shorts. He has a hairy chest. We slept for around thirty-minutes and then made love again. I don't think I'll every get tired of him making love to me. We arose, took a shower, dried off and got dressed. While dressing I asked, "Luke. What do you want to do next?" He said, "Why don't we ask the concierge if there are any good movies playing nearby?" I said, "That's a lovely idea. Let's go." I grabbed my purse and we left. We asked the concierge and there was a new release just out on July 1st called "What About Last Night...". She said, it was a comedy and was touted to be a potential Oscar winner. She continued with "We can sell you the tickets here and put it on your room. The resort gets a ten percent rebate for selling each ticket." Luke and I looked at each other and agreed. He said, "Yes ma'am. We'll do that." She handed us the tickets. The showing was in thirty-minutes and the theater was only four blocks away. We walked there and sat in the lobby until showing time. We walked in and found a seat about half way up. It was about a man and woman meeting and trying to have a romantic affair, despite their personal problems and the interference of their disapproving friends. The main actors were Rob Lowe, Demi Moore and Jim Belushi. We thoroughly enjoyed the movie. We left afterwards and returned to the resort and our room. For the rest of our honeymoon we went to the spa, the sauna and the steam room. We went swimming in the ocean and at the outdoor pool. Luke and I both went down the water slide, backwards. We laughed so hard.

Chapter 12 - New Plans and Back Home

Then it was time to return home. I was going back to Omaha and Luke to Golden. While on the plane headed toward Denver we spoke about us being apart except for the weekends. We both were saddened that we would be apart. Then Luke said, "Listen babe. I'll give my two weeks notice and then we can be together and not apart from one another. I'll lease out my house, we can buy or build a house for us in Omaha. How does that sound?" "Luke, darling. What will you do to occupy your time without a job?" "I'll find something. I've always had a dream to be a Olympic swim coach. I used to be a lifeguard in high school and I was on the swim team in college. I've always loved the water and love teaching people how to swim." I said, "Yes, but, do they have Olympic swimming in Nebraska?" "I don't know but I'll find out." "That would be wonderful. If this works out we'll be together for the rest of our lives and not have to worry about commuting back and forth." "Yes. Also, I've always wanted to design my own house. Now, would be a perfect time for that. We can design it together and hire a contractor and have it built." I said, "That would also be wonderful. I'd love to be a partner with you in designing our new home. We can get started next weekend." Luke said, "Our flight stops in Denver. I have to go home and find a mover, find a realtor who will lease my house, turn in my resignation, tell my parents about our plans and say my good byes to my parents and my cousins. So, the weekend after next would be a better time." "Okay. It'll take you at least a week, maybe two, to get all of that finished." "Yes. But, I'll do it as quickly as humanly possible so we can be together." We landed at Stapleton International Airport. We disembarked and Luke and I kissed and said our good byes. My connecting flight was just three gates down. As we departed we were both crying and saddened to the fact that we may not be seeing each other for a week or two. I arrived in Omaha at nine pm. I took a cab home, put away my clothes, got into my gown and went to bed. It was Saturday, July 19th, 1986. I thought I'd go to church tomorrow and see Pastor McDaniel. After all, Luke and I didn't go to church while on our honeymoon. The only services they had at the resort was Catholic. I said a prayer for Luke and I and asked God to bless us in our marriage and to bless our plans. I thought about mom and dad and knew they were having a wonderful and lovely time in heaven together. I said, "Amen" and went to sleep. I had a peaceful night and awoke at eight-thirty. I got up and used the bathroom and then got undressed and took a shower. Afterwards, I took my birth control pill and was really hoping I wasn't pregnant. I put on my church clothes and fix breakfast. After I ate I put the dirty dish and flatware in the dishwasher. I didn't feel like going to Sunday School. I was lost without Luke so I planned on just going to church. It's in less than an hour so I grabbed my purse, locked the door, got my car out of the garage and left. I was there in twenty-minutes. I had to get there early because parking has been a problem for the last several years. If you arrive late you'll probably be parking in the grass. The church is growing and the sanctuary can accommodate all the new people but the parking lot can't. I think they need to think about enlarging the lot. The church sits on ten acres, so, they have the room. It was twenty till eleven. I went in the side entrance because it was closet to Pastor McDaniel's office. I knock on his door. "Come in." I opened the door and got in. He immediately said, "Where is Luke? Is he in the sanctuary?" "No. He's in Golden." So, I told him of all our plans and briefly told him about our honeymoon. I spoke to him for almost ten-minutes when a deacon came in and said, "It's time Pastor." So, we shook hands and he said, "Please enjoy the service." I said, "I will."

As I sat listening to the choir sing and couldn't focus because I had Luke on my mind. But, I did stay until the end of the service. We had communion today. I took two. One for Luke and one for myself. I prayed, "Lord. I thank you for sending this wonderful man to me. I know it was your doing. I pray that you bless us, our years together and perhaps, one day, you bless us with children. Thank you for your son Jesus and the sacrifice He made on Calvary. It's in His name I pray. Amen."

After church I drove immediately home and called Luke. He answered saying, "Olivia. Is that you?" "Yes it is. I haven't stopped thinking about you. I couldn't focus in church today. I spoke with Past McDaniel before church and told him all about our plans and some about our honeymoon. He asked where you were so I told him." "Olivia. I haven't had you off my mind since Denver in the airport. Listen. I'm going to go to work tomorrow and tell them I'm turning in my resignation as of next Friday. Then we can be together. I'll make sure I get everything accomplish by next Friday, even if I have to work twenty hours a day doing it." "Luke. Please don't do that. It's not healthy. It would be hard on your body. So, just take your normal pace and soon we'll be together. Okay?" "Okay." We spoke for another twenty minutes and then hung up. I sat there knowing he wouldn't do it normally. I think I know him well enough by now to know that once he sets his mind on something, there is no turning back. But, I'm okay with that.

I fixed my lunch and just sat around the house reading the newspaper and watching TV. I did a couple of loads of laundry. I didn't leave the apartment all day because it was raining. I had dinner early, organized my brief case for tomorrow and went to bed at nine.

I slept well. I dreamed a couple of dreams about Luke and me. I, arose at five-thirty. I got out of my gown and took a shower. I fixed a little breakfast; not what I normally had. I had oatmeal and a glass of orange juice. I got dressed in my suit and left for work. I arrived at six-forty five. Cassie had already made Mr. Wilson's coffee and the hot water for my hot tea. I though she was a good secretary. I greeted her, got my tea and went to my office. Mr. Wilson came in promptly at seven. He got his coffee and came to my opened door office. He slowly came walking toward the chair in front of my desk. He said, "Good morning Olivia." "Good morning Mr. Wilson." He said, "So. How was your honeymoon?" "Oh, Mr. Wilson. It was wonderful. I can't say I'm all rested due to all that we did and the traveling back on Saturday. But, we had a lovely time." "Where is Luke now?" "He's in Golden." So, I told Mr. Wilson all the plans Luke and I had. After I finished he said, "You know I retire on Friday and the staff is planning on a retirement ceremony?" "Yes. Cassie told me all about it this morning while I was fixing my tea." "So, you will be sworn in as the new President and CEO for the Union Pacific Railroad. How do you feel about that?" "I'm excited and I know, after the learning adjustment time, you'll be proud of me." "Olivia. I'm already proud of you. You have been an equal to your dad and I know he and your mom are proud of you. You will do a great job for the UP and I have no doubts that you'll accomplish great things. You are young. How old are you now?" "I was twenty-three last April." "You have many years to develop your skills and still more and it will serve the UP well. I think the company will grow exponentially over the course of the next twenty or thirty years and you are the one that's going to do it. Your first task as the new President and CEO is to help marketing develop a new marketing plan. You have the "hands on" experience now. So, you can assist them and give them ideas." I said, "I've already thought of that some time ago on how to increase the UP's revenue. I was thinking about looking at our customer base, demographics and the like and focus largely on the strongest market and make a push for that. Other railroads have use TV and radio to advertise. But, the UP hasn't. So, with the board's approval, I'll recommend using every media resource out there and focus largely on the results of our findings." "Olivia. That's a wonderful idea. I don't know why I haven't thought of it. But, then, that's why I hired you. I saw the potential and I was right. Why don't you start now and write down your ideas and met up with Mr. Thurgood in marketing. As you know, he is the head of marketing." "Yes sir. I went to school with his daughter. She was in the structural engineering program there. Mr. Thurgood wanted her to go to the best structural engineering school east of the Mississippi. So, he chose the University of Kentucky." "I didn't know that. Then, you seem to know more about personal lives around here than most people." "I love people and love working with them. I'm not a people person as much as you are. He said, "I'm just not like that. I mostly tend to stick to myself. Again, that's why I brought you on. I'll be going now. You begin working on this new plan and, if you need me, I'll be in my office." "Yes sir. And, thank you for being the mentor and man you are." "Your welcome Olivia." Mr. Wilson left and I sat at my desk, with my new computer and began to type out my ideas. It took me all day and half of Tuesday only stopping for lunch.

As a side note. I missed my period yesterday. I so much hope I'm not pregnant.

Once I completed my ideas and organizing them in logical and sequential order, I printed four copies, one for Mr. Thurgood, one for his secretary, one for Mr. Wilson and one for myself. I called his secretary from my desk and made an appointment. She told me Thursday afternoon at two he was available. He was out of town until then and would be back Thursday morning. I accepted that time and she and I made a note of it. Until then, I will expand a little more and check my math projections to make sure everything was correct. After work, I called Luke and asked him how he was doing. He said, "Olivia. I'll be finished by Friday afternoon. I've turned in my resignation, hired a realtor, hired a moving company and have said my good byes to my mother and father and my cousins. So, I'll be driving to Omaha." "Luke. Mr. Wilson retires this Friday and the staff is throwing him a retirement ceremony. They are also going to swear me in as the new President and CEO. I wished you could be here for it." "I do to. Can you have it videoed?" "Yes. I'll get Cassie to do it." "Who's Cassie." "She's the new secretary that took Dolly's place after she died." "Oh." We spoke for another fifteen minutes and then said our good byes."

I met up with Mr. Thurgood on Thursday afternoon and the meeting went well. He liked my ideas and he added two more ideas. He said, "I'll get my staff to put together the marketing research and will get back to you in a couple of weeks. Meanwhile, do you have the time to call around to the media outlets and make some contact?" I said, "Yes. I'll get Cassie to do it. Okay. I'll be waiting for your call." With that we shook hands and I left. It was quitting time so I told Cassie I was going home. She told me that she would start first thing Monday morning. She also informed me that the ceremonies were scheduled to be on the second floor conference room tomorrow at two o'clock. I said, "I wouldn't miss it for anything." We said our good byes and I went home.

I picked out a nice suit for the occasion tomorrow and hung it over the closet door. I fixed dinner, organized my briefcase, made some ice tea, took a shower and was in bed by ten. I didn't every watch TV but read the newspaper this morning at work.

I arose at six. I got out of my gown and took a shower. I dried off, brushed my teeth, blew dried my long red hair, brushed it and put on my suit that I got out last night before bed. I thought I'd have breakfast at the cafe today since it is Mr. Wilson's and my big day. I'd celebrate. I had my usual over easy fried eggs, hash browns, fried country ham, some fruit and my hot tea. I read the newspaper that I had brought with me. I finished, paid the bill, left a tip and left for work. I arrived, like most mornings, at seven. Cassie greeted me and said, "Mr. Wilson's coffee and your hot water is ready. I guess come Monday morning you'll be my new boss. I've never worked for a woman before. I'm looking forward to it." "I am also." "Also, one more thing before you go. They're having punch and finger food at the ceremony." I said, "Thank you." She said, "Your welcome Mrs. Baker." I got my hot tea, placed the iced tea in the refrigerator and went to my office. I sat there with nothing to do. So, I read the rest of the newspaper. Mr. Wilson came in after getting his coffee. With coffee cup in hand he walked into my office and sat in the chair across from my desk. "Well Olivia. Today is the big day. I'm retiring and you will be sword in before the entire staff. I just wished Dolly was here to see it all." "Mr. Wilson. I know she'll be watching from heaven." "That's comforting. Thank you." "You're welcome." "Did you have your meeting with Mr. Thurgood yesterday?" "Yes. We had a very good meeting and he was very receptive of all my ideas. He had a couple of his own. Anyhow, over the course of the next two weeks his staff are going to do the market research and, once finished, he will get back with me. Meanwhile, Cassie is going to call all the media outlets beginning on Monday. She's going to make the contacts and see what opens we may have." "That's good news. I knew you could do it. So, what are you going to do now until the celebration?" "I really don't having anything to do so I thought I'd read the newspaper. I didn't finish it in the cafe this morning." "Please, once you're finished, may I borrow the paper? I haven't read any of it either." "Yes. Of course." He left and I continued to read the newspaper. Once finished, I took and gave it to Mr. Wilson. I still didn't have anything to do. So, I asked Cassie to proof read my proposal. Then, on my way back to my office I suddenly realized I hadn't bought Mr. Wilson a retirement gift! So, I walked to Cassie's desk and told her I'd be back in a little while and that I had to get Mr. Wilson a gift. She said, "Fine. I'll keep watch and should anyone call for you I'll take the message and give it to you when you get back." I said, "Thank you." "You're welcome Mrs. Baker."

I got my car from the parking garage and left. I drove to the mall just minutes away and went inside and found a gift store. While driving there I was thinking on what to get him. And, then it hit me. I heard once that Mr. Wilson liked to drink beer on the weekends. So, I'll get him a beer stein. The sign in the store window said, "Free custom engraving while you wait?" I thought that was perfect. I got him a German, hand-crafted beer stein and thought of an engraving. It must say, "Mr. Robert O. Wilson. July 25, 1986. God's speed. Love and dedication always.....Olivia Harriett Hughes." While waiting on the engraving I saw where they did custom door mats. I thought was nice. I got the engraving, paid for it, had it gift wrapped and returned to my office. Cassie said there were no phone calls or messages.

Since there was going to be punch and finger food I didn't eat any lunch. One-forty-five came. I got my purse and Mr. Wilson's gift and Cassie and I went down to the conference room.

Once we arrived there were around thirty staffers there. People were gathering in little groups, one here and several over there. They were having fun. More staffers were coming in and after a few minutes one of the board of directors walked on stage and stepped in from of the podium, grabbed the microphone and made an announcement. He said, "Attention everyone. May I have your attention for just a moment? We are here today to celebrate Mr. Robert O. Wilson's retirement. He has been with the UP for over forty years. He has been a very dedicated, talented and loyal employee and we applaud him for his service. He will adventure in other areas after today. He plans to spend more time with his wife Debra and his grandchildren. He has seven of them all of whom live here in Nebraska. He and Debra want to travel so, as a retirement gift, the UP Board of Directors have given him and Debra a lifetime pass on any of the UP lines. Most of you know Olivia. She will be taking over for Mr. Wilson. In the past year and a half she has proven to be just as smart, talented, dedicated and loyal as Mr. Wilson was. She is standing over there. Olivia, please raise your hand." I did as he pointed. He continued. "She will be sworn in by our company Chaplin and board member Chuck Reiner. That will take place at the end of our ceremony. So, for now, listen to the band, do a little dancing, drink some punch and eat and enjoy yourselves." He turned off the microphone and exited the stage. There was a large table off to one side where people were placing gifts. So, Cassie and I placed ours there as well. There were probably forty gifts there already. He must be a very popular man here. Cassie and I were talking and I said, "Where did you get your masters degree in business management?" She said, "From the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. Why do you ask?" "I just wanted to know where you were educated. Your education far passes your secretarial position here. Perhaps we can give you more responsibility sometime in the future. We'll wait and after six months or so we'll talk more." "That sounds great. I'd like something more challenging." Both of us mingled around speaking with other staffers. I needed to get to know some of them better. After all, I am now the President and CEO for UP. I ran into Mr. Thurgood and spoke to him for a bit. I think, with our combined effort, we can increase our customer base and increase our revenue." He agreed. I met a few more people. I asked there names and introduced myself to them. They all were receptive and polite. After about an hour, the same board member returned to the stage. He picked up the microphone and made the announcement, "Attention everyone. Please settle down. We now are going to swear in our new President and CEO Mrs. Baker. Olivia. Would you please step on stage?" Once I was up there with the remainder of the board the Chaplin took a bible from the podium, held it out and asked me to place my right hand on it. I did. He said, while holding the microphone, " Olivia Harriett Hughes will you please repeat after me, "I Olivia Harriett Hughes, do solemnly swear, that I will uphold the office of which I am about to embark. And, that I will execute all of my talents, wisdom, duties and education to strengthen the Union Pacific Railroad. So help me God." I repeated just as he had said. He then said, "God's speed Olivia." People began to cheer and I felt a little tear in my right eye. I took my hand off the bible and took a bow. I then stepped off the stage and grabbed a napkin to dry my tear. I asked Cassie if she videoed the proceedings. She said, "Yes. I got it all and even some close ups." Mr. Wilson approach me and, for the first time every, he hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. He said, "Olivia. God's speed and good luck. I'll be coming by every once in a while to check on you. And, should you have a question or need an opinion, please call me. You have my home number." I said, "Thank you." "You're most welcome." He was then led to the gifts. He sat in a chair and one by one opened them. He personally thanked each person after he opened each gift. Debra was writing down who gave what. It took almost thirty minutes for him to finish. After that, people began to leave and go back to work. Cassie and I went back to the twelve floor and I told her. "Cassie. Please take the rest of the day off and I'll see you Monday morning." "Oh. Thank you, Mrs. Baker. That's so kind of you. I'll call my daughter and tell her that I can pick up my granddaughter from school. She won't have to leave her job. She turned off the coffee pot and the lamp on her desk and left.

It was now Friday, July 25th, 1986 and all was well with my soul. I too turned off my desk lamp, locked my office door, turned off the hot water kettle, grabbed my purse and briefcase and left for home. It had been a good day and I felt fulfilled and satisfied.

Chapter 13 - Come Together

I had to clean up the house. Luke was coming tomorrow. Tomorrow, Luke would be sleeping in my, excuse me, our bed. I put new sheets and pillow cases on the bed and put the dirty ones in the wash. I checked the refrigerator and panty to make sure we had enough food to last for the week. There was plenty. I dusted, vacuumed and rearranged the living room furniture. I wiped down the kitchen counters and made out meals plans. I really didn't know what all Luke liked but I have enough meals planned for three days. I had dinner, took a shower, dried off, got into my gown and went to bed. I was so much anticipating his arrival tomorrow. Luke told me the other day he was leaving at six am. So, with a driving time of nearly nine hours, that'll put him here at three pm. I can't wait.

I didn't sleep well due to my anticipation of seeing Luke. I dreamed about our honeymoon and us making love. I finally started my period this morning. I was almost two weeks late. That's never happened to me before. Maybe it was due to all the love making and emotions I'd had inside of me with Luke. I got out of my gown and took a shower. The hot water felt good on my face and back. I got out, dried off, blew dried my hair and put on a nice and sexy outfit. I didn't know what I was going to do for the next eight hours. I think I'll go and get Luke a "welcoming home" gift. But, what I wondered. Then, I remembered the custom door mats in that gift shop. So, I got my car from the garage and drove back. I parked near the entrance to the mall and went inside. I spoke to the same lady as before. She asked, "Is there something wrong with the mug?" "No. I'm back to get one of those custom door mats I saw." "Yes ma'am. Would you like one?" "Yes please." We walked over to where they were. It was going to be a small gift but I think it will be appropriate. We stopped. "You pick out a style and tell me what you'd like for it to say and we can do it in ten-minutes." So, I picked out one that had a swimming pool on it. Much like what we saw while on our honeymoon. I picked it up and said to her, "This is the one. I want it to say "Welcome Home Luke." "Yes ma'am. I'll have it for you shortly. Before I make it you'll need to pay for it. It's fourteen dollars and fifty cents." I paid her and she left to the back room. It wasn't long before she was back. They were slow and so she was able to do it right away. She came out and said, "Here you are ma'am. Will that be all?" I said, "Yes thank you." She responded, "Your quite welcome ma'am." It was perfect and the script lettering was also just as nice. I left and drove back home. I got the door mat out of the bag and placed it in front of my apartment door. It was perfect and I hope Luke likes it.

I spent the rest of the morning reading the newspaper, watching a little TV and did some more cleaning. I got the bed linens out of the wash and put them in the dryer with a softener sheet. I continued to read the newspaper. I read where four-time tennis player champ Hana Mandikova, age twenty-four wed restaurateur Jan Sedlak at Prague's old town hall and where Sikhs extremist killed sixteen Hindus in Muhktsar, India.

I fixed myself a light lunch because I had butterflies. The afternoon went quickly and soon Luke would be home. I pulled back the white curtains on the front window and sat in a chair in the living room. I had turned it around so I could see out the window and know when he arrived. It was three-fifteen when he came. And, I ran out the door and jumped into his arms. We kissed so compassionately and he got his suitcase and we went inside. I closed the door not even noticing if he had noticed the new door mat. Like our first night together, we couldn't get our clothes off fast enough. We kissed, made love and spent the next half hour physically together. When we were finished, we just laid there talking. I asked, "When are the movers going to be here?" He said, "In about ten days. I'll have to rent a storage unit because your, excuse me, our apartment isn't large enough to hold any of it." I said, "Yes. It's pretty crowded in here. There is a storage unit place up the road a piece. I pass it every morning on my way to work. I'll give you the address later." "Did you get Cassie to record the swearing in ceremony?" "Yes. I'll play it for you a little later. Listen. Get dressed and come here. I have something to show you." So, we both got dressed in the same clothes and I showed him the "welcome home mat." He asked, "How in the world did you have time to do that? It must have taken weeks to have it made and mailed here!" "No. When I was in the mall yesterday getting Mr. Wilson's retirement gift, they had them. And, they made it in the store while I waited. It only took them a few minutes to made." "It's beautiful and reminds me of the pool we were while on our honeymoon." "Yes. I had the same thought when I first saw it. I'll show you the video." I got the tape out of my purse and put it in the VCR. I turned it on "play." I didn't realize that Cassie had video taped Mr. Wilson's ceremony too. We watched the video and Luke had a tear in his eye. He tried to suppress it but couldn't. I kissed his tear away and kissed him again and held him. Luke said, "I never thought I'd be married to a wonderful woman who is the President and CEO of a large corporation. It's amazing." I asked him, "Are you hungry?" "No. I ate at McDonald's just a couple of hours ago. But, thank you anyway." "You're welcome darling."

We spent the remainder of the day just enjoying each other's company and talking. I fixed our dinner. Afterwards, Luke and I went to the bedroom with his suitcase. I said, "I've rearranged all my stuff and made room for your clothes in the dresser, chest-of-drawers and the closet." "Thank you. I have a lot more clothes out in the car. I brought all of my summer clothes. The winter wear I packed in Golden." We unpacked everything and put it away. I told Luke, "I started my period yesterday. It was almost two weeks late." Luke said, "I know you're happy about that. I know you were worried about it." We watched the nine o'clock news and went to bed after.

It's Sunday, July 27th, 1986. We didn't make love last night. I awoke before Luke. The light was coming into our bedroom window and it lit up Luke's handsome face. I laid on my side just watching him sleep. He looked so peaceful and happy. I didn't have the heart to wake him. So, I got up and went to the bathroom and washed my face. I thought I would make him breakfast. I made him the usual, two over easy fried eggs, hash browns, fried country ham and orange juice. I made the same for myself. In the spare bedroom closet I found a lap tray I didn't know I had and I was wondering where it came from. Just as I was putting our breakfast on the tray Luke came into the kitchen and patted me on my behind and said, "Good morning my love. I hope you slept well." I said, "Yes. I was watching you sleep and didn't have the heart to wake you. So, I thought I'd fix us breakfast and we can eat in bed." "That sounds good." Luke helped me carry the tray to the bedroom and, we sat in bed with our heads and backs against the headboard. Luke said the prayer and we ate. While we ate, I asked Luke if he would like to go to church this morning. He said, "No. I'm a little tired from all the driving. I'm like your dad, driving and flying tires me. I'd just like to hang around here today and recoup." I replied, "That's fine."

After we put the dishes, glasses and flatware in the dishwasher, we made love again and took a short nap. We later read the newspaper and watch the morning news. We spent the rest of the day just enjoying each others company. We finished the newspaper and watch a movie on TV. I had to go to work tomorrow and I know I'll be thinking of him most of the day. But, I realized, while at work, I had to focus and do a good job for the UP. We had lunch and at seven-thirty had dinner. Luke grilled steaks on the grille. We had loaded baked potatoes, long string bean and iced tea. I ran a load in the dishwasher, set out my suit for tomorrow and we retired at ten after the evening news.

The alarm went off at five-thirty. I got up, grabbed my suite and clothes and went to the bathroom, used it and took off my gown and took a shower. I heard Luke in the kitchen. I got out, dried off and blew dry my long red hair. I put my hair in a pony tail like I did for my junior and senior banquet picture. I got dressed and went to the kitchen and, like him yesterday, slapped him on his behind. I said, "Hey babe. What are you doing?" "I'm fixing us breakfast." I said, "That's my job. You'll be responsible for making repairs, painting, mowing the grass and things like that. Step aside and I'll finish. Why don't you go and get the newspaper and turn on the TV in the living room." "Okay." He left. I fixed a gallon of iced tea while fixing breakfast. Moments later, I had breakfast finished and we sat down at the round table in the kitchen. Luke said the prayer and we ate, talked and read the newspaper. I asked him, "What are you going to do today?" "Two things. I'm going to find a storage unit and rent it so the movers can store all my things. Then, after that, I'm going to see if I can get a job teaching Olympic swimming." I said, "Sounds like you're going to have a busy day. Let's have lunch today at the cafe." Luke said, "Okay. I'll meet you at noon there." I responded, "Sounds like a plan." At six-thirty we kissed and I grabbed my briefcase and iced tea and left for work.

Once I arrived I discovered, like always, Cassie had made the hot water for my tea. She made some coffee for herself. In the kitchen she asked, "So, Mrs. Baker. What's on the agenda for today?" I said, while putting my iced tea in the refrigerator, "Well, besides you contacting the media outlets, I'd also like to see your resume. I want to see all your credentials so we can see where you will fit the best for the UP." "Oh. Mrs. Baker. I want to work for you. I like you and I'm so much looking forward to working with you." I came back with, "Yes. I know and I feel the same. Allow me to rephrase that. We'll see if we can have you take on some other responsibilities as well as what you do now. So, please pull your resume and job application from the file and bring it to my office." "Yes ma'am. Right away." I went to my office with a cup of hot water and a tea bag and sat down my briefcase on my desk. I opened it and took out my note pad and pen. I sat down behind at my desk. I dipped the tea bag into the hot water and took a sip. Moments later Cassie came in and said as she was sitting down in the chair across from my desk, "Here you are boss." I said, "I like Mrs. Baker or ma'am, but , not boss. That's too formal." "Yes Mrs. Baker." She handed me her employee file. I opened it and read. I said, It says here you have a masters in office management. What sort of courses did you take in college?" "Well. Besides the perks, I took courses in filing, two semesters in office management, typing, computer programming, two semesters of accounting, personnel management, economics, human resources, marketing, technical writing, a legal and ethical issue course, records, a spreadsheet and data based course, two semesters of algebra and office procedures course." "My. That's impressive. Let me think on this for a day for two and I'll get back with you. I'll keep your file for now.

I need to write a letter to the board of directors. I'll call you when I have it composed and you can type it and print it out on your computer. Oh. That's one more thing. Have you had training on the Radio Shack TRS-80?" "Yes ma'am. In college. I later trained on the Compaq Deskpro 386 system. I really like that machine. It's a lot faster than the TRS-80 and has much more memory and it doesn't have those bulky disk." I said, "I'll ask accounting if we can get you one of those. Can you find a local dealer, get a quote and a spec sheet from them?" "Yes Mrs. Baker. I'll start working on it right away." She left and I began pinning a "thank you" letter to the UP Board of Directors. I wrote, "July 28, 1996. To: Union Pacific Railroad Board of Directors. Subj. Thank you letter. Lady and gentlemen. I'm writing this letter to you to express my sincere appreciation for approving my appointment to this most honored position with the UP. I know I am likely the youngest person who has ever held such a position with a major, public organization. I intend to help grow this organization using my intellect, wisdom from my God and my skills as an engineer and benefit all the share holders exponentially. I don't accept this position lightly. I am awed of the responsibility you have given me and your vote of confidence has not and will not go unnoticed. I have put together a marketing plan that, with the assistance from Mr. Thurgood and his staff, should drive the UP into the twentieth century. I look forward to working with all of you in the months and years ahead. And, should there by anything I can do differently, please don't hesitate to inform me. I live and breathe for this kind of work. Sincerely, Mrs. Olivia H. Baker, President and CEO, UP Railroad."

I called Cassie on the intercom and asked her to come into my office. Once she arrived and as I was handing my hand written draft I said, "Will you please type this letter for me?" She said, "Yes. Ma'am. Right away." She left and, moments later, I could her fingers flying on the keyboard. I thought to myself, "She is a very fast typist." Moments later she brought it back to me. I proof read it and it was perfect. I signed it and asked her to put it in an envelope and address it to the Board of Directors and put it in the out basket. She did.

After lunch I called her into my office. "Yes, Mrs. Baker. What can I do for you?" I have a task that I'd like for you to do. It's a little outside of your education and training but, I think you can handle it. Once you are finished with the media information I would like to do some research and find out where in the US is the largest concentration of manufacturing facilities and plants and find the ones that have just short line carriers. We're going to market those areas hard. And, if we have to, we'll do a study to see if it would be profitable to build a line to that location or buy an existing one. It's a daunting task. Do you think you can handle it?" "I'll certainly give it my best." "Then, go to it." She had a smile on her face. I think she likes a challenge. She worked on it for the rest of the week. On Friday afternoon, near quitting time, she came into my office with an armload of paperwork. She said, "May I please sit down?" I said, "Yes. Of course." She said, "Here is what I've found. There are seven of these areas that you spoke of. All but one is in the southeastern part of the US. The other one is in New Mexico on the Mexico border." I said, "Please leave me you're research data and I'll review it next week beginning on Monday." She left, turned of the coffee pot, the electric tea kettle, her computer and her desk lamp and left for the weekend. I turned of my computer, desk lamp, got my purse and briefcase, locked my office door and also left for the weekend.

I went straight home and Luke wasn't there. I put down my briefcase and purse and called Luke. It rang twice and he answered. "Hey babe. I'm sorry I'm not home. I'll call you right back. I'm getting ready for an interview with someone about the swimming job. Love you muches. Bye" He didn't even give me a chance to say anything. I suppose he's is about to go into someone's office.

About twenty-minutes later he called back. "Hey Olivia. I'm sitting in my car in the University of Omaha's parking lot. I just got hired to be their assistance coach and trainer for their men's Olympic swim team. Isn't that great?" "I'm so happy for you. I know you were worried you'd not have anything to do. When and what are your work hours?" "It's the same as yours. Except, I am off on Fridays." "When do you start?" "A week from Monday. That'll give me enough time to deal with the movers. I'll be home shortly." "Okay. I'll see you then. Oh. One more thing before you hung up. Can you stop by the grocery and pick up some boneless, skinless chicken breast. I'll need eight of them? I'm going to make them tonight for dinner." "Okay babe. But, why so many? We can't possible eat eight of them for dinner tonight." I said, "The leftovers will be for my lunches at work." He sais, "What are you fixing?" "I'm fixing Moroccan chicken and peppers. It'll be good. Cassie gave me the recipe. She said her husband liked it." "Okay. I'll see you shortly." "Okay."

I began prepping the Moroccan chicken. The recipe was:

• 1tsp. coriander seeds

• 1 tsp. cumin seeds

• 1 to 2 small dried red chiles (like chile de arbol), torn into pieces

• ¼ tsp. ground cinnamon

• 8 skinless, boneless chicken breast

• 2 Tbsp. olive oil

• 6 cups coarsely chopped sweet peppers (red, orange or yellow

• 1 Meyer or regular lemon, sliced Harissa pasta

1. In a spice grinder or with a mortar and pestle, grind coriander, cumin and chiles, stir in cinnamon and ½ tsp salt. Sprinkle mixture over chicken.

2. In a 12-inch skillet heat olive oil over medium-high heat 1 to 2 minutes. Cook chicken 15 to 17 minutes or until done (170°F). Remove to a platter, cover to keep warm. Add peppers and lemon slices to skillet. Cook 6 to 8 minutes or until peppers and lemon slices are tender and lightly browned, stirring occasionally. Add to platter with chicken. Serve with paste. Makes four servings.

I thought it would be a nice change from what we normally have. I hope Luke likes it. I know he likes Chinese food. We've eaten it several times before. It wasn't long before my baby was home. I heard his car out back. He came into the kitchen with the chicken, placed it on the counter and kissed me. I said, "I've prepped everything. All I have to do now is to, well, here, just read the recipe. He did. When I turned around to hand him the recipe he was dapper! He had on his best light grey three piece suit and his scent was breath taking. I turned off the stove and said, "Okay. Enough is enough. I'm going to have you right now. So we did. It lasted for thirty-minutes. He and I make such good lovers. We both got cleaned up and I got dressed in my lounger and Luke in some day pants and a tee shirt. I returned to the kitchen and began again. Luke got the newspaper off the table in the living room. He came in after reading for a spell and asked if there was anything he could assist me. I said, "No. babe. I have it." He returned to the living room. In a little more than twenty-minutes I had dinner served. We ate at the little round table in the kitchen as before. He, like most times, said the prayer and we ate. I said, "So. Did you get the storage unit rented?" "Yes. But, I had to go to another one because the one you spoke about didn't have any available for another three weeks. The new place is a bit further. It's up on Douglas Street. I had trouble finding it. But, I located it though." I said, "That's great about your new job. I'm very happy for you. We ate dinner, watch the nine o'clock news and went to bed. Lying there I asked, "Luke. Do you want to get a pet? Say, a cat or a small dog. The apartment complex allows only one and there is a one time maintenance fee of one-hundred dollars." "Olivia. That's one thing I didn't tell you. I'm allergic to pet dander. We can get a bird if you'd like." "No. That's okay. Besides, with our work and busy schedules we'd have little time to spend with it. We just have enough time for us. Luke turned out the light and put his hand around my waist and we went to sleep.

Saturday morning, August 2nd, 1986 we awoke at six. We laid there just enjoying spending time together. I said, "Luke. I'd like for us to build a house. That way we can design it as we wish." "Okay. I think we might want to look at some plans in magazines or go to Lowes or Home Depot and look and see what they have. It would be a starting point and save some time." "Let's go today!" "Okay. We'll have breakfast at the cafe and then we'll go." We had breakfast; the usual, Luke paid the bill and tip. We left and we went to Lowes first. They had home plans, big, small, single story, two story, ranch, etc. There were so many to choose from I was a little overwhelmed. Luke asked, "Do you want single story or two story?" "I think I'd like a two story with all the bedrooms on the second floor with a master suite and its bathroom and another bathroom for the other bedrooms. Then on the first floor there will be the living room, kitchen, dining room, laundry, mud room, a half bath and a large front and back porch plus a two car garage." Luke said, "I would like to have an exercise room." I said, "We could put it off the mud room. Okay. I'd also like, if you do, for it to be a cottage style design." "My. You've been thinking about this for a while haven't you?" "Since I was a little girl. That's what little girls think of. Marrying their prince charming and having a nice home with plenty of children." We looked for about thirty minutes and finally found one plan that came really close. The gentleman said, "If you buy this set of plans you won't have to hire an architect or an engineer. They have already been approved by the building department to be built in this county and most others in Nebraska. You'll need eight sets." I said, "Why so many?" "You'll need one for the builder, the city, HVAC contractor, plumber, electrician, foundation contractor, framer and yourself. You may want ten to have so you have two extra in cases one or more get destroyed or damaged. Sometimes, contractors will leave them in the house before it's dried in and it rains and the plans are ruined." He leaned closer to us and whispered and said, "It'd be cheaper if you bought one set here and took them to a local copy store a had the others made. Would you like a set?" I and Luke said simultaneously, "Yes." He said, "I have a list of Lowes approved builders. They are insured and bonded. That list is free. The plans were one-hundred ninety nine dollars. Luke paid it and the tax with his bank card. We then went to a copy store and had the others made. That was only thirty-six dollars and some change. Then we went back home. Later, we had lunch and afterwards read the newspaper. While we were eating I said, "Luke. We'll also need a plan for an out building so I can have dad's woodworking shop tools and machines shipped here from Kentucky. We'll have to have the power routed from the main panel with a subpanel in the building. Also, there will have to be air conditioning out there with lighting, plumbing and a central exhaust system. Luke. We need to find some land. I'd like say five acres somewhere secluded and close to work. Will you have time next week to start looking?" "I'll make the time. I might be late for dinner a couple of nights though." We had lunch and watched TV for the rest of the day. Before bed I called Aunt Ruth and got caught up to date on everything. She said, Mathew has been sick for four days now. The twins are doing well and the boy is married now. I'm sorry you didn't get to come to the wedding. It was small though. Luke and I set out our clothes for church tomorrow and then we were in bed by ten after watching the nine o'clock news. We slept well. Luke got up during the night to use the bathroom and get a drink of water. We awoke at six o'clock. I went to the bathroom, washed my face and brushed my hair. Luke came in just as I was leaving for the kitchen. "What for breakfast babe?" Luke said, "Do we have any fruit?" I said, "Yes. I bought a package of mixed fruit the last time I was at the grocery. What else?" "The same as usual." I went into the kitchen and got everything out. Luke came moments later. He patted me on my behind and said, "I'm going to get the newspaper." He returned and I had a glass of orange juice ready for him. He got it and went to the living room to read. "Luke. Will you please turn on the TV and we can catch the news." "Okay." I heard where the 13th Commonwealth games closed in Edinburgh, Scotland and Jackie Joyner-Kersee (US) sets record for heptathlon (7161 points). It said the local weather was going nice today with an expected high of 84ºF and a low of 64ºF with clear skies. I thought it was going to be a nice day to go to church. I finished preparing breakfast and Luke and I ate. He, as usual, said the prayer. After breakfast I put the dishes, pans and flatware in the dishwasher and started the load. Luke, on the other hand was taking a shower. I thought I'd play a trick on him, so, I went to the bathroom and flushed the toilet. Luke screamed and I said, "Sorry babe." I was laughing. I got undress and got into the shower with Luke. He said, "You know. We've never taken a shower together before. I kinda like it." We finished bathing, got out and dried off. Luke went to the bedroom to get dressed. I already had my clothes in the bathroom. I blew dried my long, red hair and got dressed. I thought, "Yea. We're going to Sunday school today." I went to the living room and muted the TV and picked up the newspaper. By that time it was seven-thirty-five and we had plenty of time to kill before we had to leave. Sunday school doesn't start until nine o'clock. I finished the newspaper. By that time Luke was sitting next to me. He said, "We don't have to leave for another hour. What do you want to do?" "Let's get the house plans out and go over them. I know there must be some changes we need to make." So, we did. As we were sitting on the sofa looking at the plans on the coffee table I said, "Luke. I thing I would like to have a two story foyer with a chandelier. What do you think?" "Yes. I think that would be good with a nice railing around the stairs on the second floor." "Agree." We looked over the plans for forty-five minutes and then it was time to go. We left. At his, and, my new Sunday school classroom there were some people there who had attended our wedding. Before class started they asked about our honeymoon. I introduced Luke to a nice couple that I've know for about six years. There name were Ed and Marlene Holmes. They were a lovely couple and they had been married for ten years. They had one daughter who was seven and the son was three. We told them about our home building plans. I had forgotten, but, Ed was a home builder and Marlene was an interior designer and landscape designer. I said to Ed, "I'd be interested in seeing some of the homes you've built." He said, "If you'll come to Crowfield Estates after lunch today, Marlene and I can show you around. Why don't we have lunch together after church. That way you can follow us after we eat." I said, "That sounds good." The teacher said, "Okay. Everyone please take your seat. We're ready to start." The lesson was an eight week study on the book of Revelations. They had started while Luke and I were on our honeymoon. The teacher handed us the hand outs for the previous weeks. This was week three. It was an intense study and, in today's class, there were a couple of things I didn't know. For one, Paul had been banished to the Patmos which is a small island in the Aegean Sea off the coast of Ephesus. The other thing was that the word "Revelation" means "to uncover or to reveal." I didn't know that. It was a good lesson that lasted for forty-five minutes. Then we had church. Ed and Marlene sat with us near the front of the church. Afterward, we had lunch at the Golden Coral in West Omaha. Ed picked up the tab and Luke left the tip.

Sunday, August 3rd, 1986. We followed Ed, Marlene and their two children to Crowfield Estates. It wasn't far from where we were; about three miles. We toured some homes he had just started and toured some that were nearly finished. He and his crews did a marvelous job. The homes ranged in size from twelve-hundred square feet to almost twenty-two-hundred square feet. I especially liked the kitchens with granite countertops, real cherry wood base and overhead cabinets, a pantry and two wall ovens. I thought the wall ovens would be good for entertaining. Most of the foyers we saw were two story like Luke and I had talked about. One home was as near as humanly possible to the plan that Luke and I had worked on. I whispered to Luke, "Luke. This is really close to what we've been working on." He said, "Yes. I like it and the exterior is stone. It has the three bedrooms upstairs and I'm sure you like the kitchen." "Yes. The kitchen is just what I've dreamed of." At the end of our tours Luke and I stepped to one side out of hearing distance from Ed and Marlene. We spoke of this particular home and decided to hire them to build our home. We went up to them and Luke said, "I think Olivia and I would like to hire you'all to build our home. This one is very closed to what we have been working on. Can you get us a price together and a contract and we'll meet up again maybe next Sunday." Ed said, "Yes. I can do that." After that we went our separate ways. We went home and just relaxed for the remainder of the day. I got out my suit for tomorrow morning and Luke called the movers to make sure we were still on for this coming Wednesday morning. We had dinner at home and retired at nine-thirty after the evening news on TV.

Monday, August 4th, 1986. We both got up at five-thirty. I took my shower first and then, while Luke took his, I fixed our breakfast. Later, I left for work. I was anxious to see how Cassie was coming along on her research. I arrived promptly at seven. Cassie, like most mornings, had my hot water for my tea ready and her coffee. I poured the hot water for my tea into my UP mug. She was buried into her work so I said good morning and went into my office. I placed my briefcase, purse and mug on the one end of my desk. I opened my briefcase and pulled out my paperwork for today. There was a letter from the board of directors sitting in the middle of my desk. I opened it and it read, "It has come to our attention that there is another "Offer to Sell" from a short line in Washington D.C. It's a high speed rail line that goes to New York City. I thought, "Yes! This is exactly what I live for!" The letter went on to say that the line was for commuter traffic and we were to do a study, similar to the San Diego project and calculate the ROI. The bids were to be sent to them NLT noon, Monday, September 1st, 1986. The letter had all the necessary names and contact information. So, I'll let Cassie finish her research on what she's doing and then we'll take on this study. That gives us almost a month to complete our work. Some workers were installing cabling. I didn't know why. So, I asked. "Excuse me sir. What are you doing?" He said, "Yes ma'am. I'm installing cabling for the new computer internet service. I hope I'm not disturbing you." "No. But, I didn't know anything about this. Who ordered it?" "According to my paperwork it was order by your board of directors." I said, "Thank you." I immediately got up and went to the forth floor where the board of director's offices were. I went straight to the chairman's office. His secretary called and told him I was here to see him. He said, "Please send her in." I walked in then said, "Sam. There are some workers in my office installing what he said was computer cabling for the internet. I wasn't aware of any such move. And, I should have been told because of sensitive materials that I may have lying on my desk." Sam said, "Calm down Olivia. It's okay. We didn't have time to inform you. It was a bargain deal. We get the installation for free if we sign a one year contract. I'm sorry but, I just made the decision yesterday at three-thirty after a quick vote from the board. I was going to call you and let you know sometime this morning. I didn't expect them to start so soon. Sorry." I said, "That's okay. I didn't realize how urgent it was. My apologies." "No problem." Sam went on to say, "We'll be getting new computers and there will be a one day training session for everyone in your department in about two weeks. I haven't received the exact date yet from them." I said, "Just let me know as soon as you can." He said, "I will." I left and went back to my office.

Chapter 14 - Marketing Research

For the next few days not much happened. On Thursday, Cassie brought in her research results. Cassie said, "Mrs. Baker", as she pointed to the UP map on the wall next to my desk, "There are seven areas that have heavy freight cargo from manufacturing plants that aren't serviced by rail. They rely on the trucking industry to ship there goods. I got the total annual tonnage and, through the ""Freedom of Information Act"" I got their revenues." She point out the seven and they were, Nashville, Greenville, Charlotte, Macon, Baton Rouge, Houston and St. Paul. I said, "I didn't realize that you could get that information from the ""Freedom of Information Act""? "Yes ma'am. They are public companies, not private, so that information is available." I said, "Amazing! Good job Cassie. Just leave your research paperwork with me and let me go over it. I have another job for you. It's a another "Offer to Sell" from a short line in Washington D.C. It's a commuter high speed rail line that goes to New York City." We'll do the same research as we did on the San Diego project. You'll have to pull the records from the files. You just look those over and you'll know what to do. We have until September 1st to complete it." "Yes ma'am. I read that file when we weren't busy. I'll get started on it right away. Do we have the letter from the board with all the necessary names and contact information?" I said as I was handing it to her, "Here you are. This should be enough information for you to get started. We have a little less than a month to complete our study. I expect this one won't take as long." Cassie said, "I'll get started on it right away. Thank you. I love doing this kind of work. I wasn't sure if I could when you gave me the other one. But, I'm liking it even more so." I said, "I'm glad you're enjoying this over secretarial work." "Yes I am." Cassie left and she began working on this new project. I was delighted that we're using Cassie's skills more. I think she is a diamond in the rough. This will be a bonus for the UP.

On Wednesday, August 6th, 1986 Luke met up with the movers and they loaded everything from the moving van into the storage unit. There were three missing boxes according to Luke. The movers said it was probably still in their warehouse and they would check and deliver it on Friday. Luke had to rent the largest unit they had and it was going to cost a little over two-hundred dollars per month.

By Friday, August 8th, 1986 Cassie had all of her research completed. After lunch she came into my office and said, "Mrs. Baker. I have finished all the work and what I discovered is that the passenger volume every weekday is sixty-eight hundred people. Currently, they are taking three subways to get to work in DC and it takes them a little over three-hours to get there. And, if we were to use a high-speed rail it would only take around two hours. Currently, there are twenty-two, round trips with an average of three-hundred and forty passengers. Currently, each passenger is paying twenty-eight dollars for each round trip ticket. And, that doesn't include the layovers. If we were to charge two-dollars per round trip ticket that would gross an annual revenue of sixty-two and a half thousand dollars. From the records I found the average cost per mile of track is four-hundred thousand dollars. It's two-hundred thirty miles long so the total cost would be a little over ninety-one million dollars. So, the ""Return on Investment"" would take 6.87 years to break even." I thought, "Wow." I said, "Okay. Please consolidate all your data and put it in report form, showing all your sources, put it in a nice binder and return it to me. Also, please make me a photocopy so I can look at again first thing Monday morning." "Yes, Mrs. Baker. Since it's close to quitting time, I'll do it first thing Monday morning. Is that all right?" "Yes Cassie it is." So, we buttoned everything up and left work for the weekend.

When I got home Luke was there and we kissed and then he told me, "Hey, babe. The movers found the three missing boxes. I met them at the storage unit Friday morning and they put them inside."

We had a pleasant weekend. On Saturday morning we went and look at three different properties that Luke had looked at on Friday after he finish with the movers. Luke showed me the properties. One I especially liked. It had a three-rail, white fence around the five acres, it had a horse barn with all the things I wanted and the lot was mostly covered with mature trees. There were probably thirty horse there. At the rear of the property was Zorinsky Lake. There was a boat dock. The asking price was fifty-thousand dollars. It was only about fifteen-minutes via I-80 West from my work. It was about the same time for Luke via I-6 West. Luke asked, "Since you like this one so well, do you want for us to put in offer?" I said, "Yes. First thing Monday morning." He said, "I can do it during my lunch break. Luke said, "If the owner's accepts our offer I'll call Ed and Marlene Holmes and let them know." I said, "Okay." Saturday afternoon we went to see a movie called, "Aliens". It had Sigourney Weaver in it. It was scary, and, I'd never seen a scary movie before. The movie had just been released. We ate out after the movie on Saturday. We went to Sunday school and church. Sunday evening I took a shower and placed a peanut butter cracker pack into my briefcase. Luke was anxious about starting his new job tomorrow morning. He said, "I hope I do a good job for them." I said, "I'm sure you will. So, don't worry about it. Let God guide you." We watched the nine o'clock new and then went to bed. Luke and I had a busy weekend. We both set out our clothes for tomorrow.

Monday, August 11th, 1986. We arose at five-thirty. I fixed breakfast while Luke was taking a shower. After breakfast, I had my shower. Then, Luke returned the favor and flushed the toilet while I was in the shower. I screamed! He said, "Sorry babe." We both laughed. I got dressed, brushed my red hair, grabbed the newspaper, my purse and briefcase and was out the door. Luke, on the other hand, didn't have to be at work until eight am. An hour after me. I kissed him bye and said, "Bye babe. I hope you have a great first day." He said, "I've given it to our Lord. I'm sure I will."

I arrived at the office at five after seven. Traffic was heavy this morning. Cassie had already made my hot water for my tea and her coffee and she was hard at work compiling and sorting all the data she had collected. I got my hot water and a tea bag and told her "good morning Cassie." She said, "Good morning Mrs. Baker." I took my hot water, tea bag, purse and my briefcase to my office. I sat everything down onto my desk. I placed my purse on the floor beside me and opened by briefcase. I took out the photocopy of all the data Cassie had collected. She had put a binder clip to hold everything together. I opened my tea bag and dipped it a few times into the hot water. Then, I removed the binder clip and began reading and, using my calculator, checking all the numbers. I suddenly realized she hadn't included the "wear and tear on equipment" or the inflation rate of the ROI period. I made the adjustments and took Cassie my copy of it. She said as I was standing beside her desk, "Sorry Mrs. Baker. I missed that." I said, "That okay. I nearly missed it on the San Diego job." I returned to my office and began reading the newspaper. I read that the 68th PGA Championship was held and Bob Tway shoots a 276 at Inverness Club Toledo. I learned where Woodstock began in a field near Yasur's Farm at Bethel, New York and the three-day concert featured twenty-four rock bands and drew a crowd of more than three-hundred thousand young people. It was a feature celebrating seventeen years since it happened. Another piece said the American tennis player (1963 Wimbledon), dies of a brain tumor at the age of fifty-five. The weather page stated the high today was going to be seventy-eight degrees with a low of fifty-five. It went on to say the record high for this date was one-hundred and three degrees and the record low was fifty degrees. I read the local news and within forty-five minutes I had finished the newspaper. I went and got another cup of tea. I stood up and walked to my window. I was looking out and watching all the people coming and going. The refuse collection truck was coming up the street. They had a new truck that automatically picked up the trash cans, emptied them, and then, replaced the can to its original location. I thought that was amazing and that the person who invented that probably made a lot of money for their invention. I was thinking of all the money it was saving because it eliminated two workers. But then, I realized that a lot of people were out of a job. Sad! I sat back at my desk and called Ruth. She answered and said, "Van Ives residence. Ruth speaking." I said, "Hello Ruth." She said, "I've haven't heard from you since the wedding. I started to call you this past weekend but then Mathew got sick. He's in bed now. So, please bring me up to date." So, I spend the better part of a half hour telling her all about Luke's and my honeymoon. I told her that I was really busy at work and that's why I've haven't called her. We signed of with me saying, "Luke and I will be coming home for Christmas." She said, "I'm so delighted. It'll be good to see you and to learn more about Luke.

By that time I needed another cup of tea. I was my forth for today. That's normally all I have because the caffeine tends to give me the jitters. I think this will be my last. I'll have to switch to decaf tea from now on. I've never had decaf before. So, I wrote a note to Cassie on a sticky note pad. It read, "Cassie. All the caffeine tends to give me the jitters. The next time the coffee/tea service comes by please have them leave me a sample of the decaf tea please. Signed, Mrs. Baker. I left it on the kitchen counter.

It was mid-morning and I needed something to hold me over until lunch. So, I took the peanut butter snack from my briefcase and ate it and drank more of my tea. Then I got a call from Cassie on the intercom. She said, "Mr. Thurgood was on the telephone." I said, "Thank you." I answered and said, "Mr. Thurgood. How can I help you?" He said, "I need a piece of information for us to continue." I said, "What?" He said, "I don't see the TV and radio cost in here for the marketing research." I replied, "I'm sorry. Cassie Walker is still waiting on the costs from all the vendors. As soon as I receive them I'll let you know and will personally bring them down to you." He said, "That fine. It hasn't totally crippled us but we can't get the final ROI until we have that information." I said, "Fine. I'll see what the holdup is. I'll do it right now." We hung up the phone and I went and spoke to Cassie. I said, "Cassie. Mr. Thurgood wanted to know the cost from the TV and radio vendors. Have you heard back from them?" She said, "No. I was just thinking about that on my way in this morning. I'll check on it right now." I responded. "Please give me your contact information and I'll make some calls to see where we are. It sounds like multiple people have dropped the ball." She said, "Yes. I think you're right." She opened her filing cabinet drawer and pulled out the folder marked "TV and Radio station contacts" and handed it to me. I said, "Thank you." I returned to my office and thought "Cassie is really organized with this information." I spent the remainder of the morning and until mid-afternoon making phone calls. Apparently, Cassie never requested that information. So, I asked them to expedite it and fax it to us ASAP. All nine vendors said they would. I thought, "This is the first time that Cassie has messed up. I'll briefly mention it to her.

It wasn't long before the faxes began coming in. The first one was from the affiliates for NBC, ABC, CBS and Fox. The newspaper ones came later from the Omaha World-Herald and the Lincoln Journal Star. I was thinking we should make some calls to some the major radio stations in Nebraska. So, that'll be the task for Cassie for tomorrow. I did some research and found twenty-two of them. I made a list of them on my computer and printed it out. I later gave it to Cassie and asked her to start making the call tomorrow morning. The stations were:

|Call Sign |Station |Location (NE) |Type |

|KADL |102.9 FM |Imperial |Adult Hits |

|KAGR |92.1 FM |Arapahoe |Religious |

|KAMI |1580 AM |Cozad |Country |

|KAQQ |99.9 FM |Alliance |Religious |

|KAWL |1370 AM |York |Classic Hits |

|KAYA |913 FM |Hubbard |Religious |

|KBBK |107.3 FM |Lincoln |Hot AC |

|KBBN |95.3 |Broken Bow |Classic Rock |

|KBBX |97.7 FM |Nebraska City |Regional Mexican |

|KBDP |99.9 FM |Bridgeport |Religious |

|KBIE |103.1 FM |Auburn |Country |

|KBLR |97.3 FM |Blair |Country |

|KBBX |97.7 FM |Nebraska City |Regional Mexican |

|KBDP |99.9 FM |Bridgeport |Religious |

|KBIE |103.1 FM |Auburn |Country |

|KBLR |97.3 FM |Blair |Country |

|KBPY |107.7 FM |Hay Springs |Rock |

|KBRB |1400 AM |Ainsworth |Variety |

|KBRL |1300 AM |McCook |News/Talk |

|KBRX |1350 AM |O'Neill |Classic Hits |

|KBRX |1350 AM |O'Neill |Classic Hits |

|KBRX |102.9 FM |O'Neill |Country |

I didn't have their phone numbers. So, I'll have Cassie look those up and make the calls. I was also thinking about billboards. That'll be for tomorrow.

At the end of the day Cassie had finished compiling all of the data. Before she left I mentioned the error she had made. I told her, "Don't worry about it. It's not a big deal." She said, "I'm so sorry Mrs. Baker. It won't happen again." At five o'clock Cassie turned off the coffee maker, the hot water side, turn out the kitchen lights, turned off her desk lamp, grabbed her purse and left. I, on the other hand, went to the kitchen and got the iced tea jug out of the refrigerator, turned of my office lights, locked the door, got my purse, briefcase and tea jug and left for the day.

It's Monday late afternoon, August 11th, 1986 and I was meeting Luke at home. I arrived and Luke was just behind me. I parked my car in the garage and Luke parked in the spare space to the right of the garage. We kissed and as we walked toward the front entrance, we put our arms around each other's waist. That felt good. Luke asked, "What are we having for dinner?" "We're having something my mom taught me. You've never had it before. It's called, ""Hobo Steak."" He said, "What is that?" "It's one pound of ground chuck, one cup of rice with cream of mushroom soup and a chopped onion." "What vegetable?" "We're having brussels sprouts." "Sounds good." We entered our apartment and I set down my purse, briefcase and placed the empty tea jug in the sink. I went and changed into something more comfortable and sexually appealing to Luke. We hadn't made love in three days. Luke changed into his day pants, house shoes and a pocket tee shirt. I used the bathroom and went to the kitchen. I got everything out and began cooking. Luke turned on the TV, muted it and got the newspaper that we had left this morning from the kitchen table. He sat down on the sofa and began to read. I hollered to Luke, "Be sure to read the article about Woodstock. It's interesting. Luke said, "That happened a long time ago. Why mention it now." I said, "It's the seventeen year anniversary and they had a feature story in there." I rinsed out the tea jug and made some more tea. Once finished, I poured it in, added water and put it in the refrigerator. In about twenty minutes dinner was finished. I dished everything out and we sat. Luke said the prayer. We began to eat. I asked Luke, "How many children do you want to have?" "I'm thinking two. Maybe a girl and a boy. How about you?" "That sounds good. I've been thinking. Why don't we wait a few more year before we have them." Luke said, "Sounds good to me." We finished dinner and watched the six o'clock news. We sat around watching and talking more about our future children and what to name them. I said, "I think I'd like to name a boy after my dad Samuel and the girl maybe Katherine. How do those sound?" "I like both." I asked Luke about his first day at work. He said, "They are all so nice and the students were mostly unseasoned swimmers. Especially the sophomores. So, I instructed them about what it means to swim in the Olympics. They grasped the idea and understood they had a long ways to go before they are ready for the Olympics. I told them the Olympics requires many years to train for and that only about twenty percent of them would make it. We all had a good day." We watched more TV and caught the 9 o'clock news and retired for the evening. While in the bathroom getting into a sexy gown I put on some perfume that Luke liked. I wore it on our honeymoon. That night was a wonderful couple of hours of romance, intimacy and passion for the two of us. We were asleep by eleven pm.

We arose to the alarm clock at five-thirty. I went to the bathroom to take a shower and Luke got the newspaper from the front door. He started his coffee and he put the tea kettle on the stove for my hot tea. Luke finished the newspaper. Once I came out of the bathroom I started breakfast. We had the same as we usually do. Luke said the prayer and we ate. Luke said, "I'll put in offer for the land we looked at sometime today during my lunch break." I said, "Okay. I so hope we get it. How much were you thinking?" "Well. They're asking fifty-five thousand dollars. I think that is really cheap for what we're getting. I was thinking we should offer them say sixty-thousand dollars. What do you think?" "I think that would be good. That way, maybe, we won't loose it. See if the realtor has any other offers and if so, we can offer more if the other offers are higher. Please call me as soon as you know. Okay." "Will do, babe." We finished breakfast, I gathered my purse, briefcase, newspaper and the iced tea from the refrigerator and I left. Luke kissed me and said, "You have a great day." I was at work, like most mornings, at seven o'clock. Cassie wasn't there. I suppose she is running a little late. I turned on my tea kettle and I sat down in the small kitchen and read the newspaper until the water was hot. I grabbed my UP mug from the dish strainer and poured in the hot water. I grabbed a tea bag from the drawer to the left. With my briefcase, purse and tea in tow I unlocked my office door and went in and I turned on the lights. Moments later Cassie called. She said with a raspy voice, "Mrs. Baker. I have the flue. Can I take a couple of days off?" I said, "Well of course you can. I'm sure you don't want the rest of the building getting sick. Just keep me posted and please go and see your doctor. It could be something else besides the flu." Cassie said, "Yes ma'am. I'll call a little later. They don't open until eight-thirty. Bye, Mrs. Baker." "You take care of yourself. Bye." The next few days were boring without Cassie around to talk to. I really didn't have that much to do. Cassie called me one time on Thursday afternoon and told me she went to the doctor Tuesday morning, and, yes, she had the flue. She said she'd be in tomorrow morning bright and early. So, Thursday after work I went home. I met up with Luke and he said, "The realtor called me today at work. They've accepted our offer." I covered my mouth in awe and said, "That's great news. We will soon own a five acre track. That makes me so happy. Let's celebrate tonight and go and get dinner." Luke said, "Where do you want to go?" I said, "To the Red Lobster." "Okay. Let me get take a shower and get all this chlorine off." "Okay babe. I'll change into a nice dress and get out of these heels and suit. Something more fitting for a nice dinner with my husband." I went into the bedroom to change. Moments later Luke shouted, "Hey babe. There's no hot water in here. Please check the kitchen sink and let me know." I said, "Okay." In my panties and bra I checked. No hot water. I went to the bathroom, poked my head in and said, "Luke. There's no hot water in the kitchen either. The water heater must be broken. I'll call the landlord and let her know." "Okay." After I got dressed I made the call. I told her that we were going out to dinner for a couple of hours and if she could have someone repair it while we're gone, it would be great. She said she would do her best. I told Luke and he said, "I guess I'll have to put some more cologne on to mask the chlorine smell." I said, "You smell fabulous even without it. You get dressed and we'll go." "Okay." I locked my briefcase and put it in one of the kitchen cabinets. I didn't want someone snooping around and find it. We left. Luke was all decked out with a nice pair of dress slacks, a nice sports shirt and a pair of penny loafers. He was stunning. We left in his fancy car and drove to the restaurant. It was Thursday, August 14th, 1986 and all was well with our souls.

On Friday, since Luke was off work, he called and hired a land surveyor. On Wednesday the land surveyor did the survey and we had the new plat drawing by Thursday afternoon. The bank said we need it even though we are paying cash for it. We closed on the deal at the bank on the following Friday after the building department did a plat study to make sure all the easements haven't changed.

Being the perfect southern gentleman Luke is, he did the door thing again. I don't think I'll ever grow tired of him treating me like a lady. We went in and we were immediately seated. Luke pulled out the chair for me. The hostess gave us menus and said, "A waitress will be right with you. Here name is Susan." She left and moments later Susan came to our table. She said as she gave us the menus, "Good afternoon. What to drink?" Luke said, "My bride is having hot tea and I'm having unsweet iced tea thanks." "Right away, sir." She left and Luke and I began looking at the menus. They were having a special of "All You Can Eat Shrimp". I said to Luke, "Luke. I think I'll have the "All You Can Eat Shrimp. How about you?" "That sounds good." I said, "Please tell me more about the sale of the land." He said, "Well. The Realtor said the couple really liked our offer and that one other offer came in below ours but they didn't want to counter." I said, "I'm so glad we got it. It's only about fifteen-minutes from our work and with a barn, lake and boat dock. I don't think we could have found any other property any better." Luke said, "I agree." I said, "When is the closing?" "It's next Friday at one o'clock. You'll have to take off a half day from work." "I can do that." Susan came with out drinks and Luke gave her our order. Susan placed a basket of their famous garlic biscuits between us. Both of us were having shrimp scampi. Susan said, "I'll have your order out shortly." Luke said, "Thank you." She left. I said, "I'll call Ed and Marlene and let them know that they can start construction a week from Monday. Is that okay with you?" "Yes." We chatted a little bit more and then, Susan brought our order. She said, "Be careful. The plates are hot." Luke said, "Thank you." "You're welcome sir." She left. Luke said the prayer and we ate and chatted while eating. Both of us had three orders of the shrimp scampi and the biscuits. Once we finished, Susan came and asked, "Are we having desert today?" I nodded to Luke "no." And, he said, "No. Thank you." "Okay sir. Here is your ticket. I'll take it anytime you're ready." Luke replied, as he got out his wallet, "Here. You can have it now." "Yes sir." Susan took his credit card and left. When she returned Luke paid the bill plus a 15% tip and we left.

We drove back home and Luke checked the bathroom sink for hot water. Yes there was. He immediately shed his clothes and took a shower. After watching the nine o'clock news we retired. It had been a good day.

It's now Friday, August 15th, 1986. As usual we arose at five-thirty to the alarm that sat on the commode next to our bed. I got up and used the bathroom. Luke got the newspaper and started the tea kettle. I, again as usual, started breakfast. I thought we'd have something a little different today. I told Luke, "Hey babe. We need to start eating more healthy. I'm going to fix us oatmeal with bacon bits sprinkled in it and a bowl of fruit. How does that sound?" Luke said, "As a child oatmeal had always stuck to my ribs all morning long. It's sounds good." I fixed it and while we were eating I said, "Luke. Cassie called me yesterday afternoon and she said she would be back to work ""bright and early"" this morning. It's been so lonesome without her to talk and interact to." Luke replied, "Yea babe. I'm sure you will enjoy having her back." We finished, we placed the dirty dishes in the dishwasher and I took a shower. After I was dressed, and before I left for work I asked Luke, "Hey babe. This is your day off so why don't you go to Lowes and pick out some paint colors, get some wall paper samples and find out what manufacturer has the best appliances." Luke replied, "That sounds good. I was wondering what I was going to do today." As I was leaving, Luke patted me on my bottom, kissed me and said, "I hope you have a good day." "I will with Cassie back. And besides, we're going over some paperwork today. Bye babe." "Bye."

I arrived at work and, like most all mornings, Cassie had made the hot water for my tea, turned on the office lights and made her coffee. I greeted her in the kitchen by saying, "So. Are you ready for a great day?" "Yes. I've been bored while I was sick. So, what's first?" I said, "I've compiled a list of radio stations. I didn't take the time to get their phone numbers. You'll have to do that. You need to get their cost for doing two thirty second commercials for say, five times per week. Make it Monday through Friday at five-thirty pm. Check with them to make that will be the most viewer density." "Okay. Mrs. Baker. I'll start working on it now. Do you have the list?" "It's on your desk."

It took Cassie all morning long and half the afternoon. At three o'clock she brought in the information. She said, "The cost for all but one of them is three-hundred dollars per minute. So, doing the math that would be seventy-eight thousand dollars per year. However, that is the flat rate. Holidays seasons are higher cost. So, the final number is ninety-thousand dollar per year. That's just for one radio station. The final for all twenty-two of them is almost two-million dollars." I thought wow! I said, "I'm thinking we'll just recommend around ten of the more affluent radio stations and the ones that have the largest listening audience. Please go back and recalculate again and please call them to see if they would increase their rates if we were to reduce the number of spots per week." "Yes ma'am. Right away."

She finished near quitting time. She came in and said as she was sitting down, "The radio stations won't charge extra for the fewer spots. So, the total number is like before, unless you tell me if you want fewer spots." I said, "Let's go with this for now. Please compile your findings and calculations and bring it back to me Monday morning." "Okay Mrs. Baker." I called Luke and asked him to call Ed and Marlene to setup a meeting for tomorrow at the job site. He said he would.

We both ended the day with uncertainty and not knowing how the board of directors would receive this. Tomorrow, I'll have Cassie do the ROI calculations. We both left and I was in a cloud. This advertising is way more expensive than I would have expected. I suppose that's how they stay in business. Cassie turned off everything and I grabbed my purse and briefcase, turned of my light and locked the door to my office. It's the start of the weekend.

I drove home and met up with Luke. As we were walking in the apartment he asked, "How was your day?" I said, "Not very good." "What happened?" I said, "Cassie and I are doing the calculations for the mass marketing and the advertizing cost for the radio ads are far greater than I had expected. I just don't know how the board of directors are going to see this. Cassie and I will be calculating the ROI first thing Monday morning." Luke said, "I'm sure you'll come up with something that'll make it work." I said, "I hope so." We went into the apartment and, before I went to the bathroom I asked Luke, "Did you call Ed and Marlene?" "Yes I did. But, Marlene won't be about to be there. Ed said she is out of town. I setup the meeting for nine o'clock. Is that okay with you?" "Yes. That's fine." Luke started my tea kettle while I went to the bathroom. I used it and washed my face and combed my hair. I left and really didn't know what to fix for dinner because of my stressful day. Luke noticed and said, "Hey babe. I can see the stress on your face. Why don't we order a pizza for dinner?" I said, "Luke. You are so loving and can see that I'm somewhat bothered by this situation. That's so kind of you." "You're welcome babe." I said, "It's only five fifteen. Why don't we wait a while before ordering?" He said, "Okay. I don't even know what kind of pizza you like. We've never had it before." I said, "I like four meat pizzas like they have at Dominos Pizza." "Okay. That's what I like as well. Listen Luke, I'm going to take a hot shower and try to relieve some of the tension in my neck." "Okay. Take your time." I got out my gown, a clean set of underwear and my slippers from the bedroom and went to the bathroom. I disrobed and turned on the water in the shower and adjusted the temperature. I stepped inside and closed the shower door and turned with the hot water hitting my neck and upper back. It felt good. I must have stayed in there for fifteen-minutes. I got out and dried off and then took another towel and wrapped it around my chest. I blew dried my hair and then brushed it. I put on some fresh makeup and some perfume. I thought I would look pretty and attractive for Luke and maybe, he make love to me tonight. I certainly need the stress relief. I went back to the bedroom in my bra and panties and got out a sexy, short and revealing night gown. I put the drab one back in the drawer. I finished getting dressed and went out to the living room and sat next to Luke on the sofa. He said, "You're all dolled up. I suppose that for something and, I think I know what. You need the stress relief." He reached over and felt the back of my neck and said, "Olivia. Your neck muscles are as tight as a rock. You mustn't let you job get to you this way. It's not healthy. Once we build the house and have the exercise room then on days like this you can workout." I said, "That's a wonderful idea. I can't wait. But, for now, a good hot shower, a nice catered meal and sex will do the trick." We both laughed. We watch the six o'clock news and then order the pizza. It was delivered in just fifteen-minutes. Luke paid the young man and gave him a nice tip. Luke set the pizza on the coffee table and got out some paper plates and napkins from the kitchen. He said the prayer and we ate and watched more of the news. After we ate we watch a new movie on cable. It was called, "Pretty in Pink" and it was a comedy. It was released on February 28th. It just came out on cable last month. We had to pay three-dollars and ninety-nine cents to rent it. It was funny and it helped relief some of the stress in my neck and upper back. After the nine o'clock news we went to bed and made love for an hour. We both fell asleep in the buff. Luke got up once during the night at two am to use the bathroom. I didn't have to. I waited until he came back and we made love again.

We arose at seven-thirty. We got dressed and I went to the bathroom while Luke started the tea kettle. Once finished, I went to the kitchen and found Luke reading the newspaper. I said, "I feel much better now after last night. It was heavenly." "Yes. I never will ever grow tired of making love to you. We are good lovers together." I smiled and said, "Yes. I think so." I asked Luke, "How would you like some homemade French toast with bacon and orange juice for breakfast?" "That sounds good. You've never fixed it before." I said, "Yes. My mom always made good French toast. You just go to the living room and turn on the TV and read the newspaper." "Okay. I will." Luke was sitting on the sofa and I could see him from the kitchen. He looked so peaceful and happy with live. Me too. I had breakfast ready in fifteen-minutes and call Luke to the kitchen. I place everything on the round kitchen table in the corner and we sat down. Luke said the prayer and we began to eat and talk. It was a very relaxing time for the two of us and I was looking for to our meeting with Ed this morning. After breakfast I gathered all the plan we had copies and placed them near the front door. By that time Luke was finished with the newspaper and I began reading it. Luke took a shower while I was reading. It was almost eight-thirty and it was time for us to leave for our nine am meeting with Ed. I grabbed my purse and the plans and we locked the door and left. We were there in just fifteen-minutes. I had a photocopy of the plat drawing made for Ed. He was there at nine am like we had planned. We spread the plat drawing and one copy of the house plans on Luke's hood. We examined it and Luke said to Ed, "The only changes we need to make is to add an exercise room off the mud room and build a pool." He said, "The exercise room is no problem. But, I'll need to know the size so you can get all of your equipment in there. And, I have a pool contractor who has eight difference models. Just a moment and I get those from my truck." He walked to his truck that was parked just behind Luke's car. He came back and laid the pool plans on the hood. He said, "These are his models. They are all fiberglass, in ground pools." Luke and I looked at them and selected one. It, like on our honeymoon, was kidney shaped but not as large. It had flag stone surrounding the pool. Luke and I agreed on that one and he told Ed. He said. "Fine. I'll have to modify the contract to reflect these changes." I said, "There is one more thing. The barn out back doesn't have any utilities. I want to add 120/220 volt power, a 60 amp subpanel, a utility sink with a six gallon water heater and A/C and heating. Luke and I are going to build the interior walls and then you can add everything else to it. We will have a draftsman draw up the plans." Ed said, "I have AutoCad and I can draw them up for you. Since we are adding utilities to an existing structure we'll have to get them approved by the county building department. That won't delay anything because we can apply for a separate permit for that." Luke said, "Not including the exercise room, the pool or the barn renovation how much are we talking about?" He said, "Right now, as these plans show, my estimate is four-hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars." I took a deep breath and said, "That's a lot of money." "Yes, But I have selected the best subs I could find and they are reasonable and quick in what they do." I said, "Okay." ED walked the property and drew out a sketch on the barn with all the dimensions. He even took some interior and exterior pictures. Ed said, Please get back with me on the exercise room size we are going to need." Luke said, "We will put it on our priority list and have it to you by tomorrow after church. Or, better still, I can call you with the dimensions later this morning. He said, "That fine." We shook hands and then left. While we were looking at the plans I notice that the two story house had an unfinished basement. I said to Luke, "Hey babe. The house has an unfinished basement. I didn't know that." He said, "Yes. When we picked out the plans it was buried in the middle of the drawings. You didn't notice it?" "No. I normally have a good attention to details, but, I missed that." We drove home and Luke, while he was driving said, "I remember it well the size of the exercise room. When I had it built at my house in Golden, I had the contractor make the twenty-foot square. I'll call him when we get home." "Sounds good."

Luke called Ed shortly after we got home and gave him the dimensions. I read some more of the newspaper and later fixed Luke and I lunch. I made ham sandwiches with lettuce, Swiss cheese, sliced tomato and salad dressing. I cut them in half and placed them, with the chips, onto paper plates. We ate in the living room while watching TV. It was a new chapter beginning in our lives and we were excited to be embarking into building our new home. All was well with our souls.

We had a good dinner and we finished the day out by watching the nine o'clock news. Luke and I both set out our church clothes for tomorrow. We retired at ten.

We both slept without stirring. We arose at six o'clock. I took a shower and Luke got the newspaper from the front door. He came in and used the bathroom while I was in the shower. He read part of it while I was taking a shower. When I finished, I got dressed in my gown and I fixed breakfast while Luke read the Sunday newspaper in the living room. We had the usual, over easy fried eggs, fried country ham, hash browns and orange juice. Once I finished, I put it all onto plates on the kitchen table and I called Luke to "come and eat." He, as usual, said the prayer over our food while we held our hands across the table. We began to eat and exchange ideas about our new home.

It was Sunday, August 17th, 1986. Then, while I was getting dressed, Luke took his shower. He was fast and in no time he too was dressed with nothing to do. It was only seven-fifteen. So, we read the newspaper and watched the morning news on CNN. They showed a piece where a bronze pig statue was unveiled at Pike Place Market in Seattle and, another one was, Cindy Mackey won the LPGA MasterCard International Golf Pro-Am. CNN said the weather in Omaha was going to be mostly nice with a high of eighty-four, a low of seventy-one with some scattered shower in the late evening.


My Name is Ol’ Sammy


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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