College of DuPage - Technology Center Of Dupage

College of DuPage

Course Syllabus

HLTHS 1110 Biomedical Terminology

Credit Hours: 4

Clinical Hours: 0 Lecture Hours: 4

Lab Hours: 0

Course Description Introduction to medical terms for each body system and specialty medical fields. Includes word roots,

prefixes and suffixes commonly encountered in the healthcare field. Previous medical backgrounds unnecessary.

Repeatable for credit: No

Pre-Enrollment Criteria: None

Instructor Information Name: Debbora M. Sharifi BSN MPH, RN Office Location: Technology Center of DuPage Contact Telephone: 630-691-7525

E-Mail Address: debbies@ Instructor Web Page: mrssharifi.

Office Hours

Monday: Tuesday:





Wednesday: 7:30am3:30pm

Thursday: 7:30am3:30pm

Friday: 7:30am3:30pm

Saturday: N/A

Sunday: N/A

General Course Objectives Upon successful completion of the course the student should be able to do the following: 1. Develop the ability to read, understand, spell, and pronounce the language of medicine by body

systems and specialty medical fields 2. Recognize the components of medical words (roots, prefixes, and suffixes) in body systems and

specialty medical fields 3. Compare and contrast the relationship between medical terms and their synonyms in common

language 4. Analyze the meaning of unfamiliar medical words by breakdown into word components 5. Translate medical and surgical abbreviations into their meanings 6. Demonstrate a basic knowledge of anatomic terms related to the different anatomical systems and

specialty medical field

Topical Outline 1. Prefixes & suffixes 2. Word roots 3. Medical terms related to each body system 4. Abbreviations related to each body system 5. Medical terms related to specialty medical fields 6. Abbreviations related to specialty medical fields

Course Methods of Instruction Instructional methods may include (but are not limited to): Lecture, audio-visual presentations, class pronunciation drills, interactive whiteboard exercises Authentic healthcare/science lab activities in which students apply knowledge of medical terms as they apply to body systems and healthcare careers Computer-based instruction & interactive internet activities, cooperative learning activities Individual & group workbook, worksheets, case studies and other print assignments Projects/presentations, word association activities (including drawing/illustration)

Course Materials Required Text: The Language of Medicine, 10th Edition (2013) by Davi-Ellen Chabner (with online student resource) Saunders-Elsevier, 2013. ISBN: 9781455728466

Supplemental Materials May Include: - Select units/lessons from Applied Educational Systems (AES) HealthCenter21 online curriculum - Delmar's Medical Terminology video series - Internet resources

Methods of Evaluating Students: Evaluation may include (but is not limited to): Exams/quizzes (verbal/oral, computer-based, and/or written with multiple question formats) Projects (i.e. research; oral presentations; papers) Case study interpretation/analysis Participation in lab activities in which knowledge of medical terms is applied Workbook exercises, online practice exercises Professionalism (initiative, dependability, cooperation, attendance, accuracy)

Student who fail to complete essential assignments (or a minimum of 73%) or who are unable to maintain attendance at 73% of course content days will be withdrawn following the college protocols.

Grading Policy

Final course grade will be computed as follows:



A =

93% & above

B =

83 - 92%

C =

73 - 82%

D =

60- 72%

F =

Less than 60%

S =

Not applicable

I =

Not applicable

Make-up Missing Exams/Assignment Policy It is the responsibility of the student to obtain notes and assignments missed due to absence. One (1) day

grace per absent day is allowed for excused absence. Otherwise acceptance of late work is at the discretion of the instructor and, if accepted, earns a maximum of D/60%. Students may be allowed 1 retake for a failed (under 60% test); however, test retakes earn a maximum of a passing grade (60%/D).

S/F Policy and Criteria

Incomplete Policy ? No incompletes will be given for this dual credit course. Student who do not complete required assignments within the relevant TCD grading periods will be given a mark of Withdraw or Fail.

Withdrawal Policy (See COD catalog, page 46, "Student Rights and Responsibilities," Administrative Procedure 5715) Student Withdrawal Procedures The student may withdraw from a course by contacting the Registration office up to the eighth calendar day following the midterm date in any term (or the equivalent in any session of nonstandard length) and receive a grade of "W."

Administrative/Instructor Withdrawal Procedures Students not actively pursuing the completion of course objectives may be withdrawn from the class by the instructor. Students with incomplete essential assignments or with grade average of "D" (below 73%) will be withdrawn. If withdrawal occurs after mid-term, student will receive grade of "W".

Classroom Policies/Standards of Conduct Students will follow the standards set for TCD students.

Attendance Policies TCD attendance policy will be followed. Students who are in attendance for less than 73% of the dates upon which dual credit course objectives are covered will be withdrawn from the dual credit course.

Plagiarism/Academic Dishonesty (See COD catalog, Course-Related Academic Integrity, Board Policy 5050 and Board Procedure 5715.) Academic dishonesty is prohibited. Disciplinary action will be pursued in all instances in which it is determined that academic dishonesty has occurred. Disciplinary action may include, but is not limited to 1. Assignment of a failing grade for a test, examination or assignment. 2. Assignment of a failing grade for a course. 3. Student disciplinary sanction under Board Procedure #5715, Student Rights and Responsibilities.

Date Syllabus Prepared: 06/19/2013

Submitted by:

Debbora M. Sharifi


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