Ms. Jansen

Brooke, Ryhor, VictorMrs. JansenHonors World History 97 May 2018South African Imperialism Quiz 1. The series of small revolts and battles beginning in 1659 were called the…Boer WarsKhoikhoi-Dutch WarsSouth African Freedom Revolts British-Dutch Revolts2. Why Britain did initially want to acquire South Africa?Gold and diamondsThey were given the land during the Berlin ConferenceCheap laborRoute to Asia for trade during Napoleonic Wars3. Why did the Dutch East India Company establish the Cape Colony?They wanted to create a colony to hold slave auctionsThey wanted to create a supply station for ships trading with AsiaThey wanted to reduce British control in South AfricaThey wanted to exploit the natural resources there, like rubber4. Order the following following countries’ arrivals in South Africa.Portugal, Netherlands, BritainPortugal, Netherlands, Britain, FranceBritain, Portugal, NetherlandsNone of the above5. What was the first negative impact of Boer settlement?Slave tradeFamineCalvinist missionaries spread their religionKhosian pushed from lands 6. What event does this picture best represent?ColonizationImperialismJoining of the Cape Colony and Boer provincesThe Berlin Conference7. Referencing the picture above from question 6, why might the men in the drawing be dressed in military uniforms?Europe took Africa partially by military forcePrivate armies overtook AfricaLarge business colonize certain areas of AfricaThe only settlers in Africa during imperialism were soldiers8. Who were the Boers? British FarmersFrench FarmersDutch FarmersRich Blacks9. Which is a cause of the second Anglo-Boer war?Gold and Diamond mines disputeIgnorant government of Cape colonyAbolition of SlaveryBoth A and B10. What were the effects of the Abolition of Slavery Act?Slaves got compensation and were now equal to whitesBoth owners and slaves got compensationGreatly improved the economyNone of the above 11. Why did the Boers move North?Fertile landAbolition of slaveryGold and diamond minesBoth A and B 12. How were Black South Africans limited in the mining industry?They were not limitedThey were prohibited in or near minesThey could not mine or sell without their employers approvalHarsh restrictions were placed on the use of machinery13. What problem in South Africa does Nelson Mandela addresses with this quote“To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity.”RacismWage gapApartheid and segregationSlavery14. What conflict was influenced by the event mentioned?“A bill of indemnity…for raid by Dr. Jameson and the British South Africa Company's troops. The amount falls under two heads—first, material damage, total of claim, ?677,938 3s. 3d.—second, moral or intellectual damage, total of claim, ?1,000,000.”The Boer RevolutionFirst Boer WarSecond Boer WarWorld War 115. What government is found between South African National government and the Municipal Governments?StateParliamentaryDemocraticProvincial?16. Which contributed most to South Africa’s economy?Popularization of SA ViticultureDiscovery of Diamonds?Vast river transportation systemThe Ordinance of Hayes17. Name the government system used by the Dutch in South Africa?Tenant system?Freehold systemParliamentaryTheocratic18. How did the Suez Canal (connecting the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean in Northern Egypt) impact South Africa?Increased amount of European goods that reached South Africa Decreased shipping traffic through South Africa?Brought wealth to South AfricaBrought the Apartheid to light19. Which of the following was most dependant on South Africa’s Mediterranean climate?ViticultureGold reservesExotic TradeSlavery20. Given the graph below, what conclusion can be drawn about the quality of life for South Africans in post-apartheid South Africa compared to during the apartheid?Better, more equal and better educationBetter, increase in longevityWorse, decrease in average black incomeWorse, increase in unemployment rate?South Africa Period 2 QuizAnswer Key:bcbaddacdddccdbcabad ................

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