RefAge(yrs.)GenderSymptomsGastroscopy FindingsColonoscopy FindingHistologyTreatmentFollow up +/-biopsy (months)Clinical ImprovementHistological changes1,215FAbdominal pain, anemia, upper GI bleed, hematocheziaMucosal hemorrhage with ulcerations in the body and the antrum with nodularityNormalSubepithelial fibrosis. Fibrosis in lamina propriaNormal duodenum and colon biopsiesH2-receptor antagonist, PPI, steroids132NoNo reduction216MAnemiaNodularity in body and fundusNormalMild focal gastritis in the body of the stomach with subepithelial fibrosisNormal colon biopsiesFerrous sulfate12Resolution of anemia on iron supplementsNo reduction. Progressive atrophy211MAnemia, abdominal pain and diarrheaGastritis with multiple small polyps. Abnormal mucosa in the colon, worse in the descending colon and rectumHyaline collagen deposition in the subepithelial layer of the body of the stomach, antrum and in the colonic biopsies with increased inflammatory infiltrates in the lamina propria Normal duodenumOral iron, PPI, sucralfate, 5-ASA24No No reduction218FAnemiaErythematous nodular mucosaNormalHyaline collagenous tissue beneath the surface epithelium of the mucosa in body and antrum with increased inflammatory infiltrates in the lamina propriaNormal colonic biopsiesOral iron supplementation, PPI, H2 receptor antagonist12Resolution of the anemia on iron supplements.Developed diabetes mellitus disease as an adultNo reduction29FAnemiaErythema and ulceration in the body and antrumNormalHyaline collagenous tissue beneath the surface epithelium of the mucosa in body and antrum with increased inflammatory infiltrates in the lamina propriaNormal colonic biopsiesOral iron, PPI, sucralfate, H2 receptor antagonist25Resolution of the anemia on iron supplements.Intermittent abdominal painNo reduction21.5FUpper GI bleed, diarrheaErythema and ulceration in the body and antrumNormalUlcerative gastritis with subepithelial collagen depositionNormal colonic biopsiesH2 receptor anatagonist, steroids6 NoNo reduction189FAnemia, upper GI bleedErythema of gastric mucosaNormalCollagen band deposition in the stomachNormal colon biopsiesPPI, sucralfate, steroids30NoNo reduction1314FAnemia, upper GI bleed, hematocheziaGranular gastric corpus with mucosal hemorrhagesNormalChronic active gastritis with collagen bands in the corpusNormal colon biopsiesH2-receptor antagonist, sucralfate, furazolidone, PPI, steroids, Metronidazole, Clarithromycin144NoGradual progression1711MAnemiaNodular gastric mucosaNormalCollagen bands deposition in gastric mucosaNormal colon biopsiesNo treatment96NoModerate decrease1215MEpigastric pain, anemia, melenaErythema of gastric mucosaNormalActive gastritis with collagen depositionNormal colon biopsiesNo treatment6NoNo reduction515FWatery diarrheaNodular gastric mucosaNormalCollagen deposition in the fundus and antrum. On rectal and colonic biopsies, Irregular thickening of subepithelial collagen bands and plasmacytic infiltrate in lamina propriaN/AN/AN/AN/A229MAbdominal pain, anemiaNodular & hemorrhagic gastritisNormalCollagen band deposition in the stomach especially in antral mucosaNormal colon biopsiesOral Iron24NoNo reduction2115FAnemia, chronic vomiting, diarrheaNodular gastritis, friable mucosaNormalCollagen bands deposition in gastric mucosa Normal colon biopsiesOral Iron, PPI, steroids10YesN/A109FEpigastric pain, anemiaNodular gastric corpus &fundus , erythemaNormalChronic gastritis & Collagen bands deposition in gastric mucosaNormal colon biopsiesOral Ion50YesNo reduction1112Fanemia, recurrent vomitingSeverely inflamed gastric body & fundus with elevated erythematous plaques& multiple small polypoid lesions. Scarred duodenal bulbNormalThickened subepithelial collagen band was seen in stomach and duodenum. H. Pylori was identified. Normal colon biopsiesTreatment for H. pylori and PPI12NoNo reduction1112FAnemia, epigastric painRaised plaques and nodules in fundus and stomach. Normal antrum and duodenumNormal Subepithelial collagen band and atrophic gastritis Normal colon biopsiesSteroids for 10 weeks6YesNo reduction1112FEpigastric painNodular appearance in the gastric body, erosions in antrum, erythema and erosions in duodenumN/AChronic inflammation and patchy subepithelial collagen deposition. Normal duodenal biopsyPPI2YesN/A62MDiarrhea and vomitingErythema and petechiae in the gastric bodyDiffuse erythema in colonIncreased thickening of subepithelial plate in all biopsies and inflammationIV steroids for 2 weeks + 8 weeks of oral steroids, PPI, mesalamine then bismuth subsalicylate for 4 weeks3Yes NA49FAbdominal pain, anemiaDiffuse gastric nodularity, erythemaN/ASubepithelial collagen depositionIron 4YesN/A415MDiarrhea, oral ulcers, LUQ painPatchy gastric erythema, scalloping of the duodenumNormalChronic gastritis, subepithelial collagen deposition in gastric mucosa and colon with diffuse moderate active colitisPPI and mesalamine12YesN/A1415FAnemia, epigastric painGastric nodularityNormalDiffuse subepithelial collagen deposition in body/ fundusNormal colon biopsiesBudesonide32YesNo reductionAntral involvement1414FNausea, vomiting, anemiaGastric erythemaN/ADiffuse subepithelial collagen deposition in body /fundusPPI, sucralfateN/AN/AN/A1413FAnemiaNodular gastric mucosaN/APatchy subepithelial collagen deposition in stomach and antrumNoneN/AN/AN/A1419MAnemia, perforated ulcer requiring partial gastrectomyNodular gastric mucosaN/ADiffuse subepithelial collagen deposition Partial gastrectomy for perforated ulcer3YesNo CG present1516FAnemia, abdominal painNodular gastric mucosaN/AN/AH2 receptor antagonist, PPI, Iron72No No reduction1612FAnemia Nodular gastric mucosaNormalModerate chronic & eosinophilic inflammation, subepithelial collagen deposition. Normal colon biopsiesIronN/AN/AN/A79FAnemia, abdominal painNodular gastric mucosaNormalDiffuse subepithelial collagen deposition in stomach and colonMesalazineN/AN/AN/A311MAnemiaNodular gastric mucosaNormalDiffuse subepithelial collagen deposition in stomachNormal colon biopsiesIron , PPI60YesYes37FAbdominal pain, anemiaHemorrhagic gastropathyNormalSubepithelial collagen deposition in stomach and moderate chronic inflammatory infiltrateNormal colon biopsiesPPIBudesonide 6 mg crushed in 5 ml of fish oil daily + PPI + Iron12No on PPIYes on BudesonideNo reduction after 6 months on PPI. Markedly improved gastritis & nodularity but persistent collagen band1912FAbdominal pain, vomitingMild nodularity of gastric mucosaNormalPatchy subepithelial collagen depositionNormal colon biopsiesPPI, Iron3YesN/A2012FHematemesisNodular gastric mucosa, no active bleeding, ulcer scar in duodenumN/AThin collagen band with prominent infiltration of inflammatory cellsFamotidine stopped after 24 monthsEvery 12 months for 72 monthsTotal of 7 scopesNo gastric ulcer on scopes 4-6.Resolution on 7th endoscopyPersistent collagen bands913MAbdominal pain, loose stools, weight lossDiffuse nodularity of stomach /fundus, normal antrumNormalThick collagen bands in stomach. Normal duodenumGluten free diet6YesNo change ................

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